Other urls found in this thread:
>holy shit I LOVE witcher
Where's the second sword?
Its a picture of a guy on a horse netflix shill try a little harder there bud
Oh god, don't tell me there're no monsters....
>first look
But we saw him a few weeks ago already.
don’t seethe so hard
Just post the picture of the female cast compared to the video game counterparts already
Lmao, mad virgins literally got BTFO.
This shit looks AMAZING.
First look at Roach you stupid Mexican
>protagonist not black
Well, at least they got a horse to play the horse, as opposed to a zebra or a donkey.
noooooo wtf /pol/tv/ told me he was going to be played by a disabled trans muslim woman??????? wtf what am i supposed to be outraged by now?!?!?!? NOOOOOO THE FFKUING JEWS ARE PLAYING TRICKS AGAIN
>show the only OK looking cast member
show us the niggers and la creatures
look at that HILL and leafless TREE in the background
and his WHITE hair
It's a picture of a man on a horse, calm down basedboy.
This. It's as part of Geralt's look as the white hair.
cope harder
Looks fucking great.
Henry Cavill sucks as an actor though. They could have put a grey wig on a literal wooden log and it would have been better as Geralt.
The fuck is going on with the shading in that pic?
Good question. maybe it's a plotline of the serie, getting a silver sword for Geralt.
>worlds you couldn't see yourself in
who fucking cares? who actually self-insert as any of the characters in their mind?
hey bruv those hills are from my homeland and they do look amazing aight?
now I wish we buried this piece of shit series under them, but we can't have it all
Fuck it. Maybe they're going down the book path - monsters aren't every twenty paces and Geralt keeps his silver sword on roach.
>Anya Chalotra
She’s Indian. Why are niggers so fucking dumb Jesus
You're blind, my dudes.
>who actually self-insert as any of the characters in their mind?
Retarded self-insertfags.
>who actually self-insert as any of the characters in their mind
Ah alright.
No thanks, Andrzej
That costume looks appalling
She cute tho, but not a good Yen at fucking all
fuck off concern shill
This series is gonna be powerful
No one. It's completely made up bullshit to justify blackwashing. That dumb nigger probably likes Disney and Pixar movies with no human characters
a single sword is enough against white males, the sword of truth
Fuck off shit tier writer
>tfw your black gf tells you her favorite movie is spider-man: far from home because peter and mj remind her of your relationship
it’s tough staying racist when you have a black gf
OK, I'm cool with that.
He carries the sword on Roach just like in the books. Here is the hilt.
Meanwhile in a polish-made fanfilm, from left to right: Triss, Lambert, Dandellion(older than in the books by 50 years)
>100% white cast in witcher
That thing on the right is supposedly 27 years old btw
That's typical for gypsies.
Cavill looks a thousand times better
What the hell is this Holocaust in the making?
It's not Geralt, it's Lambert though. And he actually looks withered and sickly, as opposed to Cavill's chiseled looks.
yep, that's a horse alright
I will bet $20 USD against every single person in this thread that Geralt will, at some point during this series, be emasculated, shamed, or laughed at by a female POC. Any takers?
Yes, that's Yennifer's literally whole shtick. She was written based on Sapkowski's viper of an ex wife.
Oh, and she'll cuck Geralt with a nigger in third or fourth episode, depending on how they adapt the books.
Why is it always the redhead?
Wait what happened to the ginger girl?
>andrzej seething in every thread
Netflix, duh
How often will Cavill say KURWA?
Never. They really don't understand what they should translate and what they shouldn't. For example they're calling Dandellion 'Jaskier', even though IT'S A MOTHERFUCKING NICKNAME. HIS REAL NAME IS JULIAN ALFRED PANKRATZ, VISCOUNT DE LETTENHOVE.
indians are half australoids, so same trash
Does it ever get stolen?
Basically the plot of season of storms
HOLY SHIT A FUCKING HORSE!!! A HORSE!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why isn't it a black horse?
Bit racist imho
lol, embarrassing
That happens in the books, repeatedly. Yennefer mind controls him into doing humiliating stuff the first time they meet, and later on she cheats on Geralt with another mage for months on end
They are only together for a short time and bound by magic. It s not a storybook relationship. He fucks plenty of sorceress sluts too
Yeah but Yen is fucking Geralt at night and leaving to go fuck Istredd in the morning. It's not the same as him hooking up with Triss or Fringilla when he and Yen were on one of their extended "breaks".
