/ART/ - Arthouse/Experimental General
Is George of the Jungle 2 considered art? It's a nice movie I like it and it's fun!!
First for Japanese KI NO forever for a thousand years adventures kino morty thousand episodes adventures
Subjective! :)
What's /art/'s opinion on Max Ophüls? Favourite films by him?
For me? It's gotta be the films of David Wark Griffith.
Why is Les Vampires so widely known but nobodu cares about Feuillade's other serials like Fantomas or Judex?
Are we /lbg/ now? Have we merged or what
For me? It's gotta be Tih Minh.
Never watched any Griffith. For the most part pretty much all silent gilm directors were possesed by a megolomaniacal mania and the vulgarity bleeds through the picture fucking stupid great gasby boombap retards. Bunuel has a great part in his book about his disillusionment with Eisenstein.
Why Breathless is his best?
I know his other films like Vivre sa Vie, Bande a part are good, but subjectively Breathless is still his best.
Mainly because for a lot of reasons
Yes. It's impossible for any arthouse general to not become /lbg/
That's not how you spell La Chinoise
>Why Breathless is his best?
It's not.
uhh, sweetie..
Anyone here /noe/? What did you think of Climax?
Watched Lola Montes and really liked it but wished it was better at the same time. Ophuls did not spend enough time on the lonely, introspective moments for Lola early on in the film, so his juxtaposition of Lola as a spectacle and Lola as a person didn't work as well as it could have.
i've seen the cranes are flying, onions cuba and letter never sent. are any of mikhail kalatozov's films worth watching?
Try explaining why its not, user.
arthouse fags don't like him because he's makes mean movies >:(
>onions cuba
nah we ate them
straight up ATE 'em
I hated it until the second half when shit went cray and I saw what he was going for
Love is still his best
Yes, watch Salt for Svanetia.
Because I said so.
lol is there a world filter on ssoy with one S?
La chinoise and Bande a part are way better
I recently watched Way Down East and it was beautiful kino. The ice float scene was pretty neat. Overall I didn't enjoy it that much but I could appreciate it on a technical level.
suck my fucking dick
Or what?
>onions cuba
this. when the kid got btfo by the whore mother was kino
Because some mod got mad at people saying söyboy, newfriend.
Kek wtf I wrote that. Did you copy paste that to make fun of me? Recently I actually watched The Birth of a Nation after I wrote that and I wrote an over 4000 word examination. I can post it if anyone’s interested.
love is not mean ..
there's no choice, just fellatio
Make me.
>Yes, watch Salt for Svanetia.
thanks friendo, this looks interesting
i figured out the why, didn't realize it had been implemented tho.
Is this arthouse?
>modern directors
>nihilism yay
>dicks and cunts and penetration yay
>violence yay
>no morals yay
>satan yay
>materialism yay
>porn yay
Same shit, all of it. Fuck Noe, Haneke, that other Austrian cunt, Claire Denis etc etc. TRASH SUBVERSIVE SHIT.
Watch. More. Russian/USSR. Cinema.
It is some of the best ever created.
have sex christian retard
Case in point.
idk but it make my pp grow
Even George Lucas, cynical businessman par excellence, claimed that Soviet directors had more freedom than their American counterparts as long as they weren't criticizing the government.
Cocks and cunts and penetration really elevate art huh?
Thoughts on Bresson?
So art can't be about anything? If it doesn't have strong life lesson™ and god honoring morals it isn't art anymore?
You'd be better just watching Disney movies friend
bresson more like brezZZzzZon lol
Yo, bro, I got this 15 minute one take ass rape shot. Be sure to win me some prizes at Cannes this year, its never been done before. Fuck me I am deep and profound.
Needs more penetration, a bit boring without it, innit? Fuck Bresson.
Fantastic film. The director has a new film out this or next year.
Great director, one of the best. Very interesting approach to filmmaking.
It’s not about the means it’s about the ends. No, it can’t be art if it’s turned towards an ideal that isn’t an actual capturing of the truth.
