Knights of Ren

No Stimpy or Sven.

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If they all have Japanese names, why isn't Kylo Kairo?

because hes not egyptian



Holy shit their costumes look so bad

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In direct sunlight and in the desert is the not the right environment for those costumes

Glad JJ is going to actually use one of the more interesting aspects of the new trilogy. Rian is such a fucking hack for his approach to Star Wars. Seemed like a god damn Twilight Zone episode within Star Wars. It also seems like JJ won't be using Rose very much in 9? I don't remember seeing her in the trailer.

>no rose
Le grand sacrifice meme. She’ll die and give motivation to Finn for no reason

Or they completely forget about her character. Or even better, she dies off screen and only gets one mention and everyone forgets about her.
The 30 mins wasted on Rose and Finn's side plot could have been used for the Knights of Ren or something


looks like a mushroomhead album cover

That and the costumes are bad. That one samurai guy with the comically large and unpractical sword is the worst offender. Sci-fi/fantasy shit is always way cooler if it looks like it actually serves the purpose they say it serves.

these dudes look cool. hopefully they actually get to do something and not just get jobbed out to the heroes

so whats the story on them
are they part of the new order?
if so, how come they dont have weapons to deal with lightsabers?
they wouldnt stand a chance against even vibroblades

not a single gun on one of them, they would have got fucked by the first group of slavers that came across them

give them gunblades or something

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Anyone else think the story would've been better if the villains were a council of the Knights of Ren, instead of Palpatine 2.0? Then Kylo is actively sabotaging the others trying to come out on top, which in turn fucks up their plans that were running smoothly before.

Smoke was most likely just Palpatine's force projected puppet.

Japan doesn't exist in Star Wars

honestly how are they gonna justify these names

there are no japs in star wars just one chubby viet girl

That's dumb though. Anything to explain Snoke will be dumb, because Snoke is dumb. He's so stupid that he literally died on his chair by a move anyone with half a brain cell would've seen coming. The difference is Sheev proved to be smart enough to have backup plan upon backup plan, and demonstrated next level force powers. Snoke did nothing but complain, then die.

The villains being a council would've been more interesting. It would've offset the fact that the Emperor ruled alone, which the villains deciding it's smarter not to centralize the authority. Everything goes smoothly and it seems like they actually might win, then Kylo's greedy ass ruins it all and starts poking holes in the new empire.

unless sheev saw the schism coming between ray and kylo and decided to let his puppet die to see what would happen

There's no england or israel in SW, yet Luke is still a name .

Are they also going to stand around and do absolutely nothing and then participate in a terribly choreographed fight where they all job?

There are over 9000 ways that the story could have been better, because it was either shit or copied.

>Kané (KAH-ney)
Is he one of Padmé's handmaidens?

More like Knights of Sneed

This looks like something from a post apocalypse/steampunk flick. Just look at that ridiculous meat cleaver. I fucking hope they have lightsabers, blasters or some other high tech sci-fi shit because that giant metal club is useless. They look about as well armed the fucking tusken raiders

maybe they'll all just be force barbarians highly skilled in space wizard shit, but prefer to keep things low grade of tech
>nu wars
nah, they'll just be jobbers or will have lightsabers or something else to try and make them toyetic and dull

Are they controlled by some short of metal rod or force eye?

They were all taught Force Temperature Regulation

>Zara Ren

So we finally have a female villain in SW? Please don't tell me she'll be an incompetent whipping girl that gets BTFO in 30 seconds (Phasma) or joins le ebin resistance and is revealed as a teenaged woke WOC (that mando-looking fucker in Basedlo)?

That's probably what Kike Kike Abrams will do though baka

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Why aren't they the Samurai of Ren?

I for one look forward to the Rogue One crew being Kylo's Knights

>"Ren" is a title that denotes all 7 of us

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Mika is also a female name. Some leaks were saying ALL of the knights of Ren are actually women, but it appears only some of them are.

user they would be like 80 years old and we saw them die

>Some leaks were saying ALL of the knights of Ren are actually women

Kylo having an Amazon Guard would have been awesome honesty; it'd give Rey some rug to munch on when he's away on FO business as well lmao

>tfw Kylo has his own harem of Alien Babes, that means only the female students joined him when he burned the jedi academy

What the fuck is a Ren?

a good question for another time

An asthmatic chihuahua.

