The ones you can recommend to normies like your parents
What're the Go-To Quentin Tarentino movies?
Reservoir Dogs because Pulp Fiction has the dead nigger storage scene.
jackie brown
which also happens to be his best
Quentin Tarantino, Jim Norton, my question is who the fuck is that black guy
Django Unchained
Jackie Brown
Kill Bill
Death Proof
That's literally my parents' favorite scene. Boomers don't care if you say nigger. Neither do zoomers btw (see Pewdiepie incident). Only a small group of millennial SJW types care if you say the dreaded "n-word".
Django Unchained is my dad’s favorite movie.
That n*gger on the right looks like a ghost, only his eyes and teeth are visible
All of them. The question you should ask is, has his done anything that isn't normie-tier schlock?
most normies watch his films though
Because I am a mentally ill incel with nothing else in his life. So I obsess over the things I hate, not realising that this makes me miserable. And in this hugbox, I find others with the same mental illness, so it feels like we are all correct, instead of all mentally ill. I can't focus on positive things because I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, like many here, and good things make me feel like shit, so I focus strictly on negative things and use the coping mechanism of saying anything positive is "Reddit", a website I have never visted. If anyone likes anything, for any reason, I'll say it's "Reddit" so it saves me the trouble of even knowing what I mean. All I want is an easy way to discredit anything that isn't mentally ill negative discourse, so I can go on being mediocre while shitting on everything that's a threat to my ego and complacency.
Reminder that Quentin has an IQ of 160. Pulp Fiction is a perfect movie. Absolute genius.
Jackie Brown is his most "classic", but it's actually a lot better than people think. It isn't anything like Pulp Fiction but it comes out better for it. It's truly brilliant. Possibly the last good role for De Niro.
Four Rooms
Resevoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
I'm not really into his new movies
Hateful Eight is cozy/10
>Quentin has an IQ of 160
i doubt he even reaches the 80s
Kill Bill 1/2 is his most normie trash
I was super hyped to see it back in 2003, because I loved everything he did before that point. But all I could think was "What is this shit. This is not Tarantino". Didn't even finish, dropped it 1 hour in.
I hope your not white.
uno farto
Kill Bill, easy
Why does Quentin use the n-word so much?
>Reminder that Quentin has an IQ of 160.
Oh shit, if we're just making up scores that no one's gonna check then I have an IQ of 250
It's a black male thing
Oh, the racist is illiterate. I am shocked.
It is his least favorite out of his own films. Which says a lot about what a pleb he is in reality
>Kill Bill 1/2 is his most normie trash
Untrue. It's very entry-level, but Basterds, Django and H8ful are all more normie-tier.
Kill Bill is relatively this weird kung fu western that a lot of people didn't 'get'
it's me jimmy norton. remember chip chipperson and the o and a show?
It’s a black male thing