it's completely gone
it's completely gone
Other urls found in this thread:
We needed another thread about this publicity stunt
There's a lot of reasons they shouldn't have included it in the first place, but to remove it now is just stupid. Probably just a ploy to get more views. What little artistic integrity the creator had is gone.
>removing the one scene that doesn't glamorize suicide
>There's a lot of reasons
How many reasons? Give me an exact number.
I feel like not including it would cause more suicides than having it. without it, a suicidal person just gets to see how much everyone will miss them. with it, they get to see how gruesome it is to slit your wrists and end your life. scare em straight
Link to scene?
zoomers are the most pathetic generation
damn, you can get away with that on netflix?
what was the original scene. Inb4 it wasn't even that graphic
nice try negro
it was actually pretty graphic
Who has the fucking scene
She grabs her brother's katana and commits seppuku with gore everywhere
that's fucking lame, why remove the one scene that affects the entire series?
thank god the rape scenes are still there
Real art should change based on public taste changing overtime.
Sneed-posting really should be met with perma bans. It was somewhat entertaining at first in Simpsons threads, but now newfags have spread the cancer everywhere into every thread, regardless of the topic, and it just isn't funny even ironically anymore. It takes no thought or imagination, just literally post the same variation of the 3-4 words again and again and it'll make autists/tourists laugh hysterically - either because derailing for the sake of derailing is an amusing sense of relief for those who cannot find a fulfiling outlet or relationship irl, or because newfags think this is how 4channers behave and want to "fit in." Mods won't do shit though because they're cock gobbling faggots. But they'll probably ban me for saying this though, knowing those digital niggers.
What the ffffffffuck is glamorous about killing yourself. It's not CAPABLE of being glamorized unless you're a fucking muslim and they promise you 100 virgins for blowing up a school.
at least they showed hot guys in a locker room
link to video pls?
>30% rise in global suicides because of this show
>Literally more dead globally than 9/11 because of a Netflix show
>All the do is remove a small scene
>Still keep the show online so they can make money
Greedy fucks profiting from death.
Kill yourself dumb fuck.
this is too much
>killing off whiny zoomers
wheres the problem?
you do know that if you mouse over the "[Embed]", you can see the thumbnail of the video, right?
Jokes on you, even without the embed I still haven't forgotten.
why is human life so absurd
If you kill yourself because you saw it on a tv show you weren't long for this world anyway
not the whole scene, but the important part
I still archived it.
I torrent Netflix Original series and movies in case something like this happens, for archival purposes.
I still watch them on Netflix as much as possible but I torrent them just so the uncut version is safe.
It first happened with Evangelion, when they removed Fly Me to the Moon (no worries for this one, since I have the Blu-ray box set from Japan as well as the Archives DVD box set, which is completely unedited, since even the Japanese Blu-ray makes some changes), then they announced that shows like Stranger Things would censor smoking, and now this.
Rule of thumb: If it's a Netflix show, torrent it before they censor it.
Even if you have a Netflix account, keep watching it on Netflix but watch your torrent if it ever gets edited/censored.
they censored smoking in stranger things?
they're censoring music from films with music? this is absolutely ridiculous and cancerous and im getting geuninely angry.
They couldn't acquire the rights to Fly Me to the Moon which is why they removed it from Evangelion.
Netflix Japan still has it, though.
just remove the whole show
thanks for posting this
that's actually pretty graphic, i can see why they removed it. i'm sure this show has caused some depressed teens to commit suicide.
she could have at least breastfed me before killing herself
I hadn't considered suicide as option to stop myself from being miserable till I watched this show for teenage girls.
>30% rise in global suicides because of this show
Citation, etc.
not the way I would do it tbqh
>remove scene
>everyone now googles and watches the scene due to the streisand effect
for me its a really high building, new york skyscraper imo, getting piss drunk with some music that hits personally, and as i pass out fall off.
