Why did she choose the Colored boy as her mate?
Why did she choose the Colored boy as her mate?
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Orange hair bad
because she licked jewish producer assholes to get the role
because 40 year old jews write this show
The Kikes made her do it because they get off watching Sikshas suffer. But even from an in-universe narrative it doesn't work. She spends S2 lusting after Mike, then Steve, as she warms up to Dustin. Then they drop in the nig.
Why did they kill off two more white straight males and replace them with a niglet and a dyke?
Because ginger is an anagram of nigger.
Have you seen her life? Her older brother abused her verbally. Only women who are used to being treated bad go for black people.
Holy shit
Well she's no Annalise Basso that's for sure.
She's a redhead and as everyone knows, when your hair is red you have to be black bred
She had no choice.
Because Mikes got Onitis, Will's got PTSD and gay and her only other option was la creatura.
>that bounce
Gee I wonder why
Do you think it was necessary? No. Someone did that on purpose because he could.
Thats unironically sick. They should be in a mental hospital, not directing shows.
Why does that one kid have no teeth
because ginger women hate their own kind
has some kind of disease
>literal first kiss
Too pure for this world lads.
It's all so tiresome
Jews and leftists are trying to genocide the redhead race
It's from a 10 minute YT film so best to get the bouncing tits in when you could.
Fucking racist bitch.
do gingers produce strawberry milkies
this but unironically
You just KNOW!
>tfw I had my first kiss at 16
also she had to unwillingly lose it to a nigger
fuck these writers
Reminder that gingers are subhumans and not white.
gingers are niggers
why isnt her role given to a woman of color
isn't he a trannie now?
Do whites produce vanilla? Dipshit.
Shes from a broken home with no good parental unit
Melanin receptors
it's just not fair
delete this
Irishmen are white, they are just shit whites
Why can't you whites just own up that some of you are fat gross and loud?
Nice fake news
Yeah, she looks very stressed in that picture
Paddyniggers were never white, they're on the same tier as niggers.
Wow it's almost a child actress makes comments that bring negative press to a project she will be pressured to walk them back by the show's producers after the fact.
asuka when
theres no excuse
Notice how it was a redhead?
Redheads can't resist black men everyone knows it
She didn't, the producers did.
Who is she going to pair with, another male ginger? Lmao they never get any pussy
Because someone had to date him, and Millie is too busy pining over Finn Thundercock.
What movie is this from?
blacked RAW
Who on fuck cares about ginger males, you gay weirdo.
That's well within the standard deviation of 15 points.
This, she would fuck a donkey on camera just for fame,women are cattle and should be treated as such.
someone has to make ginger females so they have their uses
same reason why Robin chose another female as her mate
Netflix appeals to people who think controversial shit is "progress"
the same people who think Black Mirror's San Junipero episode is the best one
Who cares if he isn't white. Why does that matter?
Thanks to (((Shawn Levy))).
Lol you're a dumbshit if you don't think she just had to walk it back for PR reasons. 14 year olds are too truthful in their interviews, and Netflix doesn't want headlines about how it forces little kids to kiss each other unwillingly
>this bitch could've been getting fucked raw by packs of niggers for my enjoyment
worst timeline desu
Why wasnt she cast as Ariel?
shoot yourself in the femoral artery with a harpoon launcher, thanks
Imagine being a normal person at that gym and seeing that.
Ginger is an anagram for nigger you know.
>tallest person is finn
>hes 1.78
jewish genes are shite
can you ad examples of race mixing of redheads into this?
also add ariel
melanin receptors
at 35 im too old for my first kiss. it'll never happen now.
im 30 and i feel the same way. its over. when i think about how i rejected a qt friend of my sister when i was 13 because i wanted to play wow instead i want to kill myself desu
Damn. Max will look like that?
Got it from some time traveller
I wanna make her scrape off my smegma with those front teeth
Did he guarantee safety?
Oh, she looks so stressed in this picture
the moderator deleted my comment on this thread
red hair + blue eyes are one of the rarest combinations and the writers want it to go extinct
Reminder that everyone and I mean EVERYONE in hollywood who started as a child actor was sexually abused.
The entire crew of Stranger Things is most likely used in sex parties as sex slaves.
Because it's an American show.
Based and redpilled
jewish writers
She's a /pol/lock
Based. I wonder how much of this is actually true.
She didnt. ((They)) did.
Also, the actress hate that nigger. Did you realize that they didnt kiss in this season?
When will Joyce and Steve get fed up with being cucked out of love and just fuck each other?
Shitposting aside, it disturbs me that there are people who actually believe not being attracted to somebody is racism
what the fuck this?
whoever took the time to make this needs to take a break from /pol/
Has there ever been a more committed comedian than this guy?
