Melissa Benoist Reveals New SUPERGIRL Costume

looks familiar

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why does she look so bad facially tho? I think she's fucking gorgeous on the show but that pic is just really bad

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Why is her head still uncovered?
Very fucking problematic

she just posted this pic last month and she is still fucking beautiful so why does she look so shit in the new supergirl pic?!?

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Because they own her soul.

retarded haircut

>porn autist pays money for close to comics costumes
>woah the actual comic show looks similar to them

Please don't lewd Supergirl.

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TV productions have really shitty promotional photos.

Geez this looks identical to my cousin

The "actual comic show" looks nothing like the comics.

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The crotch area on the new costume is cut really poorly.

The legs with the red bottoms made to look like thigh high boots are also bad.
Because of the way the red “boot” design is cut, it makes her look shorter and thicker, as does the somewhat monotone upper.

I honestly don’t think the costume designer though thru the design, unless the point was to make a costume that was easier to duplicate in other sizes for stunt women.

>'X' insignia, for her strong 'XX' chromosomes
>cheeky additional insignia above her pubic area, to also suggest her strong 'XX' chromosomes
>extended woman-spreading, to finally suggest her strong 'XX' chromosomes.

I hope a viral video appears of a 5'7 dude on set grabbing her by the cape and hurling her into a prop wall. Progressive media is so trashy.


she is looking really jewish here

God that is such a horrible photo
>Bad lighting
>Bad exposure
>DOF is off something fierce

And thats not getting into the worse than cosplay costume and her clapped out, wall banging face. And this a professional television production on a major network? jesus christ

I need to study the hd version of this

Post her nudes


Necks are better.

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Why didn't they go for the high cut swimsuit instead?

Look at those shoulders.
Is she secretly a trap?

She looks like Allison Mack in a Superman costume now.

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Hair makes her look 10 years older.
and I like it

rank them

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>No more miniskirt


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How to Lose 60% of Your Audience in One Day

Shoulder pads, shitbird.

why you watch this CW garbage? explain yourselves!


>we want the Captain Marvel audience Lite

This. Smallville wins but prime Helen Slater was great.

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look how big that gap is

Looks like they're trying to align it with Man of Steel's costume style.

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Laura was so fucking hot in smallville

Admit it bro. You fuck your cousin. Alabama pilled af

she looks like one of those Dark Crystal creatures

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>SS emblem

fucking lol

What's the point? We've already seen a condom wrapped dick sticking right into her vagina

Needs to be tighter around the cunt, wtf.


Helen can still get it

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what were they thinking? there was no need for any of this

uh excuse me but the muslim audience was offended

Looks like this is the result of triggered Social Justice Weirdos

I'm sick of CW ruining costumes that are only barely passable to begin with

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no more pantsu and yummy thighs? Very uncool my dudes

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faggot find a hd version ok that jiggle better not be some encoding error

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She has clearly had some type of surgery recently. It is weird how actresses always manage to fuck of their beautiful faces.

Remember how hot Lois Lane was when she first appeared on Smallville?

Remember how hot Laura Lance was when she first appeared on Arrow?

>You now see Megamind

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>Remember how hot Laura Lance was when she first appeared on Arrow?

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DC slowly eliminating color. Eventually all costumes will just be shades of blue and grey

she's got that arrogant horse face
still chasin' that cpt marvul audience

Holy fuck she is perfect

did a bee sting her face several times?

user, I...

hollywood produces degenerates

Carter Cruise is much hotter.

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her nudes are disappointing. she has beef flaps, her pelvis bones are visible, and she doesn't shave. shes part of the fappening Yea Forums hacked

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"Ah fuck it, last years halloweens costume will do"

ooh shit I got dat super swamp ass again

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Not a fan of the haircut, but she's still gorgeous.

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Goddammit I hate it when pretty women go under the knife. She was perfect.

She didn't do anything except get a bad haircut and a shitty costume.

what did she get done?

It's literally a haircut.

>she has beef flaps
this is how you know you've he'd your mind melted by retarded memes onhere

What did she mean by this?

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this reminds me of a xev bellringer video

>looks familiar
It really does.

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she like's BBC

I'm fucking cumming!

>It's literally a haircut.
It's literally the face. Shit, crop out the hair in and then tell me she looks the same as previous seasons. Clearly she has had work done. MAYBE it is injections (so actually not surgery). But her face is different....nothing to do with hair.

Bangs don't look very good on her

Killing her off was a mistake.

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>dat balls—grab

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>dat nalga temblando a alta velocidad

There is only one

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By far her hottest costume, they should've done a spinoff of her hunting down the last jews on earth

>mfw you really love that chicken from Popeye's

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Is she going to still be female Superman instead of Kara?

For me it's Dreamer

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T. Clark Kent

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>You're not even a real woman

When will women be chaste again?

Tuesday Special

After WW3.

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did we ever get pics of her in the skirt and tights with no boots?

Is that the tranny? Did the really cast the tranny as a character called "Dreamer"? Hahahaha!