>or same thing with a train
Glad they did this for humane reasons, not to put this show back on the headlines to promote the upcoming season 3 only with your Netflix subscription (which also has stranger things, another great show)
Honestly what sort of psychopath do you have to be to write a show that describes suicide as a power fantasy. I just don't see how you can be right in the head when you're glamourizing suicide.
John Wick 2 did this first
It doesn't. Well over half the series is dedicated to how it wrecked her parents and her friends.
Which is exactly what the bitch had in mind.
I don't have a mouse on my phone, newfag.
The Rules of Attraction did this already. Last time it was just the faggy UK that censored it.
Congratulations, now we're all faggots.
I get that the entire premise of the show is that "suicide is bad" but to a dumb teenager, the whole show makes suicide seem great. The "misunderstood" girl goes from being a pariah(as many teens feel like they are) to vindicated and sanctified. Everyone in the school swoons over her picture, commenting how beautiful she was. All the schools attention is thrust on her. It's very irresponsible. Even the act itself was glamorized in a way only Hollywood knows how to do, beautiful lighting and flattering camera angles, slowly drifting to death in a mostly peaceful ceremony. It's not really surprising that some have directly attributed this show as increasing teen suicide
Maybe I'm too desensitized, but I was expecting more
Still the show is rated MA so kids shouldn't be watching it in the first place, and if fiction made them kill themselves they most likely had deeper problems that went unattended. But of course, it's always easier to blame something else than for the parents to admit they fucked up
at no point does she ever talk to them about what bothers he
Never watched it anyway
... source
You might as well say the show glamorizes rape and violence.
made me feel ill desu
reminder that the black councillor did nothing wrong but they treat it like he handed her a knife to kill herself
>rick rolling people in 2019
time for bed grandpa
>market directed at young unstable teenagers trying to find some semblance of guidance
>show suicide and how it was 'divine' and 'great' and how everyone will miss them and constantly think about them
>kids commit suicide
parents should be ashamed and media entertainment people should be shot in the head
Based af
I haven't watched the show before. Where do i watch the girl killing herself? that shit sounds pretty cool and i wanna see it.
There, it's kinda tame imho
It's less about censorship and more about Netflix being cheap not wanting to pay royalties on copyrighted music. None of the music on Supernatural is what originally aired on tv.
Why did she an hero? I'm not going to watch the show to find out
Yeah I can think of several people i knew in high school who would've gone through that thought process. Of course they never realize that they don't get to experience that catharsis because they will be dead. I also like how they had the kid who shot himself live while the girl cutting herself died. when it is way more likely that she woud have survived than the other kid.
Imagine watching tv shows ever and not watching historical flicks
idgaf this is sick
reputation slowly ruined by scummy/bitter dudes, friends, and herself, culminating in her getting raped and losing her families fortune
>phonefaggots are comfortable with being phonefaggots
where has my beautfiul Yea Forums gone?
if I was this ugly I would kill myself too
Rape and bullying
she made 13 cassettes (muh asthetic) that each blamed a person for her killing herself. many of them were really shitty reasons. though the tipping point was that she was raped. tl;dr cunt kills herself and tries to guilt trip others into also killing themselves
holy shit
really, the show comes off as indifferent or even encouraging of suicide in the end. Kill yourself white people.
nice tits
Was the rape scene hot?
This was more painful to watch desu.
What do they replace the music with? It's been years but I think I remember Kansas music being a plot point.
I can see the thumbnail on my android.
Can watch webm too
Fuck Netflix, no respect for art. I absolutely hate some of their shows but I wouldn't wish for the to be censored. Art is all or nothing.
I stopped watching before the last episode becuase the show was gay, fuckin hell it's gross but the whole show is a mess
I don't remember. so I guess it wasn't
Damn you got me
I tried watching the series but got bored
Do they get into why she gets a haircut??
