What made this movie be decent compared to the other nu wars movies? Was it because it was somewhat an original story and less woke? I'd rank this over EP 1 & 2 but still below EP 3.
What made this movie be decent compared to the other nu wars movies...
Other urls found in this thread:
Didn't retroactively ruin major characters/plot points
Main character had an arc
Action was well directed
That's about it. It's no masterpiece, but it's perfection compared to TFA and especially TLJ
Also, Felicity Jones being easy on the eyes helped.
The movie was garbage though. The entire first half was supposed to introduce characters and make them likable both of which it failed to do. The entire second half had some decent cgi fights but it just killed the characters in the first half. How can i be invested in a movie if i dont care about the characters? The ONLY character in that entire lineup with any personality was the droid.
This movie did more damage to episode 4 then it did good by being released. Sadly looking at the rest of nu wars its their best film as its not pushing a political agenda.
For me the highlight was the cinematography and some of the gritty aspects.
Darth Vader and the Empire kill the shit out of the diversity.
This. It is only looked upon (semi) positively because VIII and Solo were so bad in retrospect.
the space battle was cool
I didn't mind it.
Are you serious? Main character was an empty shell of a "strong female character," who never expresses any agency. Supporting dude is "pantone 35820 - Mysterious Brown." The robot (because there has to be a robot) does the whole "the odds are bad" joke, but this time he's depressed about it; how clever. They even included one of the most cliche and insulting blind-monk characters I've ever scene, making a complete waste of Donnie Yen. You couldn't think of a less original plot if you tried. I was so mad after the movie finished that I immediately got in my car and drove for an hour until I came to some anceint Native American ruins where I watched the sun set, just to find any hope in human civilization. Rogue One was the end of Modern Western civilization. If things seem strange now, it's because people are still trying to figure out what the fuck happened.
I cannot name any of those characters. Pretty bad for a star wars movie. No idea what their names were or even really what they do.
The movie wasn't decent. It was shit. But it was slightly less shit than the others, for the simple fact that IT ACTUALLY HAD A FUCKING PLOT. Seems like that's kind of key to a movie not being shit. Someone should tell KK.
felt like it actually took place in the universe as a natural continuity of it.
Took itself seriously instead of sort of meta-self referential winks to the audience
>tfw the actor on the right is a piece of shit who didn't want to go to SW Celebrations to meet the fans so he invented a story about being detained by TSA agents for 48 hours
One time in an interview during the Rogue One press tour he said that Hollywood should hire more arabs in movies because if they don't then more kids will join ISIS.
a cute.
Checked and triple pilled
Had the old original trilogy aesthetic
I wanna smell her pusy
I want to see the Gareth Edwards' cut of Rogue One.
just switch your brain off
It was okay, certainly better than the sequel garbage but ultimately an unnecessary movie.
/get/ the truth
I do too. That entire third act felt like a tedious video game sequence.
Actually feels like it fits into the Star Wars universe. Also has a Kino soundtrack.
Good action scenes and some decent stuff for Tarkin and Vader that OTfags can wank to, that's pretty much it.
I'm not a SW fan, so I didn't find any flaw on it. I went expecting an action movie with explosions and lasers and that's what I got. The action was good, and the few Darth Vader scenes were great,
I liked it more than the other sw movies
Then again I'm not a manchild so that may be the reason
The last scene with Vader is the best SW scene with lightsabers by far. Otherwise it was fine, didn’t ruin anything like the sequels do.
>fans cream themselves watching Vader horribly murder Rebel scum
>Kylo Ren, Darth Vader and Stormtrooper toys always sell best
Why doesn't Disney try to milk the Empire instead of keep shilling Rebels and Resistance in everything they do?
The guy who looks like Andrew Yang was pretty good
The Vader in the hallway sequence also feels like it helps bridge the prequel and the original trilogies together as you've got Darth Vader from the original trilogy wielding his lightsaber and cutting down an army of people effortlessly they way Anakin did in the prequels. The Darth Vader in Rogue One certainly felt like an evolution of the character from Revenge of the Sith.
Change in location is what good blockbusters have. Shitty blockbusters remain in the same location the whole movie.
It was also a good way of showing how overpowered Vader is without the need of having him do ridiculous stuff like Sheev spins or forcethrowing spaceships at people.
It wasn't very good though.
there was a ploy
It's something that's very particular to Gareth's visual style, he makes things look really huge. I can't pinpoint how, but it can't be easy to achieve seeing that nobody else even tries.
