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It's a guy in a costume

It's a guy in a particularly bad costume.

dude in a retarded costume

it's me in my costume

3 answers, all devoid of actual arguments and proof, wow, so they really can't explain this

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It's a costume

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Yea exactly what I said, no arguments

Can you explain how it’s not a costume?

I saw the Australian "Big Foot" once while bushwalking.
He is known here as the "Yowie"
He didn't look like pic related though.

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He has a gland that naturally produces a bio-electric field that disrupts camera focus

Proof is required for a factual statement; OP asked for an explanation. A guy in a suit is the most logical explanation.

He looked more like this

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Here we go...

Reddit probably thinks it's a costume too.

There is no great ape on the American continent.

He actually looked more like this

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If Sasquatch is so great then where's his gf?

It might have been your boyfriend.

Reddit probably also thinks the sky is blue. What's your point?

bigfoot is a chinese sleeper cell agent

a punk ass bitch that can't take a grizzly on fairly

Why is it so hard for people to believe that there were giant hairy monkeys walking around? Maybe at the time this photo was taken there were very few bigfoot left and they've all died out by now.

Imagine being the Yowie in that bush and having to be all like “damn, William Tyrell, you fuckin’ fine, all adorable with your young boy body in your spiderman costume. I would totally abduct you” when all he really wants is to stomp through the bush and peek cunningly into tourists camcorder footage. Like seriously imagine having to be a Yowie and not only sit in the bush and watch while William Tyrell plays in his foster grandmothers backyard, his young body dressed in a superhero costume, and just abduct him, while he is running around the yard?

Attached: yowie221.jpg (1187x1077, 92K)

Exactly what I said. No arguments. Which is perfect because you don't need to make arguments, the burden of proof is on people who wish to assert that bigfoot is real. So you don't need to make an argument to prove a negative.

Being that a dude in a costume is the most likely reality the burden of proof is probably on those who reckon it's some mythical creature that no one's ever found a shred of physical evidence of.

>Why is it so hard for people to believe that there were giant hairy monkeys walking around?
There were giant primates walking around. We have evidence that they existed. We do not have compelling evidence for bigfoot.

So, there was this guy called Roger Patterson who was pretty much a jobless bum. He had self-published a book about bigfoot (mostly made of newspaper clippings and interviews with local freaks) and even tried to film a horror movie about Bigfoot with buddy Bob Gimlin. He failed.
But eventually he managed to go to LA and convince a wildlife film company to make a sort of find footage film maskerading as a documentary where he and some friends would play the part of cowboys hunting for Bigfoot, and Gimlin would play the role of a Native American scout. He even bought a gorilla suit from Philip and Amy Morris, who had a company selling theatrical supplies, and some lenghts of fake fur to modify it slightly. Local laborer Bob Heironimus was chosen to be the one wearing it for the last scene.
And then, when they were filming cool locations for their movie, they actually filmed a real Bigfoot.
I mean, it's almost hard to believe, but it happened.


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Unironically really hot in this scene.

So, how comes that in the centuries of american history, a nation where every fucker has a gun, nobody has ever hunted one of these creatures that allegedly can be found everywhere? BTW, I wonder if there is a retirement colony for elderly Bigfoot in Florida, because goddamn, do they seem to like that place.

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This is such a reddit comment.

An elephant swimming.

All you need to know

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i guarantee all the bigfoot sightings in florida are black bears. amazing how many people don't know there are bears in florida

my dick. sorry I was floating and had an erection haha

cryptidfags have yet to explain away the blatantly fake, perfect white, perfectly ovular, perfectly flat bottoms of his feet in the video. The smoking gun for this hoax, I almost thought it may be real until I noticed this.

lots of hunters who have allegedly seen bigfoot say that they initially think it's a man in an ape suit which makes them hesitant to shoot. when they realize it's not a person they usually get understandably freaked out and leave the area.


what about your mom?

they guy who shot this photo admitted he faked it using a toy submarine

Bigfoot is a spook to distract from the REAL cryptids out there.

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Bigfoot was a guy in a suit filmed from a long distance on a grainy Super 8 camera so you cannot see the zipper and other suit details, and 20 and 30 year olds in 2019 who have a difficult time losing their virginity want to believe that Bigfoot is a real creature because they fill their lives with fantasy crap like Lord of the Rings and Star Wars so they want to believe in fantasy garbage like a man in a suit filmed by a guy that was obsessed with Bigfoot so much he faked actually running into one because he knew he would never find an actual Bigfoot because they dont exist.

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i have a hard time believing that this an orangutan or that the OP is a guy in a suit

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Why would anyone want to shoot bigfoot when he's content to sit in the woods and mind his own business?

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Just a 'squatch that escaped the Patterson/Gimlin Massacre. Two others were there, killed by Patterson and his crew. MK Davis has always been really vocal about this since he has the full 111 minute footage.

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