Why haven't you watched this yet?
Why haven't you watched this yet?
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Look buddy. This is an AMERICAN image board were we speak ENGLISH.
You say this while posting on a Georgian bone flute enthusiast forum.
S01= 9/10
And the S02 ending was a 5/10
So yeah, thanks for tricking me into watching another meh show Yea Forums. Fooled me once with leftovers, and now this. There wont be a third time.
Different dimension.
S02 ending felt as if they tried a bit too much.
7/10 average euro weird edgy sci-fi
how many dimensions you think we've seen in the show so far?
>tfw they didn't plan three seasons ahead
But I'm on S2E7. I watched the first season before you fucks were even memeing over season 2.
Remember that this is NOT PRODUCED by Netflix, just DISTRIBUTED ONLINE BY Netflix. If someone tells you it's a netflix original punch him/her in the face
Shitry stranger things knockoff
>stranger things
Isn't this show just incest and time shenanigans?
Isn't that enough?
>critic score 100%
instantly dropped. nothing is this perfect this is clearly bribery.
Regina you stupid shit
A true blooded patriot
It's German so I assume it's pozzed with metaphors about "the legacy of Nazism," the need to race-mix, and other bullshit.
They obviously have no idea where to go with the rest of the show.
It isn't.
>when you're so brainwashed by your own propaganda you're passing over all-white sci-fi kino
Good, fuck off.
It was all planned out and written ahead of time. This isn't L O S T
I'm trying. I don't remember the particulars about season 1.
>tfw I've literally been in that godawful shitheap small town grocery store before
I feel dirty.
>reddit madlibs """""meme"""""
It's only about eye mixing, tho.
the leftovers is pure kino you absolute pleb
Dumb new summerfaggot buzzword
I don't watch netflix produced shit
NO, this is a GERMAN image board, where we Germans are kind enough to communicate in english, because educationlets and single languagers like the merrimutts and other 3rd worlders otherwise wouldn't understand a single word.
Why not?
top to bottom:
Because I'm not a genrefaggot zoomer.
No, this isn't american race mixing tv like marvel's bullshit. Here we talk about based German Kino.
I dropped it halfway through season 1 because it was boring and poorly written.
>drama is a genre
big oof from (Me)
Everyone else disagrees with you. Looks like you just have shit taste.
Disgusting beta.
You got plebfiltered by the exposition.
Anything that tries to portray time travel in a serious manner is a fail
are you sure you're just not smart enough to follow the story?
But Jamal, stop being salty ok.
>30 characters
>each has 2 actors
>maybe two people have actually done something that has something to do with the mystery so far, everyone else is just running around doing a lot of nothing
Cut out telenovela tier drama and half a season of this shit has like 1 episode worth of plot and mystery. You could consolidate away 80% of the characters easily since most of them do absolutely nothing worthy of screen time.
Why is the photo Hannah has of Michael her and Jonas ripped on one side?
I just don't have the energy to watch anything longer than 6 episodes.
>the superior mr pibb
i would pray too
Niggers are born beta, moron. Quit being disgusting near me.
If you admit, that you obviously are unable to understand each characters actions/importance and role in the series, why are you saying that this is the series fault instead of yours?
>Niggers are born beta,
Since i'm top tier white and pure Alpha, where's your problem?
Do you feel bad being a nigger?
There isn't a single minority character.
just watch castle rock. it´s a far superior show
German is a shit language and ruins my. Immersion
It's the most based language on Earth
Because if it was well written and well constructed I wouldn't have this issue. The series introduced a fuckton of characters, with several actors each, and then does nothing with them for half of a season. A good show doesn't do that. A good anything doesn't do that. It's obvious incompetence. Introducing 60 named characters in 4 hours is insane, and it's not at all surprising that they can do little else than jump between them doing nothing because there's simply no time to do anything with them.
>understand each characters actions/importance and role in the series
I need to watch it twice to appreciate that the load of nothing actually meant something when you know the end and the whole snoozefest is somehow good in retrospect?
German is the most superior language on this planet.