>did more damage to episode 4
That is my largest complaint. They just HAD to make it be about the Death Star once again, because that''s the only plot device these fucking tards can think of.
Why didn't they just hyper space ram the shield?
Holdo > Raddus
It had great visuals (some of which didn't even make it into the movie duh), but characters were super dull. Still better than main trilogy, at least they tried something different.
Trips has it
>tfw sheev finally appears in IX and the first thing he does is the spin
It wouldn’t save the sequel trilogy, but it would be a good scene.
Fun self contained story that wraps itself up by the end and leads into the original trilogy, minimal agenda pushing, great visual designs and special effects, characters aren't shit.
why is it these seething retards never know how to spell? it doesn't take a high IQ to know the difference between seen and scene, they aren't even that close in spelling
goddamit this movie looks neat. shame about the story
Empire is comprised of evil white men, user. Rebels are ragtag diversity checkpoints.
Never mind that the Empire is human centrist and not racial, but that doesn't matter.
Effort. You can tell they really tried and wanted this movie to be good. As opposed to TFA and TLJ
This. It's horrible, try to watch it a second time and you'll realize just how painful it is.
The only passable nu-wars is solo.
>"Why yes I do enjoy the sequel films!!"
You know why.
who's that & why wasn't she in these new movies?
have you not seen the ep 9 teaser?
Why was their death so peaceful? Why didn't the Death Star's lazer rip apart the planet's crust like it did on Jakku or whatever the fuck planet it was called
Mara Jade, she's from the Expanded Universe. She marries Luke.
i can't believe there have only ever been two good star wars films.
>everyone on the poster is dead
Getting to see more based Tarkin.
Jyn Urso daughter of Galen Urso
Lando Calrissian
Donnie Yen
Big Guy
Bodie the Pilot he's the pilot
Australian Guy
CGI Tarkin
Forest Whittaker off his meds
I don't know enough about lens distortion to actually know what I'm on about, but his stuff looks like wide angle lens but with the depth of field flattened out, it's an interesting look that manages to look fake and real at the same time, which suits that kind of grand, magisterial fantasy material he's done a couple times now
I want to feed her carrots
This is true. Sequel Trilogy went out of it's way to cast ugly weirdos.
Same. Supposedly Tony Gilroy saved the film with rewrites/reshoots, and it was meh, so the original cut must have been flaming garbage
I'm convinced the sequel trilogy was a checklist of diversity, political messages and merchandising requirements that some poor bastard had one weekend to attempt to write a plot around.
the battle on the beach felt like a war.
the bad guys were not too incompetent and had a threat to their presence
Lower stakes, it's not part of the "proper" saga, so you can just have fun and make a movie. Like the third-place match at the World Cup, for those who can derive pleasure from watching soccer: "who gives a fuck, let's just have some fun." Even a good (although jewish) blogger has commented accurately on how Solo was enjoyable, I had very similar feelings about Rogue One (I personally prefer Rogue One, but the point is the same):
Rogue One was the first time I actually enjoyed myself a bit watching a Star Wars flick in the theater since the 1997 OT theatrical re-release. The blogger I cite above clearly felt the same thing with Solo.
The new flicks at least try to do the right thing (re-bottle the old) but fail in their own ways. But still they improve on the prequels, which remain the nadir that dumb zoomers can't see.
The most important thing I have to say in this post is this: regardless of individual flicks, thus far, the "eras" of Star Wars can be strictly ordered in terms of quality: OT > the recent, fun "side flicks" > the new trilogy flicks >>>>>>>>>>>(maxing out the 2000 character limit for improved accuracy)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PT
t. absolutely correct boomer who has seen every Star Wars flick in the theater.
I'm sorry but the sequel trilogy is not better than the prequels. The prequels were shit, but the new political feminist bullshit is far worse.
how much do you think 9 is going to bomb? looking at the spoilerboard is makings it seem optimistic to hope for a mediocre movie
Rogue One is the only Nu-wars that actually understands star wars at a fundamental level
Boomer/Gen Xer thought process:
>TIE Fighters and X-Wings!
>Han and Chewie!
>Superweapon like the Death Star!
>Slow lightsaber battles!
>A good villain like Palpatine!
>I can wait to take muh kids to see these movies! It’ll be like reliving muh childhood!
>Thank you Disney!