I really liked it
What can a man really have to say about the highest attainable truths of mankind when his films dont have rape and pussy in them? He is outdated, glad I was born in 2003.
im not really a big fan of him so i havent seen it. i stand alone was okay tho
Dont mind me
Konchalovsky is based. For me, it's The First Teacher and Runaway Train.
this. take away the over the top sex and violence and the fake symbolism and theres almost nothing left in most modern arthouse, only emptiness and cynicism
You're trying too hard. Dilate.
Its not just Koncha that is based, Russia/USSR is full of brilliant directors. Truly amongst the highest tier of movie making countries.
Realistically speaking, will they ever be topped?
>21thth century
this, bresson, dreyer, tarkovsky etc simply were too afraid to use unsimulated sex and cool violence to enhance their little "films". they are better than sleeping pills tho lol
Check out the deadpan shot famalam. Its literally the only shot these modern "directors" employ to make their films feel and look like "art"
I can post thousands of these, not even kidding. Here is one from hack Ulrich Seidl.
More like based Seidl.
the sequel was complete trash.
mom what are you doing on Yea Forums?
your opinion is complete trash
no, just dishonesty at its finest
>Konchalovsky is based
I agree. My favourites are Siberiade and The First Teacher.
I agree.
almost all films nowadays over-employ symmetrical shots like these, not just arthouse.
There’s no moms like that anymore they’re all Gen X and watch Rick and Morty
Call Me By Your Name, Roma, Cold War, Shape of Water could be considered arthouse.
Thoughts on Peter B(ased). Hutton?
rick and morty aside from memes is unironically kino and entertaining
ikr i love it so much
agreed, its sad how "cinephiles" seem to reward dishonesty these days
Well, what they do in regular cinema is irrelevant, but as far as "arthouse cinema" is concerned, I expect the director to have an idea of how he wants to film a scene, how he'd like to move his camera around the scene, how to block the scene etc. This is not film making by a true auteur.
That one scene in the forest was so good in Siberiade. Really eerie. Man, I love that film. That camera work too, Eastern Europeans in general are masters over the camera. Zulawski? Over 9000.
the only reason to watch sorrentino is hot babes
>le arthouse gatekeeper
okay sweaty, its only eastern european movies with 1000 rubel budgets that nobody heard of
>Call Me By Your Name
>Shape of Water
You could maybe make an exception for the other two but explain how these are arthouse.
Sorry, but contemporary Hollywood hasnt made an art film in decades. Pic related, rules on an arthouse cinema tracker about uploading new films.
what an absolutely retarded definition.
literally OLD GOOD. NEW BAD
Does that make you feel insecure?
Nah, it’s literally the only scene from Megan is Missing that was not amateur.
I watch Rick and Morty too but only to study my enemies. In fact every time I watch a film I wear my Macy’s Rick and Morty shirt, I consider it to be good luck. That’s not even a joke. One day I want to make a short film where I’m wearing it and hunting another character also played by myself, a man in a long grey trench coat
not remotely.
Seems like it.
The producer completely usurped all of the director's creative freedom post-Star Wars. Do you know how awesome American cinema was in the 70ties when they allowed freedom?
tl;dr, old is good, new is bad
Indeed. You still haven't explained how Call Me By Your Name and Shape of Water are arthouse.
so how come the usa stopped making arthouse after 76? but big budged movies targeting wide audiences made before 76 were arthouse? you have to admit it makes no sense.
lbg punx go away
Because it's not about budget.
Literally explained four comments above you. Fundamental changes in the way the studio system worked. It was especially bad after the 80s, when the era of the 'mogul producers' who still had some auteur sensibilities gave way to the era of boardrooms.
The bigger films werent necessarily arthouse, but the director had a lot more freedom in those days. Its always about the producer vs the director, the eternal battle in the world of cinema. After 1976 the director was playing second fiddle to the producer for all eternity to come in Hollywood. They cant afford to be artistic and lose money on their big budget special fx flicks.
> "explained"
even in the silent era studios very often interfered with movies, and not just in america. one famous example is the ending of the last laugh. it sounds good that auteur directors had free reign before the 80s but even i with my limited knowledge about the working of the movie industry know its simply isnt true
>big budged
*big fudged
>free reign
Free reign doesnt exist as long as a director doesnt fund the film himself. But before Star Wars directors did enjoy a lot more freedom, and I do mean a lot.
why the fuck would I think they're arthouse?
anyone else /shepitko/ here? Wings is kino but Ive literally never heard anyone other than the film prof that reccomended it talk about it.
the other user saying the sequel was trash is completely correct. Literally soul vs souless.
