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I can draw a smiley face in his ashes
I'll have a coke.
Jews don't get cremated. Cremation is a meme the Jews sold to Goyim to keep them out of limited cemetary spaces, desecrate the bodies of non-Jews, and potentially keep them form entering the afterlife.
dave isn't good for the yucks
he's a man who likes fuckin and suckin
>Cremation is a meme the Jews sold to Goyim to keep them out of limited cemetary spaces, desecrate the bodies of non-Jews
Same thing with "donating your body to science" when you die. People think it's a noble thing to do, but it's essentially surrendering your body to a private company that then sells your corpse to cosmetic or medical companies for a profit. It just so happens that the practice is "illegal" in the Judaism faith, so only Goyim are memed into doing it. The result is your corpse undergoing meaningless experiments or dissections, and essentially being disrespected for days or months. Hopefully they can find all the right pieces to cremate after they cut you up. Then you are cremated and returned to your family. I really fucking hate Jews.
People put so little thought into how important burial practices are to entering the afterlife, and it's because Jews brainwashed them to not care.
A woman is very afraid of the size of her opening
>entering the afterlife
I'm sorry the Jews have memed you into Atheism user.
I'll have a diet coke
>believes in the jewish conspiracy
>and the afterlife
Where do you get your ideas?
>trusting the Jews
>jew jew jewing jew jew
jew jew lol
>believe there is a worldwide conspiracy that jews run the world
news for you user, jews are inherently smart and jews believe in nepotism. jews lift jews out of poverty and actually believe in helping one another. a jew will always hire a jew over a goyim.
jews are jewey because it's in their nature. it's not some sort of conspiracy. in the eyes of nature this particular race of humans just happens to be succeeding more than the other races
I see what you're trying to say, but in reality Jews are just the children of Satan. They are rats and their poisonous genes need to be cleansed.
Sounds like we should probably go along with them seeing as how theyre able to subvert the entire planet with such small numbers, maybe we can travel space someday or something since theyre such bigbrains
Formerly kike.
>believing in satan
come on, buddy
Jews don't want to elevate the human race. they want to kill all whites by breeding them out with brown races to create a subservient mongrel/mutt slave race that they intend to rule over.
>not believing in Satan
The absolute state of brainlets.
>want to kill a person by letting them live a long life and procreate
>most intelligent race able to subvert billions has a desire to be in charge
>this is a problem
>makes joke implying the pope is a pedophile
>gets really ass blasted when Norm makes a joke about how dogs in the concentration camps were jerks
>want to kill a person by letting them live a long life and procreate
Yes, race-mixing essentially destroys each race and creates a new one. If a black mixes with a white, that white lineage ends forever.
>most intelligent race able to subvert billions has a desire to be in charge
Who owns the banks? Who populates our governments with double citizenship to another country? Who propagates social unrest and upheaval through propaganda? Who owns the propaganda media machine? Who owns the tech companies?
>this is a problem
It is.
>want to kill a person by letting them live a long life and procreate
Not that other guy but we also let live cattle.
>joke about raping a baby
>joke about gold chains for a good slave
I'm just being a shithead but I do think it's funny that the same people claiming that white people have an inherent right to rule the world and that colonialism was a good thing are the same once claiming that Jews run literally everything and are problematically dominating the world. If a group as small of the Jews can do that, then they're obviously superior, and by that standard, should be ruling the world
but yeah im just trolling
God can't put back together the dead? What about people who get fucking vaporized in a blast? The Almighty requires an intact corpse?
Are you fucking insane?
No one said Jews weren't smart or capable, just that they are inherently evil. Like, eat a baby alive if it would prolong their life by 5 minutes "evil". Whites aren't perfect, but we always seem to raise the standard of living of all races and creeds that we come across eventually. Compared to Jews, Whites are angels.
This Lindsay Lohan can't swim a stroke, but she sure knows every dive in town
Body desecration is different than getting caught in an atomic blast. It's more like intentionally disrespecting a body.