I just want a slower pace star wars movie that's almost entirely about the Empire and follows their POV, with little to no rebel shit. They're the only interesting thing about the movies for fucks sake
It wasn't, it was fucking dogshit sucked out a buffalo's dick.
>compared to the other nu wars movies
Because it was only slightly politicized, didn't try to retroactively fuck up the continuity, and offered a few cool set designs.
It was complete shit but slightly more sufferable than the other movies. It still insults your intelligence, it still fails conceptually and in execution, and it's still unwatchable garbage.
Now now user, you aren't a Nazi, are you? To show support for such a faction would be problematic...
I turned it off about 20 minutes in, told myself I'd get back to it later. That was two years ago. I never got back to it.
it hit water and water is soft
I stopped reading right there.
Doug Chiang, look him up.
The Jedha destruction was longer and more...in depth.
Movie reason: Angle
Real Reason: Drama
Have you ever considered that saying 'I couldn't remember any of the characters' just makes you look like a brainlet zoomer with no attention span than an actual critique of the movie?
Considered it and rejected.
I have no trouble remembering the names of characters in virtually any television series or movie I have ANY investment in.
If I don't recall the names of a movies characters, it means I did not care about them enough to think about them even a bit after the movie was over.
>but it would be a good scene.
You mean a good trick
I got to see some screen-used costumes in person and Felicity Jones is the size of a child. I bet they had her stand on crates while filming.
Whatever you say zoomer.
>Didn't retroactively ruin major characters/plot points
>Rogue One
You sure you watched the right movie?
where the fuck are all the bothans that supposedly died to get the plans to leia?
felicity jones, carrie fisher and natalie portman are all roughly the same size - smol
>Bland characters instead of aggressively shit characters.
>Bad guys actually respectable and not incompetent cartoon characters.
>Storyline that makes sense and wasn't a rehash of one of the OT films.
>Sweeping, well choreographed battle scenes.
>Tone and scenes similar to original films e.g. battle involves a bunch of bit characters who are introduced, do their thing and then die heroically, instead of literally everything important being done by the heroes a la a cape movie.
>Grand cinematography.
Blue leader's presence in particular is probably the most 'star warsy' thing about the film for me. That sort of understated, quietly heroic soldier character is common in the star wars films, but you would pretty much never see one in get any screen time in the nu trilogy.
bothans were death star ii dumdum
Forgot my image.
they even gave him a 70s pornstache
It’s the only one that doesn’t ruin existing lore or characters.
The pornstache needs to make a come back.
>The ONLY character in that entire lineup with any personality was the droid.
It was pretty sad/impressive that this was the case
Is it so much to ask Disney make a movie with an alien lead?
Like give me a fucking Pirates of the Outer Rim movie staring a younger Hondo Ohnaka exploring how he got his pirate crew.
>Supposedly Tony Gilroy saved the film with rewrites/reshoots, and it was meh, so the original cut must have been flaming garbage
That's what Disney wants you to believe but they just made the movie more sterile and "safe" for the audience and ruined the ending by cutting out battle on the beach
What actually happened was that they tried to sneak a proper war film under Disney's nose and KK freaked out, fired Edwards and made Gilroy add more adventure elements to it. The ludicrous thing is that Gilroy claims that he added additional characterization and backstory for the central cast... but it's like, what fucking characterization?
One word my dogz of star warz
Bor Gullet
>What actually happened was that they tried to sneak a proper war film under Disney's nose and KK freaked out
Fucking this, remember that teaser trailer that leaked that had the frantic radio chatter of Rebels panicking and it sounding like they were having their shit kicked in? It's actually a miracle Kennedy and Disney let the protagonists die in the final cut.
it was meant to be a war movie and it did that pretty well, it delivered what it promised apart from the poorly edited first 30 minutes or so. the special effects were also very good
Now I have to find that.
the rebels actually used tactics and had a plan and didn't just rely on the magic of friendship to win.
this but not just this
also has really nice shots, and neat space battle at end
was bretty kewl
she capped her fuckin teeth, bro. she ain’t a bunny anymore.
I wish they could have used some John Williams instead of the "definitely not John Williams" they put in
Sounded like something discarded from the Fanboys soundtrack
It was shit, all of the characters are completely useless including even the main character herself, no one was any arc and the pacing is horrible where the first half is setting up locations and plots that never appear again and the second half is trying to set-up a finale we already know the conclusion for. Only seems good because it wasn't the death of storytelling that was TLJ.