They keep Kansas. It plays carry on wayward son 20 different times instead of the other classic rock it used to have
>teen suicide is up purely because of a TV show
I wish I was this dumb sometimes.
Exactly. People who consider suicide often are fantasizing about all of attention they’ll get after they die by shocking everyone
They did not retroactively censor smoking in Stranger Things though and that article does not say that.
Although there were a couple of times that made me wonder "why was he smoking", like when Eleven is in that dream world in between the vision and sees possessed Billy who comes out a room and extinguishes a cigarette, that took me out of it because
1) We just saw him waiting in the room, not smoking
2) Why would the Mind flayer smoke?
I am not sure if I should be happy or feel relieved that I don't know this feeling.
Never watched this gay show, what was the scene they removed?
needs the hairy thighs
this is a ripoff of the suicide scene from rules of attraction. the scene was quietly removed from the bluray release. I watched it once and never was able to watch it again because it was so gut wrenching
I also collect Blu-rays (formerly DVDs, but I still do get some DVDs for stuff not on Blu-ray) and LaserDiscs.
I especially love collecting Criterion, Arrow, Shout! Factory and 4K releases.
Also, I make my own bootleg Blu-rays for private purposes for movies and shows where the HD version is only available digitally and not on Blu-ray.
>editing/censoring your art
>depicting certain acts is the same as glorifying them
No balls. Neolib retards.
here it is dailymotion.com
imagine being this faggot boomer and then saving this shit unironically lol
shit, that's the censored version
Get fucked /pol/
That's really fucking lame. I didn't even watch this show, but you don't do that. It's fucked.
I dunno if I would bother seeing this myself. Suicide scenes are quite disturbing to me since dealing with it myself and even having a girl i was madly in love with who almost bled out on her dorm floor.
Yet sometimes you should show that disturbing stuff. People who have trouble with it should be triggered in a safe space. Really. Not joking using those terms. Those terms come fron treating PTSD and trauma. They were stolen by the lefties to censor opinions they didn't like. Movies are a safe space , fiction, to deal with your trauma. Triggering images in films and tv cqn help you through your own issues. Sometimes you need a good cry over a scene that disturbs you and uits too close to home.
Yeah. Showing something doesn't nessisarily promote it. It is like the old Hays Code or Comics Code that banned drug use and many criminal acts. It was blunt and even made creators shy away from even cautionary tales.
These retards are as bad as the Bible thumpers who hruned comics because they thought Batman and Robin turned kids gay.
Why do people commit suicide instead of homocide?
because depression is punishing and sucks all energy and life out of you, getting out of bed is hard enough vs. going out and doing something that requires a lot of work
1. Nobody posted sneed
2. Fuck off with the Simpsons threads already. It is a cartoon. Cartoons belong in Yea Forums. Fuck off to Yea Forums and stay there. Here I'll make it easier for you.
>B-but it was a part of primetime television like Seinfeld! Everybody watched it!
Yeah, and everybody watched Spongebob too, it's still a fucking cartoon.
Lmao just buy a gun, aim at someone and shoot, it's not that hard lmao
Even if you can't buy a gun, an axe or a katana will do the job fine
you clearly don't understand depression and you never will
>Dude, I killed myself because of a netflix show
the state of american teens.
Netflix encouraging depressed people to commit suicide is a GOOD thing.
When will people learn that suicide is not a bad thing?
They don't kill themselves because of a show, they kill themselves because the world is shit and nobody tries to offer any help out of it. The show merely pushes them further, nothing more.
>Am I a shitty person? No, it's the rest of the world thats shit
Do you idiots even read news? This is common knowledge. Netflix killed hundreds of teens just to earn a few dollars.
>scapegoating a fucking tv show
why are americans like this?
