Tom Segura is so pathetic and irrelevant that I don't even feel right ripping on him. How does he have an audience?
Tom Segura is so pathetic and irrelevant that I don't even feel right ripping on him. How does he have an audience?
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You must be fun at par- oh wait you probably don't go to those.
Seems like he hung around wifey too much
bert is fat
overweight slobs look up to him because of his success and appearance only difference is they will never be as successful as him in life due to their equally disgusting personalities
>heey, here's another podcast episode where we make fun of mentally ill people. high and tight.
He has an audience because he's funny and his job is to be funny. Hope that clears it up for you friend.
Every single thing out of his mouth is sarcasm and he makes a mockery of all the people around him often without them realizing it. It's funny how he constantly gives Burt Kreischer a rope to hang himself with and Burt falls for it every time. I wonder if he'll fuck Burt's wife before or after they divorce due to the ridiculous lifestyle Burt lives.
Don’t be so retarded user
shut up bert
And racist.
The correct term is tiktok.
Why him though, OP. I can think of people who are way more annoying.
Imagine being so out of touch that you construct this shit in your head.
>his first Netflix special is comedy kino
>second special is comedy flick
>at the very end he makes a last second DRUMPF """'"joke"""""
Oof and yikespilled
hate him on rogan, he seems like a psychopathic rat. Hope he dies soon.
Yea but there’s not a drop that says “you say the T- word!”
Low and loose
he's a cuck. his "son" is actually theo von's
Ugliest. Fans. Ever.
Is this guy feuding with Bert Kreischer and Theo von or something?
Theo fucked Tom's wife before she met Tom, so there's some tension there. Also Theo is literal European nobility (his family owns castles and shit) and he's way better looking than Tom, so I can understand why Tom is super insecure around Theo.
I kind of feel like if he was as irrelevant as you claim. No one would post threads about him like you're currently doing. But what do I know.
No. You're dumb if you actually believed theogate.