HOH: Nick[/spoiler]
Veto: Bimbo
Noms: Cliff, Nicole
Previously on /bb/:
HOH: Nick[/spoiler]
Veto: Bimbo
Noms: Cliff, Nicole
Previously on /bb/:
Other urls found in this thread:
>no powers
can't wait until this little nigga is gone
" "No one man should have all that power"
- Kanye West"
- Dan Gheesling
JUST fuck up my OP
>tfw winston slams the door to the hideaway
It's official.
Love Island > BB21
>fucking winston out of all people
imagine not rooting for kemi to get back into the game
ah fuck i have to watch love island now dont i
>ovi david and boomer getting knocked out in one swoop
>kemi staying and getting taken out again
will feel so good
Kemi would be the worst possible choice to get back into the game. David could actually do well, Ovi would at least cause kino feeds with his power, Kemi would just sit in a corner and seethe for another week before getting evicted again.
watch the n-bombs bro
i miss paul so much...
I'll drop Hiroshima and Nagasaki sized N-bombs if I want bro
This posts to be automated or a spambot
just because we're contrarians doesn't mean we have to pretend jack isn't an annoying douche. that wouldn't stop me from liking him if he had any redeeming traits. but he doesn't.
Alright here's my gameplan for when I get on the show
>Never win HoH so I never have to put anyone on the block, if shit hits the fan I'll actually start trying around the final nine and lower
>Only win veto when I'm on the block myself
>Suck up to every single HoH so that I don't get backdoored
>Never make an alliance myself but I'll force myself into every single one I sniff out
>I won't actually playing hard until after the first nom ceremony
>Pray that I get a cast full of retards that can't plan their way out of a paper bag, with about 6 Nicoles, two Cliffs and some Ovis to round it out.
Just give me the money already
watch the png-bombs
You guys watching Ex on the Beach? Mark and Elena are on it
watch the n-bombs bro
Hes not wrong
i feel bad for sam desu. he seems like a solid player but hitched his wagon to a billtion mind chink
you don't need to post every minute
Jackson is trying to poison the house with his room temp chicken.
>Based winner strategy.
i wouldn't be friends with jack irl but these people are overreacting jesus christ
If jack triggers women on twitter then jack is my favorite housrguest.simple as
i will post as fast as the cooldown will let me fuck face
thoughts on taran confirming that kat cheated on her long term bf within 3 days of meeting Jackson?
>he seems like a solid player but hitched his wagon to a billtion mind chink
sounds familiar
I'm out once Sam's out. No one else gives good feeds to me
Sluts gonna Sloot.
many such cases, sad!
you must be a trump supporter with that rationale
Kat is an adderall fiend.
shes been taking some of jacksons xanax
fucked up posture
i keep forgetting christie is a lesbian whenever she goes on and on about how nice one of the girls bodies are
based me
goddamn Frank was so based
based nicker
>private school btw
how can you possibly forget something she mentions at least 3 times a day
>yeah we know you dont even like guys.
Sis looks like some MS13 gangbanger's slut.
Her tattoos look like she got them in prison.
I’m gonna post “fuck drumpf and fuck wh*te people” in a bunch of threads on /pol/ to celebrate
happy bday sweaty!!!
Well, he has a point. If everyone was as selfish as Kemi, then there'd be no room in the fridge
Do private school faggots have no standards? do they just get passed through every class because of daddies money? I look at some of these faggots that go to private schools or even ivy league uni's and they seem almost retarded, yet somehow they graduate.
“now if I fuck this model
and she just bleached her asshole
and I get bleach on my T-shirt
imma feel like an asshole”
- Kanye West
i miss swaggy so much, he would have cooked the fuck outta these fools
I kek’d
get a pass and join the 30 second club
Alright, I'm gonna say it. So when you went outside I said to Nicole that You need help with a little bit of perspective, and I'm going to tell you why. And it's going to be out of respect for you, and I really care about you.
You have a tendency to put your shaker bottle in the fridge - as well as your drinks in the freezer. If all of us put our shaker bottles in the fridge, what would the fridge look like?
>Kemi (timidly): It would be full.
Okay, so what is so special about you, that you get to put it in there?
>Kemi: I mean I just noticed no one else did so I like ... there was space.
But, if we all did it there would be no room in the fridge.
>Kemi: Yeah, I mean it's usually when I have like half a protein shake left and I'll drink the rest later.
I'm with it. But we all sacrifice not putting our stuff and not having our stuff cold and prepping ice appropriately so that we have fridge space and so that we can keep our stuff cold.