Funny. English usually ruins my immersion.
i want to do lewd things with the ginger girl
>believing in the multiple reality ending
the multiple world it´s a red herring so jonah can complete his destiny and end/start the loop
Dark its going to end like a perfect loop in the style of 12 monkeys and the timecrimes
mark my words
>A good show doesn't do that
I don't watch shows where I have to glue my eyes to subs the whole time
Nazi trannies go dilate
I don´t care at this point and the only thing I can do is feel sorry for myself for watching the second season.
Learn German then to experience this Kino fully.
im amazed that a german show managed to have no nigs in it other than background ones
>I need to watch it twice to appreciate that the load of nothing actually meant something when you know the end and the whole snoozefest is somehow good in retrospect?
That's why you have to focus on the details of what the characters do, say and how they react and what the details are around them.
Dark is not a series you can watch while doing other things besides. You actually have to focus and figure things out yourself.
Murrikanian series very often are self explanatory and literally guide you through the plot. Murrikanians topped making series in the seventies or mid eighties where you have to think and figure out stuff your own.
The attention span of people over there must have sunk to an absolute minimum i guess. Thats maybe the reason why they do so nowaday.
half the show is brown eyed shitskin mutts tho.
I read a ton of books and watch "high brow" movies, DARK is just poorly done and not compelling, at least not if you've had a lot of exposure to interesting things.
Imagine being this inferior and salty.
Learn German and become enlightened by the greatness of this language.
kike spotted.
Learning a neanderthal language ooga booga back to your cave
Hello fellow posters. Have you seen any satanists around this part of the board?
i can't confirm your version.
If this show is poorly written, what is then the 99.9% of murrikanian shows then?
Dark is like 3 times better than most of the murrikanian stuff that got released the last 3 decades.
non blondehair/blueeyed= not white
English is even more ooga booga, you uneducated swine.
Why was Hannah such a fucking cunt from the very beginning?
Katarina too.
how do they stay upright like that?
are the boxes glued together?
>If this show is poorly written, what is then the 99.9% of murrikanian shows then?
Absolute trash, most of everything is absolute trash, that doesn't make middling shows amazing just because they are less bad than most stuff.
Confusing, boring, mumblecore. Nothing like The Leftovers, or Stranger Things. The only thing kino is it's very good use of music
N-no. Just us latinbros hanging out, Herr Polizeiführer.
hes the only character i like
You know that German is the most effective and spot on language known?
With english, you can't describe technical details as precise as you can with German. That's also the reason why the best machines and engineers come from Germany. Even murrikanian engineers often use German for their technical documentation because english puts too many limits on them.
>Nothing like Stranger Things
dude I don't want to butt in into your plebbit discussion, but Dark is literally an american show made by germans. All the tropes, the way it´s story folds is 100% american, that´s why it´s popular.
>this table's a girl and this cup is a boy and this letter-opener is somewhere in between idk
Yeah yeah we all know your spiel Nosenberg
so this is your personal taste. Most viewers judge this show much more positive than you do.
Are you sure user? What's with the music then? Sounds a little satanic-ish to me.
There's the mute girl's mudslime boyfriend in season 1 but based Noah kills him.
I think it's more experience than taste, since I normally like shows like this, but it's like, I've seen this done before, much better, and more interestingly, so it falls completely flat for me.
I understand that you are anonymous here, but don't ever openly admit that you are a retard by posting what you did. It can still negatively affect your reputation.
That's not music, Herr Polizeiführer, that's just the construction site nearby. Are you okay, Herr Polizeiführer?
But you see that most murrikanians are absolutely unable to understand the plot.
cope shiteyes
>unable to understand the plot.
apparently so are the writers of the show.
they better start bring ends to storylines instead of just adding more mystery bullshit atop it
I don't like watching incestshit
there's no such thing as experience when it comes to movies or series.
Iy's either your taste or you can't cope with the story because you are unable to follow it. That's pretty much it.
So if you like or dislike the show, pretty much depends on you understanding it or not and what your personal taste is like.
I like the show very much and i am also "experienced" (means i have watched a lot of good movies and series and read a lot of good and bad books).
>Even murrikanian engineers often use German for their technical documentation because english puts too many limits on them
Wait, is that actually true or are you just shitposting?