You know they're going to fucking job, probably to Rey. You just fucking know it.

Is it possible to be glad to have not seen something in advance of not seeing it? Like I'm happy I won't be wasting my time and sitting in the theater for three hours with this fucking shit, come year's end.

He’s a big guy

But again, that’s just dumb (no offense). Sheev was based, but that’s “Leia in a force bubble” stretching the boundaries of the OT.

Ren is an ancient Sith Lord,he was the brother of the first jedi and became the first sith,he found a way to survive and made his own culture of ren.

Is.... is that Gimli's fucking axe?

Holy shit nuwars has gone full weeb. Hilarious. As if there wasn't enough to be embarrassed of before.

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They're been around for a long time in the FO according to TFA.

Apparently, they're off looking for or investigating something during the events of TFA/TLJ, which explains their absence.

This is Star Wars, user. There are no aliens. They'd all be human.

They were in TFA with all the same weeb shit when Rey touches the saber. Rian just didn't bother adding them.

The whole ST is "stretching the boundaries of the OT" imo

Them being females is completely fine, i just hope that they dont reaveal their faces so people would take them seriously

That would work great if they get good voices for them, like Emily Blunt.

why doesnt a single one of them have a lightsaber? theyre just gonna get btfo by the good girl in this movie because she has a lightsaber and they dont.

furthermore who the fuck wants to watch a star wars fight without lightsabers? the last movie was aperfect example with that dogshit snoke scene.

>All the Knight of Ren are females
Cannot wait for the
>Kylo Ren is a womanizer
>The Knights of Ren did nothing wrong
>Kylo Ren brainwashed the female students and that's a bad thing

Even better - what if they say that Kylo was Luke's only male student.

Looks like a Destiny Crucible match is about to start.

>ywn have a scene where Punished Luke takes on the Knights of Ren in an homage to the hallway scene in Oldboy

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>implying Hack Abrams is that cinematically-cultured

All he knews is ripping off Spielkike.

>Kylo Ren
>Mega Ren
>Giga Ren
>Tera Ren
>Peta Ren
>Exa Ren
>Zetta Ren

>Some leaks were saying ALL of the knights of Ren are actually women

I actually made a thread around that concept awhile ago with casting and designs:

Could have been a reversal of the Vader scene in Rogue One too. Pottery.

My beloved ice cream bar! I've had you. SINCE I WAS A CHILD!

>all women
As Hollywood has taught us, an adequate amount of vaginas is more important than skill or quality.


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makes sense, they're all edgy teenagers like Kylo

Where we droppin boys?

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Tell that to Kanji Klub.

They are all worse than him at fighting so the rebels have literally nothing to worry about.

But think about it! He has a harem! He bangs them!

Haru, mika, zara (i guess?) Are all pretty feminine names in japanese. Kato and shiro are kinda ambiguous as those might be more commonly family names.
Kane is a weird one, 金 is what comes to mind. It means money, gold or currency. Maybe hes half jewish.

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least it isn't ballsacks this time

>one of the more interesting aspects of the new trilogy.
It's a bunch of toy figurines he wasn't even able to fit in TFA and you think this moron will make anything of it now?
>seems like JJ won't be using Rose very much in 9?
really I wonder why...