>Kemi: Okay
And I just wanted to get to get it off my chest because *smacks counter* I care about you *smacks counter* and I think you're great *smacks counter* and I didn't want this to be derogatory in any shape or form. But I was just sitting here eating my salad thinking "Do I tell her? Do I not tell her? Do I not tell her?" I'm sweating; I don't know what to say.
But I think you're an awesome person and I think there's a lot of things in my perspective that I need to work on and if I needed to work on it I hope that you would tell me.
Have they lost IQ as they got older? the people on their season were talking about how much they hate muslims/killed their patients. how does that compare to getting upset over a bottle. if they had displayed this false righteous indignation on their season they would have been bounced pre-jury. I hate the virtue signalling culture.
>Female Body Inspector
haram af
Yes, although I'm sure it depends on the private school. Most of it is probably for the parents to go "oh my kid goes to _____", like it's another car to brag about.
I went to one that would take warm bodies as long as you paid
>respect through fear
based jack
top tier bullying
he needs to take her lunch money next
>suck up to every single HoH
Congrats, you’re out
I didn’t read this
you read this tho
I'm not a 5'2" turkroach
>that time when ivette called kaysar a sand nigger
>ivette even got invited back for a chance to play in bb7
it was a different time
There is literally nothing wrong with this. If someone starts loading up the fridge with their leftover drinks/food it will soon be completely full with garbage that has to get thrown out in a week.
T. grew up with a sister with zero common courtesy
watch the n-bombs bro
wait what the fuck
Jack is just a nickname for John?
are you fucking kidding me?
what the fuck is wrong with americans
Friendship made bb15 looks like saints
Remember when some faggot from Yea Forums got on bb??? Those were the days lads
Shut up chink
user.. Jack and John predate America by a long amount of time..
Didn't Maggie admit to killing someone because James told them that the HOH didn't have live feeds?
paul would run circles around these retarded buffons
is this edited?
she timidly looks at the HOH door closing in front of her and then goes downstairs
at which point does she get kicked out?
that was a dark day
kys faggot
paul is the greatest bb player to never win, still the only player to make it to the final 2 twice
He's still come in 2nd.
зaтyмaнил хaхa
Timestamp for this?
the night before ovis eviction. after he told them about the power
thats a fuckin dude yo
also side note, bb7 live feeds were comfy as fuck.
only because anyone who plays an even slightly cutthroat game gets cucked by muh bitter jury nowadays. i think tyler is proof that even a vanilla "mastermind" can't win this game anymore.
>Kemi: I mean I just noticed no one else did so I like ... there was space.
no wonder they hate her. total sociopath
Dan Gheesling?
reminder that bb14 started this.
Haha so based. Jack is just like me a white alpha redpilled chad. Wonder if he browses /pol/?
nah that jury understood that dan was handed a massive advantage at the start of the game and they were set on a non-vet winning
misted lol
Paul would get fucking rekt by mistie it wouldn't be funny
Both of the players you just mentioned got btfo by bad jury management. Paul being the worst example. the dude refused to take responsibility for anything and got destroyed by a 70 IQ orc/human hybrid in goodbye messages. Tyler decided to be a sassy cunt to a key jury vote. The last person that was truly a victim of an illogical jury was Dan.
yeah lets pretend people like britney werent bitter as fuck lmaoo
is it me? or does no one talk game to ovi other than cliff?
>bad jury management
this is a meme
Britney would have won.
Neither one of them is in the game anymore. They're basically live feeders now.
not an argument.
jackson told ovi to lay low but ovi got mad no one kept him up to date with what's happening in the house and then he said to christie that they should talk to him or else he'd do something crazy and that sealed his fate. Now the 6, nick/bella/sam have stonewalled him
i think ovi has given up. he realizes that no one is gonna take himself seriously unless he wins comback and gets hoh
You should watch the season again before laughing at anyone, Britbrit basically makes a case for Dan during the forum. It's a bit of a non sequitur anyway, no vet was winning.
yeah, but she kinda cute though
yeah because she was salty she got BTFO by dans funeral
Dan fooled Jen City, a literal retard.
Dan's funeral is overrated.