That's a stirrup you fucking retard.
>into doing humiliating stuff
He beat up the mayor. That was funny, not humiliating.
> cheats on Geralt with another mage for months on end
For half a day
Yen and Geralt where not on a break when he fucked Fringilla.
>Only one sword
I can totally see the normie logic behind this. "Durr, why he have two swords? Silver sword better than steel sword so that's dumb." This is what happens when you put a bunch of dumb women in charge of something they have no interest in outside of wanting to control something that men like.
Was it really half a day? My memory must be fucked then, I thought they were in that town for like 2 months.
I hope to God Handsome Henry doesn’t try to do the try hard solid snake wannabe voice from the games.
They were in the town for 3 days.
The silver sword is on the horse, just like in the books. It's not like the games where Geralt encounters monsters every 50 steps so he doesn't need it on his back.
Only reason they made the "stare at the sea" picture is to show off the scabbard.
My bad then.
Yeah, fucking hated that story. Basically fairweather fucks them both.
Lol, I forgot they cast a black guy as Istredd, Yea Forums is gonna love that
Every. Fucking. Time.
>dick ball armor
>diversity quotas
>Murican female writing team
>video gaym adaptation
Tell me in what world this ends up having any merit whatsoever.
>The black guy will try to kill himself
That will be funny.
Then almost lets them fight to the death over it
It's for the American audience. They don't know what slavic even is. Probably still think Poland is somewhere in Russia.
Poles aren’t white
Can't believe they chose a cis white male for the role of Geralt. It's 2019! Fucking RACISTS
>Henry Cavil
This shit is going to flop. He is one of the least charismatic actors of all time and everything with him at the center sinks like a stone
Cast him
So, how many negros has Netflix forced into the series?
At least 50% of the cast is black.
This is Netflix so I can't wait for the sassy women and mandatory CHRISTIANS BAD episode
But that's literally what the witcher is about.
just like my vidya
Why don't they make the sword half silver half steel? One edge for humans and the other for monsters?
You’ve clearly not paid attention to the books or even the game. The game was worse at it. Netflix is adapting the game but with colored people. You’re just noticing how much SJW influence the story has because the characters aren’t all white.
Because I am a mentally ill incel with nothing else in his life. So I obsess over the things I hate, not realising that this makes me miserable. And in this hugbox, I find others with the same mental illness, so it feels like we are all correct, instead of all mentally ill. I can't focus on positive things because I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, like many here, and good things make me feel like shit, so I focus strictly on negative things and use the coping mechanism of saying anything positive is "Reddit", a website I have never visted. If anyone likes anything, for any reason, I'll say it's "Reddit" so it saves me the trouble of even knowing what I mean. All I want is an easy way to discredit anything that isn't mentally ill negative discourse, so I can go on being mediocre while shitting on everything that's a threat to my ego and complacency.
The books are like that though.
When was the last time Netflix made a quality series? It's been years. Even the shows that are "worth" watching aren't even worthwhile, it offers pretty much nothing interesting anymore. The Witcher will be another soulless series from Netflix.
Also, as an aside, the format of releasing all episodes at once is awful, kills any discussion and build up from episode to episode. It's fine for television shows that have already aired and completely finished the series, but for new shows it's just an awful way to release them.
The Witcher was a success because of the games, not the books.
I like Cavill but he doesn't look eastern european at all nor mutant and that bothers me. The design is exquisite though.
Both are made of with a steel core but the silver one has a coat of silver on it. The silver one is strictly for monsters due to the silver being brittle and parrying other swords will damage it. Geralt is broke as fuck and can't afford repairs. He's a traveling bum for most of his life.
This is going to be awful
will there be boobies?
It's going to be shit by default
In the books there's a scene where someone ties Yennefer up, rips her shirt open, and just leaves her there with her tits hanging out for a while. So hopefully.
Lol no.
And? The games are like that too. I don't know what point you're going for here.
the games were even more overt lmao
And the games were a succes because of the books.