>you got the once in a life time chance to work in stranger things but you’re paired with nog instead of Finn Cutehard
have sex, you fucking incel
Why are all of them dressed like retarded pieces of shit Only Finn looks normal
>tfw first kiss at 16
She is from California.
They all dress so badly. The girls from GoT also have no taste. Is it generational?
They've had other people dressing them their whole lives.
you dream is suck a black dick uh?
What is it with gingers and blacks? A black girl I dated ended up marrying a ginger. Was I not pale enough for you, Veronica? Damn gingers stealing our chocolate mates.
Those amazing DSL are wasted on Millie
I (((wonder)))
Thats nothing. I turn 20 tomorrow and I've never kissed a girl
>the main white kid is with the main girl
>the mutt is a forever alone incel
>the jew kid is gay
>that left with the ginger and the black
It actually makes sense, it’s not even forced
It was him or Dustin. How is that a hard choice?
you incels have some weird fantasies
Fuck gingers
Them event hanging out with the mutt and the nigger in the 80s is forced. How many mutts were even around back then?
Hollywood for some reason sees black folks and gingers as interchangeable.
how retarded are you?
Probably some of it but chance but I'm sure it's nonsense
>Brooks and Goldbloom are kikes
Fucking shocker
Mutts of that level require several generations of breeding. The 80s were 40 years ago.
I mean red hairs are either hot or not.
>live in a country whose most famous statue has a poem about accepting immigrants on it
>be surprised when theres immigrants
this is your brain on /pol/
>James Gunn a peadado
Yeah nevermind it's fucking retarded.
Fuck those french niggers. Setting us up like this.
Gingers and niggers are kindred spirits
Join a community acting group, if that’s not your thing, join a renaissance fair or other community group to meet decent gals. Just a suggestion. That’s how I meant my first gf and my first kiss was at 18 years old.
Turning 28 in a month and I've never held hand with a girl. Don't feel I'm missing out though, just felt like one upping you in misery, r9k style.
>most (((famous statue has a poem about accepting immigrants))) on it
Built by (((Free Masons))). Why don’t you read some of the writings of the founders, eh?
Have sex
yeah, that is some nice fake news you posted user.
Came here to post these. Beat me to it.
Hollyweird is covertly racist huh
Yes. This
They’re close in real life
The poem isn't a founding document. It was added by jews fairly recently.
Do you expect a 16 year old to be 6 foot tall? He’s already close to Harbour’s height visually it’d be weird for him to get even taller
Kek, look at that and then how she acts with the nig in interviews and whatnot.
It's scenes like these I wished I was watching it alone.
Why's the picture so low quality? like someone rubbed vaseline on the screen
fucking pieces of shit. white guys like me try to help you and warn you but no, MUH HILARIOUS WHITE GIRLS GETTING BLACKED HAHA FUCK WHITE BOYS AMIRITE?
She said she was pressured to kiss in a previous interview before this backtrack after realizing she would fuck her career by exposing the producers.
Why didn't you protect this smile?
Or look at how different he acts around Millie than with her
That bottom one hardly counts; unless you're suggesting they cast her in a role she presumably auditioned for just to shave her hair, since she was a moderately famous redhead.
The zeitgeist made her do it.
I lost my virginity at 14
What a gay post.
you're so stupid lmao
Women like what ever polticans and media tells them too.
Redheads must be replaced with blacks.
>when they make her black in the remake
Based Netflix
I never noticed that...
>her mate
check out david attenborough over here
>With Incels Interlinked
I just got the meme..
Thank you for unwittingly enriching my life today
Maybe she can still be saved...
I’ll take the blacks over ginger subhumans any day.
It's too late, she's been tainted.
She's gonna be a qt when she grows up
Well, it's only a role.. Maybe Sadie will remain pure... And hey, maybe in S4 Max will get with Mike.
Because she's a non-white herself
>ginger = nigger
You're a race traitor.
Because redheads are also colored folk
You're trying to b8 me into bringing up a certain group of people and getting banned
>ywn watch silly videos on the phone with Sadie
Why live
Based. Saddie a pure. I hope Max gets with Mike. Also
>oh yah, Dacre's HAWT
>but he also kinda sort
Bitch, you've got a bigger nose than me, and mine's literally swollen from leftover puss that's nested into the skin from all the years, ebcause my dermatologist fucked up (September can't come soon enough to get that surgery done). Christ...
Not surprised to see Finn’s awesome in real life too, he always seems like a nice smart guy in interviews
Implying she isn't already
Nooo, Mr. Shekelstein!
I was 6'3" at 16, am 6'5" now (24)
At 16 you should be mostly done growing
>samuel l jackson lurks on /pol/
this is the most autistic thing i've read
I'm exactly 6 feet tall and I frequently walk by 14-16 year old boys who are taller than me, its kind of embarrassing.