what are some more movies that feature a job interview
What are some more movies that feature a job interview
My life in which I failed one at a fucking supermarket
What question got you?
I failed 2 at the telemarkting bro
Men in Black
Same here just live the NEET life instead.
Don't feel bad. I once failed an interview for a job cleaning toilets.
That was such a stupid scene. The entire purpose of it was to state that the MiB were not military-minded. Libshits are so retarded LMAO
Don't feel bad. I wasn't accepted into McDonalds some years ago.
I did too, but that was because I had a bad anxiety attack during the interview and she probably (maybe rightfully) thought that I was insane.
did you honk her to calm down?
Has anybody ever done an interview for a developer/programmer job?
I can't imagine being interviewed by one of those awkward fat fucks I bullied in high school haha.
Job interview kino
unfortunately I did not
I did too, then I applied at the same supermarket a year later and got the job.
when i was trying to get into the workforce as a young adult i was turned down by the shittiest jobs you could imagine. it sucks when youre a teenager entering the job market and competing for entry level positions at mcdicks with 35 year old men and women.
you were lucky. If you are going to apply fast food, why McDs? Apply somewhere that isnt so fucking busy
i thought it was about how profiling often works, will smith shoots a little girl reading a physics book, then later in the movie causes the death of a little girl through his short sighted actions.
I did, I was wearing a carhartt western button up shirt and a pair of wranglers.
I was interviewed by a literal onions with the cuck beard and the 80's glasses. Within about 5 minutes he asked "This office is big on supporting the lgbtq movement, and we do a free contract for the pride parade float. Working these days are mandatory, would you be willing to do that"?
I walked out.
Things that never happened.
This movie was shit. Get off the internet, Killer.
MotherFUCKER I just watched this movie today after 10 fucking years
is getting interviewed Will Smith's trademark?
Same. Nervous as fuck all I remember is saying that I wouldn't get mad when asked how to deal with an angry customer. Lmao. Used to have anger issues
Was a neet for 4 years after, but I make 3x the min wage now so it could be worse.
This scene gives me anxiety now after all the job interviews i've been through.
How the fuck do you fail a supermarket job interview?
You're a literal brainlet if you don't appreciate this scene. Probably the most memorable in the movie
I once failed a bank interview because they expected the tellers to remember the account numbers of "regular loyal members" and I thought it was absurd.
I bet one of those Monty Python movies has an Ebin Job Interview sketch with a straight man character and a randum funny guy xDDD
>what's your biggest weakness
>probably my noodle dick Haha
>it was just a jok-
>dont call us, we"ll call you
I watched this a while back but wasn't super memorable
Working at Mcdonalds is for teenagers, spics and niggers
>That was such a stupid scene. The entire purpose of it was to state that the MiB were not military-minded. Libshits are so retarded LMAO
The whole purpose of this scene was to show that the MiB valued problem solving, and thinking outside of standardized norms.
I watched this and thought it was... good!
>then later in the movie causes the death of a little girl through his short sighted actions.
what? this didnt happen
Based Spud on speed
He had on a great pair of pants.
I did too lmao
i interview people for web/java developer positions. i have an accounting degree with a comp sci minor and somehow that made my bosses decide I need to interview all the disgusting neckbeards and pajeets precisely because the actual systems architects and whatnot are like you described
I vomited all over the interviewer's desk 5 minutes into one I had last year.
Needless to say, I didn't get the job.
>has anxiety attack
>hey...hey are you ok,?
>I feel like I have ginger ale on my brain...
>if you don't leave right now I'm calling security
I barely graduated with an English Degree, and managed to get into an assistant management position where I interview fatfucks, nerds, geeks, and girls with blue dye.
Shit is hilarious because the interviews always get really awkward because none of these people have any social skills what so ever. I now see why some people ignore merit and just hire who they like, because some of these people are straight spergs who just ruin the work environment with their shit. I mainly hire boomers, who atleast have life experience even if most of them are still stuck in 2006.