>i was just a clerk
>oh yeah he was the bravest baddest motherfucker of our super elite military unit lol
The nightclub shooting was pretty based and seems like it might have inspired a lot of later action movies though. Still has nothing on the first one, I still listen to nautillius pompillius sometimes.
Persona>Silence>Cries and Whispers>7th Seal
arthouse is over guys, just accept it
it's good sometimes
hes often good, thats why artfags hate him
>but hes very acclaimed!
by classics chads not artcucks
bergman is good when you want to sleep
so always
I wanna kms self too
The Ascent is good
Maybe Roma, MAYBE, and that's stretching it really bad, but now, shape of water? Are you drunk?
Someone's still making arthouse in hollywood
Watched Grand Illusion the other day, why did Boldeau help Marechal and Rosenthal? I could never figure out his motivation. Raffenstein was also a clear inspiration for Darth Vader
Anyone here seen Abel Ferrara's The Addiction? I just watched it the other night and was pretty disappointed by it. It has a decent score on Letterboxd and mostly positive reviews, but I thought it was pretty bad. Curious to see if I'm the only one, I didn't find many bad reviews for it
Don't let it die, guys.
Okay, I’ll post my over 4000 word examination of Birth of a Nation to keep the general alive, I tie it all back to Star Wars and later trends of the visual medium in the 20th century
D. W. Griffith’s legendary controversial epic: The Birth of a Nation: Portrait of a historical memory in America as neo-Roman romantic-fantasy — synthesized as absurdist comedy. First, we have part one, much tamer than part two and much more seriously structured with regard to traditional storytelling. Part one has a real concentrated sentimentalizing effort, the warm small mannerisms and movements of the characters (set up as tragedy). My favorite scene is still one towards the beginning when our ‘hero protagonist’ ‘Ben Cameron’ (who’s name sounds like something out of Star Wars (more on that later)) jogs from the right offscreen into frame, and slightly turns around to his left. Griffith invokes so much warmth in the first half organic movements of his characters, the shot alone seems incredibly modern and is almost surreal and immersive breaking in its subtlety. But even for all the Shakespearean tragedy that Griffith aspires to, the absurdist comedic (dare I say disturbing) truth of Griffith’s imaginative aim still leaks through in part one and completely becomes unrestrained in part two.
For everything said about the controversial nature of Griffith’s epic, when you have scenes like the mixed race protégé of the ‘Uncrowned King’—Silas Lynch — maniacally ranting about creating a new black ‘empire’ with white Elsie Stoneman (daughter of the ‘Uncrowned King’) as his queen, you have to re-examine your mental faculties and judgement if you’re not seeing this as the hilariously absurd culmination of Griffith’s childlike warped imagination. Just look at the usage of the words ‘King’ or ‘queen’ or ‘empire’, the tone and context is completely off the rails. Griffith’s drunken passionate imagination twists and synthesizes itself in a microcosmic symbol of the spirit of America’s drunken passionate imagination. Before the ‘Uncrowned King’ is Uncrowned he is merely just the master of congress under Lincoln, his name is Austin Stoneman.
The change from part one to part two, from the focus of the Civil War to the reconstruction period, twists and inverts everything about the film. The characters become ‘Kramer-ized’ in a fashion all to familiar to the viewers of late 20th-early 21st century big studio sitcoms, they become extreme parodies of themselves. Griffith’s ‘Luke Skywalker’ (Ben Cameron) ‘the little colonel’, the heartwarming image of the scrappy underdog soul of the south, twisted and transformed as thelemic ritual practicing warlock. Almost every scene featuring the Ku Klux Klan baked in a rage red color that harkens the mind back to ancient Bronze Age or antiquarian cults, it gives off a very satanic intensity. Austin Stoneman, the one legged wig wearing Afro-fetishist, already comedic in tone, is transformed into Darth Vader (his gait and presence on screen is extremely similar).
Please stop. This is extremely pathetic and it would be better if the thread just died.
