what is the best alien film and why is it the original?
I like all alien films except AvP 2. I even like Alien 3 and Resurrection
What is the best alien film and why is it the original?
/pol/ is a hate organization and should be banned
we are talking about movies here, go to /pol/ if you want to talk about /pol/
Alien was great. The only things I do differently would be:
1. Have a few more (like 3) crewmembers that you can kill off for added horror
2. You need the crew to fully breakdown and panic, which would add to the horror. The crew did seem to keep it together a little too well for having a fucking alien monster killing them off one by one
Thanks for ruining a perfectly fine thread you faggot, I hate election tourists but faggots like you are just as bad if not worse
objectively alien is the best movie
but aliens is still my favorite
this is now a nigger hate thread
*tink tink tink tink*
A movie cannot objectively be the best, it's all subjective.
If Aliens is your favorite than that is the best, in your opinion of course.
>likes Prometheus and Covenant
Who would win, Godzilla or a giant xenomorph?
>brought the original idea and aesthetics
>claustrophobic setting where a monster lurks in dark corners
That's why it's the best. Alien Covenant is the second best though. Embryos are kino.
>You need the crew to fully breakdown and panic, which would add to the horror.
Zoomer detected.
Hard to say. Big G could use atomic breath but could also get tons of acid blood sprayed back on him.
Godzilla would instantly obliterate the Xeno faggot with his atomic breath
Alien>Alien Covenant> Prometheus> Alien3> Aliens > Resurrection
true, also because they are retarded shitskin zoomers with bad taste in everything
Godzilla gets tons of shit thrown at him on the daily, I don't see why acid would harm him
>tfw no Call gf
it hurts
>t. Aliens Camersonshitterpleb
>Puts Aliens anywhere but behind the first
>Says other have bad taste
giant xenomorph probably
It has the
>best horror
>best music (Aliens and 3 are strong though)
>best setting/set design
>best alien design
>best pacing
>best cast (along with Aliens)
It's the first to show you just about everything you need to know about the creature, so it has to show each of those things in memorable ways that leave their mark (first egg hatching, first study of the facehugger, finding out about the facehugger's acid blood, the chestburster, finding out about the alien's rapid growth, ruthless violence, strange anatomy, extreme stealth, speed, agility, alarming cunning, adaptability, and ability to survive). Each of these things has at least one very memorable scene attached to it. The final escape sequence is probably the best in any horror movie. Actually fuck that it is the best. Its special effects are top notch. It showed space travel in a completely different light, like an setting for an arduous, boring job that people have to go to in the future rather than some final frontier. It showed just enough of some extended lore without actually going into it that let your imagination do the talking, therefore not ruining it. It was the best at almost every last thing the series had to offer, as much as I love Aliens and 3.
Depending on the continuity but the only things able to kill Godzilla are either unconventional weaponry (oxygen destroyer in the movie but it could be some kind of degenerative virus in theory) or his own nuclear instability.
Has anyone ever made a cut of the film that's just the Theatrical Cut but with the Director's Cut scenes added?
OG Godzilla would probably lose
Heisei Godzilla could win
Millenium Godzilla could win
2014 would probably lose
Shin Godzilla would fucking obliterate the Xeno
The standards debate
>thinks Aliens is good at all
Don't ever bother fucking responding to me again about cinema you fucking pleb. Covenant and Prometheus shit all over Aliens
>thinks Covenant and Prometheus are good at all
Don't ever bother fucking responding to me again about cinema you fucking pleb. Aliens shits all over Covenant and Prometheus.
I see what you mean, but I disagree. Extra crew members would be useless, empty vessels of characters with nothing to do except get killed by space Jason. They had a captain, an executive officer, a warrant officer, a science officer, a navigator, and two engineers. That's all they needed. And Lambert was panic in chief. Parker panicked a little too and you could tell that Dallas was getting nervous when he went to hunt the Alien down in the ventilation units. If they went the full panic route, screams and all the movie would have lost something in my opinion.
I have no idea why resurrection gets so much hate, Terminator Ripley is a little lame but who gives a shit, it’s the 4th movie in a franchise about spooky killer aliens. The cast kills it and the aliens kill the cast and it’s entertaining. Winona was good in it too, probably the third best Alien movie easily
I saw one cut that had all the footage in that includes unfinished sequences that were clearly cut for good reasons (like the chestbuster puppet coming out of Kane's body revealing everything). Too bad Scott considers the theatrical cut the director's cut. The other version can be called special edition and has one or two short scenes that should've been in the movie (like Lambert attacking Ripley or the alien knocking down Jones' cage).
Because its story and design origins are deeply rooted in art history and literature. Giger has directly stated that his vision of the chestburster was directly inspired by the figures of Francis Bacon's "study for three figures a the base of a crucifixion" (pic related). When the chestburster screams for the first time, it bears a striking resemblance to the figure at right (the mouth. It's all in the mouth).
What's the future of the franchise will Scott get his third Prometheus movie? Blomkamp's version or a tv series that would similarly retcon everything after Aliens because I also heard this theory.
> Aliens shits all over Covenant and Prometheus.
Cameron is a shit. Five fucking minutes Prometheus or Alien Covenant alone is better than everything in Cameron's Aliens.
t. SEETHING marvelfag
Hey faggot what makes you think I like Marveltrash at all if I think Cameron is a shitty director? I obviously have taste.
