Can Star Wars be saved at this point?
Can Star Wars be saved at this point?
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>Can Star Wars be saved at this point?
Not under the current leadership and disneys inability to admit that they fucked up and them owing a apology to george, the fans and the franchise as a whole
The point of Star Wars is to give Kathleen Kennedy, a former production assistant who was promoted to producer after sleeping with Stephen Spielberg, a platform to broadcast her political opinions.
>a platform to broadcast her political opinions.
I see this nonsense posted on this sub every time Star Wars comes up but no one EVER lists what Kennedy's """political opinions""" are.
>on this sub
Go back
>on this sub
one of the baits I've seen here
I'm not a frothing misogynist like some people on this board, but even I can see that she's trying to make Star Wars 'woke'. Woke means you buy into idpol and the idea that anyone who has less power is morally superior to anyone who has relatively more power. That's it. That's the whole cancer.
Men have more power than women (according to woke folk) so they're morally better and deserving. Same with everyone who isn't part of the dominant group. Blacks. Gays. Trans. Immigrants. Etc.
Reminder that Disney is doubly fucked with EpisodeIX.
Not only has enthusiasm for the franchise utterly tanked, but Lucasfilm is about to be *GUTTED* by the theater chains.
When TLJ came out, Disney strong-armed the theaters into taking a lower cut and running the movie on their main screens for extra weeks. The theaters agreed because it was guaranteed to be the season's blockbuster. Because it was Star Wars. Because it couldn't fail.
But it did.
The fanboys saw it opening weekend and any hype for the movie promptly evaporated. Instead of dragging their families to see it again over the holidays, they went to see something /fun/, like Jumanji 2. Meanwhile, theater chains were left playing TLJ to empty seats for weeks.
Then "Ranger Solo" happened.
Any franchise-based negotiating leverage Disney once had with Star Wars is now gone. When IX comes out, they'll be forced to accept the theater's terms. That means taking less of a cut from ticket sales, making it all the more difficult to turn a profit. Combine that fact with a fanbase which has become either completely apathetic or downright hostile towards the films and you have the finale to the greatest marketing blunder of all time.
lmao dont use your copy pastes next time
I fucked that up. Should say that men have more power so they're LESS deserving. That's what I get for day drinking.
i love how everyone hated TLJ
such universal hatred is rare and was comfy
They should include creativity in there, but that's impossible. They can only hire Americans and Jews.
only plebs did
plebs are their main demographic
I agree, but the story is the resistance is the military arm of the New Republic (because they became pacifists) which has all the power, So it makes no sense storywise that they are basically the rebels, rebelling against what?
she looks like a fucking bug
>rebelling against what?
white people
Not is it beyond rescue: i reckon it will get worse. I think RLM are right and something completely fucktarded is going to happen
a very cute bug with a nice butt
They're a terrorist group that attacks the first order. I can't imagine why anyone would bully Empire larpers as the Emperor was such a great and noble dude.
Jumanji 3 looks way better
They'll just buy the tickets themselves again.
>Daisy Ridley
She looks like she aged 10+ years in that picture from the last film. Is this just bong genes at work?
she got stretched out if you know what i mean
i dont get the RLM hype or how they didnt know that time travel is already canon via the rebels animated show (darth maul was in solo so cartoons are canon)
The Rock would 100% be on board with starring in the next trilogy and you fucking know it.
I am so hyped for ep IX bros
>only plebs did
Yes, normie plebs did
Retarded plebs adore it
the force is blacked
Why in the fuck is Jumanji so popular? Is the goy brainwashing triggered by the Ju part of the title?
I hope not. I fucking hate Disney Wars so much I hope it costs the studio billions.
No. Not in Disney's hands.
Zack would do it right. He's just about the only director working right now who understands how world-building actually works.
>this sub
lol nice
I hate prequel zoomers
with the samefag replies
you're desperate attention seeking is annoying. go back to where you belong
Only if they add young and handsome Jedi main character.
I agree. Through sheer ineptitude, Retard Johnson managed what few directors ever have - united us all in hatred.
It unironically does.
You're not old enough to remember when the prequels came out, I can tell
The thing is I thought Looper was pretty good.
The only way Rian Johnson makes sense in my mid is if he wanted to be hated, or he really hates Star Wars. I've literally read better fanfiction.
The prequels have little do with it. World-building isn't just filling in backstory, it's more importantly about leaving room for a past to be there. It's about laying down concepgs and conventions then respecting them.
The prequels had as much good as they did bad. Nuwars has no good.
Looper's a rock-stupid action movie and as such, it's reasonably enjoyable. However, the way he handles sci-fi conventions like time travel in it lays bare every single reason he has no business dabbling in sci-fi writing, not even sci-fi as soft as space opera like Star Wars. He simply lacks the intelligence and imagination for it.
If you take the trailer likes and dislikes ratio as a basis for each viewer.
Roughly one in seven viewers disliked this trailer. (And Star Wars IX)
If he's merely incompetent then Kathleen Kennedy is at fault. Which is plausible I suppose.
I guess Rian rocked Kathleen's casting couch, if you guys know what I mean.
Honestly if they do timetravel right and go with some sort of
>Rey was Shmi all along
It could be fun.
No. You don't have to ask three times a day.
cocaine is hard on the body, user
This cinematic was never good
Rian let's Kathleen rip his soiboy asshole open with a strap on while screaming "FUCK THE PATRIARCHY" in the middle of Lucasfilm twice a week user, keep up will you
No. TLJ made the sequel trilogy story hit a wall by concluding arcs prematurely. Only way they can recover is if it's undone, thus making all acomplishments in the film meaningless. They can't make Ep9 good without making Ep8 even worse.
Also, the view count argument is bullshit since if you include the Rise of S o ywalker view counts on Twitter and Facebook, it's in the top 20 most viewed trailers in the first 24 hours.
It's gonna make $1B again. God fucking damn, how hard is it for people to see problems?
I honestly think its over. Even my mega normie co workers and friends dont care about nu wars. Disney somehow managed to sink the unsinkable.
Both JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson can't write.
JJ introduced a few quite strong mysteries in Episode 7, and had no idea about the resolution.
Rian Johnson saw these mysteries and went "What the fuck do I do with these, who the fuck is Snoke, is he a sith? No that doesn't make sense. What is Luke doing on this random planet in the middle of no where? Who is Rey's parents? I don't know, fuck, why would JJ do this to me. ?"
Then he just "subverted" expectations because he literally didn't know what to do.
time travel
Just adapt the star wars comic books
me domt think so
By what metrics? I doubt the quality can improve much, but you if you for example get The Rock to star on a spinoff it will make money.
into the ground
How the fuck do you even do that? i'm almost impressed
In a few years business classes in schools are going to be using star wars as a model on how not to run a business and alienate your customers.
>the rebels animated show
in the end it all falls on bob iger
But the trailer for Jumanji has 14 mil views and Rise of Skywalker has 30 mil views. This picture is fake.
>how not to run a business and alienate your customers
You aspie virgins would have found something to bitch over regardless.
unironically good bait. high IQ user