I failed interviews for:
>Cashier at Walmart
>Wendy's server or whatever
>Movie theater clerk
>A couple of factory lowest level positions
I got my first job only because of a friend got me in but I only lasted a month
I think Glengarry Glen Ross counts.
best job interview scene of all time
>I got my first job only because of a friend got me in but I only lasted a month
What happened after a month?
What was the job? Why the firing?
Not the guy you're responding to but I had a similar situation
>get job as a waiter as my friends mother owned like 10% of company
>high end server (waiter)
>some chad dares me to steal a case of grey goose vodka in the back
>lol naw man
>do it, guy
>k...keep an eye on me, though
>if you pull this off, you're bad ass as fuck, brah
>get 2 cases into my trunk (12 bottles total)
>guy, just get one more....just one more
>go for the one more
>literally get caught red handed loading a case of grey goose into my trunk by some roastie seeing the other cases of grey goose in my trunk and she rats me out.
To be fair, the Chad that encouraged it brought me around to a bunch of parties afterwards and told all his friends what I did and they all applauded me for a bit until that novelty wore off...
You're an idiot dude.
>it’s everyones fault except mine
Only time I had to actually interview for retail jobs was during the recession. And some of them were interviewing like 20 people for one position, it wasn't so much about 'failing the interview' it was that there are just way too many people.
so were you unemployed for like an entire year then?
Was it a roastie doing the interview? They mostly pick based on physical attractiveness.
Samefag and I never claimed it wasnt my fault. I was just sharing some kino moments of my idiot teen years.
Sounds like you still haven’t grown up.
I bet you're the patrician Yea Forums(ner)
Guy, no bullshit. Why you mad,?
What state do you live in?
>gets btfo
>y-you’re mad
Yep, I was in high school at the time living with my parents.
Sounds like you're straight out of reddit. Why are you getting so butthurt by him using specific words?
Vermont, bud. U?
for me it is
>do you have any questions for us?
the best interview ruiner
(You) seem to be the only one who got BTFO though
I have access to ip's....
On my way friend
>tfw got 3 job interviews in the last month
>tfw all 3 places offered me a job
>tfw rejected them all
if you want someone with 7 years experience maybe you shouldn't offer $2 above minimum wage. fuck small businesses lol hope they all fail
What does a normal day look like?
What would define success in this role?
Those are my go to questions
>What does a normal day look like?
this desu, came here to say this
I always get this one mixed up with Circle and that one in the office building
God speed,brother. At the end of the day I just want to see you to do good. Shit talking aside.
What is your expertise? Go for smaller companies, mate
You sound like such a douche if you actually talk like this.
Awkward fat fuck here.
I’m a cyberdefence contractor. My company makes more in a week than you will in a lifetime. Bully me again, Biff, I’ll fucking drone strike you.
Fuck me those are great.
I just bombed two after kicking ass in the rest of the interview.
First one I asked "what's your favorite part of this job" and was met with a bewildered look of contempt.
Second I asked how likely it would be I'd have the time to work on an ongoing project in a different department. Bewildered contempt.
>My company makes more in a week than you will in a lifetime
That’s actually not that impressive.
kill yourshelf tranny
I always feel like I go autistic when this comes up and I ask too any questions but hasn't failed me yet.
few years as a vet assistant. I also have a shitty associates degree in business administration
I went from managing a dog boarding facility making $850 a week to applying to jobs offering me $400 a week. feelsbadman. I was offered $3 above minimum wage for 4 10pm-8am shifts back to back. like what the fuck, suck my dick. when i rejected their offer and asked to speak to the manager personally the supervisor i was emailing completely ignored me and instead offered me another 25 cents an hour. lmaooo get the fuck out. i'd rather bag groceries for the same price. this economy can suck my pathetic little dick
>talking in person like you do on an user Australian basket weaving forum
They just wanted someone that would think outside the egg. J got the job the moment he moved that fucking table.
Lose weight. You'll feel better.
Who are you quoting?
