>My friends you pay tax to no one
My friends you pay tax to no one
Never thought I'd die fighting side-by-side with an accountant.
>Deutsche Bank is in a bank run pull your bags Isildur
i wonder what alexander the great's tax policy was
*starts singing*
>your stock took a little tumble of the cliff
>You tell yourself that your low risk muni bonds will pay off in the long run... BUT YOU DREAM user!
>Your treachery has already cost many shareholders, thousands more are now at risk
>But you can save them Saruman, you were deep in the enemy's accounts
What about side by side with a no-interest insurance premium?
>Seething Tolkiencucks still can't get over the fact their shitty fantasy world has no depth
have sex
>No indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a stockholders meeting and you are not.
so what is brans tax policy?
>One does not simply short the Bank of Mordor
>what about bailout? yes we had one but what about second bailout?
>For sustainable growth in housing equity over a 10 year period
Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to GRRM, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Game of Thrones had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. GRRM can say that Bran became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But GRRM doesn’t ask the question: What was Bran’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these Dothraki? By the end of the war, Danaerys is gone but all of the Dothraki aren’t gone – they’re in the Crownlands. Did Bran pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby Dothraki, in their little Dothraki cradles?
>Bankers of Goldman Sachs! Of Wall street! My brothers. I see in your quarterly earnings the same fear that would tank the housing market. A day may come when the courage of the lenders of last resort fails, when the bank of Isildur does not reward your reckless lending practices and stops the cycle of nationalization of losses. But that day is not today! An hour of credit default swaps and shattered banks when the age of the investment banker comes crashing down! But it is not this day. This day we lend! By all that you hold dear on this good Marketplace, we will lend! Men of the West!
For Rothschilde!
>Where is the stock and the trader? Where is the dividend that was flowing?
>They have passed like profit margins in the recession, like share values in the crash.
>The credit ratings have gone down in the West, behind the bailouts, into insolvency.
>How did it come to this?
*starts giving tax cuts out of nowhere*
>Buy 'em
>Sell 'em
>Package them in a CDO
None of you want to live under the rule of a little kid tree wizard in a surveillance state?
What was Aragorn's stance on monetary policy? Did he support transitioning over to nominal income targeting or maintaining traditional inflation and interest rate targeting?
>You’ve been into farmer maggot’s crop reports again, haven’t you?
>I don’t know why he’s so upset, it was just a little insider trading!
>And embezzlement!
>A number of figures in the Aragorn administration are currently being investigated tonight. Investigators in the Justice Department claim his administration has in effect allowed a number of political clients in the Shire to evade income and payroll taxes. More of that later after our story on the continuing trade dispute with Rohan, whom the King claims is engaged in currency manipulation to bolster its trade surplus.
>When in doubt Meriadoc, always follow the hooked nose
I can't stop laughing at this fucking pic
>Even the little baby Dothraki, in their little Dothraki cradles?
I imagine hundreds of horses stampeding by with cradles strapped to them with little dothrakis in them wailing away with curved rattles in the air
Because I am a mentally ill incel with nothing else in his life. So I obsess over the things I hate, not realising that this makes me miserable. And in this hugbox, I find others with the same mental illness, so it feels like we are all correct, instead of all mentally ill. I can't focus on positive things because I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, like many here, and good things make me feel like shit, so I focus strictly on negative things and use the coping mechanism of saying anything positive is "Reddit", a website I have never visted. If anyone likes anything, for any reason, I'll say it's "Reddit" so it saves me the trouble of even knowing what I mean. All I want is an easy way to discredit anything that isn't mentally ill negative discourse, so I can go on being mediocre while shitting on everything that's a threat to my ego and complacency.
>No, Frodo. The spirit of usury has
>endured. Jewish life force is bound to the
>federal reserve and the federal reserve survived. Zionism has
>returned. Their goyim have multiplied...their
>fortress of fractional reserve lending is rebuilt in the
>land of fiat currency. Israel needs only audit exemptions
>to cover all the lands in the second
Jesus Christ why didn't Peter Jackson cut Gandalf's antisemitic tirade from the theatrical, director, and extended edits of the film?
>tfw don't understand what most of the terms in these posts mean
Feudal lords used to grant tax exemptions to secure loyalty among minor nobility.
No taxes, just conquer
>He's trying to bring down the Market!
>Gandalf, we must sell our shares!
>send them to the Jew
what is reddit's tax policy?
>that fractured greentext
Hunt them down. Do not stop until they are found. You do not know patience, you do not know understanding. You will recover HMRC's taxes!
>no way itll go down Sam, the eye its too big to fail, im holding my JP Mordor Chase shares
based thread
taxposting lives by it's origin. we must destroy the capitalist. SIEG HEIL
What is sex's tax policy?
They have cave toll.