Cameron and Marvel directors all have no talent and make shitty movies
Seriously stop fucking memeing for one second and thinking about shitty marvel movies constantly and their money war with a movie that has zero cultural impact
>dislikes Cameron and Marvel
Pick one zoom zoom
Meanwhile, the Derelict spacecraft finds its artistic origins in Böcklin's "Isle of the Dead", specifically this version of the painting (he executed multiple versions). The painting is well-known in the German-speaking world, and has extra-edgy cred: Hitler admired Böcklin for his mythic, classical European themes.
The point at which the away team enter the Derelict bears an obvious resemblance to a vagina. If one ret-cons the sexuality of Giger's art onto the Bocklin original, then the two limbs of the island can be taken as legs, while the trees in the middle are a woman's sex. Right at the same time that he was accepting to work on Alien, Giger had completed an "Homage to Böcklin" which was simple a re-tread of pic related in his own style.
Despite being totally unnecessary, Alien:Covenant has a few nice bits. One of them is a still shot outside David's place at night, which effectively reproduces pic related and makes explicit the original inspiration. Life would soon imitate art, as the Sex=Death stuff and theme of male rape would manifest in reality as AIDS.
>xenos get dropped with a fucking pistol in Aliens and Resurrection
Why do people act like xenos are so bad ass when they're easy to kill if you're armed?
>Aliens and Resurrection
There's your problem. Alien and Alien3 are the only original films that actual have mustard.
Compare Homage to Böcklin with the previous. Also in the previous, notice the three figures (two upright, plus one coffin) slowly advancing toward the center. Dallas, Lambert and Kane follow the exact same trajectory.
With armor-piercing ammo. Meanwhile an alien gets impaled with a spear gun in the first movie.
because if you aren't well armed then you're fucked. Even if you're well armed they are still scary because they are smart (in some movies) and they fucking rape you if they catch you. They also have acid blood so there's a high chance you will get some on you if you shoot them.
Aliens is the objectively better film
If you have no taste at all and like mindless shitty movies like Mad Max Fury Road and John Wick 1-3 maybe. But actual people with brains and an eye for nice visuals prefer Alien.
If you are serious and not baiting you need to fucking kill yourself asap
>dislikes Cameron and Marvel
Pick two zoom zoom
It's just a woman, chill.
Lad you have shit fucking taste in movies Aliens is fucking horrible and directed like a shitty American director would ape a good franchise
Alien is a generic slasher flick in space and has aged like shit
Aliens is timeless
You're living proof that Yea Forums is reddit. Zero fucking spine and objective subjective film chops.
Just watched Alien on UHD yesterday it's aged great. Aliens is the shit one that treats the Aliens as bugs and is a shoot em up movie with zero horror
keep sucking ridleys cock and swallow his cum like the shit taste cuck you are
pathetic samefagging subhuman
I will since he's a much better director than the hack who is now spending the rest of his life making shitty Avatar movies after only making a shitty Titanic movie two decades beforehand that was awarded with occars that dont matter
Alien vs Aliens threads were once the worst threads on Yea Forums. It's good to know that not much has changed.
Universal truths:
T2 > T1
Aliens > Alien
That is all.
Pathetic Alienspleb with no retort
We all know what the best Alien film is
Scott completely fucked up his own universe with Prometheus and Covenant. The plotholes are uncountable and the movies are so full of stupid shit that they are almost parodies. How on earth can you defend this fucking mess? Are you high or just fucking retarded?
Although not explicitly based on any of Conrad's work, Alien's story and themes bore a similarity. This connection was strengthened with the naming of the main ship as the Nostromo (after the Conrad novel of the same name), and the escape ship Narcissus (center), named after the Conrad novella entitled, wait for it, The Nigger of the Narcissus. Interestingly, Alien was released the same year as Apocalypse Now, more famously (and explicitly) based on Conrad's Heart of Darkness.
>Scott completely fucked up his own universe with Prometheus and Covenant.
Says the fucking pleb. Go watch Aliens again you mong.
JIDF autoposting bot
Best alien film is Mars Needs Moms
You seem to like horrible CGI effects and rehashes. And you dare to call others pleb? lmao
>horrible CGI
>horrible rehashes (that btfo of plebs who like Aliens)
Prometheus and Alien Covenant in UHD look 1000x times better than Titanic, Aliens or any Cameron film ever has or will
Unironically only the most no-fun boring people on Discord, many of which are Brits, seem to absolutely seethe at the mention of Alien
The alien's penis-head was stewing in Giger's art for 15-20 years before it became a movie monster. In several previous iterations, Giger superimposed a large glans of a penis onto the top of a female figure, thus obscuring the eyes, a kind of blindfold-morphology, and a clever technique for objectification (the eyes are the window of the soul; to dehumanize your subject, take away its eyes).
Pic related is an early version of the idea as used on one of Giger's more obscure album covers.
there’s a shitload of references to classic art in covenant to the point that it’s almost distracting. illustrations from Dante’s inferno and paradise lost, isle of the dead recreated almost exactly, and the shot of rosenthals head floating in the water to mimic Ophelia (Scott returns to this shot 3 times or something to really hammer it home).
First one is the best, obviously. Aliens is for manchildren
Rewatched them and I always switch back and forth, but Aleins is just so enjoyable. It manages to still have the same amount of suspense as the 1st one, despite us knowing everything about the Xenomorph.
I love the scene with the eggs as well. It's fucking perfect.
>there will never be a live-action Elden
>let me just pet this space-snake
but what about the BONUS situation?
Was Michael Bishop an android or human?
ay yo hol up someone say somethin bout the B O N U S situation?
>first fucking post