This is great for memes and it was kinda entertaining but let's face it, it's b-movie trash
Unpopular opinions
Of course it is, that's the point.
no one is saying it was a masterpiece of cinema.
I think it's more than kinda entertaining, I probably watch it once a year or more and I really enjoy it every time.
except for half the retards on Yea Forums
I've come to chew ass
wtf are you talking about it's barely discussed
it's reddit incarnate
>it's b-movie trash
No one has ever said otherwise. It's schlock of the highest quality.
The fight scene is terrible
You're not around here a lot, are you? There's people on here who unironically defend it as great cinema
I'm here all the time and no one has ever done that, most this movie ever gets is political shitflinging.
I haven't seen that. What I have seen is people saying this is one of the best B-movies ever made, which I don't necessarily disagree with.
>The fight scene is terrible
This. Literally NOBODY is getting thrown into a car, or through a window, and there's ZERO slow-motion shots. Not even any quips wtf?
why didn't Childs want to put on the glasses
nobody tells childs what to do
that fight scene was so fucking retarded and overlong
>haha jews are actually hyper-intelligence technologically advanced master race
okay? Nice inferiority complex you got there
It made some people rich exploiting hipsters.
Because seeing the pure ideology is painful.
the point is jews act white to demonize whites, then claim jewishness to enjoy victimhood and minority status
more like commies exploiting other commies.
What movie, bros?
j ewish tricks
Not everybody thinks Jews are 300 IQ trans-humans like you, self-hating cuck
Dude, really? Fuckin' Google search it. Then watch it.
>some butthurt incel-tranny roamed around twitter looking for jew accounts so he could assemble this
IMAGINE what their life is like
>fellow white people
dilate plz
lmao obsessed
wtf are you talking about. you make no sense
>pointing out jewish tricks means you hate yourself
>bad movies
Go back to your shitty million dollar blockbusters
it's B movie
every Carpenter movie is B movie
but it's not trash
you're literally characterizing them as super-race hyper-intelligent advanced aliens and you meanwhile are just dumb insects
You will never be a woman
That's it's charm you fucking idiot, nice ruse
When do you eat/sleep when you shill this shit so much?