Attached: Kraven.png (758x859, 923K)

>so I heard from a source...
fake and homosexual

> It would be racist if Kraven hunted T'challa and other Wakandans (black Africans) in the first film
>But that's okay if this Kraven hunts Spidey (white boy). OK

>african poacher character is black
ugh... kinda problematic oof yikes a bit toxic

>It would be racist if Kraven hunted T'challa and other Wakandans (black Africans) in the first film

That had nothing to do with why Kraven wasn't in "Black Panther".

Blackwashing a minor character in a way that is logical while also tying the universe together? Probably too smart for Disney.

They already blackwashed Shocker and brownwashed Scorpion, they don't need to change another fucking white guy black.

At this rate, spidey will be fighting "The Sinigger Six"

That's hilarious. Kraven was a white male hunter; a remnant of European colonialism in Africa. Now he's a local chimp LMAO

Scorpion has been latino in the comics before.

>Figay wants Keanu in MCU
>they want to cast Kraven, before the inevitable sinister six movie

it's not hard, m8s

I like the idea of Kraven being a savage Wakandan poacher, makes sense within the context of the universe. Plus if they blackwash minor characters maybe they'll stop doing it to the main characters.

Fake, sony making a stand alone kraven film

>thinks this is real
Sony is doing a Kraven solo movie.
the deal for spiderman is they(Disney) can use him and any of his side characters as long as Sony does not have a project going for that character.
that is why we wont get Venom

alternate universe

Point is, there's already too much diversity in Spiderman. If you nigs and spics want your own characters, create them yourselves. We're sick of you always taking what the man created and built.

they're gonna remove all white character when will you faggots get this? they hate you they want you gone stop caring about this jew degenerate shit or at least stop bothering the rest of us every time you're surprised a character isn't gonna be white for the millionth time

Read Kraven's Last Hunt. Being Russian its important for the character. Also


In ultimate comics

marvelfaggots will defend this

>master hunter
>rejects the tech opulence of his homeland
>hunts spiderman for his connection to stark and the black panther
>Predator 2 style "concrete jungle" in NY, roles are reversed and hunter dosn't need any of the tech his prey relies on.
>spider sense against his perfect instincts and genius tactical mind

this is actually way to smart and cool an idea for Disney to use.

Keanu is up for the main villain in THE ETERNALS.

Attached: Druig.png (750x400, 110K)


They were also doing a solo Mysterio movie and look how that turned out.

>Kraven is now Wakandan
>he wants revenge on Tony Stark for the vibranium Howard Stark extracted

I only mentioned this because of comments I've seen on social media in the past

Attached: Jeffrey-Dean-Morgan-and-Kraven-the-Hunter.jpg (738x369, 65K)

Reports are that Sony wants to deal Venom to MCU like they did Spidey. Also, there is no recent talks of a Kraven solo film.

Stop trying to sound smart... because you're not.

This might unironically work. I still think Kraven is a boring as fuck villain and they should go with carnage or something like that.

Fucking Kek

>all these pathetic attempts to rationalize this decision
It is shit and you know it LMAO

>Predator 2 style "concrete jungle" in NY, roles are reversed and hunter dosn't need any of the tech his prey relies on.
>spider sense against his perfect instincts and genius tactical mind


I ducking hate race swapping for muh gibs but in the context of the MCU a savage negro who chimps out and hunts Spidey cuz he mad he doesn’t sound that bad. It’s still race swapping crap but at least it sounds decent in theory.