Probably not. Netflix has become very tame the past couple years.
As long as they do the eventual monster fights justice
I bet you call others NPCs
Nobody even knew there were books
Speak for yourself user.
I hope Netflix pays Yea Forums for this advertisement bullshit. Fuck off, "influencer".
Makes me wanna read the books actually. Have they finished translating them all yet?
why are you so mad dude? jesus
Hiroshimoot is probably getting some spare change, he'll whore himself him out for anything. The shilling itself is cheap as fuck too, you can hire a whole office of pajeets to spam whatever shit you want for about 100 dollars a day.
>implying /pol/ said that
>implying/pol/ is one person
>doesnt look at the amerimutt and nigger filled rest of the cast
Back to pleddit.
No one will watch nigger witcher. Netflix will lose Friends and The Office. You will be laid off and live on shit covered streets like the hindu squallers in the next monitor over.
Ciri is sassy as well... until she becomes evil, gets btfo and scared to death of a bounty hunter.
Bonhart is best guy
if this series is following the books, then there is an extended period (I think like 3/5 books?) where Geralt loses both his swords, and is given a gnomish gwyhyr, which is a RIDICULOUS artisan level sword which he uses for both humans and monsters alike because it's that good
so although it might be jarring to people who just played the games, Geralt will have 1 sword only for the majority of the story
They're all brits dipshit
Isn't the entire point of Geralt naming all his horses Roach that he doesn't give a shit about them?
How much cynicism and hypocrisy goes into making these "adaptations"?
About as much that goes into the average post around here.
oh man, you just know people are gonna freak out at the scene where Bonhart confronts the rats, especially if it's as ruthless as in the book, including him meticulously sawing their heads off in front of Ciri
Isn't he dead?
Anyone who would freak out about that will have stopped watching after the Ciri molesting scene.
To what extend does Andrzej Sapkowski agree with these choices? Isn't this whole series meant to be a take that against ultra-nationalistic Poles and low-quality fantasy?
This looks like shitty hack fantasy armor.
Thank you.
He was supposed to be executive producer or whatever, like the fat fuck GRRM with GoT initially, but the drunk Pole bailed out first week into pre-production. Whether it was too jewishly subversive even for a SJW like him, or he just wanted the money and doesn't give a fuck about Witcher story aynmore... we don't know.
Unfortunately yeah, and he'd probably be too old even if he was still alive.
Can't believe there are people who looked forward to this garbage.
Hypocrisy comes natural to the progressive left. It's what their whole world view is based on.
Well, he hates a good portion of his fandom, who don't get the whole message and think racism is awesome.
All the costume work is garbage. They must have hired the local knitting club and some LARPers to stitch the lot together. The stuff that isn't plastic import from a Chinese sweatshop, that is.
I'm convinced that these people just have no beliefs and just follow the money.
Are we going to have to watch you monkeys post this in every fucking thread now?
bitch no one reads the books
this show's gonna suck
whenever I see a soijak I automatically assume that's just what the guy posting it looks like
Jeremy Irons.
Sapkowski wrote in 1992 (so before even starting saga proper) an essay titled "Piróg, or there is no gold in the Grey Mountains". It's a manifesto laughing at DEEPEST LORE and people doing """"""Slavic"""""" fantasy (daily reminder Witcher is NOT Slavic in any fucking way aside mocking contemporary Poles and their insecurities). In other words - he has nothing but contempt toward world-building and declared it in form that to this day has impact on Polish fantasy
just make another one nigga lmao hattori's got like nine of them haha nigga just buy a replacement
the fuck would I read some pulp fantasy when there's a video game for it?
until people manage to avoid posting soi wojaks every fucking second yes
Same thing.
who are you talking to?
Has it been confirmed in which accent Henry will talk?
>click through to link
>almost all the articles are written by the same guy with no other presence on the internet
I thought self promoting wasn't allowed on here?
Fuckin kek
yeah, no, that's gonna be a yikes from me to be honest
>Gerald of Rivendell
I'm more concerned about what this tv series will do to the series in general. Witcher 3 was immensely popular and well regarded / praised, even by normies that only played a few hours of it.