No no, those were the mon mothmans
john williams is a hack fraud now, name one good track from the sequel trilogy
I meant something from the OT
>The ONLY character in that entire lineup with any personality was the droid.
ultimate meme opinion
why do you lie
based pusy poster
Nu wars was a mistake and shills should be executed.
And we'll never fucking see her.
And you know that Zahn would have gotten her in if he could, at least in hints. She's his waifu, his character that won the Luke bowl over the one the editors intended to win, Callista. That she hasn't shown up in his Disney Canon books tells us that Mara Jade was rejected by the new team. They rejected a strong, well characterized, independent woman.
>still has time to put up makeup
women amirite
>he's the pilot
I'ma pilot.
It would have been cool if Luke was looking for something or some knowledge that made him like a pure force entity, the most powerful to ever exist and then at the end maybe he could like explode like a supernova and spread midichlorines around the galaxy giving birth to a new generation of jedi's
This scene was badly edited and i still laugh when i see it
>blind asian force guy
>strong woman mc
>three mexicans or something
How am I supposed to care when I can't even remember their names?
too weird for normies
you should really kill yourself
Ashley Benson at the premiere of Her Smell.
>I cannot name any of those characters
>tfw more people know this character's name from Episode II than can name one single character in R1 off the top of their heads
you're one of them faggot
l m a o
Padme certainly remembers his name after the double dicking he gave her.
This movie is the greatest tool ever conceived for sorting the plebeians from the patricians. Is it still called a pleb filter if only plebs like it? Pleb trap? Catcher?
It is literally the worst movie in the whole franchise
did people actually and unironically like solo? that movie was a fucking mess
All nu wars is complete faggot shit.
It was just ok, the other new ones are awful bad
It diesnt even fit with a new hope you worthless cock sucking faggot.
>t. loves cock in ass
100% this but I still liked it
It had things I know. I'll take gratuitous fan pandering because at least then it won't try to "subvert expectations" or do whatever crock the sequel trilogy is trying to accomplish.
Even Rebels was better put together than the sequel trilogy, time travel wolves and hyperspace whales notwithstanding.
they only did a single laser ignition or whatever
It's an empty shell of a movie. If robots made movies, this one would not pass the Turing test. It's like they focus grouped a bunch of 110 IQ redditors on what they would love out of a spinoff SW movie, then imitated all of their ideas with zero original thought or soul.
>oooh, how about it's like a WAR movie in the star wars universe??
>we need to see darth vader use cool scary force powers!!!
>DARK, make it really DARK! Everybody dies in the end!
>what was with that dumb plot hole with the death star's exhaust pipe?? fix it, please!
>ohhh, I miss grand moff tarkin and princess leia... you can cgi them, right?
>don't forget funny droid!!
>strong female protagonist! she's got a hard exterior, but inside she's got a heart of gold
>bleh, I hate forced romances, no thanks!
Et cetera, et cetera. So the audience watches the movie and goes, "hey, this is exactly what I've been asking for, so that voice in the back of my mind telling me it's boring and pointless must be wrong"
It's actually worse than both TFA and TLJ and the star destroyer entering the atmosphere and the robot with precognitive combat prowess are at least as damaging to the setting as a hyperspace ram
>star destroyer entering the atmosphere
not that crazy in star wars dude
Once you establish a hyperspace ram you have to start asking questions about why nobody thought to do it before
Once you establish star destroyers entering the atmosphere you have to start asking questions about why nobody thought to do it before
The story works and none of the characters are stupidly strong for no reason.
It's based on nostalgia but doesn't rely on it like TFA and TLJ do. Not to mention it doesn't undermine major characters like TLJ does with luke.
You're right, we definitely never see big honkin ships on the ground.
>The story works and none of the characters are stupidly strong for no reason.
I mostly agree, but the blind guy also no look one shots a TIE fighter with a blaster
you got btfo
I mean, it's fucking ridiculous. How could anything over a couple hundred meters hope to exit the atmosphere?
user he's already down stop
I'd chalk that up to an EXTREMELY lucky shot but I'll give you that one. I also think that its implied that he's atleast a LITTLE bit force sensitive but not enough to be considered for jedi training.
No, this is serious dammit, How could something with thousands of people and dimensions measured in kilometers possibly float in atmosphere in the Star Wars universe!?
