Has anyone on Yea Forums met a big time celebrity?
Has anyone on Yea Forums met a big time celebrity?
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He stinks, and I don't like him.
nice to see you met fat jimmy, trump
Jim Norton was never funny and looks like a retarded baby dinosaur
he stinks and I don't like him
I met Chuck Norris high on spice once but it wasn't chuck norris it was his stunt double
>tfw meet celebs and musicians (mainly musicians tbqh) for money
>tfw thought it was the most exciting thing for a year
>tfw it's grueling work
>tfw lonely the majority of the time despite being out downtown all the time
>tfw literally have my own place, pay my own bills, have a good job, and still no gf
Trump is a racist
Yes, and?
I literally have close to 0 context but I'm going to guess former retarded norton fans (because you have to be retarded to be a fan) got angry because he doesn't support trump and now hate the guy even though he wasn't relevant or funny to begin with.
It will cost him 2020
idris elba
You are a living meme.
whatever you say pal.
good lord wtf is happening
>"Trump is finished" says increasingly nervous man for the hundredth time this week
im mogging him
five more years faggot
If he survived pussygate, then being a racist is nothing
I got to meet Chief Halftown in elementary school.
Imagine seething over a 4 word post.
Trump fucked over his base and fence sitters.
i've met bill shatner many times over the years. one time i got to golf with bill murray in northern wisconsin
Dude I don’t really care who wins, but people called him a racist like at his first speech when he started running. It’s normal at this point.
Fuck back to pol summerbitch.
Libs called him a racist. I'm just saying that his shit over his presidency fucked over a lot of his base. I live in Texas and personally know border patrol agents who got fucked over by his government shutdown and had to get on foodstamps for fucks sake. He's done.
>replying to multiple posts at once
>"n-no you're mad!"
Yeah way to distort history. People called him a racist when he said shit associated with racism in the 90s. Then they just forgot about it. Then the idiots dug it up again. Which still doesn't excuse your retardation.
I was not even addressing any of that. He said shit people thought was racist from the onset of his campaign the last elections about bad Mexicans and illegals coming here. That’s a fact, how am I distorting anything? And it’s oddly normalized with him, just like how rape accusations mean nothing at this point, somehow.
Because you don't pay attention to the propaganda you are just constructing your own narrative based off competing propaganda. The Mexican shit was 'justified by the shit he said from teh 70s to the 90s. Anytime someone pointed out it wasn't racist they would call back to circumstantial evidence showing a supposed probability that it was. The real problem here is trump thought he could get away with ignoring it and it just didn't work. He should have nipped it in the bud after he won the election.
Yeah, loads of them. Not that I'm friends with or anything.
>racism is bad!
i wish i met as many celebrities as lil yimmy.
i have seen some celebrities and other semi-famous people like dog the bounty hunter, but so far the only ones i met and talked to is vito from the sopranos and one of the pawn stars experts (the nevada history guy who wears red all the time).
For votes it is.
Don't reply or else he'll post another wojak
Nice script you have there shareblue
I met this guy
I also met prime minister Beata szydło and president Andrzej Duda with his wife
If this was true he wouldn't be President
I met Buzz Aldrin and shook his hand.
*votes from somalis btw it's racist to ask if they're actually a citizen or to show ID before voting
>what is the long game
fucking nice.
you met a real space man who went to the moon.
buzz and trump are the 2 main guys i want to meet.
Hey a vote is a vote. Just ask the russians. BTW it's "too stupid" to literally just go to any major democrat twitter right now and see literal bots spamming from moscow.
Norton is such a fucking loser lmao
Kicking all non-whites out of our (us white people) country
It doesn’t matter if it was justified or not. The point is that that either way, he won his campaign known widely as that racist, sexist white rich guy. If it wasn’t justified, would it suddenly change anything for the MSM? It’s not like he suddenly backed off or anything. He barely even apologized for the pussy tapes.
actual cringe
Well it appears we are in agreement. So why support his dumbass?
