Why was there a black guy without pants holding a bat inside his house?? I always found this scene to be confusing and it's never brought up again..
You damn right you made a mistake
this but unsarcastically
What is more bizarre about this image, a family singing happy birthday to the father in the bathtub, or a black man actually raising his kids?
because it's martys house in a different timeline you fucks. also i'm sure that some sjw could make a big deal about the fact that they put a black family there to convey how terrible and crime infested this version of hill valley is. i can see see the article right now "the secret racism behind back to the future 2
black people smell
well statistically...
Some do and it's an odd scent. I had cancer as a child and went to Johns Hopkins and it's in Baltimore. I had a lotta black nurses and stuff and they smelled largely the same. Now sometimes I smell a black person I'm helping at work and it isn't a bad smell but it does trigger a bit of ptsd in me from those hard times.
describe the smell
also, you do know that black people say whitey smells like wet dog and sour milk right?
all races smell except gooks
I can't man. Also it isn't a bad smell like I said. It's just probably a common soap or something in the culture. I was so young that the smell isn't linked to a real name. It's one of many hospital smells. I was 5-10
that's a defense mechanism stemming from a deep inferiority complex.
My uncle worked with a black girl once at a pizza place. This was in the 90s so he got away with asking her in all honesty what it was. She told him it's oil they put in their hair to moisturize because black people hair tends to break little bits at a time and naturally won't grow very long.
and the claim, not the smell
gooks have their own weird smell to them. don't know how to describe it but it's there.
>Hill Valley a decent, mostly white area in 1985
>in alternate 1985, it's a crime ridden shithole where black families have moved in
interesting, i've been around a few black people and honestly never noticed a distinct smell, other than the occasional Uncle Bens or other spices that soaked into their clothes from cooking.
and mexicans kinda smell sour from all the lime and shit they use to cook
>Also it isn't a bad smell like I said. It's just probably a common soap or something in the culture
It's cocoa butter.
found the ______
OK, you got m...WAIT A MINUTE.
How'd you know what I was talking about unless you too are a ______
This makes me wonder if it is supposed to be the black mayor. I can't be bothered to check.
No I've used that. It isn't that
This. Black people tend to make shit up about other races to make their own sub-culture(s) feel less inferior. The other big ones are that whitey can't cook and that whitey has no culture.
My gf likes to sniff and lick my armpits and I'm white so it must not be so bad.
>This was in the 90s so he got away with asking her in all honesty what it was.
I wish we could go back.
as much as i would love to agree with you, i have known white people that smell like those things.
how is showing them your wiener when you force the to feed you cake "raising"?
gooks don't have much of a special odor, however they don't use deoderant, causing them to largely smell like mild BO
Everybody has something within their pores that makes them stink. Negroids have it the most, Caucasians have it the second most, and Mongoloids have it the least. So chinks think crackers are kind of stinky and niggers are very stinky, and crackers don't think that chinks are stinky but niggers are kind of stinky.
Literal Drumpf was the mayor
i think it might be actually
and here i thought white fragility was a made up thing
90% of Asians literally do not have BO. They barely have any of the sweat glans that release fat and oil, and just have the ones that release water. They smell strange because of their different diet.
I think we're all pretty fragile if white fragility is the baseline. That's just my opinion and not objective fact, though.
RIP 80s/early 90s 'middle class blacks exist' meme.
blame the great society, blacks were actually married at higher rates than whites before the government decided to "help them"
just shove the dildo into your frankenstein hole and get it over with
black peoples houses always smell like a mix between cheap laundry detergent and wet dog
im not exaggerating
you mad white boy?
why does your house smell like cheap laundry detergent and wet dog?
i'm white you turbotard
Then why didn't you respond to me?
Stop pretending to be me
Imagine literally creating fantasy narratives in your head to get angry at.
You are a lost cause.
have sex
If by "help them" do you mean give them AIDS?
i dont even know who is who anymore
what fantasy narrative? and who is angry?
i mean that welfare was a bad idea
I never much noticed the black person smell. I dated a few when i was much younger.
they never brought up whether i smelled like a wet dog; i had to learn that from Twitter. but then, i use soap and shampoo when I bathe and so did the women I dated.
Thd smell better than shitty Lithuanians. Id take 1000 black peopke over one dirty ass Lithuanian.
i'm white and the wet dog smell is real, but i dont know if it's specific to white people or if all white people have it. usually you will smell it on a kid when they have been outside running around all day, and their hair is all sweaty.
I already explained everything here Google it.
Because it was Donald Biff's America.