Get a bunch of credit and blow it on equity and declare bankruptcy 3 times
"They gave me a hard-on. They couldn't use a hard-on."
>the year of our lord 2018 + 1
>he still thinks green text is only used for quoting
You, you stupid twat
we're not always like that, though we tend to hire the people we're most like
so neckbeards hire neckbeards, regular people hire regular people. when I was hiring people I would hire more socially capable people like me
You’re done newfags.
>this man is defending me
>I put it in green txt becUse I can
God bless user.
fucking how?
Your mom's a newfag and so are you
meant for
Dont mind me just stealing those two questions there
>be socially awkward IT student
>apply for jobs
>am able to act super sociable in interviews, make interviewer laugh a lot etc
>never get an offer
Its hard having to compete against so many other applicants, I fucking envy boomers who just needed to walk in and shake the bosses hand
Tfw I am 4 for 5 on job interviews. The only one I didn't get was a phone interview where the company was looking for someone significantly more experienced but wasn't clear to the recruiter.
Came to post this.
God bless you too
>I fucking envy boomers who just needed to walk in and shake the bosses hand
Nah. You gotta work hard just like everyone else. Don’t expect everything to be handed to you.
Literally everyone does you dumb nigger.
how is applying for low paying internships expecting things to be handed to me?
I dropped that first one in a recent interview (that was already going really well) and all 4 people in the room looked at me like I offered them oral sex for free.
Another good one is "if we were to go forward what would the onboarding process like, and how long until I can get my hands dirty"
Does anyone else say ih she giddit?
>paid internships
Get a load of this entitled millennial.
Very insane. But admittedly, I worked a one month externship for free to be a dental hygienist before I started making 30 an hour
i dont fucking remember this movie
you know internships are just a way to exploit people, right? tell me again why interns don't get paid at least minimum wage? I mean if they're filling a position worth potentially thousands a week why not throw them $300?
oh yeah, because internships are garbage and will soon be a thing of the past.
most internships where I live are paid, usually more than minimum.
What's mine?
I started my dream job about 4 months ago. I spent a lot of time and effort to get this position and it was a huge dream come true. I honestly cried the first day of my job because I was so happy.
I met my boyfriend at this job a few weeks into it. I was still new so he introduced me to a lot of people and helped me fit in. We were really great and I loved having a partner who shared the same goals and interests as me.
He broke up with me a month ago and I found out he was cheating on me with another coworker. Most of the people who I work with have been supportive but there’s been a few people who tell me that I deserve to be cheated on and glad I’m out of his life. My ex broke up saying he needed time for himself but to still message him with whatever I need and wanting to remain friends. Then I found out a day later he was cheating in the final weeks. He ignored my texts and calls and won’t look at me at work.
I really fucking hate this job now. I’m crying constantly throughout it and can’t stand seeing my ex with his new girlfriend. He never even owned up to him cheating and pretends like I’m not his coworker. I eat my lunch in an abandoned storage room where nobody can see me cry. I get so anxious having to go to work.
I’ve been calling out for the past few days. This was my dream job and now I hate it. And the only person I can blame is me. I caused this. I decided to date a coworker. I couldn’t bear to tell my parents that I quit. They spent so much effort to help me get to this position.
I keep calling out because I get so anxious about going to work. I’m not emotionally ready to handle another day of crying. I don’t know how to tell my boss this situation. They know he broke up with me but not how much I’m struggling. I was the one that ruined my opportunity. I’m fucking sad that I ruined this. Anywhere I work isn’t going to be this dream spot I spent years to get to.
I literally had a failed job interview for a superkmarket 4 hours ago
what the fuck
>what's the best and worst part of working here
my go to
is offering oral sex for free a good question?
How'd you fuck up?
Its part of 4chans culture to tell everyone and anyone that there losers. We even call ourselves losers just for being on here. We ourposely write things so other people can laugh at us and call us losers. Its just part of the culture. You however, sound so unremarkable and stupid. I hope you take a good look at yourself. What a dumb way to lose a good job. Fucking loser.