Sacramentum and Dawn and based tho
Sauron has regained much of his former liquidity. He cannot yet take corporative form, but his greediness has lost none of its potency. Concealed within his skyscraper, the CEO of Mordor sees all. His audits pierces policy, appeals, collaterals and taxhavens. You know of what I speak, Gandalf? A great Accountant lidless and wreathed in flame. He is gathering all evidence to him. Very soon he will summon an army of lawyers great enough to launch litigation upon Middle-Earth(tm).
Fuck it. If you don't listen to nordic black metal you are not an aryan man. Denounce false gods and you will be granted place among the valhalla when you die in the upcoming racewar.
>So much debt. What can men do again such reckless rates?
>Evade with me. Evade and sue them
>For bankruptcy and profits
>For Rohan Inc. For your shareholders
>"The market is opening"
>"Look to my jet at 5:30 AM next week"
>Yes. Yes. The Phone of H. Hammerhand will ring in the deep, one last time!
>Let this be the hour when we draw litigation together. Fell collectors awake. Now for insolvency, now for ruin, and the black crash! Forth Eorlingas!
>Dawn and Sacramentum
sorry man I'm drunk af and only been listening to burzum, mayhem, darkthrone, barathrum and marduk. HEIL ON 'TILL ETERNAL DARKNESS
That’s what happens when you major in Communications
"Tell me, where is Gandalf, for I much desire to trade with him"
"He has fallen on Shadow Friday"
>My revenues are starving. We ain't had nothing but challenging trading conditions for three stinking financial quarters!
>Yeah! Why can't we sell some debt?
>What about housing bonds? They're fresh!
>They are not for trading!
>What about their real estate assets? They don't need those. Ooh! Those rates look tasty!
Ironically, for as much as Martin complained about Tolkien brushing over key aspects of his world building (which was true), Martin himself completely ignored similarly important aspects of world building that Tolkien actually did very well. Key among them being linguistics and religion. Religion has basically no part in Westeros and everyone from the Wall to Sunspear speaks the same language.
Martin's a fat fuck and all he cares to write about is food
>linguisitcs is ignored
absolutely true
>religion has basically no part in westeros
could not be more wrong
from the heart trees and the old gods, to the drowned gods and knigsmoot, to devoting hundreds of pages of AFFC to the high sparrow and the poor fellows, cercei's walk of shame, capturing lancel-
martin probably focuses too much on religion
there's constant mention about septas and the seven pointed star in the earlier books too
and that's not bringing up the many faced god and all the shit in bravos
The world is changed. I feel it in the markets. I feel it in the inflation rate. I smell it in the GDP. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. It began with the forging of the Great Banks. Three were given to the Elves; immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Dwarf Lords, great brokers and stock-tradesmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine banks were gifted to the Race of Men, who above all else desire power. For within these banks was bound the strength and will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another bank was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged, in secret, a Master Bank to control all others. And into this Bank he poured his Nazi gold, his laundered money and his will to dominate all life. One Bank to rule them all.
religion is more or less ignored in each setting. yes GoT has a variety of religions but other than the lord of light being a plot device nobody really cares about religion. the entire high sparrow part in kings landing feels really out of place because somehow some bum is suddenly the pope which never existed and said pope suddenly has more influence than the ruling king in kings landing which although is the center for that religion it never played such a role before but now hes calling all the shots and people just go with it because he has some thugs in robes.
The honor meme is honestly the closest thing Westeros has to a religion. Despite actual miracles taking place in the plot.
yes he mentions religion but the only time when it has any significant role is either being a plot device (lord of light magically killy renly boratheon or bringing jon snow back to life) or when its the high sparrow's plot which was retarded.
>We're not Jews. We're whites. Europeans. Aryan folk!
>I've never heard of a White man before... Sounds like Jewish mischief, to me! They come with smiles, they come with capital... Undermining, misleading, subverting, complaining, leeching! Usurers and destroyers, curse them!
Only linguists should write fantasy fiction, Martin is a chubby hack who tapped into a late capitalist materialist desire to 'reimagine' the fantasy genre and simply failed to understand the gravitas of Tolkien's achievement. I genuinely feel sorry for him.
Bran is the perfect King in this aspect if he paid any attention to every master of coin ever. He's most likely just fapping to all the qt's he can
what bothered me was that martin made religion more of "we do it because its our culture and makes us distinct" thing which is okay but then he throws in real magic (white walkers, lord of light bullshit, god of many faces, etc) only to ignore it once it serves a purpose. when real magic happens it even catches the characters off guard because no one in the world really believes in any of it.
>redditor attempts to Yea Forums
good if bait
My problem is more that he actually does a good job crafting a unique culture. Like taboos against Kinslaying and Kingslaying and breaking faith with your lord.
And it never once actually serves to dictate anyones actions. The show is even worse about it.