Never heard of that but sounds interesting.
Damn I loved Egon, he was too pure for Winden.
Most kino voice too.
It's a shitty remake of Steins;Gate that never has a proper ending unlike Steins;Gate
The writers planned everything ahead and got bored by how predictable it was and then changed some stuff around to make for better arcs and surprises. See If you're saying it was all "too predictable" you are talking shit and haven't actually watched the series.
I watched season 2
I guess some people are easily entertained or don't have a discerning mind.
If you like one of the most broad appeal things there is, that doesn't exactly speak to you being different from the hoi polloi, who also gobble up cape shit.
Because it's Netflix.
it´s shit because the show lost its identity. It was a murder mystery with sci fi elements, now every fucking character has to play some role it this mess of a story and it´s very tiring and dull.
Have you heard of The Terror user? Why not make it 3/3 :)
The German language is able to be much more detailed in describing and explaining things. You can literally make up words your own in order to document or describe things that get instantly understood by others who speak German.
You can't do this in english. It would just sound nuts and people would most likely misunderstand things.
It started out as a family drama with murder mystery elements. Then it was sci-fi. Then it was postapocalyptic survivor fiction. Then it turned into something else. I, for one, like when a thing isn't confined by its genre boundaries. But I can see why people want their series to be only one thing and not a constant mix of genres.
IQ-let spotted
Judging over other peoples personal taste is futile.
But that you have to take such measures in order to try winning a discussion doesn't speak for you i can say.
fippy bippy
the moment when Adams identity is revealed is the moment when the show quality nosedives. Literally a soap opera tier twist.
I'm merely reacting to your rudeness.
I'm German myself, I know and agree.
I was just wondering if American engineers really use German for that very reason.
Could be true, American scientists usually use the metric system after all.
>believing the guy with a melted face who could literally be anyone
Why would I want to watch a discount Stranger Things?
Because it has no niggers.
>Why would I want to watch a discount Stranger Things?
because you obviously like shit stuff.
NASA uses Metric and i know that JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) uses German in some of their technical documentations.
I came across an american engineer, who wrote his technical documentations in German when he worked for Chevrolet. And as he said, they very often do this.
He now works for DeWalt and they don't write their documentations in German. So it's not a general, more of a unique thing, but it's done.
I was actually going to watch it soon but
>time travel
Cool, never heard of this. Makes sense though, it really is a lot more specific than English.
having a different view on things is rude to you?
Are you a libshit lgbt or leftypol faggot?
Just asking.
I, too, was like you once. But that was 33 years ago.
yes, it is.
We Germans need like 10 words to be spot on, while in english you need like 15 to 20 words.
Romanian languages like french are utter useless, because they would need like 50 to 100 words to be spot on.
So for technical stuff one better choses germanic laguages rather than romanic ones.
>Iy's either your taste or you can't cope with the story because you are unable to follow it. That's pretty much it.
>I guess some people are easily entertained or don't have a discerning mind.
What, you feel free to be a cunt but when others respond in kind you cry?
And you keep bitching about someone being mean to you on the internet. Is this your first day of talking to people?
>Are you a libshit lgbt or leftypol faggot?
Never mind, I see how it is.
>Why not make it 3/3
>the loop finds a way to enclose itself
>user will make the same mistake again and watch some shitty recommendation from Yea Forums
So you went from right to wrong?
Normally people progress and get better with time due to their experience and knowledge.
Explain, how does it feel to you getting more inferior for every eyar that goes?
Do people ridicule you?
Actual linguist here. The reason why German is sometimes used in sciences and sometimes on space stations is that it forces people to speak in a different language. That fact alone makes them chose their words wisely and be more precise. I studied German and English and I couldn't come up with anything that makes one language inherently suited better for a more precise description for things.
The production design has to spend all their budget on too many different things and too many actors, so every "age" its well done but very small, the things that affects the whole world never leave this tiny town.
I remember writing that post.
It's refreshing to have a series that isn't "We have to save THE WHOLE WORLD and America!" for once.