I hope you get cancer
You're here.
R1 didn't overstay it's welcome, it did the thing it was sent out to do and that was it. It didn't let itself linger or try to be a game changer. The only genuine unique bit it did was that it showed that there was possibly people out in the galaxy that were sensitive to the Force that weren't exclusively Jedi or Sith. I kinda' dug that, is that ever explored in the EU?
To shit on nu wars. Kill yourself mouse shill.
fuck off reddit nigger
So, are you lung? Intestinal?
he's dead user
Yes, the EU several times had people who were force sensitive but not Jedi grade, and sometimes happy or sad about that. For example, the Dark Academy from the Young Jedi Knight books picked up basically anyone who was force sensitive, such that it was a big deal when they picked up a kid who actually had some good aptitude. There were also various factions of force users who had opted out of the Jedi/Sith dichotomy, like the Fallanassi.
What would someone have to do to be sentenced to such a cruel task, though?
Maybe because about 20% of the movie is copied straight from ANH, including the central premise, and there's absolutely nothing original about it. It's like a cancer tumor latched onto a decent movie, which kind of creates the illusion that a half of it is decent too, but that's only because it has nothing like a personality of its own and can't survive if cut off from the host body.
The cast is bland and undeveloped. The protagonist goes from "I don't give a fuck about anything" rebel to "WE HAVE TO KILL OURSELVES FOR THE GALAXY" in the span of 15 minutes, and the shift is grating. CGI'd Tarkin is ridiculous. Darth Vader's cheap cameo is blatant fanservice and only managed to instill a strong fan film vibe. I remember fuckall about the rest.
The only saving grace is the ending, which ensures there's never going to be a sequel, because by this point, only killing off the whole cast can stop Disney from going through with it.
Apparently you are somewhere that is refreshingly free of hipsters.
ALL OF THAT IS A good thing
>They rejected a strong, well characterized, independent woman.
Tbf she is also hot at hell with big tits and red hair, so that disqualifies her as a viable choice.
>rogue one
>semi decent
man baby bedwetter OP confirmed.
even if this movie wasn't as terrible as it is, it completely misses the point of star wars. star wars is supposed to be fun and silly not "le serious mature movie for big boys like me"
Pleb Catcher is a good title. Like a dream catcher, but you know, for plebs.
How do actresses like Felicity manage to look good even at mid 30s? Is it just crazy editing/makeup skills by the team? Or is she a vampire or something? I dont get it
>What made this movie be decent compared to the other nu wars movies?
It was specifically tailored for the Space TV demographic.
And as Rogue One proves, it doesn't work to make movies by checklist, even if the checklist panders to lots of plebs (You). The movie still has to be conceived well and executed well, which R1 wasn't.
Is that the Hand of Judgement behind her?
But I didn't even get to the EU!
>star wars is supposed to be fun and silly not "le serious mature movie for big boys like me"
Star Wars isn't supposed to be anything. It's an empty nothing and has been from the very beginning. I guess you'd be right if it didn't turn to shit after the second movie.
>its implied that he's atleast a LITTLE bit force sensitive
He's clearly extremely force sensitive, it's just not in the area of force pull etc.
It's clear that their order recruits sensitives and trained the precognitive and sensory parts of force training, just not the brute force parts of it.
Those are just troopers, with blaster scoring on their armour.
>Those are just troopers
Do you know know who the Hand of Judgement are?
It was wholly a fanservice movie, which is "alright". Fanserivce can only just be "alright". It could have been awful, but they did the best they could with it, and the best you can possible do with fanservice is alright and so it was.
Better than shitty non-fanservice movies which the other nuWars movies are.
I meant, "just random troopers".
But actually I think you're right, they were questioned by Vader with Mara covering for them so that's probably the scene depicted.
good space battle
Krennic scenes
felicity jones is attractive
operated within the established rules of the Star Wars universe
some kino death star shots
the U-wing was pretty sexy
of course it still had problems - namely the 2nd act dragging and trying too hard to completely bridge the gap with episode IV, making the intro to episode IV seem silly in retrospect
>nope we were on a diplomatic mission to alderaan, no idea what you're talking about Vader
>no no that was a different blockade runner you saw fleeing the battle 10 minutes earlier
CGI Tarkin and Leia were bad ideas and didn't need to be there
The quote mark is a typo
you're just fucking retarded faggot.
I got you senpai.