>because he makes SHIT movies
I'm doing my best to watch obscure shit that interests me while also trying to watch important kinos everyone should have seen. Am I doing this right?
Griffith’s microcosmic creation is a clear representation of the twisted macrocosm of the later development of the visual medium in the later 20th century, the exaggerated racial stereotypes, the neo-Greek/Roman emotional sentiments. Even over 100 years later the biggest epic of the past decade - Disney’s ‘Infinity War’ is a twisted and disturbing inversion of the proto-typical Greek tragedy. And yes, this cyclical motion throughout time is an ‘infinite war’. Since the beginning of the fall of humanity these same rising tides of mirth and creative inspiration will be destroyed and inverted into a synthesized disturbing ‘comedy’, where even the irony stops being funny and all is twisted (the hero becomes the WARlock). Until we see the day that Griffith beautiful paints at the end, with Christ the redeemer dutifully vigil over the shared fraternity of man, no inversions, no twisting, a victory over the man on the horse swinging his sword tyrannically reigning over the soul of humanity, which Griffith also paints in juxtaposition to Christ’s stewardship. Represented in these end images is part one and part two of the very film itself, which is a microcosm of the soul of humanity, one part romantic-fantasy — another part disturbing-‘comedy’. So, now, let us wait for that day brothers, the victory of Christ the redeemer over the sword wielding tyrant, an end to the infinity War and the beginning of a mirthful era that will never be inverted. Liberty and union, one and inseparable, now and forever!
Fucking based
What other movies should I watch from Pasolini? I've seen his Trilogy of Life, which I thought was just okay, and I know Salo is important. Pic unrelated.
I really liked Irreversible but thought Enter The Void was just okay. I'd like to see Climax but haven't.
That's basically what I do. A few days of bloody genre shit, and then a few days of classic mandatory watching. Although I'm guilty of leaning too much into the former.
>A few days of bloody genre shit
I've never really been a fan of genre stuff. Although I started watching the DUST and ALTER Youtube channels for sci-fi and horror short films because it's refreshing to see stuff with a broad variety of quality. Most of it is shit with a few pearls in between but it really makes you appreciate actual kino.
Can we have a less pretentious general name next time?
This one just got derailed early on. There’s obviously some sort of schism of philosophy here, this thread was our civil war arc
No but his film seem to have very good letterboxd despite being quite divisive on other sites.
Wild Strawberries, Autumn Sonata, Hour of the Wolf and Fanny and Alexander are better than all of those.
Some underrated Bergman is his Masonic symbolism dense film of Mozart’s last play before he died ‘The Magic Flute’. Bergman probably didn’t put the Masonic shit in but I would consider The Magic Flute to be his only epic. Shame (1968) his only war film, and The Magician
umm i don't think so sweetie, Persona is his masterpiece
Yes, those are also very good. The Magician is especially underrated.
Well, you are wrong.
anyone ever bought a Criterion Box? thinking about buying Pasolini's Trilogy Of Life which comes with a bunch of essays, documentaries, short films and etc
we really need new arthouse chart. someone needs to do it and make list on letterboxd
Shame is awesome.
I endorse this post. The Magician and The Magic Flute are among my favorite Bergman films.
It's hard to call Fanny and Alexander 'underrated', but you can pair it with the other two for the crazy kabbalistic section.
Maybe not arthouse but what are the best films shot in technicolor? From what i have seen my favourites are Vertigo, The Searchers and Il Gattopardo.
What Satsuo Yamamoto film should I start with?
>onions cuba
My favorite is Bartered Bride.
How about just try and watch good movies ??
This is kino, and only 53 minutes
I like Ascent. Good retelling of Christ story during WW2.
Von Stroheim played the same upper class Prussian in all his films and I love it. Merry Widow is also great.
talentless hack
Where the hell is Griffithfag? He would have hijacked the thread already with his screenshots comparisons and made discussion impossible.
(s)he shitposts on lettercuck now
What's his profile?
there was a met production of the magic flute with much better masonic symbolism, not to mention the swedish "language" is trash for singing.
You can always find it by looking at favorites for Moana 1926
wow internet negativity so cool
I agree. First two seasons are brilliant
I tried watching it before it was memed to death and thought it was unwatchable garbage.