>Thinking someone admitted to intentionally killing someone on record and faced no repercussions
Don't believe that anybody said anything on this show unless they have the video
>implying she wasn't asked to play devil's advocate so it wasn't obvious dan was dead
Go down to Texas and make $200K/yr?
nah the actual facts are that frank was between a rock and hard place and chose dan. dan just dropped some select info at the opportune time. good for him
>Meaningless funeral show beforehand
>Then swears on bible and girlfriend's life to work with Frank
Hmmm, I wonder what the actual important part was
He fooled Frank, Jen doesn't use the veto without Franks say so. Anyway, I agree Dans Funeral is overrated, only because it made total sense for Frank to team up with Dan given the context of the situation, he litetally had no one.
she even claimed that Dan would have won vs Danielle with herself/Ian/Frank/Ashley votes which is a blatant lie - Frank was never voting for Dan
>Y'all can kiss my ass.
proceeds to line up for turn.
damn those britbrit tits sittin' right
God imagine her bending over naked in front of you and you start kissing her tight pink innie pussy from behind. Then as she starts moaning and rocking you see her supple perky breasts flying around. Oh fuck I’m rock hard lads.
If Ian ever comes back, how would he do?
she won my heart
I can do this tbqhwy but I feel like it ain’t that ez
evicted first week hopefully
Depends on the other vets that show up
honorary Camp Comeback member
ians titties sittin right
i was high when i met her
we were down at tribeca
shell get under your skin if you let her
shell get under your skin...
i dont even wanna talk about it
i dont even wanna talk about it
Only picking from BB16 and onward, who would be your dream allstar 2 cast?
How does BB14 go down if Boogie doesn't save him early?
Did that nigga ever get his dick wet?
Devin and any other 15 scrubs.
how many contestants, i'll make it in brantsteele
16? 18? 20?
20, we bloating this cast
oh ho ho
get ready fuckface
Come on man.
Frank beasts out, Dan drags him to F3, cuts him for Jenn city/Joe and wins.
Who's the dude in the OP?
father stretch my holes
think janelle needs to stfu and keep looking for that rolex
Johnny Mac
Christie (assuming she makes it far which she probably will)
rare room alert
Jokes aside. Swagz and Winston left far too early. They would have had a kino fued.
>Sometimes you have to risk it for the biscuit.
Big Moo
BB22: Redemption
Summer of Steve
>jackson to jack: if its the wall you are too thicc, especially your lower half, its way too thicc
>Never put your dick in crazy
I hope not...but the sex would have been mind blowing.
this is pretty good but swap day for some other goober
Pauls sloppy seconds...Baste.
Didn't she go from throwing objects at paul in a rage to sucking his dick in less than 2 hours?
god tier and yes paul was excluded
Call me the Mist Man. Call me Mist-tirio
Seriously, you are better than this /bb/.
I have no objections to this list.
>Christie, Kaitlyn, Kat AND Raven
Oh dear god...
i put vanessa in that house too
put some respect on her
>no julia
I would watch this season for sure
she has 3 bb17 cast members to work with she doesnt need her twin
the gifs that get posted are artifacts of an earlier era when webms weren’t a thing.
show some fucking respect.
Cmon bro replace boring Donny with baste Paul.
everyone in this thread is lost in my mist....
too easy
replace liz with julia is what i was implying
>1st week
hey who’s that faggot that just sits in the corner and doesnt talk to anyone? lets evict him
swap angela for jc
only one showmance is a retarded dynamic but who knows given this season
>he's never misted himself
I cant have Paul+Raven+Victor+Nicole+Natalie+Mark be a thing
the key is to not put paul on
wtf I thought the door got SLAMMED in her face, not slowly close automatically.
essentially bb17 and bb20 jury
If you could have played in any season, which one would you want to play in for:
>1. Fun
>2. The win
1. BB7
2. BB9
>gifs that get posted are artifacts of an earlier era
You got that right user. And they stick out like a sore thumb here. Shit, not even that shithole twitter uses gifs anymore.
Lets have some standards when it comes to our waifu-fagging and shitposting. Update your content...especially low quality, low res shit like this one ...it looks *really* bad.
based tyler
> Caring this much about a file extension
fun: 12 or 14
win: doesn't matter because i'd probably be evicted week 1 anyway
honestly all i want is to send a banner plane over the BB house informing christie that n-bombs be casting her in all-stars 2 seasons
phone fag
finally a good post
fuck I’m so misted right now lol
Eh, any man with a live-in girlfriend has been there.
That looks so terrible. Just for you I'm going to download this youtube.com
...and make a webm.