I love liberal tears. Please cry harder.
Do you care about the negative effects of illegal immigration on black people? Yes or no.
I'm actually the one running those bots but don't tell anyone
I'm not exactly sure what you are arguing. My point is he could have fixed all this immediately and satisfied all parties (at least to the point he could temper opposition responses).
honestly im sure a lot of them at this point are just script kiddies havin a giggle. But the real ones were there long before the accusations. The fact people just laughed it off is insane and makes me wonder exactly how mentally ill his support base is. But then again there's always the SJWs too... but 2 wrongs etc.
Going to win by a landwhale.
I shook Craig Ferguson's hand.
Yeah a shitty slav state is the one with the dangerous instrumentations not that trillion dollar companies running Silicon Valley.
You're a retard
You say this in a convo about a country that literally can't even identify obvious bots on twitter until like 6 months down the line.
a bunch of livestreamers including ice posiedon use my pepe OC (pic related) in the emojis on their twitch channel (most channels on twitch actually use that image).
also a bunch of celebrities, including close friends of president trump himself have posted that OC on twitter and gotten millions of views.
i also have a bunch of other famous pepe OCs.
i think, thanks to the internet and popularity of memes/pepe, more people have viewed my art in my lifetime than almost any famous artist during their own lifetime, including davinci, michaelangelo, pollock and picasso, etc.
you are all basically posting here in this thread with a famous artist.
millions have enjoyed my work.
Oh wow an image hash! YOU TRULY ARE THE PEPE OC MASTER!
>being scared of vodka drunk slav squatters
shut up retard we dont give a shit about your shitty reddit OC
>he did it for free
You're as bad as a fucking janny
I've meet 3 presidents, the pointer sisters are friends with my mom, sherryl crow texts me sometimes, and I got drunk with Scott McNeil at a not comicon convention and didn't even realize who he was till the next day.
>twitch stealing some random OC which could of been anyones who posts on Yea Forums
and your proud of them for taking our OC why?
I'm scared of retards that cant acknowledge reality not slavs. I don't think russia can do shit to us physically. But the red scare happend for a reason and it's open secret Russia is still a communist oligarchy.
>>racism is bad
Holy shit. There are real people who believe anyone who disagrees with them politically is a "bot" I thought only 70 year old Twitter retards actually believed that.
kys faggot
If I get dubs cough up
i dont mind if some website uses my OCs.
but a bunch of people are selling shirts, embroided patches, etc with my OCs.
i am planning to speak with a lawyer about it soon.
Are you a fucking idiot that can't parse between opinions?
I saw you make this post in another thread. What epic alt-right Gavin Mcinnes talking point are you fags spouting now?
I met Emo Philips after a show and got a picture with him. He was in character the whole time, but very cool.
I worked backstage at an Oak Ridge Boys show. Duane Allen took time to walk around backstage and shake everybody's hand. Real nice dude.
Worked backstage at an Art Garfunkel show. He's a terrible person.
Worked backstage at a Lily Tomlin show. She was stressed out and frustrated with herself because she was having trouble remembering her lines, but she was as nice as she needed to be.
Conan, Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue, the lead singer of Air Supply (BIG tipper), lots of local TV personalities and athletes.
t. Bartender
>Gavin Mcinnes
>my pepe OC
>it's a shitty pixelated picture
nice try
I did the spoiler pic on /vp/ and emailed moot once
I must be super famous!!!
You know pepe is a trademarked image right?
Your pathetic larp was already given away by comparing yourself to davinci. You have no grounds to sue because you have 0 fucking proof you made it.
I genuinely feel bad for you, I hope you become happy soon.
Call a lawyer, faggot lol
Maybe this place is cursed, maybe Yea Forums is like a spiritual sink where people in distress fall to become hopeless.
This question doesn't even make sense. "Immigration on black people"? What's immigrating onto them? Ticks? Lice? Mosquitos?