If I was a real hardcore Star Wars fan the original cut of Rogue One would be my white whale, although knowing Disney it was probably destroyed to make sure no one could ever find out they ruined the movie. God forbid you produce something dark for the fans of the forty year old series.
It sucks.
Jones has a shovel face
It's boring shit
>if they dont quip every few nanosecs then they dont have any personality
all nu wars is faggot shit.
Be a man in Kathleen Kennedy's office.
poz my neg ass
Rogue One is the only decent Mouse Wars film because Trump didn't win the election when the film had finished its production. That's it. Kathy doubled down on woke garbage in Mouse Wars after Trump won the election.
it amazes me that no one from the production, not even some lowly coffee-getting assistant, has leaked details about what really happened with this movie. disney must really be terrifying
The main bitch in this is probably the most boring character of all time, it's like they wanted an infallible female hero so bad they made her a wooden board
Even Rey is more interesting
This, plus the only reason to watch this anyway is for the Vader scene at the very end, which you can watch on youtube.
Tells you a lot about the faith Disney has in these movies that in every mother fucking film they make they have to include a character from the original trilogy for fan service and to keep the SW fags coming.
It's garbage like the rest of nu wars reddit nigger
She couldn't even move her face lest her wrinkles become to prominent
>I was so mad after the movie finished that I immediately got in my car and drove for an hour until I came to some anceint Native American ruins where I watched the sun set, just to find any hope in human civilization
I get that you're trying to make a point but goint to look at some ruins is an odd place to try and find civilization.
>Didn't retroactively ruin major characters/plot points
Destruction of the Death Star was allowed thanks to a strong female and her non-white team, Luke Skywalker would have never did what he did without them.
The last 30-40 minutes is the most Star Wars-y thing in years, and in some ways, felt more like a successor to the OT than TFA, or even the PT.
Solo doesn't really deserve the shit it gets either. Even the annoying fembot and forced black female character get fucking killed.
Solo would very likely get shit on less if it didn't come after The Last Jedi and didn't have the "Han... Solo" bit in it. I enjoyed it for what it was and was honestly a bit pissed off that the sequel setups with Darth Maul and Jabba the Hutt won't get followed up on because Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson a shits.
It made leia look like an utter fucking retard.
kill yourself mouse shills
Great counter-argument.
Back to your Alita thread
go back reddit nigger
alita trannies should be executed
>Didn't retroactively ruin major characters/plot points
>the original cut must have been flaming garbage
No, it was a proper war movie set in the Star Wars universe. It looked and feel like the OT but Kathleen Kennedy didn't like it and made changed to the script.
I know we will never have the original cut of Rogue One but I hope someone will leak the original script one day.
>The Vader in the hallway sequence also feels like it helps bridge the prequel and the original trilogies together
What a fucking brainlet opinion
>end of Rogue One
>Vader wants plans so he goes full killer Jedi mode and slashes and force throws 10 rebel soldiers quickly in order to get to the plans, only to be a few seconds too late and have the plans escape
Literally a few minutes later in A New Hope:
>they catch up to the Tantive IV
>Storm Troopers blast their way into the ship in a battle with rebel troops
>after a few minutes, Vader casually strolls in and starts barking orders about finding the plans
If he had gone full killer Jedi mode on the Tantive IV, the plans wouldn't have escaped again.
How in the fuck did he go from super rage mode to cool and casual in the span of 3 minutes?
From what I've heard the bad guy (Krennic) wasn't written as a moustache twirling villain originally and Vader was the one who killed the heroes one by one (also none of them looked like a diversity check list and the two asian guys weren't fags).
So would you not Rey?
I hope that cunt od's soon
Cinematography/visuals/aesthetic as fuck. Also the tone is more old school Star Wars
Nu wars is faggot shit
Yes they are diversity jewish propaganda but at least R1 was fun towards the end
It was utter fucking garbage you brain dead reddit nigger.
why is it so difficult for people to use then and than properly? focus your big brain power on learning english before wasting all your energy critiquing sci fi flicks, you FUCKING NERD
What are some essential bunny kinos?
Ending wasn't a copout
It has the aesthetic of the original trilogy
Compelling characters
The film has the same pros as Solo: it doesn't revolve around a blackhole of charisma with no motivation that everyone loves. And on top of that, since it's literally using OT aesthetics, everything doesn't feel like a cheaper knock-off of what we remember
Do we have a breakdown on what got changed? I heard it was a lot more than initially thought
>It was also a good way of showing how overpowered Vader is without the need of having him do ridiculous stuff like Sheev spins or forcethrowing spaceships at people.