She looks like she took a big dump in those pants.

goddammit i hate sjw puritans so much

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>It's not SchutzStaffel
>on my planet it means SuperSlut

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such a hero

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what's wrong? are you triggered you degenerate bigot?

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Keep dreaming.

Absolutely based

holy shit that is cute

>crotch crease
This was a very bad idea.

tranny is hotter than all the ugly bitches they got for CHARMED

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the fuck is with that symbol? The one from Man of Steel was styalized, but this just looks nothing like an S at all.

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So they took away the only reason to watch that shitty show. Bunch of fucking morons

Based sister

>more like Superhag

Pure firm muscle.

Why does it say 8 on the front

Melissa is a top qt but that costume really looks like shit. SAD

this is so fucking gay

there is actually a genre that got female superheros that exude femininity, and aren't just girls trying desperately to be men

my daughters will be watching the precure dub, and they won't even know this ZOG shit even exists

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Why isn't the dude censored?

They will need to treble the amount of bondage and ryona to compensate.

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> actress has pictures nude and taking cock
> skirt shows too much skin


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I doubt Benoist had any issue. It's just the ahowrunners going for a new look for the new season.

this. the show was finally getting good and it's like they realized men were enjoying it and couldn't stand the fact.

looks like Antje Traue with blonde hair

based John Ritters wife gif poster

Nah, she's a dumb feminist.

it's like jelly

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it's superman's suit with her shield and a bit of color on the piping

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too fuckin cute for this world

I always get Helen Slater confused with Alicia Silverstone

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Based thanks from like 8 hours ago

seeing her thighs in pantyhose was my main attraction to this shit series

This one should've been the main character.

terrible haircut, terrible costume
not sure i will even bother with the webm threads any more unless barefeet are posted

I think she's put on weight. her jawline isn't as well defined as it was previously. definitely not just the haircut...something is off

she has been replaced by a skinwalker.


I'm usually not into degenerate stuff but if she asked me to eat her ass I would not hesitate for a second

Gorgeous, looks like younger Charlize Theron.


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>Clark it's me Kara

damn, Cisco looks like THAT

Who took this image?

damn, she got destroyed by the wall

Wait is that a facelift scar on her hairline?

God I want to believe this is outrage marketing but with how bad the bat woman costume looks I can see this being real

Is that alita on her shirt

good find

Agreed, it's more than just a bad haircut. I'm afraid to say we're seeing the beginnings of... the wall.

Looks like it's a storyboard panel from the show.

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I wonder if her muff is shaved into that little shape.
No escaping this question.

What the fuck is this shit? Thank god I dropped the arrowverse long ago.

DC ruining their films wasn't bad enough... it started to effect their TV shows too.

So this pretty much confirms Supercorp right

wanna fug her lads

Super-May I speak to the manager

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The real question is how is Supergirl still on the air? Does anyone really watch it at all?

That scene in Smallville where Vandervoot gets captured and she's on the floor groaning in pain with her hands in kryptonite infused cuffs behind her back is one of the like 3 times I've jerked off to a scene in a movie or TV so she wins.

So god damn hot and she reminds me of a girl in one of my college classes.

Which retard did her hair? Should be fired

I think Black Lightning is still on the air. There's bigger conundrums than Supergirl out there.

>how is Supergirl still on the air?
The CW.

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Because it's a good show.

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dude has a tiny dick

Why do you think she divorced him after she started fucking her costar, after seeing what a big dick feels like.


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>drugs in the third reich
oh she is just so WOKE

>Blitzed. Drugs in the Third Reich
Oy vey

fuck you

she looks WWAAAAAAAAAY too much like my first gf fuck


oh wow congrats bro!!!!!! storytime bro!!!! haha !!!! xDD

I could handle the haircut if she stayed in shape and kept the same costume.

>my first gf fuck
cool story bro. we are all virgins here

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>Thought this was just some ugly woman with weird twitches and bad acting.
>"You might not know this but I'm trans, Kara....."
It all makes sense. But the best part is when lex shows up dreamer is suddenly relegated to a background character and I could safely skip all of her scenes.

I hate how feminists ruined bangs for us, just like soibois ruined beards for men.

this is your cumbrain on waifuism anime. Yikes.

Right is unironically better costume design

Is that an actual woman playing her though?

I think they realised everyone thought she was hot as fuck in the nazi costume but didn't understand it was the gloved, black leather clad nazi dominatrix fetish feel that made it so

Haha, yeah I certainly don't watch it haha. Why would anyone do such a thing? LOL!

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Why 5’7 though? Are you projecting? user, it’s okay. There’s a 4’11 ladyboy out there just waiting for you to be their Prince Charming.


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It is right there in the names.

>"The Nazis also thought Superman was a Jew and in 1940 Joseph Goebbels publicly denounced Superman and his creator Jerry Siegel."

Also, Supergirl comic book creator:

Stop with that. Superman is not a Jew, superman is not Jesus, superman is not some alien, he is just a little boy from Kansas trying to do the right thing.

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