>he did it for free
Stop replying newfags.
>had a gf
>a stable job
>lost both
>returned to Yea Forums
no, more likely it's a magnet for depressed people, and it's very hard to get out of this loop
I've met Tommy Wisseau and Joe Pantoliano, do either of those count?
If we're counting musicians I also have met Napalm Death, The Black Dahlia Murder, Laura Jane Grace of Against Me! (multiple times), Jerry Only and the other guys in nu-Misfits (multiple times), Jeff Rosenstock and some other random musicfags.
Slave labor helps the working class, bigot. Bring back sharecropping and child labor too.
Are you all right
if it is changed to some extent, and not just an exact copy of a matt furie original, you can trademark and sell it yourself.
just like pic related.
My wives Natalie and Lauren are so cute
That really feels great doesn't it? i too have contributed a lot of OC over the years and i love when people reuse them, more specifically when people HERE use them, i noticed some big whos using it but it doesn't feel as good as when another user post them, i feel like part of an unofficial gang when that happen.
pic related
i have the original PSD file of all my OCs.
Do you care about the negative effects of illegal immigration on black people? Yes or no.
Why so afraid to answer user?
>free labor was plundered by the likes of ice poseidon
i behold a cuck of the highest order
If you get the opportunity, you should kill yourself
Sorry, I hate Open Borders shills
Literally doesn't prove shit. Only a poormans copyright or trademark would work. You can use hex to change creation dates and the image is so low res people can just fabricate layers.
>tfw pic related is my OC and hardly gets used
The Deviant Art autist who made troll face literally did this and got himself like a 100k, actually pretty based
user you are being genuine. The second guy was clowning the first guy.
Well first I'd have to know what it is that's migrating onto black people, whether it's parasitic or benign. I guess it wouldn't matter, it would be a pandemic of sorts if this was a mass migration of insects targeting Africans for whatever reason which could easily spread to other populations. Other than social effects being negative for Africans, it could also harm their health especially if the ticks/lice etc are vectors for some serious illness
I met Santa at the mall once.
All the negative replies are salty tards who attempted forcing their crappy OC here and it didn't stick around, you sir are an example to follow and you have every right to feel smug.
the irish gang leader who ron perlman kills in sons of anarchy season 3 lives in my town.
i see him getting groceries sometimes.
Very beautiful, i saw being used a few times but it doesn't resonate with me so i won't save it.
Here is one i made that didn't made it either.
I noticed you, good post.
Don't do that, but use the virality of your image as target practice to sell your art under a name in the future, there are a lot of comic artists that did this recently and made a living from it.
it has to resonate, it has to make us feel something.
Jesus Idris was way too nice to give you a photo with him
what does that mean? can i tell if my version of that image is your first OC
Looks like it time to bring out my Trump card.
natalie portman
that man looks like a monster
No way!
imagine doing this as a bit
taking pictures with celebrities with a retarded look that makes you seem retarded, to such a point that there's people who would post them ironically.
might have to do that myself
fuck off space nigger you can crash on the moon
I met a few in rehab
my original pepe
amazing this thread has so many creators
Good thing he’s a billionaire
>Trump was described by some friends and colleagues as racist. His friend Jeffrey Epstein, an American billionaire who made business deals with toTrump, described him as "Nazi-esque", saying: "Every once in a while there'd be something about Jews and I'd be, 'But Trump, I'm Jewish,' and he was like 'Yes, yes, I don't mean you.' He had a definite Nordic Aryan streak, [the belief] that she was physically, spiritually and creatively superior."[27]
>According to Fields, in the early 1980s, Trump attacked a mixed-race woman at the Chelsea Hotel with a smashed wine glass, saying "I hate black people".[27]
During a press conference in Berlin, the audience rioted after Trump had the German national anthem "Deutschlandlied", including a verse omitted since 1945 for its nationalist associations.
well you look like an alien and you're clearly gay
lauren looks uncomfortable :(
>claims OC
>only has a tiny resolution image to post and not the master
nice larp
I think you might be a homo user
Also stay the fuck out of Austin
this will never not be a great picture
I met Britney Spears in 2017 and the guy who plays Napoleon Dynamite and Jason Maomoa in 2018. All 3 were pretty chill and down to earth.