>dude DOOM makes kids shoot up schools
>dude marilyn manson makes kids kill themselves
>dude dungeons and dragons makes kids worship satan
>guidelines for how suicide should be depicted
>dude hollywood and mainstream media makes people gay/trans we need to do something about the brainwashing
it's a difficult problem to solve. mental issues have become taboo in america and that's a problem, no one gets help, we're encouraged to bury our feelings. shows like this make mental issues relatable in modern culture and that's going to push some people over the edge, and it's also going to call attention to an issue that desperately needs solving but people are too afraid to talk about. odds are the people who took their lives were going to anyways and there was no stopping them. it needs to be talked about and needs to become normal though, and there's no good way to do that.
Yet they keep the other scene?
>>dude hollywood and mainstream media makes people gay/trans we need to do something about the brainwashing
>he didn't start doing millionaire heists after watching Oceans Eleven
>The Ministry of Artistic Guidelines and Ethics.
This is really fucking stupid.
The suicide itself was pretty powerful stuff and visually raw and gruesome.
Fuck this PC shit. And of course since Netflix doesn't release physical media, this is all most people will ever see.
lmao literally fucking memory holed fuck this dystopian nightmare
why would you ever kill yourself with a razor? That looks painful and drawn out as fuck.
Anytime ANYTHING comes out that's popular there will be an uptick in said media acitivity.
>movies about street gangs will lead to slight and short-lived increase in street gangs
>tv shows about skateboarding will lead to slight and short-lived increase in skateboarding
ITT: Incels mad they cant get off to a young persons suicide anymore
That's it? Cutting her wrists in the bathtub? This show has to be fucking pathetic if the penultimate moment is as contrived as that.
Is the scene of her parents finding her still in? That's the only part that got me even a little
whats the best way to do it lads
>female suicide
I get that it's fiction, but c'mon... that shit doesn't actually happen.
Can someone please explain to my why suicide is a BAD thing?
>oh you're suffering and would prefer to not exist? Well fuck you you're here until you die of a failed liver at 56 due to too much drinking
yes but they cropped it to not show any bath water/blood. so when her mom hugs her it's cropped terribly
take 10 asprin, take some oxys drink 10~ shots of whatever. actually drink the whole fucking bottle and put the barrel to your head
Seneca did it first
>suicide is selfish
>people should suffer and bury their pain so that i don't have to feel guilty about not helping them
Literally even heard post-suicidal people spout this shit
thank goodness someone is out there archiving flavor of the month netflix trash in case they edit out a scene of someone hitting a bong
it's not difficult: don't create a media entity depicting suicide as permissable.
suicide is literally the most selfish thing you can you.
Why? Is the state mad at losing a labor unit?
Oh the darkness.
Oh the dark thick pain of loss. The selfishness.
How many moments away were you from feeling the love that was universal. From every corner of the world you were loved. So selfish. You’ve given us cause to be so angry. A spiritual guide once told me suicide is the most selfish act a human can execute and I was confused but she explained there’s just no mental place further away from humanity and purpose than the hypnotized numbness that creates the false picture of despair, that forces the victim, unaware, to believe, life’s legacy is over. That there is no more service. No more task. No more love left to give to another to to be given. Nothing to heal.
On a cloudy day that is so cloudy it’s one large mask of grey, does it mean there are no more clouds or parting of clouds, ever? Or that the burning life giving sun is not on its way or that it is already there is ones powers of imagination and perception will only open like with the ease of a child’s mind, open to see and feel the peace and reassurance if the heat and light that buried and the light that annihilates the shadows that frighten, that may have even been until moments ago absolute proof that there were no there are no monsters in the room.
