I miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
The Jew had one job to do but he was too busy carefully counting change
Communism has no answer for 7-11.
Why are r*ssians so evil, bros???
>communist responsible for death of like 40 people
>traitor to his home nation just for a sugary cold desert
Either way he deserved the bullet.
Nothing wrong with that
>traitor to his home nation just for a sugary cold desert
Russian here. I would sell my shithole for less.
he cute
Did you just completely ignore the scene
that showed he didn’t give a fuck about the drink? The point couldn’t have been hammered more that what he really wanted was to become an American.
Fuck off leftypol
Why in the world would anyone want to become a fat brainlet mutt?
Because during the 80s just about everyone wanted to be an American you retarded zoomer.
>shart delusions
Better than being a dying european or a trashy slav
Slavs are european, you braindead mutt, lmao
so who is watching this show, zoomers or boomers?
see threads about show on here has me seething for some reason.
Why would a grown man act so childish? A scientist on top of that. Felt forced.
rent free, don’t bother responding since I know you’re just seeking (You)’s from big strong Americans and I won’t give you any more.
he's a fucking plot filler and had no character. you're r*ddit for latching onto him.
>wants to experience american life
>gets shot
like pottery
>wants to experience american life
>gets shot
The most american thing that could ever exist
Both. When the first season released, I first heard about it before it blew up with zoomers because my dad was watching it
Because he saw an opportunity to live like a king for a day. He was basically in a position of “you know what, fuck it, I have nothing to lose anyway”.
murray was the only redeeming part of the entire season
i had to fast forward every erica/winona scene they were so goddamn annoying
getting shot is an american ritual like calling the cops on blacks having a cookout.
I bet he's a reference to the character from Russian science fiction tv series The Adventures of the Elektronic
So how and why the fuck the "evulrussianxd" build a fucking base and for what purpose except "we are a bunch of shitty writter and our fanbase wa'nt to see eleven win again against the mindrapist" ?
>and for what purpose
Are you fucking braindead?
The evil Russian arc was 100x better than the mind reaper shit
I love campy spy shit so it was made for me
Am I alone in thinking the vending machine and new coke scenes were fucking atrocious?
People here must have missed the part where Alexi’s friend was killed by Russian terminator for failing to open the portal.
Hopper had made the correct assertion that he wouldn’t leave when he gave him the keys
vyšnių :(
I know you’re 25 or younger, but American propaganda is powerful. Our music is in every country, our television shows are on every channel in every country, our politics are discussed worldwide. You can’t go one day without hearing about America, but yet you think it’s because we aren’t the greatest?
So they just left his body at the fair? I wonder if somebody stumbled across it
I'm 27, fatty
imagine doing that to someone
Because the American government literally previously did the same fucking thing in the 1st 2 seasons.
Why are drumpfkins such cucks for Russia? Say anything slightly negative about Russia and they go in a frenzy to defend them. never mind that the series already put the US deep state in bad light since they were the first fucks who wanted to open the portal.
Also they constantly bash communism in season 3
Close enough for someone ignorant
Get a load of these seething bolshedicks.
Well, there was this little thing called the Cold War during the 80s where the US and Russia were in a dick measuring contest to see who could more exorbitantly achieve scientific missions just for the hell of it. It makes perfect sense that if the US was trying to open a portal that the Soviets also were.
instead of immediately succumbing to trump derangement syndrome realize zoomers are ignorant of how serious the cold war and russian hatred was
It is incredible how much this dude looks like my dad
Fucking slav genes
If they kept him around then maybe I'd be more into checking out season 4. but they left me with not giving a fuck no more
I guess you're not keeping up with current events, where we're having to change laws in order to stem the tide of people trying to get in?
>having a cookout
burning cars on the street during their monthly chimpout
Stranger Things has never gone beyond "meh" for me, but all the adult subplots and stories in season 3 were the first time I legitimately enjoyed the show.