I tried really hard to like him but I simply can't. Lancelot Du Lac is quite possibly one of the most boring films I've ever watched.
Persona is his most overrated film.
Am I the only one that watched pic related?
Sorrentino is a terrible example. He definitely has consistently interesting camera framing and movement. Are you just thinking of Hackneke?
Case in point:
Haneke, Östlund and that lot are unbearable, true, but they're easily recognizable and can be avoided very easily.
Plus films nowadays utilize creative editing a lot not, there's not a film director out there with more fun editing than Nakashima.
Fuck adaptations. Fuck Birth of a Nation.
This but unironically
Too bad Sorrentino's taste in music is trash. Ruined the levitating monk scene.
Haven't seen anything from him, what would you recommend?
It's nice to know that someone else thinks the same way as I.
>utilize creative editing a lot not,
will ya look at ee cummies over here
This film is painfully boring. What an overrated piece of shite
>Abel Ferrara's The Addiction
It's great. Ferrara is based.
The only Criterion boxset worth getting is the Complete Tati. You're welcome.
Funny because that's his best. Desperately needs a proper release.
>dude just keeping cutting lmao
Nakashima is awful.
>never heard of him
>google says extreme cinema
Let me guess? Misanthropist, nihilistic, devoid of any higher meaning, disturbing violence, sex everywhere, and possibly perverted to hell and back. Never seen any film of him, but how close am I here? Seen it all, modern cinema is gutter trash and needs to be killed with fire. WHY THE FUCK IS EVERY SINGLE MODERN DIRECTOR MAKING THE EXACT SAME FILM? Suspicious.
Michael Powell, thief of Baghdad, four feathers by korda, the river by renoir
trips checkem
>The River by Renoir
Great late Renoir
such as?
Milèna wi Sczema
Nope, he's incredibly empathic even though his characters are fuck ups.
> nihilistic
Considering the three main moral viewpoints of cinema is either
> Full Christian
> "you gotta find your own happiness lmao"
> "nihilism"
He is closer to the third one, but Memories of Matsuko is definitely the second type of morality.
> devoid of any higher meaning
Do you mean deeper meaning? He's not religious, if that's what you're asking, but they're definitely going in-depth about whatever he's exploring.
> disturbing violence
> sex everywhere
> possibly perverted to hell and back
Nope, that's Sion Sono.
> Never seen any film of him, but how close am I here?
You're not completely far off (but not that close), but you seem to be way more concerned about how closely a film follows your inauthentic Catholicism you got from Yea Forums rather than it's aesthetic viewpoint. I think you most of all need a cloister for a week.
Name one director with a more interesting montage editing style. In fact, name on where they even primarily utilize editing.
Memories of Matsuko, Confessions and World of Kanako. Matsuko is very different from the other two, either start there or with Confessions.
Ready Player One
>from Yea Forums
/his/ & twitter hun
Yeah Yea Forums would know Catholicism is a corruption of Christ's true church (Greek Orthodoxy)
They're not wrong. Endless schlock one-reelers.
Even worse was the move from actualities to muh narratives.
What do you think of the films of Wim Wenders?
>Name one director with a more interesting montage editing style. In fact, name on where they even primarily utilize editing.
Robert Fulton.
The Golden Coach and French Cancan too.
paris texas is overrated as shit and arthoecore
I like them.
All those insufferable cunts and their uninspired pseudo dancing was hard to swallow but when shit hits the fan and you beging to understand that we are being presented these people as the vapid hollow shits they are, it becomes highly entertaining.
the american friend is a little understated but pretty good. one of these days i'll get around to watching until the end of the world when i have 15 hours to kill.
You are the wrong Hard to be a God. It's lame. Watch the A. German version (2014) instead. It's one of the most radical and mesmerizing kinos of all time. Absolut madman film.
>You are the wrong Hard to be a God
*You are watching the wrong Hard to be a God
Lets just admit that most non-narrative films ironically all have the same ‘narrative’ (emotional output). Non-narrative films try to put you into pretty much the same emotional state every time, they encourage you to build a narrative in your head, and most of the time it feels cheap and arbitrary. In narrative filmmaking you can layer and hide things with more complexity
He shouldn't watch either of them.
Why would you need 15 hours to watch a 4 and a half hour movie.