thank goodness someone is out there posting snide reddit tier replies to let the world know how aloof he is
So what? I hear you took your life in paris. What hotel? Did you relapse? Did you just get home from the best meal of your life? Did you cheat on your girl. Those of us that knew you are shocked and angry and angry and angry selfishly angry, for what you just did to us. Millions I should think. At least a million people like me who imagine they know you. Some imagine they know you even well. But you heard that phone ringing, you felt it buzzing in your coat or pants pocket, vibrating a million times, but you didn’t answer it. You let it ring out. Did you bleed out? Did you suffocate? Did you jump. No you didn’t jump. Is it important we know how you did it? No. But that you did it. One of the tentative titles of my new studio is Bourdains. Because you’ve come to realize and exemplify a steady however dim hope, that history is bending towards justice. Would you have taken your life two years ago when like me you were unable to take in food and move it with your tongue over your taste buds because your tongue was too swollen? Is too swollen. I think and dream and plan on eating and tasting and enjoying every meal I’ve ever enjoyed and every meal I’ve learned to enjoy in my imagination, Altho I’ve never met a meal I didn’t like in the last 40 years except anything with too much cilantro. Was that it? You woke up and realized you were no longer hungry. And that even with a young daughter at home you would never be hungry enough again to want to take in breath.
Was your father’s hate so still so present as to cloud over every last sunny moment of every single damn day Anthony. Oh darkness. My prayer before the light breaks this morning of June 8th, is that it doesn’t ever again fool another warrior like you, who chased the hot slice of momentary satisfaction around the world 15 times, but found no reason for 16. Anthony Bourdain killed himself. At least you had that beer with Obama on a busy street in Vietnam, in a plastic seat, with your favorite type of meal, spicy noodles and goop, and he gave you hope, I saw it in your eyes when you asked him, as if you were 12, to your father, “Are we going to be all right?” And Obama reminded you and us all that history is not written in a straight line. But yet it is written. And it bends towards justice. You found and showed us pockets of freedom from individuals around the world, from your pirate ship of tv and with a crew of brilliant writers producers camera and sound people, assistants, executives and lawyers who saw you clearly and loved you dearly, and went the extra mile on paper, to enable you to walk there, in the rain, before daylight, and waiting for the sun, reflect quietly on the pageantry, about to unfold. You could have and should have given it one more shot. Sometimes we must live in service to another’s life and live with no hope of equality. Life isn’t fair that way. Who says you had a right to take away all this love from us so soon? Oh the darkness. The darkness on the edge of town. “There’s a darkness in the edge of town...”you left too soon my friend. I fell asleep to watching you enjoy Uruguay last night. It was a rerun but I always find something I didn’t see before... you left too soon. And I’m going to prove it...
based skitzo poster
Death is a necessary evil user. Sad but necessary
She gets into a bathtub filled with water with a knife, and it spends like 3 minutes with her just kind of staring off into space, looking down at her wrists and silently contemplating if she’s going to do it or not. Then, she quickly cuts her wrists and drops the knife, beginning to gasp and shake as blood starts to stain the water red.
She gradually begins to rest her head against the side of the tub and struggle for breathe as she stares at the camera, her eyes giving the impression that she’s thinking about everyone and everything and whether she made the right decision, then she’s gone.
Then, you hear her parents walking around calling out for her, and her Mom opens the bathroom door and pauses in the doorway:
(Hesitant/dazed): “H-Hannah?... Baby?”
She bolts to the bathtub and touches her, realizing how hurt she is and what happened
“No, no, no, no, no—“ (she turns around and screams the dad’s name)
He runs in and is like “Oh my God!” And she starts yelling for him to call an ambulance.
Then she’s cradling her head and going: “Come on baby, it’s ok. Please hold on, please hold on. It’s going to be ok.”
Then it cuts back to the present day. It was nice because after hearing so many characters talk about it and turn it into this otherworldly thing you get to see the gorey reality and aftermath of it. First time I saw it I was hoping she’s pull through even though I knew she wouldn’t.
Mother fuck
Are you that autistic fag from double chan’s abdl board that acts like he’s archiving the entire internet?
I forgot some anti-Netflix editing repellant.
Here's some:
I don't even know what you're talking about.
The whole show seems like a psy-op to get teenagers to kill themselves since then everyone will finally pay attention to them and feel bad for them lmao.