>What, you feel free to be a cunt but when others respond in kind you cry?
hm.... it wasn't me who complained about rudeness. Follow the discussion correctly so you understand.
Telling someone that he is obviously unable to follow the storyline isn't about being rude, but rather pointing on a fact.
But talking down on ones personal taste with shitty to none facts backing these claims is just a cheap trick to win a discussion that otherwise would be lost.
Personal taste can't be discussed. That's why i would never start a discussion on a "muhh shitty taste" foundation.
But you did bring this up. While i pointed out that you (according to your posts) are unable to follow the story correctly. Which i pointed out as being the main reason you dislike the show.
>It's poorly executed and boring
>You just don't get it
Really nigger?
>that it forces people to speak in a different language.
Not really user.
There are a lot of reasons i wouldn't like to have my highly paid engineers being occupied with "just another language for the sake of being occupied with stuff".
Most of the engineers i met who learned German where exactly for the reason i takled about in one of my previous posts.
It's not a necessity, but it's useful.
you have no other reason as the ones i stated.
Shant be watching g*rms
>Most of the engineers i met who learned German where exactly for the reason i takled about in one of my previous posts.
Yeah, but those reasons you listed are not actually founded in linguistic reality. Germans, funnily enough, use almost double the word count of English when talking because they fill it with degree words like "so", "eigentlich" etc. which are what makes up the natural spoken German language. If anything, the case system has some disadvantages of being ambiguous over the more isolating system English uses where word order defines the agents of a verb in a sentence.
It's more like:
>i'm just too stupid to follow the story but won't admit it
>muhh shitty executed and poorly written
Once i pin-pointed this out, you instantly got rampant.
Your reaction is pretty much the confirmation of me being right.
Holy shit, have sex, you're such a fucking sperg. Imagine being so insecure because someone thinks something you like sucks that you need to put words in their mouth because you can't possibly be wrong about the quality of the thing because you aren't allowed to like flawed things.
Both of you should have sex. Like, with each other, I mean. The sexual tension is unbearable.
If i use "eigentlich" in a sentence, i can meen a slightly different thing or on a different way. This is a prime example on how fine grained our language really is.
To describe the same thing as i want but in englich, you need at least one additional sentence in english, where i just need the word "eigentlich" to get the "vibe" of what i wanted to say between the lines through.
When i read complex documentations that are both in english and German written, the english ones are mostly longer by a good margin. Whilst the french ones are almost double in length. :-D
That's mainly a problem of translation, though. For making a more exact translation you will need more words by default. There is nothing inherent in the German language that makes it more exact or precise than, say, English.
Now, you blame for things you do yourself.
I am totally ok with others disliking the show, but then these people should admit that they're unable to follow the story because of whatever issue they have.
But saying that the it's poorly written while it's not is just a cheap excuse for not admitting being too dump to understand what's going on in the show.
He stated that a lot of the caracters are unimportant doing unimportant stuff. That's OBVIOUSLY wrong. Because season 2 keys up some things that all these "oh so unimportant" side caracters did were actually important.
Season 2 proved him wrong. And if he has seen season 2 and still states this, he has evidently admitted that he didn't get the story. Otherwise he would have never said this.
>There is nothing inherent in the German language that makes it more exact or precise than, say, English.
Yes there is. I'm a native German speaker and i know this.
post more lewds of her
I am a native speaker as well and a studied linguist and there isn't. If you have an actual argument that involved German grammar, please bring it.
look, i see this in almost every technical documentation, where an english version is available too. The German one describes specific things with like 10 words, where the english version needs at least 15 to 20 words or sometimes even more.
Just take a manual of some random normally complicated tech device and here you are.
the german is bad and melodramatic
it's japanese tier """""acting"""""
it's bullshit
Then how came trading card games that are going to be translated into German have to plan for 30% more text than the English original if it's so specific? See, I can use anecdotal evidence as well.
Your subjective perception is not reality, user. I see why it feels natural to defend your native language against all the other languages because of course it is so intricate and all the other languages don't have this and that etc. but the reality is that all languages are just different coats of paint. If you want to discuss actual linguistics with me then please don't rely on anecdotal evidence.