once again, he proves himself as /ourguy/
protip: he's right. paying for pussy is wrong.
once again, he proves himself as /ourguy/
protip: he's right. paying for pussy is wrong.
When you're rich like he is women just flock to you regardless
Rich beyond your wildest dreams here.
Buy girls on a regular basis
Member when he cheated on Demi Moore with some random slut in Vegas and she sold it to the tabloids and he got a divorce? I do.
That's like a wall st. billionaire telling poor people that real men dont buy food
Real men do buy girls, Kutcher was raised in a pussified society where arranged marriages are outlawed and every father is made into a cuck by his own daughter.
Real men rents them
Oh shit, an actor insulted my masculinity. I guess I'll stop engaging in human trafficking now.
prostitution is empowering or not?
I'm not gonna take advice about what "real men" do from anyone who is over 17 years old and wears that kind of beanie.
I don't subscribe to your outdated gender norms, ashton. I'll buy as many girls as I want and still consider myself a "real man."
Also real men don't drive their own cars
some totally 18 year old offered me her anus for a pair of af1s
I said no though because I'm pretty sure it was a cop
How do I become a driver for the rich and famous?
No it's not. This guy has been brainwashed by feminazis. If we can buy prostitutes and escorts, then we dont have to put up with other women.
Ashton Kutcher watched hundreds of hours of child porn to put a stop to sex slavery.
Real women dont sell their pussy
he is shaming sex workers! cancel him! sex workers need more help and compassion they are having right now: their work being illegal marginalize them, put them more at risk of being physically and mentally hurt and the puritanical scorn they undeservedly get alienate them from social life, may even increase the chance of them getting sick out of shame of getting proper help when needed or feel like they have a way out of that work if they feel like it and would feel welcomed back in any other line of work that is not sex work. shame on him!
Real men dont have Medicare either, amirite
paying for pussy is the lowest thing a human can do.
having wealth and receiving pussy as a byproduct without spending is the definition of based
He hasn't been brainwashed by anything. Hes just saying what they want him to say to get good boy points. He is 100% COMPLETELY aware of what's up, yet he parrots the company line so as not to get ostracized and to confirm his place in the fucking main stream Hollywood society.
Every man pays for pussy. Either with status, looks, or money.
Looks are genetic. And if you have them it's a leg up, but you can be a beautiful man stuck with a nasty fatass real quick if you're not mentally strong.
Status takes experience and will to accumulate and isn't easy to keep.
Money can be easy or hard to come into based on many variables.
But everything is a negotiation.
I have no problem with men paying for whores as long as they don't get used in the deal. That said women who put themselves up for sell are rarely good in bed. Or so jaded it's not worth it.
At the end of the day it's all pic related
But he is still paying for them. He is paying with time and exposure.
Real men dont work 9 to 5 jobs
Prostitutes pay their taxes and their social security (healthcare included) where I live. The only thing PC assholes like him achieve is to ostracize the oldest existing business in the world and to further submerge these women into the underground world.
>works in an industry where women are treated like cattle
>calls out human trafficking
But they wont stick around long if they're not getting something out of the deal. Money, recognition of having fucked someone famous, free meals, clothes, booze, nothing is free.
Theres no such thing as altruism.
>dude just buy expensive stuff to show off and buy them expensive stuff so they fuck you
its basically the same just more dishonest
You always pay for it.
Real women have children
>where I live
>prostitutes pay taxes
>not American
Hes not talking about you and pic related
>paying for pussy is wrong.
there are no categorical norms, only hypothetical norms and institutional norms
Guess what I don't give a shit either fatsass.
what a misogynist
women have the right to use their bodies any way they see fit
his driver looks like a white version of Dr Dre
Then why are you here? Nobody cares about foreign shit on Yea Forums. Take it to /int/, gaijin.
nothing wrong with buying as long as the women aren't being forced. using escorts is just a time saver and there's no headaches of relationships either.
This. Its win/win. Everybody's happy and no one gets hurt. More than you can say for "normal" relationships
its because women are worthless
>Haha like im going to listen to kelso
I did before its a fair transaction
Easy to say for a male model and Hollywood producer. What about normies who need some human contact?
Is his driver ex FBI ir Secret Service, or is he just an ex police officer who retired after a couple decades?
>normies needing human contact
Found the normie tourist
this always makes me chuckle, miley cyrus holding a sign saying RAPE IS BAD like anyone who is actually rapist gives a flying fuck