Since making money isn't their agenda, what their endgame?
Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Terminator, BOND
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Haven't you noticed? This planet is a ghetto meant for torturing you.
but then I realized its a comedy
I figured demoralization is their endgame
No one cares glowcel, just kill yourself
It's basically an e-sport at this point. They compete with their peers to see how far they can take it.
Poisoning the minds of millions of goyim with international Marxist Judaism
money laundering to cover far more sinister endeavors
>Oh man, it’s a clown world out there
>Honk Honk
It's important that future generations believe that the Brazil tier hellhole they're growing up in was always the norm. It'd be pretty problematic if they didn't have to go back far in media to see this used to be a safe, white country.
they are still mad about the 2016 election and use entertianment to complain about it
They've realised that White Western civilization is basically incredibly pussified and you'll never do anything about it, so they take great pleasure in endlessly shitting directly on your faces and the faces of all of your ancestors and all your descendants who will live in countries ruined permanently by their malevolence.
Deal with it
political gain. Money is worthless when you got tons of it
better say you want to kill niggers and kill women to own the libs
that will make them stop
>they are still mad about the 2016 election and use entertianment to complain about it
This isn't the work of the democratic party. This agenda goes far beyond letf/right politics. The men running Hollywood aren't really socialists, are you aware of that?
>Deal with it
Until we deal with them
honk honk
>Non white character gets a white actor
>no one cares
>white character gets a black actor
Money is still their ultimate goal. They get free publicity from generating controversy, and SJW pandering (mostly) shields their shitty, soulless movies from bad reviews. Usurping traditional values and demoralizing whites is merely a fringe benefit.
>>Non white character gets a white actor
>>no one cares
Name a single time this happened. Bonus points if it's not an anime adaption.
drumpf was supposed to change all this but that jew fucker hasn't done jackshit
>Non white character gets a white actor
Which character is this?
most of those shit franchises will still make money off retards for a few more years, then the party will be over
>Name one case of this happening that isnt one of these several cases of this happening
original James Bond
Lancelot in Monty Python Holy Grail
Leon in The Professional
that police lady in Fargo
Mozart in Amadeus
Jesus in every biblical movie
Elsa in Frozen
Bender in Avatar
T800 for fucks sake
Ripley in Alien
They were all black in originals you know, list of whitewashed cinema goes on
name a case you disingenious shitskin
There there nazi incel, have sex
made me kek
latching to 20th century pop culture with the hope of parasiting the next generation, the people in charge are afraid of the future
It's mostly because Hollywood is out of ideas and they think race baiting people into watching a remake is their best chance to sell tickets. There is a huge creative brain drain in this industry and it shows.
>sex based ad hominem
tits or gtfo
To make you forget the past series of movies you liked if they had even an inkling of not being full progressive nigger fuckers. To normalize this shit and make it seem inevitable to fight. To mix whites with nonwhites to erase any culture/IQ differences and make globalism easier to install.
To demoralize the middle class whiteman and create a low pay dumb(er) working class.
This ceremony is funded by rich Jews who funded the $15 billion train tunnel. Notice the long noses. Weird satanic symbolism littered throughout but
skip to 40 minutes in for the real shit. Angel Merkel was there too acting so happy.
>Yes I agree
>>Non white character gets a white actor
>>no one cares
wtf are you talking about retard? There is nothing but bitching when that happens. People still bitch about the last Samurai when Tom Cruises character was a white person in real life.
>People still bitch about the last Samurai when Tom Cruises character was a white person in real life.
No they don't you dumb nazi, nobody was upset
underage detected
The goal is demoralization and its working. White male suicide rates are skyrocketing.
That's hardly the reason.
Architecture, lack of spirituality and the active antagonizing of families - now there's the real reason.
Here's your (you) retard
Not an argument, have sex, also big yikes
Basically this. Hell is retarded.
They all overlap desu.
this is what the "radical right" looks like IRL
you guys act as if there is some meeting of top jews
"yess , lets push homosexuality on the goyim so we can better control them and destroy civilization ahahah"
in reality it's like
"being okay with gays is cool now with the youth. Let's make one of the main characters gay that will get us more profit."
Spreading their retarded religion.
Most nazis were gay, stop being naziphobic
>"radical right"
Radicalism is generally revolutionary; it's left wing and evil.
do you think hitler was pitching or catching?
>tfw people too busy arguing to notice your rarely posted satanic video and some insight
Do you think that it's another clickbait article meant to demoralize the right - regardless of what the truth of the matter is? Or do you think that it is some left winger projecting their own fantasies and insecurities on his perceived enemies?
MAN ON FIRE (2004)
I AM LEGEND (2007)
All blacked and no one gave a hoot.
still havent posted that white race swap you were blathering about
calm down Rust
>Architecture, lack of spirituality and the active antagonizing of families - now there's the real reason.
Implying Hollywood isn't directly responsible for it too. It's an extremely powerful propaganda tool to shape the populace minds
this x100
also social conditioning
>blacks are all well spoken doctors married to white women who care deeply about their mixed race children
>whites are uneducated thugs who prey upon the weak and are racist as a result of being poorly educated and culturally backwards
>jews are always the underdog nerd the audience is rooting for to land the shiksa at the end of the movie
its all so tiresome
I think there is a part of conditioning to normalize a number of things like homosexuality, transgenderism, feminism and there is a part that is only meant to trigger and create frustration.
Great post. They are creating a wall of content unironically to be an eclipse atop real history so that the modern consumer has tunnel vision and accepts ever lowering standards of wellbeing, free thought, ownership and beauty.
No, all of this SJW corporate shit was on deck for a Hillary victory, and it was going to be 100x more aggressive and backed by NGOs, but then Trump won, they had to unload their reserves and focus on how to move forward with Trump as an obstacle, and pissed off redpilled millennials and Zoomers. So they grabbed control over Facebook etc
I think you incels are just outcasts, normal people don't seethe like this
>getting this offended by the littlest thing in a movie
what do you mean "isn't"... are you being mentally ill or being "funny"? my theory is they have started to notice doing straight up remakes dont guarantee they will make tons of money so they gave their remakes the old marketing trick
the "new and improved formula" gimmick, now with marshmallows and wimmins and blacks
For future reference saying something "glowcel" makes you seem like an incel btw.
Becaude those are all actually GOOD movies.
Making white men uncomfortable has always been their objective. The validation of simple harassment, not allowing them space to walk on the sidewalk when there are black people present, making them uncomfortable riding the same bus or living in the same neighborhood or having their kids go to the same school, white people are not permitted to have any place where they are comfortable.
White civilization has one more chance, the exploration of space. Failing that, it's over. We will think of it as "boldly going" but it will really be our last chance to own ourselves.
don't they realize that china hates niggers
To hurt your feelings and make you cry
the JIDF needs new pictures
>Until we get domed by a fucking rentacop without accomplishing a single thing in our killing spree or shitty life in general
the ones I've seen are all wholly inferior to the originals
Having sex.
Satan is the ruler of this world.
Pro tip: not a single person who ever actually supported Trump is going to call him by Colberts stupid fucking nickname. For the next time you shill post.
Its more like their religion encourages degeneracy and attacking the goyim, so there is never even a discussion. They are already on the same page.
>when mentally deficient inbred white trash tries to pretend it represents the white race instead of just being the perpetual embarassing crypto-niggers the rest of the masterrace despises
Fuck off untermench.