I fear that whatever happens with this, positive or negative, it will influence a future sequel to 3. People are going to claim it needs to be more diverse and whatnot.
One is an accurate representation of your average leftist, the other is retarded word salad.
Funny enough, made up his title (Geralt of Rivia), and he's worried for a good bit of the series that someone will call him out on that one. His original pick wa the uber-pretentious "Geralt Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegarde".
Cavill has big eyes and soft features apart from his anvil jaw, Geralt needed a much more rugged actor, even Idris Elba would have been better suited
Written by a team of far Left SJWs. It's guaranteed to be fucking shit.
i hope this shit bombs so hard
it's disrespecting both the game and story as the game was made by a polish studio and i believe the story it's based on is also from poland
If there ever is another major game in the series it will be at a point when this show is long forgotten.
Based. Much better that the roles goes to a POC woman than a white thot.
When do we get to see Fringilla?
Can you unironically post the link to this guy?
Saw webms of him but with edited videos on it. I want to see the original and see wtf this guy is so ecited about.
That was a misstranslation (thanks Google).
They are not working in 3 projects, but using 3 different teams in the |Cyberpunk project (2 for the game itself and another team working on a multiplayer frame for the game).
it's obviously so women can stare at cavill's ass you fucking virgin
he was reacting to the new star wars teaser trailer
and..... dropped!
Fucking lazy excuse to miss out on having an iconic two-sword look.
>growing up as a black fantasy fan
i see that she likes boondocks too
there’s barely any monsters in the books so why would he be carrying two swords all the time
no one likes the books you pretentious faggot
the witcher is the most reddit game in existance so I expect this to be the most reddit show in existance
Get it?
t. NPC
>an iconic two-sword look.
Book Geralt does not carry two swords around on his back. There is no reason to, monsters are are and Yennefer has to actively subsidize his potential clients (without his knowledge of course) to make sure he gets a fair payment for risking his life to kill monsters.
I think every black person who likes fantasy also likes boondocks. It's a like a rule, we can't help it.
shut up redditor
Jesus Christ Yen pisses me off so god damn much
The witcher books and the witcher games are far more genuinely left-wing than reddit's pseudo-leftist "let's vote for Wall Street's handpicked candidate" fanbase can actually handle. I'm not pretending Sapkowski is some right-winger, racist, or even just a nationalist, but he's not the watered-down reddit "left-wing" type that just sucks off the right billionaires.
Lambert the number one bro?
>Henry Cavill
I want to believe.
>Produced by Netflix
>Yennefer has to actively subsidize his potential clients (without his knowledge of course) to make sure he gets a fair payment for risking his life to kill monsters.
Oh yeah... i forgot about that. Man how depressing when they revealed that
Big yikes
I thought he was going to be black? Pretty sure I remember an outrage about this on Yea Forums, or maybe it was some other adaptation. Anyway, I'm too old and can't keep up with popular culture anymore.
I just want to see Sorceress titties
I honest to God think their decision to cast Yen as a half-indian came down to the following:
1. Yen cucks Geralt in the source material
2. Geralt and Yennefer are both white in the source material
3. This is Netflix so you know
4. Even Netflix isn't so dumb as to ignore the potential backlash* so they hedge their bets by making Yen only half-white
5. Collect the easy publicity to make up for your lack of actual writing ability
*This is something that movie studios regularly look at btw, which is why the white guy/black girl romance in the new Star Trek movies were technically white guy/black hispanic girl, or why the black guy/white girl romance in Hitch was technically black guy/white hispanic girl. Playing woke without taking risks.
I actually like Henry Cavill, so I hope this adaptation is okay. Unfortunately, the source material is dog shit. The books are garbage. The video game is a bloated pile of shit. Geralt is a tedious Gary Stu. Fucking Skyrim shits on The Witcher 3, let alone something like Dragon Age Origins which beats it in every way (except graphics, the only thing The Witcher has going for it).
>let alone something like Dragon Age Origins which beats it in every way
DAO is literally just KOTOR with swords instead of lightsabers
This must be a satire.
I absolutely forgot that's the case. Still can't remember - was it in the novels?
I’m glad the show has feminist writers, if you nerds actually read the books it has very feminist motifs
gary oldman
His armor looks likes it made from the floor mats you put in cars
LMAO, imagine having this much of a shit taste.