2. bb17
i will put jessica graf in that house over raven just you try me
OTT for the fun and maybe a season with a weak cast for the win?
that’s because it was made back when the season aired.
change them yourself if you care so much.
as long as baste paul is there its all friendship
brit is literally perfect
Typical female exaggeration. She made it sound like he screamed at her, squeezed her tit, slapped her ass and slammed the door into her face so hard it broke her nose. the reality is he quietly said "not a good time" and let the door slowly close itself while she stood in stupefaction at the concept of being refused something after a lifetime of getting everything she wants.
That's when I beg the HoH to not put me up, not talking to them at least is a death sentence
Aren't Victor and Nicole married?
>file extension
It has nothing to do with the extension and everything to do with the file. Look at the artifacts on her face. It doesn't look good. I would make a webm for you but I don't have an original video to convert.
I forgot about OTT, that would be fun.
Grodner should keep doing OTT, it isn't like it costs much to put on. She could have the interns run it.
bb9, just so i can fuck amanda and natalie
bb2, because most of those hgs were clueless the real world rejects
Yes, but Victor throws one into Corey every now and then.
who would be in the bomb squad 2.0 with this cast?
BB is cheap but only streaming it to 20k feedfags is not cost effective
Hats and hoodies with your alma mater on it are pretty much a BB staple huh
hi early thread faggot
you think the mist is your ally, but you merely adopted the mist. I was born in, molded by it.
David haaaaaaaaaaates Jack
They throw millions into STD for the same viewership.
I miss the gaslight poster...
kek sam talking about David
BB18 for fun, would make it my mission to save Frank/Bridge for /bb/. unironically this season for the win. everyone is playing such a shit game. I would probably still get evicted pre-jury
Gonna grow out my hair so I can get casted as that one fag with a man bun/surfer bro
seems David is mentally unstable.
yeah, he's based.
Tried to grab Kat just now but I don't think you can see anything.
The Colored Campers should be given this punishment for not wearing their uniform.
>it was made back when the season aired.
Yeah, no shit sherlock. And in pre-webm Yea Forums most people had no idea how to properly make gifs. Which is why most of the gifs that get reposted look terrible. The artifacts in the image are disgusting. And we don't have to live like that anymore.
That faggot who keeps posting un-optimized pngs is better than gif posters. At least his shit *looks* good.
i just realized why analyse looks so cute in the stocking cap
it hides her hairline
just so you're aware that's exactly how tyler got cast
they wouldn't take him with short hair
i believe in you user
And other boob
just change in the washroom you slut holy shit!
does anyone have that webm of kat looking really cute with the veto? i wanna make an off topic thread on Yea Forums
this one?
You need to do more than that. Turn down your IQ at least 15 points, fully embrace the dudebro surfer mentality, study the most cliche shit you can, Mcconaughey's character in Dazed and Confused, Tyler's pre-game personality, etc. you aren't yourself, you are playing a character until you walk through the doors into the house, then you can start to change back a little bit.
yes, they all should be sent to Aushwitz
lol i meant outfits
i am not antisemitic, i just misspoke
imagine if i got expelled for this
nah, i think shes in the storage room with jessica
based JC
thanks bro!
I’m not going to say I didn’t read this, but I don’t care about any of that.
someone else can argue with you if they want.
>TFW locked in a hotel room for a month and get BTFO by Cody.
What did this poor kid do to Grodner?
how are the votes looking lads? is our quarky staying?
>still another full day until eviction
link your thread here
so far so good. some six shooter talk today about what they are going to say to bella/nick after they vote to keep nicole. but yeah, WHOLE nother day we have to get through.
>avoided spending summer listening to Paul's epic stories
looks like he got lucky to me
I'm glad Quarky is staying, get fucked boomers.
seeing based david makes me wonder if cameron would've been a god tier hg. guess we'll never know.
Qute Quarky Quads
quarky is good
cliff would have been safe this week if he didn't get overheard targeting the couples :(
good to hear, also check'd
can you AIDS ridden nigger loving general fags please stop wasting our digits
the slow pan, then rotation while shes laughing is pretty kino
not bb canon
after consideration, having any insoluble bonds is dumb
I think she's staying, low priority threat that they can knock out later with no issue.
Nice quads bro
>chasing quads
lmao what a loser
Cliff would have been good if he wasn't a retard and blast his game over the PA.
Doesn't he know how to do ASMR Cliff Notes?
seriously, its ultra fucked up. i'd like to say i would have just fucking walked if i were him.
imagine that, imagine if from the night of the BB premiere til thursday if you didn't get to go socialize, talk to anyone, go anywhere, live your life like a free man. that's a long ass fucking time - add the sequester time before Day 1 and i'm surprised he didn't fucking snap
he just wants to go on rhap after, thats literally it
>talking about The Challenge
Bananas would run that house
Rob will have him on once and then Cliff will be off to podcast with Cameron and McCrae with their 8 viewers.
