Archie's jungle fever is pretty hot
Archie's jungle fever is pretty hot
>fucks MILFs and negroids but won't fuck Jughead
Immersion ruined.
Archie isn't a pussy faggot.
Last time I watched he seemed more into Veronica's dad.
What's being with a black girl like?
He's pretty hot
surprisingly soft, black bitches love cuddling and lovey-dovey shit, it's great.
it's a tad smelly but you get used to it[
One hand is constantly on the wallet
stop redhead genocide
Do other races of women not enjoy that?
This girl is a fucking dime.
This, I noticed that they are masculine on the outside and very feminine on the inside.
Kinda cute
>Every black woman with a lead role fucks a white guy
Diversity is great!
How many women have you been with that you can seriously say you can notice a difference? You gotta pull up your resume if you wanna talk shit here bro.
I've found that not as much desu.
This is completely anecdotal and from personal experience but
>white girls want to be pleased
>latino girls are on the crazier side, they want everyone to have a good time
>black girls are needy, love cuddling and all that le gay shit
>asian girls aren't that much into sex desu, maybe they're hard to relax and just give into it but I dunno, they're rarely into it. Maybe I'm just a bad fuck lmao
Mixed chicks is up in the air.
I had no idea. I thought it was universal all this time. I definitely would have expected both of those to do it a lot.
Depends on the girl and how she was raised culturally. My experience has been pretty much like with a white girl only her braids make me get rug burn when we spoon.
This is honestly fascinating. Thanks for the write up. Going off this id want the black girl.
No, not that user, but I'd go with white any day of the week. They tend to smell better and act out less in public. I dunno, maybe you're into that, but after dating a few black chicks, I'm not a fan.
He is with she now?
I just want to experience the lovey stuff and maybe get it all out of my system
Foul smelling
She is with a whitebasedboy irl lol
The smell is funny to me because black girls always talk about how they think whites smell bad and have bad hygiene.
All blacks with good self-care have to wear lotion because the dead skin (colored white) that you get during the day doesn't blend in with their skin like ours does. If they don't lotion, it's like being covered in dandruff. That's probably what you're smelling. Just ask her to change it.
And my black gf was too timid in public, if anything. I straight up had to do all the talking. I can't relate to that.
Trust me, once you fall for one black girl you'll never want to go back to white ones. You'd probably be better off staying away.
White girls genuinely kind of disgust me these days.
Bedwenchs make me sick
Who said I’m white
Why though?
Because white girls just can't compete. The ass is flat, my guy.