B-but Rian said that the only way to have Luke be cool would be if he was flipping around the screen and destroying AT-ATs!
This is all I know.
>It has the aesthetic of the original trilogy
I think this is key, because of the setting they had to use the god tier Imperial aesthetic that everyone loves and not the store brand shitty version Disney uses for the First Order.
Also having the main villain be an angry middle manager seething about the credit for the Death Star being taken by Tarkin was pretty interesting. Especially compared to the villains in the sequels.
Nothing, it was fucking boring as shit with a slew of shitskins
It's a fucking flick for retarded plebs who like John Wick and Mad Max Fury Road shit
>Main character had an arc
Barely. What's there is really badly executed.
That was always the case you fucking brailet.
Reminder this OP is proof that Yea Forums has the most dogshit pleb tastes in movies that you can find on youtube and yahoo and twitter.
Shouldn't you be working on your trilogy, Rian?
>Compelling characters
>Rogue One
That's still a thing that exists?
>the only reason to watch this anyway is for the Vader scene at the very end
The Vader scene was literal capeshit, and you're a literal virgin.
To me it feels like RO could have been one of the best Star Wars movies if it was longer, had more character development, Krannic was given more spotlight and the last battle would have been more brutal.
Yeah you should see them all defending israelis savoir trump every day on there, it's a cringefest
That ass thugh
>this is what millennials brag about
>Badly edited
There's literally one cut, dipshit. Close up on her face to wideshot of them hugging. Do you even know what editing is?
It's literally meant to be a side story about disposable characters though
They matched the Rebels and Imperials looking like 1970s Working UK actors who just come from the pub and had a pint and a packet of fags for lunch. Like the OT had.
>defending rogue shit
You could've at least picked a character people actually remember the name of, not this CGI abomination.
you can enjoy a movie without seeing those characters again in 50 other movies, you know
>What actually happened was that they tried to sneak a proper war film under Disney's nose and KK freaked out
Did you not see the first few minutes of The Last Jedi? I know all you virgins love shitting on New Star Wars, but there's been more scenes in the new movies that actually feel like war movies than the originals and prequels combined.
>the characters are supposed to be shit!
You can have a story where everyone dies at the end without them being cardboard cutouts.
But user, he spikes the camera, could have fix in post.
The Nigress from the Disney park stole her Tonfa blasters
user 80% of the people on the internet talking about films are legitamtely mouthbreathing faggot retards who don't have any proper critiques.
They hate on the last jedi and its good.
I enjoyed R1 more than any Star Wars movie since Jedi, and that hallway scene was easily the worst part of the whole movie
Solo is the best of disney wars. Fact
You know what's funny, I recently played the Battlefront 2 (2005) single player campaign and there was a mission where you had to stop a rebel Mon Calamari Cruiser from hyperjumping through a Star Destroyer.
It's the worst one in the entire series, Ron
No you don't faggot, they are fucking fantasy movies you god damn nerd
Rian Johnson did nothing wrong
From what I remember, they aren't actually planning to hyperspace ram the Star Destroyer, it's them jumping to hyperspace to escape you're trying to prevent. They just happen to have the models aimed at each other because they were too lazy to change the default way the ships were mapped to that space arena
The Imperial officer seems to say though that they are going to fly straight through them?
>they are fucking fantasy movies you god damn nerd
gib pusy
It had old style storm troopers. It also had red, gold and blue leader.
This is a black leader.
It’s liked because krennic did literally nothing wrong.
>tasked by emperor to oversee the construction of their Death Star project
>needs Urso because he’s smart or some shit. Even if the geonosians designed it during the clone wars
>gives his effort then leaves the project thinking his work was finished
>krennic comes back for Galen because the job is having issues with the completion
>is kept hidden in empire territory so he doesn’t reveal secrets
>wants to blow up jedha because of how much of a pain it was
>kills the scientists as punishment for urso leaking the super weapon
>goes to the imperial library to make sure all is well
>dies trying to stop terrorists from getting highly classified plans
The plot of the movie was pretty much “do you know how many brown people had to die for your lily white lie?”
The Last Jedi has better:
>sound editing
>kills the scientists as punishment for urso leaking
That was dumb as hell
Yeah he's a right cunt now. And he was the lead in 4 Lions.