>complexity good
this, im actually happy arthouse is going to fall into complete obscurity during the next generation (zoomer's kids) because its all cynical materialistic nonsense (few exceptions of course like Béla Tarr)
You’d have to be insane to watch a met production play. Literally shitting your pants boomer level tier senile
top hack. as empty as you can get
keep listening to beyoncé or lil pimp or whatever the fuck and dont reply to me again
>bothering with the accent on beyonce
stop my sides
he based
>15 hours
just because something gets a little bit of mainstream attention/acclaim and is liked by letterboxd dwellers, it doesn't make it overrated. it's still a great, very well directed, heartfelt film with good writing, great performances and goddamn amazing cinematography by robby muller. one of the most visually gorgeous films ever made. if anything, it's underrated.
>wim wenders
>a hack
the only thing empty here is your head (and possibly heart)
> muh humanism
typical lefty
>space after >
>putting an accent takes effort
some modicum of effort yes
I will never understand Seidl reputation as a great director, but the man´s interests and themes are more relevant now than ever.
It does when you’re over 300 pounds
themes are for 8th grade book reports
Does /art/ like pic related? What's your favorite pre- and post-Nikkatsu?
It was freeleech and I've heard the German phrase quite often before the remake was even released so I am interested in the original. But is most probably right. I don't expect much of the movie.
It's not a remake. They are both adapations of the book. And the 2014 version is an insane ride. It's among the greatest films out there. I've never seen anything like it.
You are doing an extremely impressive work. Keep it going. But, as other user has said, you got the wrong Hard to be a God. The one you have on your list is a mediocre (but somewhat enjoyable) adaptation of the same book that German took and broke down in rotten parts in his messy, grim, weird-ass masterwork.
I will watch the 2014 version if I happen to come across it. But as I said here I'm not too keen on genre. I am mainly watching it because I'm German and trying to get more knowledgeable with German films.
I'm German as well and don't think I have ever heard the phrase "Es ist schwer ein Gott zu sein" in casual conversation. The source material is Russian and was originally translated as "Es ist nicht leicht, ein Gott zu sein" so I don't know how this phrase could have gotten as popular as you claim. The 2014 film is the definite version and much more highly acclaimed and I would absolutely recommend watching it.
I imagine you have watched all Fassbinder already.
Hard to be a God source material is polish. It's by Strugatzki, also responsible for the Stalker book (Picknick am Wegesrand).
The old film is a german production but the 2014 version is a russian film by a man called Aleksei German who is not german but russian. This might confuse people.
>if I happen to come across it.
it's on public trackers with subtitles.
And this one right here. I love fucking Lang. Giving your watching list though, I presume you have watched all of them both.
Finnish fag here who doesn't know shit about artfilms besides having seen Climax (it was shit) and I like Von Trier, but don't know if he counts
Anyway, has anyone seen pic related? It was screened at Cannes director's fortnight
Oh, yeah, I even have some works of the Strugatzki brothers on my shelf. I just used the wrong word there. I have read Roadside Picnic.
I think I've heard the phrase mainly in German songs. I will watch the 2014 version eines Tages, user. But for now the old version is all I have.
>public tracker
N-no thanks.
Lang is really naisu. But so far I've only seen Metropolis and M. But Metropolis I saw live on television in the restored version with a live orchestra. So I guess I get bonus points for that.
>public tracker
>N-no thanks.
Tell me mein deutscher Freund, how do I gain access to comfy and patrician private trackers?
fritz lang is overrated
I dunno. I got my own bird access from a Letterboxd thread many years ago. But now the invites all seem deactivated.
>private trackers?
there is a general on /g/ but the rites-of-passage are excrutiating. Only for people with lot's of time on their hands.
Beg for a SC invite. From there you can easily get to KG.
Blockbuster casual here. I wanna join in on these threads, but I don't know where to start with art house movies. Please give me some entry level recommendations. I'm so sick of predictable mainstream movies.
Wannabe Douglas Sirk.
basically nohow unless you want to dedicate shitloads of time.
unless you get invited, but nobody wants to invite strangers.
Start with Bergman. Early Fellini too, La Dolce Vita is quite accessible.
Arthouse is garbage lefty circlejerk, don't bother.
