See sexy, provocative, stylishand attractive female character on tv/kinema

>see sexy, provocative, stylishand attractive female character on tv/kinema
>think "god i wanna be her so bad"

is this normal Yea Forums?

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Yes! Just try it out. Put on the clothes of your favorite character. Doll yourself up. Get your hair did. Shave yourself, down there too. Slide on some panties. Feels good against your skin, right? You look so cute in high heels and skirts. It's all about fresh. Fun. Free!

Its def not normal, but if youre a small guy its probably your best option. I believe all the weak men should exist solely to pleasure the stronger men.


Then look in the mirror and become disappointed in life.

Envy is wanting to be the opposite sex.

Dysphoria is being in physical pain and mental agony from not being the opposite sex, to the point where life isn't worth living as your birth sex.

The more you know.


only on this shithole where the incels have gone prison gay from too much anime and porn

So her friends pretty much guaranteed she'd get raped by hinting to the dude he could fuck her and then leaving her in the middle of nowhere with him right? What was their problem?

Its funny to think that as sissy porn gets more popular everyday more guys are being converted everyday. There's gonna be an endless supply of hot trap pussy within the next 5-10 years. The future is bright.

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You most likely just want to be someone who can have sex

Yes, you've always been gay.

do u know where can i buy this costume?

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Brie used to be so much hotter

being an attractive woman would be nice but being a chad would be even better

>tfw I look like a woman despite the fact that I am extremely tall and muscular
>I attract both men and women


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You got gender dysphoria.

Up to you what you do. It never goes away though.

There's going to be a lot of guys killing themselves more like.

is the first time im going to say this in my life to someone.
I always wanted to be a woman. Since i was a kid. All i wanted is to be a woman. The weirdest thing is that im atracted to females, so you could say that im a lesbian trapped inside of a male body.
Never in my life i thinked about becoming a tranny cos i know that playing dressing is not going to make me a real woman, i would be just a freak giving a show.
So i accepted that im a man, and i try to be as manly as i can without being a retard.
Now i work in fashion and help females to look how i would like to be if i was a female.
I also fuck a lot of my costumers cos, as i said before, im atracted to females.

I accepted my fate as a weirdo. That is how life goes.

I used to be that way but then loss my girlishness with age. Now I'm just an ugly guy.

I've been the latter, would rather be the former. Attractive women get better treatment anyways, even the best looking guy is outclassed by beautiful women. But it's just a preference.

>Now i work in fashion and help females to look how i would like to be if i was a female.

damn nigga i could write an entire story revolving around that premise

People with dysphoria kill themselves because they're too scared to transition or because their transition failed because they waited too long to start

Not if im there to give them cummies and head pats

Depends on how old you are.

Gender curiosity, and even a touch of autogynephilia is perfectly normal.
It's perfectly normal and well within the human condition to be curious about experiences you will never have.

The problem comes in when you look in a mirror and see yourself as inherently lacking in a way that's fundamental to your identity.

It's one thing to look at a woman and go
>Wow, I'll be it'd feel nice to be her

It's another thing entirely to go
>I feel like becoming a woman is the only way to actually be myself

>extremely straight man that acts gay as hell
I know that feel

Do it man, i really enjoy my work, i spend my day in a really nice place, with mostly good looking girls and i get to play dressing them like if they where my dolls and got money for that.
i hitted te fucking jackpot.

im 23, but even when i was a kid i felt this way. I remember i used to get naked and put on my mom's clothes and imitate the models i saw in magazines. I have always been a massive fag, but i'm way too much of a fucking coward to express it.

lmao, i never thought of it like that. Is true, i act really gay sometimes and a lot of my friends are gay and we have a lot of fun with gay shit, yet i try to fuck their girl friends.
those poor guys still think some day i will try to fuck them lmao

What a disappointing post user, I feel bad for your father.

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perfectly normal

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You might move out of Louisiana and go somewhere more accepting. You might be happier for it.