I think it's really brave how Kathleen decided to make the mainline entries these experimental films about progressivism while making the spin-offs retreads of the classic.
It's just a shame that the incel fanbase was too sexist to watch the films they'd like
If it's anything like his Godzilla movie, it's probably complete pretentious ass.
Donnie Yen? I checked out of the movie when they did the whole thing with the blind guy with a stick effortlessly knocking out six stormtroopers with kung-fu. It seemed absurd when we know Jedi masters have been killed by troopers. This movie had the opportunity to make the Empire seem threatening again, and it failed miserably. People only like it for the fanservice moments.
It was dumb, be he wasn’t wrong for doing it. Rebels would have killed them anyway.
Well whaddya know?
>it ain't me starts playing
Why didn't they just hyperspace ram the star destroyer, though?
Killing the scientists was just good policy. He made sure none of them would leak or sell information.
Why didn't they just hyperspace ram the Death Star?
Why didn’t they just hyperspace ram the death star for that matter?
Or why didn’t palpatine just hyperspace ram the jedi temple in the prequels? Nobody would even know who did it.
You're legitimately mentally ill. Rogue One just adds the idea that the exhaust port flaw was an intentional design to sabotage the whole thing and adds an explanation for how the Rebellion got their hands on the plans. It gives Luke something explicable to shoot at.
Why didn't they just hyperspace ram the shield gate?
>the exhaust port flaw was an intentional design
Thanks for reminding me why I really hated this movie.
This is where the Assassination of Luke Skywalker by the Coward Rian Johnson really began.
You don't know Dexter Jettster?
uhh, but in the movie the exhaust port is never mentioned. It's said the core is built to easily explode if you damage it.
The action and that's it
Shit plot. Shit characters. Shit everything.
But space battle was everything it needs to be.
I don't think so. Gareth Edwards is a real Star Wars fan (like Colin Trevorrow) and he wanted to make a war movie set in Star Wars while respecting the style of the OT. KK hated it and ordered the script to be changed.
The thing I will say, both Rogue One and Solo feel like what you would want from the spin-offs.
They extend the lore, bring in new locations and characters, but feel very "star wars" as well. This doesnt apply apply to the ST for some reason...
Hidden Figures
it was garbage, just not as bad as the rest. Still bad.
>movie jumps between three planets in the first welve minutes
>Even if the geonosians designed it during the clone wars
Palpatine genocided the Geonesians before he finished the super laser. Not sure why that happened though. There are a lot of loose ends from the Clone Wars show.
No scene has ever done a better job of restoring a character to his former glory than this fucking scene right here.
The prequels turned Vader into a whiny faggot, and this scene returned Vader to the glory he had in the original trilogy.
No it doesn't. The exhaust port as a flaw was an EU idea, as a fudge by the designer Bevel Lemelisk. Rogue One instead says that Galen built a flaw into the reactor that rendered it vulnerable to attack.
Also, there are over a dozen other small exhaust ports arrayed around what might be called the Arctic Circle of the Death Star and a giant one centered on the north pole. The one in the film is simply the one they decided to focus on.
>better acting, story, set pieces, practical effects, cg than prequels by a large margin
>hmmm le EP 3 is still le best star wars movie tho
Zoomers need to all be gassed and die.
where do you live, 2009?
the carnage of the clone wars severely damaged economic production across the galaxy. even if they had they superlaser design the original productive capacity to build one had been long destroyed. urso was brought in as a logistics expert to make the death star work with the what resources the empire had left
This. And the Darth Vader scene us now one of the most iconic in Star Wars. Something nothing else in nuWars can claim
Are fucking crazy?
That movie SUCKED major ass, the only parts that can be saved is the space battles and nothing more...
Why? because there is already a canon(Lucas canon) about how it way the stealing of the plans, the design was never a flaw left by some traitor.
The plans were paid with lots of lives and not a bunch of woke assholes led by a rebel "stronk wahman".
I'll give the names of those involve in the recovery of the plans inside the Tantive IV: C3PO and R2D2, R2 was at the receiving end of the antenna and 3PO was pretending to help fixing the antenna.
The Tantive got the info from another ship that was pursued by an ISD, the Devastator, the ISD monitored that the Tantive got the transmission and shot her, they made an emergency jump and Tatooine was the only place that Leia had in mind once the ISD got involved and the rest is the First Film.