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Is HBO serious? Even the normies hate season 8. Was anything else of note announced?

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*breathes in*

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HBO doesn't choose nominees.

However, whoever does sucks HBO's dick all the time. Series are considered great just because they are on HBO. The only thing GoT should ever have been awarded for was sets.

>Kit Haringon for leading actor
but he literally just a glorified extra this final season

Did it get a Best Tv Show nom for season 8? Because that would be hilarious.

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she will win

Based and /ourgirl/pilled

>Sophie turner
>Masie Williams

>Emilia Clarke
>kit Harrington

So the emmys have lost all credibility then?

They lost cred when they awarded this Saturday afternoon syndication level of a show to begin with. The writing and acting was the type of shit you'd see on Legend of the Seeker, Time Trax and Merlin.


Impressive for Dinklage to get an award for a season he wasn't in. What an actor

Remember that time 'you want a good girl but you need the bad pussy' beat The Leftovers for best writing?

If there is a writing nomination that would be hilarious

I hope Alfie gets it.

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This is the only category that GoT should win.

bcs still going on lol? should have been cancelled year ago

Soooo no Chernobyl?



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Patience comrade

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Would bang

I would also like to know why GOT is listed under comedy, I mean season 8 was so shitty it was laughable but come on

How is game of thrones nominated for anything this year? The season was a dumpster fire.

It's because dabid and dan decided that the one episode they were in charge of should be submitted

I'm happy that Joey got nominated

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Wow literally the worst written episode lmao

>Award shows

I hope Killing Eve wins something cause I like that show


Jodie Comer should win she's really good in it.


Where the fuck is Stephen Dorff?

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>no Too Old To Die Young
>about to freak out over this clear snub
>realise that only shows from before 31 May are eligible
Okay, we're good for now...

>they gave GoT its first writing emmy for season 5 - the season where the writing quality tanked very suddenly and dramatically

Drinking away his sorrow

It should be Alfie Allen to win best supporting, but it's gonna be Peter Dinklage

She was good last season.

Where's Jared Harris? Is this an old list?

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Who's gonna take it lads?

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makes you think

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He’s nominated in the miniseries category. He’s not snubbed as bad as the time Jude Law didn’t even get a nomination for The Young Pope.

>"you are not here to speak!"
>speaks for 10 minutes without shutting up
>10 minutes of walking
>56 out of 70 minutes have no dialogue
Is this a joke?

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They aren't even pretending

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kek Conan is done

Maisie Williams nominated for "Best Buttcrack in a Drama Series"

Never saw the show. Wasn’t the final season the worst ever?

Why do Americans hate Jared Harris so much