Watch Der Müde Tod, it´s a masterwork.
- Die Nibelungen (a fucking technical and narrative wonder)
- The Mabuse Trilogy
Others works from him I find fascinating are more genre leaning, so I don´t know if you would consider them, but I suggest his Hollywood B work, full of gems and discoveries and, of course, the Die Spinnen diptych and my personal favourite, Spies.
Why are you here then?
Pic related is a good start. Also what said but ironically.
What are your favorite genres? You can always start out from there and start watching some of the more elevated stuff. Like Don't Look Now or Hour of the Wolf if you are into horror.
Other entry level arthouse is Kurosawa, Fellini, French New Wave.
What does SC stand for? Sorry, I have never really looked into private trackers because they seemed so hard to get in.
remember to watch everything with 1.5x speed and skip pleb directors. witch directors are pleb? type in google "best directors of all time lol xd" and skip those.
>when the hero (parsifal or whoever) kills that shitty looking dragon
lmao thats when i gave up on silent "films"
when will someone replace wild at heart with a more appropriate lynch like blue velvet or eraserhead
I will get there eventually, I think. But for now I'm not really in the mood for very early cinema. There is a lot of recent obscure stuff that I want to see. I feel like I'm always behind at least a decade when it comes to contemporary cinema. Oof.
You sound like a retard.
Yup, sounds about right.
Fuck you.
secret cinema
My life has been a lie.
I would suggest you to start with John Cassavetes. The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (the 1978 cut. If you like it, you could watch the longer 1976 cut) and Minnie and Moskowitz.
I found Blue Velvet a bit too digestible and popular to be an actual entry point. Eraserhead is on the other end and pretty weird for most normies. But Wild at Heart falls nicely in the middle. You could put Inland Empire on the list for trolling reasons.
Enjoy the trip user! There´s time!
If literally all you watch are blockbusters I don't think you should jump into arthouse right away. Get acquainted with some classics first and then move on to arthouse.
Try things like Keaton, Hitchock, Ford.
>I found Blue Velvet a bit too digestible and popular to be an actual entry point
Fire Walk with Me would the best Lynch movie for that chart.
The Return is the best Lynch.
wings of desire is perfect
the return of the hack lmao
its over for /art/
Cowboy and the Frenchman is best Lynch.
wow trump btfo lmaooooo
glassics > farthaus
yes perfect if you want to fall asleep fast lol
Its shit. Fuck you.
I liked the remake desu.
For me the most touching experiences regarding cinema are watching his films. Truly one of the best.
>you misspelled a word in your 3rd language lol retard
fuck some dogs artcuck
woah woa b nice guys ok
fuck off jason and stop speaking like a nigger for ocne
is this arthouse ?
Death? Death? You're gonna kill me? You're gonna fucking kill me? Why? WHY? Because I fucked you? You fucked me! You fucked ME! You came to MY house! You came to ME! I got you a car, I brought you your clothes, you took a fuckin' BUBBLE BATH! You wanted it! You wanted it! You came on to me! What was I supposed to do? You sucked my cock, you both fucking sucked my cock! It was FREE PIZZA! Free fuckin' pizza! It just shows up at my fuckin' door! What am I supposed to do? "We're flight attendants. Come on, fuck us! No one will know. Come on, fuck us!" Oh, twosomes, threesomes. It doesn't matter! Starfish! Husbands! You don't give a fuck, you'll just fuck anything, you'll just fuck anything! Well, you lied to me, I tried to help you! I let you in, I was a good guy, I'm a good father! And you just fucking fucked me! What? Now, you're gonna kill me? You're gonna kill me? Why? Why? 'Cause you fucked me? What the fuck-FUCK-FUCK, this is fucking insane!
For you
it simply tries too hard to impress.
it's about to reach bump limit anyway, user
stop using spoiler retards
So what was this all about?
Guy called Ulysses looking at shit I suppose
But then it would've been called Ulysses Gazes.
What if was meant to be called Ulysses’ Gays and he runs a gay prostitution service
This is not a Weerasethakul movie.
No that's not it.
will we make it to 24h lads?
No because we're now on autosage.
it might make it just barely.
Not if I spam MCU threads every five minutes! :^)