No Bioware game was ever above 8/10, maybe BG2 came close.
KotOR is a fucking joke with the worst D&D adaptation ever and wooden dialogue. DAO is literally the most generic take on cprg ever made with some open-ended 4-5 hours in the beginning to fool the player.
nope just consume product and get excited for next product
>I can't self-insert unless they look just like me!
Imagine having such a shitty imagination.
I don't know why you keep bringing up the novels as if most fans have read those garbage, and aren't fans of the games.
I mean why would she be a fantasy fan if she seemed to hate the genre because she couldn't see herself in the world? I doubt she read a fantasy book in her life and maybe caught part of LotR on cable.
Because the show follows the story of the books? Are you retarded?
so glad I'm not an incel that needs escapism
The sad part is that Cavill deserved better. Tris and Yen being black is just a weird choice, yen being indian is icing on the cake. I don't get it really. The witcher series is not even that good beyond the game. So I'm just gonna skip it.
They'll just keep spamming pictures of Cavill in an attempt to make people forget the rest of the shitshow
wow dude a HORSE x-D EBIN!
we'll see it for two episodes!
production values might be fine
what about writing through? that's the main concern, people behind this never delivered anything half decent
>not having a fuckbuddy
lmfao @ ur life
>Negroid = Australoid
>In other words - he has nothing but contempt toward world-building
That much is obvious because his books aren't really good and feel like generic teen fanfics.
Pick one
>As long as they do the eventual monster fights justice
You know damn well it's gonna be some babby's first adobe after effect CW channel-tier CGI
I can live with the casting as long as they use their cgi budget to give all the girls pink nipples.
Kek. Based
>DAO is literally just KOTOR with swords instead of lightsabers
with recycled animations from Mass Effect
Settle down, 9 year old spastic.
even the horse knows its bad
Reminder that there have always been large numbers Africans in Poland and it was only just before the invention of photography that Poland became a white nation.
>read the books
why? they obviously won't stay faithful to the race of the characters. if they can't even do that why would anyone assume they'd stay faithful to other aspects?
Who is fairweather??
Who are the girl characters? I dont remember them from the books or games
I really don't give a fuck who they cast. They can make the entire cast vine swinging midnight black niggers from deep jungle africa for all I care, I don't have to watch it so I won't. You fuckers act like they're destroying all copies of the books and games and replacing them with this shit, or acting like you have a gun to your head and HAVE to watch it or something. Fucking don't watch it, it's not a hard concept.
>humans are POC
>but in the books humans are racist against elves and dwarves
woah are they gonna make POCs into racists???
>sorcerers slut around for their first few decades as mages
>witcher lays with top tier women in his journey
>dandelion spreads STDs across the land much like a flower with seeds in the wind
>brotherhood of mages kept peace for some time
>lodge of dykes secretly keeps tabs on everyone, gossiping in their sewing circle meetings and ultimately makes the world around them worse thanks to being emotional sluts
Oh really, the past still exists? Thanks for that helpful info. In the future this will be the only live action Witcher and it's already fucked. There wont be any other now that netflix owns it. If projekt red somehow went under and there was not going to be anymore games that would be a lose right?
Who gives a fuck? Live action adaptations are 100% trash literally every single time.
>you fags haven't yet realized that this sort of casting fuckery has been the norm for a while and it won't stop
Pic related, stop consuming this trash
>commie bunker in the background
They ooof
Netflix made this series onions. What a fucking travesty; they’re ruining my vidya games!
I gotta be honest. I don't care if they ruin the Witcher TV show.
The real problem will be when the next witcher game is announced and people get upset that they used the original characters instead of the "new coke" characters.
There probably isn't going to be another Witcher game, at least not with the same cast. Geralt is retired now, so it'll probably be with Ciri as the MC
its only silver plated.
lol almost posted that one
over 9000 hours of touch up
I would fuck that mare.
Can I ask an honest question?
Why won't they come up with original stories with original characters that have people of color?
Why must they encroach on established IP? For what purpose?