Yea Forums's
Shut up, you illiterate loser.
>126 replies and no one has posted the quintessential job interview kino
Show tits
so this is what white privilege looks like.
Monster with Charlize Theron
She's a damn prostitute with no education or verifiable work experience and tries to get a legit job. It goes as you would expect.
Don't shit where you eat: the post
>tfw retail
Just mcfucking kill me now. If you ever think you might be stupid, go work retail, it will quickly make you aware that you might not be the dumbest mother fucker around.
Well you learned your lesson shame its your dream job though. Gunna have to get another dream job
I wish I could have been an astronaut, but even most of them don't seem to live up to their own expectations. Life isn't all it's cracked up to be.
It's honestly impressive how many people come and buy shit like shampoo, milk, toothpaste and baby formula at like 11:30 at night.
There's alot of people that go shopping late because they can't deal with being seen during the day. Trying to minimize the amount of human contact they have.
>less people
>no lines
Why wouldn't I
there are jobs that require people to work graveyard shifts that severely alter their sleep schedule and these people need to buy shit too
About 90% of these people are brown and bring their whole family.
>Hearing what my buddy goes through doing retail for target.
I want him to break out of that and I hope I never get stuck in it. And it breaks my heart to hear he got a co-worker whose an iraq war vet. 50 something black guy goes from big dick soldier to being lectured by some stuck up pompous 30 year old dyke whose only purpose and value in life is this job.
Good Will Hunting
At least you got an interview...
>whose only purpose and value in life is this job.
Shit that's most people
Fuck off whitie.
Show bobs
McDonald's cashier here, my company makes more in a week than you will in 5000 lifetimes.
How was this not the first thing posted?
I did too user, and now I'm a programmer making 60k a year
We are all gonna make it
based and bravepilled
you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded tho
If I ever had to work retail honestly i’d just sleep in my car and take food from a shelter till I found a better job.
dev interviews are pretty fucking rough. You have to memorize a bunch of algorithms and you can't pop a xanny or you'll be too fucked to think through the questions they ask.
>lost $11/hr job last year
>do nothing for 4 months
>start looking
>go to several interviews
>no calls or shit positions for $8 part time offered for 6 more months
>mom gets me a chance to apply for testing for a position where she works
>pass all of it and interview with no experience
>offered $22/hr full time with benefits starting and paid 6 months training last week
god i love nepotism
I interviewed for an internship at Google the converted to full time. Interviews were just over the phone with a shared doc for coding. Most of the questions were pretty simple algorithmic questions. Interviewed at a couple of other companies too, algorithmic questions like you'd expect.
Woah dude, epic ftw! Owned that lib.
I live in Chicago and lost my job about a month ago due to absences because my anxiety had gotten so bad. Now it's worse but I'm applying to 10 jobs a day trying to get back on my feet. Any kinos to help this feel?
Falling Down
The act of killing
Holy shit dude that’s the easiest part. “How long have you worked for the company?”
“What do you enjoy about it?”
Even something basic like that. Just rehearse like you would any other part of the interview
The Full Monty has a pretty good one.
I failed an interview at a supermarket and made 120k last year. There was ten years of horrible grind in between the two, but it was all worth it.
What reddit post did you steal this pasta from
I applied to manage a critical care unit in a hospital and had to interview with the chief cardiologist for several hospitals.
It was 20 minutes and ended with us talking about fishing.
What do you do now?
Cybersecurity. I took free online courses in coding (look up Udacity, Khan academy, etc), got started as an entry level front line tech support. Just kept learning new skills and moving up the ranks, across companies, across states.
We literally can't find enough warm bodies to plug all the holes we're realizing are wide open. Lemme tell you user, the internet isn't gonna get any more secure from a threat perspective. The corporate take over makes it worse if anything
Haha I love it XD
take your meds
It won't be the awkward fat fucks. It'll be the cringy Indians who got into the company via nepotism.
"See, this is what I'm talking about. Old school. Method. Brando"