How do we feel about Spiderman in the MCU?
How do we feel about Spiderman in the MCU?
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Only complaint is that we're going to have a fat Hobgoblin, otherwise pure kino
Over the course of 5 films, that faggot Holland hasn't given a performance even half as good as this one Maguire scene
Kinda lame. In my mind, Spider Man is the coolest superhero of all time. In the MCU he’s just some kid in Iron Mans shadow.
What was he when he first started in the comics?
I like Holland as Peter, but the actual Spiderman incarnation himself needs work. Hes nowhere near quippy enough and there isnt enough swinging around NYC shenanigans. The final scene in FFH is the closest we have gotten but it's not quite there yet. Maybe the next movie.
Who? Oh, you mean Iron Man Jr.?
Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.
Why does Spider-Man have a Zoomer body instead of length and strength of a Boomer?
Anybody hate the MCUs interpretation of Spiderman trying so so so hard to be subversive?
>Clear attempt to never mention Uncle Ben
>Avoiding to use the term "Spidey sense" among other things
>MJ hates web swinging
>Flash is a little short faggy kid
I could make a list a mile long I noticed when watching FFH. I know a lot of these are very minor or nitpicks, but seeing as the MCU is more or less the "definitive" or at least most popular adaptation of the Marvel franchise, I really feel like they owe it to the character to stick a bit closer to the source material. I'm hoping that it kinda fixes itself in the future a bit, maybe have MJ dye her hair red, or go farther into Spiderman's origin in a future film, but for the time being it's trying way too hard to be different.
I know right now everyone is sick of generic spider Man origin stories, but in 15 years kids are likely going to still be watching these films as they are a staple of the MCU, which will still be going on.
The relentlessly handsome Harley Keener Ty Simpkins is Ironman Jr.
He's based.
Cucked version of the character because of retarded company infighting.
So Sony in all their intelligence think that the rights will revert back to them or that for some fucking reason it's good to prepare for the chance that they make their own spiderman, so they have to follow the bullshit copywright law that states that if they should make their own version of spiderman it needs to be different from the one they do with Disney. So they give MCU Spidey all the different shit
>no uncle Ben, fucking Stark is his mentor
>black MJ
>all the characters are fucking different
Just so in the off-chance Sony makes the mistake of another spider-man running concurrently with Marvel, then they can make him the actual spider-man with the original characters
This is the definition of souless movie-making that shows big passion-filled blockbusters are fucking dead. I hope sony and marvel fucking collapse on their own weight and that Amy Pascal is strucken by a fucking bus.
the movies are fun tho.
I don’t think MJ dying her hair red would fix that casting choice.
I don’t know, but I don’t think he was Iron Man’s Robin.
I don't think it's that bad honestly
>Super prestigious school for the gifted
>Never has any money problems, his stepdad wannabe is a multi billionaire
>Uncle Ben exists but might as well not, May even dating other men
>Gets to date 2 girls without doing anything, they just fall in love with him because
>A spot in the Avengers too
It goes through the motions of being Spiderman without actually being Spiderman. The entire MCU is based around creating a power fantasy for boys instead of compelling, human, character arcs.
Because he is a zoomer.
This Spider-Man was born in 2002.
Meant for
legitimate question - why can the MCU not make a scene even half as emotional as this
Is it because of all the green screen? I don't know but I didn't feel anything when Tony died at the end of Endgame.
All the Sandman stuff is SM3 was so fucking good. Fuck those Sony morons for making Raimi shove Venom in for no reason other than selling toys.
Honestly that's why I like it. Tobey was too pathetic. Holland is a bit of a goofball but he has shit under control and doesn't completely embarrass himself with every word out of his mouth.
3 is underrated
the video game was the best iteration of Spider-Man of the 2010s across all forms of entertainment
change my mind
He hung out with the Fantastic Four more than the Avengers and Iron Man, he was pretty much on his own.
I liked the part where Peter Parker killed Mystero, good to see a face-heel turn in these movies
He's okay and works for what he is, especially since Marvel can't actually use Classic Spidey or any of his Classic cast because Sony is absolute retards
It's based. I love how Marvel keeps topping itself while DC is just one failure after another.
Mysterio definitely isn't dead. They will being him back for Sinister 6
Tom Holland is an absolutely perfect Spider-Man. He looks like a kid way out of his depth, and that's exactly the character he's playing and that fits Peter to a T.
Far from Home was a bit of a disappointment but the MCU Spider-Man movies are by far my favorite Marvel movies.
MCU Spidey had great potential but the lacklustre movies he's starred in ruined all that good potential. Nothing more so than the identity reveal in the new film
mcu spiderman is spiderman in name only
he doesn't have any of the true character, values, merit, qualities, whatever you want to call em
he's just tony starks bitch with miles' supporting cast
It doesn't bother me at all because the Maguire movies already exist, as do the Garfield ones. We've already seen jock Flash, and Uncle Ben, and all that shit.
Sticking close to the comics makes sense for character like Iron Man or Cap because they've never had major movies before, but Spider-Man has. It would just feel like a retread to do the same thing over and over again.
Besides, for all the changes they've made, they did pull a few things from the source material that the previous films never got right. Peter's gadgets, Peter's youth, Peter running out of web-fluid, Peter actually feeling burdened by the heavy responsibility of his double-life. Oh, and Aunt May constantly fucking with men he knows.
I see this logic.
Holland isn't the original Peter Parker. No mention of Uncle Ben, Stark seems obsessed with him, and JJ Jamieson (who already hates Holland spidey for some reason) is literally the same actor from the Raimi movies but BALD. Also note that none of the Raimi villains have been reused. MCU isn't in another dimension from Raimiverse, it's the same. It's just that a lot of time has passed. At some point Tobey calls it quits and starts a normal life. Meanwhile Holland is a clone created by Osborn that Stark rediscovers. Raimi spiderman 1 was in 2002. Guess when Holland spidey was canonically born? 2001. Not far off.
>Clone Saga
please no
I miss Toby so much. Holland is just so close to it, but falls short. I even liked miles of all things from spiderverse.
This actually has a jarring amount of credibility backing it up
>MJ isn't really Mary Jane
don't give sony any ideas you cretin
>isnt enough swinging around NYC shenanigans.
i love the build-up. it feels earned
yeah, spider-man will just be a poor kid from queens in 2019 with everyone being white
That's assuming he ever starts to do it though
Even though the director changed his mind about getting Tobey to voice old Pete in spiderverse, the guy who voiced Old/classic Pete was great.
I kinda wish Tobey had that sort of vocal performance with Spidey at times.
> Maguire Spidey never quipped at all, he was practically T'challa and Wanda tier in terms of earnestness.
Spider-Man is the only Marvel hero who is actually interesting outside of an extended universe.
venom and the black costume fit with the overall themes of forgiveness and sin
literally cant run 100 meters keke
This is controversial, but I think it's because they over-emphasised Parker's reaction to Tony's death over everyone else.
I actually think Cheadle was the classiest in that scene, the moment when Rhodey looks at Tony is the most powerful moment, no words, just the look in his eyes.
Whedon, for all his faults, did actually have the Avengers interact as a surrogate family, whereas the Russo's never did this, because they are all about plot. We see the Avengers standing there at the funeral, but we only get interactions within the established cliques within the team.
>as do the Garfield ones
we don't talk about those movies, user.
Now THIS is emotional catharsis.