There's a lot of original stories with original characters that have people of color. Sometimes they even win Oscars. They aren't that popular among the general public, though.
ahahhaha. why are niggers so retarded and racist? It's like saying I can't relate to a dwarf or dark elf because I'm neither of them.
I'll tell you the reason, it's to make people less "racist". Its like how every tv show has to have an over the top swashbuckling homosexual, it's meant to desensitize you into thinking that it's normal. "Oh hey, that character is gay, but they made him the the comic relief... lol he is funny, so I guess it's ok"... You insert a bunch of mutts and full black people into everything, then sprinkle on interracial couples in literally every commercial, people become used to it, especially younger people. They'll grow up watching tv and seeing non stop niggers, and interracial shit and it will be normal to them.
umm sweetie both of those have mainly white features
Why does Roach look exactly like he did in the video games? Fur color, pattern, everything. He's even a horse.
It's not some grand conspiracy. For a hollywood executive this is safer.
>Original IPs are risky and unproven. Established IPs are easier to get funded and push through for approvals.
>Casting people of color earns "good boy" points. Nobody will publicly note that a movie failed because it had a black lead, even if it's statistically true. There is no down side.
>A reboot/remake adds value to the original. Take the little mermaid for example. If people don't like the new mermaid, they'll keep buying merchandise with the original mermaid. New fans buy the black mermaid. They may do a crossover movie with both mermaids. Everybody gets paid.
Honestly, it's brilliant move on hollywoods part.
fuck off, retard
fuck you Andrzej, go back to filling lawsuits
You don't need to relate to dwarfs or elves because they aren't the heroes. It's always a white male who is the main character and hero.
Then, there's a thing called "counterfactual history", where they take historical shit and fuck with it, like making a movie that says that black women were the reason man walked on the moon. Protip, there were no niggers in the Apollo program. They know full well there weren't any, but that didn't stop them from slapping the "untold true story" shit onto it, so now every nigger actually believes that black women were responsible for the Apollo program, and if you try to argue by stating reality, you're automatically RAYSIS
This. Disney doesn’t give a fuck about women or blacks they are simply maximizing shareholder value. They are optimizing their franchises into money printing machines like any other business.
Are you fucking retarded?
>ohnson's work included calculating trajectories, launch windows and emergency return paths for Project Mercury spaceflights, including those of astronauts Alan Shepard, the first American in space, and John Glenn, the first American in orbit, and rendezvous paths for the Apollo lunar lander and command module on flights to the Moon.
Yep; it's a horse, all right.
You could just yell WHITE POWER if you want everyone to know where you stand.
The dregs live on the other side of town, so stating the obvious around other white people who feel the same is rather pointless.
meant for
Man, that shot is terrible. Even I could take a picture on my phone that's more aesthetic. This is their glam shot? This shit's gonna be a fucking disaster, isn't it?
so guesses, think geralt is gonna have a heart in this adaptation, or is he gonna be all about money and bitches?
gonna be all humans r teh reul monsturz, count on it
................oh no.................. oh nonono...................OH NONONONONONONONONONO
yeah thatll probably come up. i hope he takes out a few haunted battlefields or something, i wanna see him fight bitch ass ghosts
unironically aiden gillen
stop reading homo-erotic norse fanfiction then
>social justice politics are valid as long as they don't revolve around niggers
wow, if only modern progressives would lose the dead weight haha! I suppose it is their curse, or Burden so to speak
How to spot a shill: badass, kickass, especially in combination with the term woman.
Didn't one of the three women still living denounce that movie for fictional trash?
Is't Roach supposed to be a bigger draft horse?
>white guy/black girl romance in the new Star Trek movies were technically white guy/black hispanic
no they were jew/black hispanic, just like the jew/black pairing in the original
>1/4th black
Holy fucking shit Poles are so fucking ugly
Just shidded and fardded :DDD
t. incel subhuman
The books had been a big hit in yurop and were becoming popular in the anglosphere when CD Projekt Red released the first game.
The problem was translation: only The Last Wish and Blood of Elves had been professionally translated into English. What made the publishers realise they had a hit on their hands was the sheer number of people asking for fan translated works on the various forums. The first game boosting books sales then had them in a rush to publish the rest in English then. Which worked out well because the new translator they got did a much better job of it than the first guy - made the stories far more readable.