Why was he such a pussy?
Why was he such a pussy?
Jeffrey Epstein?
bc he killed himself lmao
self-hating white who supported white genocide
he was self-admittedly narcissistic and indulgent. his later years were centered around short-lived relationships and a need to get heavily into martial arts to keep his demons at bay, guy was always destined to off himself at some point if you read his books
Paypig realized what was happening too late
He was literally a leftist pussy who bought into the noble savage meme. So much that he unironically married one.
The only episode of his you need to watch is the one where he goes to an impossibly hard to get reservation on the upper italian coast where he knows the chef from his heroin days, then proceeds to make fun of all the americans watching his show that will never experience it.
He naturally had a depressive personality and then he tanked his brain chemistry with drugs and alcohol. He was producing practically no dopamine on his own and probably couldn't even feel happiness while sober. He also traveled all over the world several times and had lady problems. There wasn't a good future in sight for him and the good old days were over.
there’s an excerpt in one of his books (not kitchen confidential) where he moved to a random caribbean island in his twenties working at a shack-like bar/restaurant. he described blacking out after work nearly every day and driving on the roads testing himself as to whether or not he could jerk the wheel off of a cliff. he was always fucked
How did this man get a table with no reservations??
>whether or not he could jerk the wheel off of a cliff. he was always fucked
We ALL do this subconsciously, at least i hope it is.
Just another "enlightened" materialist atheist. Cry me a river.
Came here to post this. Also,
>local natives (in their language): hey here comes that big nose smug self-satisfied shit. Let's get him to eat some kind of animal balls and tell him it's a local delicacy. No no it will totally work trust me guys I've pulled this shit a million times on these ugly paleskins look LOOK he's doing it hahaha the madman the absolute madman
Good riddance to him and all the faggots that idolized him.
I live in Houston. The best chef in Houston(my nigga Ronnie Killen) has 4 resturaunts. I have never once needed a ressie in any of his establishments.
what book nigga
think it was Medium Raw from 2011
His fucking wife.
that sounds incredibly based, link/title?
he ate all the food and there was nothing else to do. never eat all the food.
kinda hoping the same doesn't happen to my father..
that's insanely based
Because it was easier to be a smug, condescending narcissist to mask the deep self hatred, insecurity and discomfort he felt in himself. Hilariously, most of the bitch made posters on this board suffer from the same condition
He was Jewish.