I met one today actually
based and redpilled. also humble af for putting your work out for free. props for being a true artist and not just a money grubbing kike
Go dilate discord tranny, I can smell your fat
dilate some more incel your big burst cunt couldn't smell any worse
Anything notable happen with Conan?
I once met Mr. Dressup
I was in a local healthy/expensive type supermarket here in Grand Rapids, Michigan (we have a lot of those) and I'm in line to buy some ham at the deli there. The lady asked me what kind, and I said "I have no fucking idea what different kinds of ham there are, lady" ENTIRELY too loudly and the guy behind me in line I hadn't noticed burst the hell up laughing.
I turn around. Steve Martin.
He kinda half leans around me and says "Honey glazed!" to the lady over the counter and I just kinda stare at him for a sec then smile and say thanks. I'm about to pay for it and he says "No way this one's on me" and pays the check for it right there. I was astounded, it was so awesome that I did the only thing I could think of ... The Three Amigos salute. Once again he cracks up and asked me if I had any idea how long it had been since someone did that. I said "a year?" he said "try ten."
We ended up having coffee at a place across the street. Turns out he bought a house in Monticeto, a really expensive residential area in SB, and has been living there a while. We talked about everything that wasn't his career for about 45 minutes before he had to take off because his deli stuff was gonna go bad. I shook his hand and said he made my year today. He smiled and beat my head in with a tire iron. I looked up from the floor, my eyes covered in my own blood as I made out a blurry image of an anvil being hoisted above his head. Through the ringing in my ears I couldn't hear his probably witty parting line before the anvil came crashing down, ending my life.
is this the "joe rogan tho" guy
pathetic little worm
>see this post
>open thread, thinking it will be a bunch of humorous and possibly original supermarket checkout pastas
>it's unironic replies to the OP mixed with /pol/shit
This board has declined.
i walked right by trump on the street in nyc at the christmas tree lighting of 2010
lmao u mad
>According to Fields, in the early 1980s, Trump attacked a mixed-race woman at the Chelsea Hotel with a smashed wine glass, saying "I hate black people".
Holy shit what an absolute chad
Ok, I normally don't vote but im going to register to vote for him
reggie jackson patted me on the head at a baseball card show once
I saw Trump at the rocketettes christmas show in nyc in 2009 and he called me a nigger and spit in my face
please interview me msnbc ;_;
shook eminems hand back in 2002 when i was 11 at a concert
>nazi cheeto racist fascist mango mussolini muppet man
check out this post LOL
I once bumped into Tony Hawk at newark airport not too long after the second tony hawk videogame came out
I was too nervous to say anything and this predated smart phones so I couldn't have gotten a pic anyway
i met christian bale a few years back via my uncle and told him all about dubs guy and bane memes.
My dad is a well known shock jock who got kicked out of Boston.
I literally made one of the original rage faces back in 2010. It's called the Okay face. Its weird seeing your creation posted everywhere. Mind you the hype for that face died down a lot.
show boobs
whats going on in the background
my father was arguably one of the top 3 most famous musicians of the 1970s, but no one ever believes me when i mention it here.
>put myself through university through scholarships
>get a fantastic education through a renowned masters program
>get a highly competitive job that pays truckloads of money
>get my own place in the nice part of town, youngest person that lives there
>high paying job is also excruciatingly demanding and consumes all my time
>can only see my friends 2 or 3 times an entire year
>absolutely zero time to even attempt to get a gf, never really around women
>still have crippling social anxiety anyway
>family relationship is not great
>am mostly miserable
I thought I was doing everything right
I met Nick Mullen, also Jimmy did nothing wrong.