I liked the show but it was bullshit how one of the reasons was: “Alex said I have a nice ass. OMG I’m going to kill myself now.”
And then he’s so distraught about it he shoots himself. I’m not joking.
It was pretty hot desu. Season 2 features a lot more of it.
Swing Kids did it first
Wait. They fucking removed the scene from Rules of Attraction? Are you fucking having a god damn giggle at my fucking expense right now, M80?
[Embed] button was a mistake.
Who thought filming this would be a good idea knowing the type of girls that would actually end up watching it?
>thinking the gory reality discourages suicidal people
It made it far more appealing to me. It showed that its a real possibility. Some people arent meant to live. Why force them to? Because youd feel sad I guess. Lol.
Bitches like that only think of themselves. They don't think about what would make other people happy, user.
This guy: encyclopediadramatica.rs
You talk like him and are also a name fag like him. If you’re not him I would examine your life so you don’t wind up like him.
who gives a shit?
>Not fapping to it in an empty movie theater. I'm glade I only own it on dvd.
This place is sick.
That's it?
>the new study cannot prove that the television show is what caused the increase in suicide
>There were no significant trends in suicide rates in people ages 18 to 64
Why are teens under 18 clearly with already existing mental health issue watching a M- rated series?
there's no way to prove causation, rates rise and fall regardless of what's on the telly
I'm surprised she didn't go the toaster route.
its such a shitty melodramatic edgelord tween show. thats why i watch it actually bc its feels really surreal and funny to watch. it totally romanticizes suicide just from the plot alone to me this is very obvious. writer is a stupid freak lol
just feels surreal bc of how damn popular it is for what it is
>slot your wrist
She took the pussy, pain-free way out. She downed fifty painkillers.
>it doesn't
Read the fucking book. The entire book is about guilt tripping the people that "made her" kill herself. There's a teacher that get the tapes based on one interaction where he doesn't read her mind or storm after her. The girl is a psychopath.
Thats a shame, the scene was really done well. It was hard to watch especially when the mom found her.
>NO Blacks
wtf? I love thots now
I guess physical media truly wins, since that's now the only legit way to watch the uncut version
>Hop in, dude
the whole show should be gone. glamorizing suicide was disgusting.
this. stupid retards. they probably just want to get a lower rating to expose even more, younger people, to their filth
>killing yourself in such a way that your mom has to find a gruesome scene and CLEAN your mess afterwards
in a way, people who do this do deserve death
Netflix is confirmed a terrorist organization
this. I personally noticed a spike in female suicide around me.
we /1984/ nao
It's only on DVD.
No Blu-ray for you, not even 4K Ultra HD.
And this show is on 4K in Netflix.
Thank God I made my own bootleg 4K UHD Blu-ray with all of the bonus features from the DVD but the Dolby Digital Plus audio and 4K video from torrents.
I lost everything I owned in Hurricane Sandy. I don't collect shit anymore because like *that* it's gone.
Explain how the modern American left isn't literally just The Moral Majority for the 21st century.
i hope they put it back after this has blown over and i finally get around to watching it. fuck knee jerk self censorship, i hope the writers/producers are at least pissed.
If you kill yourself over a TV show, you'd find another excuse soon anyway. This is an obvious publicity stunt so people start talking about it.
The first half of the first season was pretty decent, then it got moronic with “an evil white guy rapes two girls” storyline. Until that point, it was interesting because no character was evil/bad, they were all teenagers doing what teenagers do, and that was the tragedy of the whole thing. Having someone to blame completely ruined everything.
Okay, I'll just kill myself because they removed the scene. Going to post this in my Twitter before I kill myself.
That was Netflix's in for popularizing a show that would maximize copycats
too soon, my man.
Man I wish I had the balls to do shit
bro, way too soon
>no blacks
how can a house of whores be so based
They edited out a scene in the original Bill Nye show about gender.
it's shopped, it used to say no cock blocks