Birthday letter from Kurosawa to Ingmar Bergman, who had just turned seventy.
Birthday letter from Kurosawa to Ingmar Bergman, who had just turned seventy
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This touched my heart. Thanks for sharing, user!
Its true for Clint Eastwood, his best film was J. Edgar at age 80.
Wholesome content? In MY Yea Forums?
Absolutely based.
And neither of them created another worthwhile film after this. So much for his big baby theory.
beautiful sentiments
got a 'HA' outta me
an account of a meeting with andrei tarkovsky by stan brakhage
White genocide is real.
They were still more successful than you'll ever be. So much for being a neckbeard.
Who the fuck is Kurosawa and Burgerman?
>Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe is a short documentary film directed by Les Blank in 1980 which depicts director Werner Herzog living up to his promise that he would eat his shoe if Errol Morris ever completed the film Gates of Heaven.
15:17 to Paris is also Kino huh?
And yet, they’re two of the greatest artists of the twentieth century, and you’re posting on an anonymous Chinese cartography appreciation website. So...
yeah RT drone
Blessed thread.
You really don’t understand the need for optimism and a little romance in old age, do you? Not surprising, considering how many of you are lifelets that haven’t even tasted the dregs of life, much less the sweet nectar. God bless you, user, I hope you learn to be less cynical as you age, because it’s not a good look past 40.
>goes through youth, the prime of life
I think I fucked up the prime of my life lads. The time, the fucking time it slips through my fingers and I can feel it like I’ve never felt before. How do I unfuck it? Will I ever be able to unfuck it? How will I ever get things in order when I feel so dead inside. Lads I crawled too far up my own fucking ass and I can’t get out of it. The fucking quicksand of self-pity and narcissism screwed the very essence of me. How do I start over....
You can’t get back the time you’ve spent, but you can reflect on it and discover what you’ve learned and can learn from your experiences. Facing into the past leaves your back exposed to the future. You still have plenty of life left to live. Rodney Dangerfield wasn’t discovered until he was well into his middle years, after all.
hahaha get fucked asshole
If you could go back you probably wouldn't do anything different.
In both cases their late stage films were their best