It's dat gay shit

>introduce 6 new villains in the last movie
This is such a joke. I suspect they will be in a flashback or in a time travel sequence. There's's no way they are actually in the current timeline.
There was so much potential for the sequel if the story focused on Ben being a rebl student who got kicked out of Luke's school and started his own gang of force users and started doing some mean shit, and Luke goes after him and figures out Ben was under the influence of a sinister Sith. No empire versus rebels, just jedi versus Sith. That could have been awesome. Instead we get a sordid and pathetic joke of a reboot with strong empowered 3rd wave feminists who need no men, pink and purple hair, asian communists, niggers from outer space who came to clean your toilets and run after da white women like a lapdog, we got a greasy cholo who makes your mama jokes an nu-males everywhere

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these guys shouvbeen the ones fighting rey and kylo instead of those crabs, with kylo going to light side because of rey, with snoke being plagueis and the main baddy of the third one
they fucked up

>if the story focused on Ben being a rebl student who got kicked out of Luke's school and started his own gang of force users and started doing some mean shit, and Luke goes after him and figures out Ben was under the influence of a sinister Sith. No empire versus rebels, just jedi versus Sith.
This sounds really good actually. Rey could then be one of Luke's other pupils who comes with him on his journey to stop the rogue student Kylo. She is a bright-eyed idealist who maybe over time comes to sympathize with Kylo and start to doubt Luke herself, as she learns that he has flaws just like anybody else.

You could still have Finn even - Kylo's gang could have used their power to forcibly conscript a personal defense force, which Finn runs away from once he gets wind that Luke is coming for them. Initially he wants to just get away from the conflict or at least be on the winning team, and over time learns what truly deserves his loyalty and how to fight for a cause bigger than himself of his own free will. Sound familiar?

Poe is an ace pilot of the New Republic who chaffes under command but is favored by Leia. She sends him to aid Luke, as she's occupied with work in the New Republic (which is ignoring Kylo's little gang because from their point of view it is not a significant threat - just some hooligans with a small-scale operation). Only Leia really takes them seriously because of her relationship with Kylo and knowledge of how dangerous a single dark side user can be if allowed to gain power.

Rian Johnson admiutted he didn't want to waste them because the red guards were a joke who got obliterated in 2 seconds by Mary Sue. Instead of focusing on them during the whole movie, you have Canto Bight and purple cunt's slow chase. This is what happens when what's driving your story is representation and feminism. There's no place for fun or interesting characters, it's just about making women feel reprsented in that universe

>Sven Ren

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one more idea

Han is a General, him and Leia didn't divorce but the whole Ben thing has obviously put a strain on them. Kylo's Gang realizes that they can't pull off a large attack, so they instead use some kind of terrorist-style small scale attack that targets and kills Han. He never fully reconciles with Leia or his son and it's tragic, Kylo is now firmly cemented as a bad person.

The Millenium Falcon does not appear at all. It's in a fucking museum somewhere where it belongs.

no he keeps it in his personal hanger, and its not shown in the trailers, just shows up at the end when Han goes after kylo in it, also he punches out chewie who tries to come with him, or the rens disable chewie w/e

>elderly Han able to punch out a wookie
people would call bullshit, but I agree he is somehow disabled and doesn't come along
that way he can live and be mad at Kylo and have a reason to join Luke in the hunt

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There were Korean pirates in TFA.

>punch out a wookie
it was a joke but yea basically, or fuck it have Han put on a power glove and literally punch him out, make it a tool he was using to fix the falcon, chewie walks in
>i'm coming with you etc.
Han punches him out


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It means "man" in Chinese.
It's somewhat clear what JJ is going for, he wanted Kylo and Snoke to be "grey" Jedi but that didn't work out.
In the end Ren + Jedi will join forces against the Sith.
Ren are black, Jedi are white, Sith are red.

I'd have him taze chewie
wanna hear what kind of noise he'd make

>OMG the Knights of Ren, are so cool and mysterious I ALREADY BOUGHT ALL OF THEIR FUNKO POPS!!!!!
who gives a shit

Daily reminder a leak about 6 months ago confirmed it is time travel as the novelisation of the The Force Awakens mentions that the death star thing whatever it was called ripped open a tear in space and time. Luke goes through this to get assistance from another dimension.

Makes sense since everyone wants Kylo's D.

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I never understood why autists cared about these obvious product placements.

also Tr8tor couldve been one of them and maybe the one geting defeated by Rei in the first movie instead of geting her to defeat Kylo already

I never understood why autists cared about what other people care about.