Or continue bitching on the single most homophobic place on the internet until its worn your self-esteem all the way down to nubs and you inevitably end it all, hopeless, alone and buried under hundreds of layers of entirely self-imposed inhibitions and toxic masculinity

Entirely up to you

You're a transgender girl aren't you?

Based. I have the same thing. I asked /lgbt/ they said its a fetish. i tried dressing like a woman. It gives me a massive boner but i have no desire to do it in public. But i dont wanna be a tranny because cutting up your dick is gross. And im attracted to women. Never been attracted to a dude.

Fuckin kill yourself, please, just do it.

Nah. But I work as a psychotherapist assistant, and I've seen a lot of shit.

There's no way that's a man.

Gtfo loser libtard

Anybody else just seethes at the sight of beautiful women now? It's getting really awkward.

I used to get turned on by it, thought it was a fetish. Went on HRT for a while, didn't get turned on by it, didn't even fap for a month once. Still wanted to go through with it. I didn't end up doing it, because of some bs that happened. I won't go on it again because I don't want to anymore.

You gotta get of the internet man

>Why yes I will kill myself at 40 after decades of repressed gender dysphoria

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I tried to force myself to be masculine, but all I feel is like a gross hulked out monster. I look like a Chad when I'm working out hard, and when I get skinny I look soft it's fucking weird. But I prefer the latter.

and feminine* I have a strange facial structure. I look like a completely different per

Yeah i have sex but to see a truly beautiful girl in person makes me feel sour as fuck.

I articulate that I will never have that because I’m a cull and it makes me seethe

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>>Why yes I will kill myself at 40
basically me and I don't even have gender dysphoria


how can you tell?

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this but at 29

>he doesn't express this desire in a safe environment like playing dress up as a female character in a chink mmo

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already do that, always use female characters in vidya

Hahahaha kill yourself tranny

yes men want the easy life of sluts, so they try it out and see their life improves

Or because they think like you and when they transition they realise they're just a man with a mutilated penis and not a real woman.

Yeah, like that.

It would be fucking awesome to be a really hot girl. I'd get wet just thinking of all the seething dudes I'd denied sex.

The knowledge that they're a man is the reason they transitioned

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I have $100,000, don't ask me about it, and also a very slim figure despite being on the taller side (5'10") and have a softer face with potential. The money would cover any surgery or thing I need to transition. Would it be worth transitioning?

>trap pussy
uuuuhhh user...

That knowledge doesn't go away.

Neither does the phantom limb sensation of your penis or your brain that was formed in the womb by male androgen's or your different bone/organ structure ,again, formed in the womb.

Not to mention women who haven't suffered some form of traumatic injury don't have to dilate a horrific surgery scar in between their legs every day.

>50% suicide rate
>living with the fact that you could have bought a house or paid a Jew to cut off your dick
>no one will ever treat you like an actual woman

No. Emphatically no. Just deal with the dysphoria and wear women's dresses like the faggot you are, but don't mutilate yourself.

Don't ruin it for him

God I want her to sexually abuse me, cheat on me, and break my heart.

Yes. You can become the next natalie mars, cant wait to jerk off to your vids

If you're even asking that, you know the answer.

I don't want to go into porn, I want to make films.

Yes then.

>taller side


Honestly, no. I had a hormone imbalance and having low testosterone makes you extremely depressed. Once I got fixed I felt way better.


I would have made a good trap, but then I went through puberty proper when I was like 20. Got broad shoulders and real hairy.

I always wanted to be Tifa Lockhart. But I wouldn’t look cute as a woman.


What you really desire is to feel wanted like they are.

nope, kys tranny.

you could still become a boxer like she is

Honestly I never had that feel. Not even once. I heard this thing mentioned several times but I never felt it.

but the anime though....


ITT: girls (formerly boys)

Cope tranny. You could never “pass” to begin with

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Damn man whore. You live like this?

You are a traitor to your species. Shrinks are the worst. What used to be a vital job for dealing with the troubled is now a cesspool to progressives further poisoning the minds of torn people. You sicken me.

When transitioning, it helps to be at least somewhat cute already. Otherwise the results can be disastrous.

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