>Alfred the Great may very well be the greatest monarch in the history of England. The worst? Richard the Goat Fucker.
God helps those whose bodies are lost due to circumstance, not those who willingly flaunt burial customs
lol yeah we sure did great for the native americans, they love their current lives
imagine unironically saying that
source: my ass
Native Americans are doing pretty well right now. Perhaps they shouldn't of savagely killed civilian men, women, and children who were trying to peacefully coexist with them during Colonial times. They declared war, and we gave it to them.
hahaha holy shit imagine just waltzing into another sovereign nation(s), setting up an illegal government, and then when the acting power tries to evict you, you destroy their entire civilization while playing the victim card, and then act like you did them a favor by relegating them to reserves for the next 3 centuries
>lol yeah we sure did great for the native americans
A full blooded Native American can get into any Ivy League college they want with a 2.5 GPA and 1200 SAT score (a perfect score being 1600). I think they're offered plenty of opportunities.
>tfw there was a Norm and Super Dave match game that never got picked up
We traded them glass beads for this land and they agreed, they were the ones who went back on the deal after the fact =]
And it only cost them their sovereignty, what a bargain!
>"Let's roll the clip."
>*photograph appears*
How did Adam Eget stay on for 3 seasons??
>what a bargain
Correct. It was a bargain. We could've just killed the lot of them. Whites are truly a compassionate race.
citation required
imaging crossing the fucking sea with your big dick to find some mountain niggers that are spread out as fuck and killing each other and then taking everything because they are as dumb as the dirt they slept in
Why do you faggots have to ruin literally every thread. Is it a compulsion? Or do you legitimately not realize you're doing it?
hahaha holy shit imagine being an immigrant
Did you just say that?!
Cringe and cope
based intellectually honest and morally abhorrent poster
The ancient greeks were cremated. Ancient Greeks were the opposite of jews.
Modern cremation is a bastardized version of what true cremation is. Instead of a fienral pyre, you get burned in a gas stove that filters all your "smoke", which is considered a medical hazard, through fiberglass filters which is then thrown into medical waste dumps, while your "ashes" which is just the carbon left over after everything else is in the filters is delivered to you.
Ancient cremation returned your body to the earth and sky, modern cremation is sterile, gross and body desecration.
>2 guys and a girl are on a cruise ship out in the middle of the ocean. The ship sinks, but they make it in a lifeboat and end up on a deserted island together. There are no signs of rescue coming anytime soon, and life is looking pretty bleak. Eventually, they start doing what guys and girls gotta do, and have threesomes like nonstop. After about a week, the girl gets really depressed with the whole situation, feels horrible about what they've been doing, and kills herself. The 2 guys are shocked, and take a few days to process how bad their situation on the deserted island has become. But after a couple days, the guys start doing, you know, what guys do. And then after another couple days they feel so mortified and disgusted with what they've been doing, that they decide it's finally time to bury the girl.
How bad is it that I'm an organ donor on my license?
I dont think he has a dog house
what the fuck has this thread turned into mods ban everyone above this post
Very bad. For one thing, they might not work as hard to save you if your organs are viable for transplant, especially if your organs could save one of the wealthy recipients who need one. A body should live and die whole.
Are you talking about israel?
So now what do I do? Can you please tell me if you're being genuine or not you're making me so paranoid. I know my family members are too what's going to happen to them?
It's true. There is a reason many doctors themselves aren't organ donors
This is actually really funny
>So now what do I do?
I would personally get it legally changed by visiting your DMV. I personally believe that a body and mind are sacred and shouldn't be divided, even in death. That's just my belief though. However, you shouldn't take my word for it. Come to your own conclusion.
Also yes, if you are an organ donor, you are much more likely to die on the hospital table, and the doctors won't really go out of their way to save you.
What do you think will happen to you after you die if you get separated like that? What conclusion did you come to? Is it purgatory?
Yes the concept of not believing a sky dad never happened until Marxism
Fucking retards
fuck you , fuckhouser.
>Jews are only as old as Marxism
Yea, no.