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>so we finally have a female villain in SW

IMAGINE being this retarded

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thres been lots of them in the EU

Which movie was she from? I haven't seen them all and I don't remember the prequels that well.

>the death star thing whatever it was called ripped open a tear in space and time. Luke goes through this to get assistance from another dimension.
I thought Luke was dead

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Post he leaks,doesnt the plot have yuuzhaan vong? I saw it in a leak with sith trooper before it was revealed.

>It's a bunch of toy figurines
Just like Boba Fett.

>I never understood why autists cared about these obvious product placements.
rReally, you wonder why they are more interested in these dark knights than in Rose Tico, Holdo and all the other characters??

Nobody cares about the shitty cartoon.

>shifts goalposts to "b-but movies only!"

TCW movie, which was Theatrically released

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Originally, yes, but due to the poor reception of it, JJ is using his time travel fetish to get out of it.

I can't remember the leak but it was, apparently, from a Special Effects worker at the UK special effects super studio thing where Hollywood shoots most special effects now. The time travel is to explain why his arm doesn't clang to the floor and other general shit.

Whether it is legit or not is another thing but it makes sense. The 'rebellion' is essentially dead; Luke's part is disliked in TLJ and Hamill didn't like his character either. Coupled with Palpatine coming back in some form and it just makes more sense.

Kill yourself reddit nigger

I was just askin', bro. You can un-trigger yourself.

I should have said "which movie/book/tv show/video game/toy line did she come from?"

reylos should be executed

I'm not okay with Leia and Han being divorce and i don't even think han should be general as all of this should happen in peace time. I'd see han as a politician or running some important business and Leia maybe an aide to Luke at his jedi school. There was so fucking much to do with these character but Dicksney went for the laziest and most stupid thing to do. It's mind boggling because doing a reboot didn't make them more money, it made them less and less, now the franchise is dead for good. We will only get low budget spin offs and crappy TV shows.


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Go to bed

Your ideas are as bad as disney

>liking anything is soi now

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I just deleted my post, I think that was also mine. I cannot find the leaks I based it off. Sorry guys. Disregard, I suck cocks.

>a hole in time and space.
Like in Rebels?

Looks like a JRPG

See that was also my post so I'm not using it as a source. I cannot find the original thread I was basing it on.

They look like kids at a Halloween party making dynamic poses for the group shot. The weapons look like plastic. The only reason these characters are being introduced into the final movie of the trilogy is to boost toy sales. They’re the new Ewoks.


Rey is Bensexual. They'd all be fighting over who gets to hop on Kylo's dick when he gets back. Spoiler: all of them.

>he brainwashed them

With his dick?

This. I could completely believe only the female students turned for him because they were all in love with him kek


>Sven Ren

A wasted opportunity tbqh

All failed Rey clones (palpatine and anakin DNA), some male some female.

Sorry to ruin the next shit movie.

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Why don't they have Lightsabers? They were all Lukes students after all

>Your ideas are as bad as disney
Give us your ideas, smartass.

Doujins where?

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Just thought about it. How many of these"knights" of Ren will turn out to be females wit ha fully functioning vagina?

All of them. Kylo will impregnate them all with his Skywalker seed. That's why it's called the Rise of Skywalker

all of them are gona be afros, I fucking call it

Unironically better than whatever the mouse will serve us.

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If the Rens are villains then they won't be women

All white men, I absolute guarantee it

If there was ever a time for a suicide bomber...

That axe is literally one of Gimli's throwing axes

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Fucking hacks

So you are saying that they are all manlets

>i just hope that they dont reaveal their faces so people would take them seriously
People don't take women seriously whether they can see their faces or not .

Star Wars is our franchise!

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The designs are so bad... they don't even look like they're a team.
They look like a bunch of random Mad Max cosplayers.


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Blatant action figure bait

They can't keep getting away with it

Mountain Troopers > Sith Troopers

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Chrome Amazonian Mommy Trooper>Mountain Troopers

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>OMG, he killed Phasma!

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WATCH as they bring her back in a comic or something