>questioning the will of Kek
heresy is punishable by death
nah, nodody wants to do rhap these days, he will become a regular like aura
very cute bog
kemi is a challenge fag
do any of these people actually make money off social media?
they're trying to get sam to blow up on instagram and give them 5%
>cliff would have been safe this week if he didn't get overheard
I would love it if BB allowed "live DRs". But instead of the shit they did on OTT, just let them do their own "cliff notes" or "dick at night".
Yeah, most of them would be annoying attention whoring. Or campaigning for AFP. But at least we could flashback to the interesting sessions and know what HGs where actually thinking without production editing. Cliff was dumb for talking so loud. But Paul did the same thing in the same room his season.
lmao jack looks nothing like zach nichols wtf kemi
Would you rather wear ovi's underwear on your face for 3 days or get anally penetrated by jack while being waterboarded for 30 minutes
Prize is diamond veto and they roofie the cast of OTT in the boat room and toss you in with cameras off for 30 minutes
Good quad
>huge faggot but...can't ignore those digits
i want to impregnate shelby.
the challenge is objectively superior to big brother. imagine if bb rivalries spanned across multiple seasons
nah i'm good
lol david
i honestly forgot about live DRs
OTT will never be surpassed
it sucks
I wonder what she is doing right now.
go away
i love the challenge and shit
but big brother is so much better
big brother > survivor > challenge > literally everyting else
Take away America's nom and vote and it would have been the perfect season.
how many instagram followers do you need to make a decent amount of money?
the only bad thing about the challenge is that there is virtually zero gamers. they had to bring on big brother players to inject it into the game.
that last season's cast makes bb21 look like brainiacs lol
honestly live DRs were the thing i missed the most about that season. i really dont know why they dont continue to do that during regular seasons, itd probably boost subscriber numbers and all they have to do it put a sheet of paper in the DR
She's probably blowing her boss right now.
survivor is ass now. it used to be good but since the producers have gone twist/idol crazy its absolute shit
agreed, that was the infuriating part of it, but with how the season ended up going, i wouldn't have changed a thing
what were the best seasons, game-wise
There is a huge power gap between survivor and "challenge". And you are also missing the original Apprentice (not the celeb version). Most of those original seasons were kino.
All of Bella's instagram posts are flooded with comments calling her a bitch and a snake and other mean things :(
why are big brother fans so mentally unstable?
old school seasons
>all stars
new school seasons
Buttslut made for a good winner. It's just too bad she went and got boltons. Her itybittys were cute.
you need 10k at minimum to get the swipe up feature
and you need at the very least 50k-100k to make decent money. not enough to live on but good money to put into savings
if you have 500k or more you're set
advertisers throw up stupid amounts of money to those people
Seasons 1-3, 7, 10 (11 is 10: The Sequel if you like 10), 12, 15, 18, 25, 28, 32, and 33 are best.
16, 20, 27, and 31 are great but are at least half returnees.
33 and 37 weren't bad
Whatever you do don't watch last season, though. It's a waste of time.
watch big brother canada instead of survivor
its the very same grodball trust me
Watch the first and last episodes; the middle is a waste of time.
Dont do this please you’re taking up too much space
> LinkinPark-HybridTheory.mp3.exe
>Not adding Amazon where Rob revolutionized the alliance game
Canada has a better cast but their production sucks with the super grodballs. And their feeds suck with the censoring and long blackouts.
Yeah I suppose you're right. If you only watch the part that matters it's short and sweet.
Also, no live eviction because they built the BB house like retards. It literally takes the evicted HG 20 minutes to get to the eviction set from the house.
....by doing what?
Jack is just a chad version of Paul. Kemi should've just said "Hold that thought" and walked out to the backyard.
old school seasons:
just watch seasons 1-20, minus 9 and 11
new school:
25, 27, 28, 29, 31, and 33
personally, I'd say watch it all, even the "bad" seasons because each season is only like 13 episodes
it has pictures of naked boobies tho
based Yea Forums thread poster
america's vote had some kino moments though
holly, kat, and tommy are the only ones above 50k
fucking ovi has more followers than bella does, kek
last time I checked anal didn't even have 10k and left her instagram open
new thread
they autosaged it