Martin is the classic cradle catholic who failed to understand catholicism, any sense of metaphysical worth is lost on him, every discussion of religion has to be grounded in a materialistic reasoning that fails to understand that people are capable of acting on the behald of a perceived transcendental. He is truly pathetic.
in brans case its not up to him to create tax policies but presumably the master of coin's. the whole point of HBO's ending is that the king of westeros is either a placeholder that has some influence or just a less volatile way to solve the issue of transfer of power.
taboos against kingslaying? the only real examples we are given is jaime who at worst gets called kingslayer on occasion but no one ever makes any negative judgments or actions against him because of it. Even in jon's case he is simply banned and the Frey's were never treated worse for betraying robb.
Holy based
there's no taboo against kingslaying, people hate Jaime because he kingslayed WHILE A MEMBER OF THE KINGSGUARD. The taboo is against breaking oaths, not killing kings
That’s the point. It’s supposed to be a big deal, they even have a word for it “Kingslaying” because it’s so odious.
That particular point I don’t even mind because it is a huge part of Jaime’s characterization that he has this cross to bear and Lords like Ned would hate him despite Aerys being a psycho.
The Jon thing is a better example of them just not giving a shit about fantasy world vs. modern American morality.
Jon commits both Kingslaying and Kinslaying while stabbing an unarmed woman in the heart.
It should be like we think about molesting a child- just too fucking twisted to even consider.
>They have taken the ledgers... and the second quarter returns.
>We have emptied the accounts... but cannot evade them for long. The phone vibrates.
>Auditors... auditors looking deep.
>We cannot sell out. A majority stakeholder moves in the dark.
>We cannot sell out.
>They are coming
this post gave my eyes aids
>Lembas, elvish crypto currency
>One coin is enough to fill the pocket of a fully grown man
>loan me
>i don't have sufficient funds for it you have to loan me!
>don't tell the bank
he literally just went from place to place fucking shit up I dont think he had any intention of governing anything
Did Aragorn have a Medicaid for all program? Not everyone can afford an apothecary.
>I never thought it would end this way
>End? No the profit doesn't end here
>Liquidation is just another path, one that we all must take
>The red balance of your account rolls back, and you launder the collateral in silver bars
>And then you see it
>What Gandalf? See what?
>Open doors, and beyond, a large green balance under a competitive interest rate
>Well, that isn't so bad
>No. No it isn't
>The Board of Directors have voted
>The measure does not pass!
Based libertarian Aragorn
>Gandalf, we could pass through the Crypto-Mines of Moria. My cousin, Gerald Cotten, would give us a royal welcome
>It comes with a 4% tax-free annual equivalent rate?
>I'm getting one.
He would pretty much let you do whatever you want as long as you do three simple things.
1. Give money and soldiers to Alexander
2. Say Alexander is the best
3. Say Hellenism is pretty cool
Which was the most efficent way to run an empire in the past.
Wait what? Did he tell him not to destroy it in the books or something?
Ireland seemed like the more natural choice
>How many did you sell
>Look, what's this? Transactions on his blockchainses
>Everyone I don't like has a Personality Disorder
Armchair psychology is PEAK reddit.
The free peoples of Earth were given businesses to trade goods and services... but they were all of them deceived... for another business model was made.. and into this business model he poured all his evil and malice... one by one the businesses of Free Earth fell to its terror... the one corp... ONE BOARD TO RULE THEM ALL
Inherited from the Achaemenid Empire.
They should make do a remake with this plot and Frodo is an IRS agent trying to retreive and audit Amazons tax returns
>whom, as much as I admire him
Tolkien would not have said that.
He was asked if he could have written stories about what happened after Aragorn became king, and of ruling. He dismissed it as foolish because it would have no literary weight.
He BTFO Gurm before Gurm was even born.
>He thinks GRRM was behind King Bran
The absolute brainlet.
>fat fuck thinks he can desecrate a dead person
>for quantitive easing
either GRRM came up with it, or he's such a greedy hack that he's happy letting HBO destroy his work so he doesn't need to finish it. Fuck him
Back to r*ddit
Kek, based. FUCK Merkel aka PayPigkel.
It's true you don't see many dwarf stocks. And in fact, they are so alike in language and appearance, that they are often mistaken for dwarf bonds. And this in turn has given rise to the believe that there are no dwarf stocks, and that dividends just spring out of holes in the ground!
Why would aryans listen some northern germanoid screeching
same as the mongols
>JP Mordor Chase
Who /accountant/ here?
I do tax. 48k with no cpa and 1 year of experience. I can't complain.
>It's like in the great audits Mr. Frodo.
The ones that really mattered. Full of fraudulence and error they were,
and sometimes you didn't want to know the balance. Because how could the balance be surplus. How could the income go back to the way it was when so much bad happened. But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even audits must pass. A new financial year will come.
My sides went into orbit for that one.
based grease
I know you will roll your eyes or ignore this, but meds work. They can take weeks to kick in but they work.
>What's the Jewish word for friend?
>not Greek word for friend
Missed opportunity.