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Yea Forums is cringe
God damn it.
WOW so progressive
the future is female, get over it shitlord
>Muslim lesbian
quite common in the bizarro world progressives live in
And they wonder why nobody is subscribing for that streaming service.
he saw the betachad trying a dominant body language and poking into his workspace, flawless shutdown
dude probably didn't realize how bad he'd been punked until the vid got uploaded
if this goes on any longer TE Lawrence is going to show.
she says she's not a muslim moments before this
Ok, I'm unironically offended.
Is the brown chick supposed to be Muslim?
>has a boyfriend
>bottle of alcohol
>kissing dyke
>all while wearing a hijab
Why the fuck do they keep trying to latch on to us? We will literally *never* accept faggots of any gender, real of make-believe, degeneracy, non-celibacy etc.
These fucking kikes and rainbowniggers need to stop. By allah we will triple the output of roof throwings if they don't.
she's an alien computer in the body of a dead muslim girl
This is just as bad as those chinks drawing girls and calling them boys.
That's clearly a hijab.
Speak for yourself you bigoted faggot.
>dead muslim girl she's possessing was a refugee who used her asylum status to commit acts against her host country
seems very red pilled on the muslims if anything
Gas yourself libshit.
I can't wait until they really start to push this stuff on you guys. It's going to be barrels of fun.
Brave and fearless, where is that from?
Based Kebab
She was a funny character.
Do you blame the bacteria for causing a diabetic foot infection or the host's poor glucose control?
Blame the kikes you voted in you dumb faggots.
>le west is dying oh noes!!!!
You did this to yourselves.
>muslims don't commit terrorism it's the jews!
I don't believe muslims use the internet and post here
it's too absurd to imagine
They have to in order to push their religion of peace meme. Everyone knows you guys are violent savages, so they have to double down on associating LGBTQ+++ intersectional feminism with muslims in media to brainwash people into believing the not all muslims argument.
western animation is so awful. that is the flattest, most boring looking kiss I've had the displeasure of watching.
wassup nigga
>violent savages
When I go back home I see
>tight knit community
>Everyone knows each other even in big cities
>no degeneracy
>no fucking needles on the street
>no hobos on every fucking block
>no incels or thots
>every person grows up knowing they have a place in society and is therefore well-adjusted and pleasant to interact with
>lots of nice couples walking with their kids who aren't on adderall/stimulants to treat their "adhd"
>no single moms unless it's a widow, who then has the support of the entire community.
I live in NYC and work in medicine, I've seen horrors you can only dream of. I deal with the literal breakdown of humanity on a daily basis.
How the fuck do you walk down a midwestern street littered with needles, hobo piss and shit and think "damn, this really is the best place on earth".
America in 2019 is fucking india but with toilets.
the only thing stopping westerners from teaching how to dildo ones asshole in grade school is muslims
We don't animate it tho
then they throw rocks at you for saying some dude in a cave probably didn't talk to the supreme creator of all things haha
I seriously hope you're a shitskin yourself, or else that's pretty embarrassing.
>wears traditional religious garb
>lol I'm totes not a [insert religion here]
Fucking women, I swear.
Fuck you I laughed at your stupid joke.
>tight knit community
yeah they sure are tight knit, they stick together when they go around gang raping women lmfao
I never understood the Hijab in the west.
>Have the freedom to wear what you want
>"Chose" to wear what is a symbol of oppression to tens of millions of women the world over
That being said It's pretty hot senpai.
>the guy who created the Gargoyles animated series made this shitheap
What. Went. Wrong?
And just like that we witnessed character assassination. Like I get Violet is coming to terms with being a Mother Box using a corpse as a body but this is so far out of left field for everything we've seen of her that this scene seems like a fever dream.
Even last week's episode they had her up and go "even though I'm a Mother Box and in the body of a girl I'm not sure if I'm a girl, a boy or what".
You aren't fooling anyone mohammed. Highest hdi your shitholes have is UAE at #31 lmao
Oh and dont forget western feminists saying it's a symbol of freedom and women's rights.
she's also says she's not a woman
>Orthodox Muslim woman
>Wearing a head scarf.
>Totally chill with dye job lesbian shoving her tongue down her throat.
Is this what the left thinks Muslims are like?
Please marry my sister and let into this kind of conservative loving family. I don't want her to get more corrupt and become a thot when she grows up.
Personally my problem with the Hijab in the west isn't muh symbol of opression, it's the fact that a bunch of foreigners with a different culture are here in the first place. I get why they do it, they respect their culture, traditions and religion, and yeah it's very likely there is some amount of male peer pressure involved, but I don't care. They can do whatever the fuck they want, as long as they do it in their own country.
>no incels or thots
Hard to be a thot when you get married at 6.
why? you goatfuckers are all degenerates.
there isn't anything more degenerate than sharia law you piece of shit. return to the backwards shitholes whence you came, all your kind are good for is shooting each other.
So its rape, nice.
i read a statistic that something like 40-some percent of Muzzies abbandon their religion when they come to the West
i was surprised, doesn't make me want to kill you any less
no that's what an advanced alien AI wearing the corpse of a turncoat muslim girl islike
There's like five different flavors of cancer here
The rare based Turk
Your tiny penises are tight knit into little girls and goat ass you shitskin