>You know what I think?
>I think you're a fucking faggot, just like your daddy.
Holy shit Yea Forums, how can one girl be so based?
Other urls found in this thread:
>lol 'she" xd uummm boipucci loool ummmm trapz aint gaylol hello guize its super epic because she is a he xD
Is she mocking him for wanting to fuck him? It's almost like they know queers are shameful and unnatural.
No, you misunderstood the point of it.
She said the thing that she felt would hurt him most. It's just funny that it happened to have a grain of truth to it.
>"when i say "kill all men" I don't REALLY mean "kill all men" lololol"
Why are lefties constantly so sloppy and broadhammer about everything, then wonder why no one want sot put up with them? Grow up faggots, most of you are pushing 30 by now.
Do you guys think the incel kid is gonna shoot up the school and kill all these degenerates?
what the hell are you talking about? Take your pills, schizo
Who is even watching this shit?
me, it's actually a well written and very stylish show
Yea Forums apparently and r9k
/lgbt/ as well
It's actually been really good so far
Go fuck a trap then come back.
Whats his name?
The cinematography is unironically kino. That's the only reason I watch it.
Look at that fucking goblin face, Jesus Christ.
She looks fine
You know what's really scary? He's still less ugly than Zendaya.
Yes, she's a she? What's your point?
If it has a dick it's a man. No amount of denial or agenda pushing is ever going to change that.
Imagine giving this much of a shit about if someone has a dick or not. Do you just spend all day thinking about where dicks might or might not be?
No, I just like to believe scientific facts over children that want extreme amounts of attention.
Please get better taste, stop watching filth like this. I'd rather you watched Vampire Diaries or some shit instead of this .
You fucks will watch anything as long as muh lgbt is represented in it
imagine defining your whole life around your sexual identity, fucking get some taste you cunt there's lots of shows with fags you can watch instead, like Black Sails. Fuck you
why does he keep forcing it
You see a okish looking tomboy, do you call her she or demand that she disclose her genital status with you before you decide on what pronouns you will decide to use?
If it looked like the dude from euphoria i wouldn't consider talking to them because i'd already know it's a guy because i have 20/20 vision.
Cool, now answer the question.
What does an "okish" tomboy even look like? My version of a tomboy and yours is probably very different. If i see a man i call out by sir and if i see a woman i call out ma'am. No amount of makeup and wigs is going to make me not see a man dressed like a woman and vice versa. It's sad that people like you have trouble telling a male from a female.
I think she's cute. :^)
Would you demand to see this persons genitals or just use the pronouns they provide?
that's not how it works
also, does that mean post GRS trannies are women in your eyes?
If i saw him and needed to say something i would say "Hey, Sir do you have a moment?"
She looks like a dude but she's got a female neck, tiny ears and no adam's apple that I can see what the fuck is this creature
As if we straightoids don't spend all day thinking about fucking women? Bro I literally can't go more than half an hour without wanting to fuck a girl.
That's a female runway model obviously.
When did Cara start transitioning?
You guys should probably make up your minds, this indecision is spitting in the face of science.
Thats correct its not. His chromisomes say that hes a man.
>le feminine penis
Trannies are a good litmus test to see if a person is so dumb they'll just accept whatever society tells them to think without hesitation. It's fucking disgusting. It's so disgusting it physically harms me to see them, whether it's in media or the street. It harms me, and therefore I'm justified in wanting to make it illegal.
Who the fuck cares about chromosomes and DNA? None of that matters, A human being can decide who they want to be when they want to be.
>but muh science
Yeah stop being retarded, we have already proven a male can be female and a female can be male it's all up to them to decide.
Do you find it somewhat tiresome to have to make up viewpoints and quotes for the people you argue with online. It must feel a lot like writing back and forth to yourself in a notebook, time consuming and not fulfilling.
Post webm with sound
why is she so fucking cute bros?
what's his problem? Just let the dude fuck, I thought tranny's love that shit.
>That's the only reason I watch it.
Lying faggot
was it autism?
thx to the user who made these
Post yourself in chastity or GFTO
That frame just does not work. Its never happening for the average tranny if that is what is being lauded in front of us as an ideal "passing" person. It's honestly sad, to hold the physically and biologically unattainable physique of a woman in front of a mentally unwell man and tell them that that could be them if they just swallow these pills and mutilate their body.
>identifies as a woman
>dresses like a slut and puts make up
>hits on men
>"lol you're gay cause you want to fuck me XDDD"
What kind of fucked up logic is that ? Did the hormones mess with her brain too ?
she literally just said it to hurt his feelings
Trannys are usually mentally fucked up before they start changing genders and shit. You don't decide to cut your dick off and take medicine to give you tits if you are a right minded human being.
She just said it because she knows its gonna hurt him. Cuz its obvious he's insecure about his sexuality/ probably bi.
even though you are a fucking frogfaggot
i whole heatedly agree with your post
again, it's not that simple. But even if it were, what do you think chromosomes actually do? By taking HRT, the action of testosterone is blocked and estrogen can work. The results are more or less equivalent to XX expression
Source? Also probably yes.
Basically these Do you have autism or something? Yes, she goes by female pronouns, so that's what people are using. How do you function in your daily life if this is a hard concept for you to grasp?
imagine wanting to fuck some guys shitty asshole instead of a beautiful woman's pussy.
literally the post that post responded to
There's that, but we don't watch dogshit shows just because it's got hot women in it, at least I fucking don't fuck's sake. Euphoria is literally Israeli propaganda with endless fucking it's like the gay version of that shitty Starz show on that's kinda the same.
have sex
lmao I must have skimmed over that. Sorry for being retarded
are you a tranny or a girl?
>A guy in drag that just sucked some chads dick calls him a faggot
tranny :^)
post a pic of yourself baby
the only real "point" of the show is kids born after 2000 are really fucking stupid and completely lacking in self-awareness.
ya know, just like all children in history.
>Who is even watching this shit?
Nobody. It's barely pulling 600,000 viewers.
Not quite as bad as Borat's show last year, but not good enough to be renewed.
Because I am a mentally ill incel with nothing else in his life. So I obsess over the things I hate, not realising that this makes me miserable. And in this hugbox, I find others with the same mental illness, so it feels like we are all correct, instead of all mentally ill. I can't focus on positive things because I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, like many here, and good things make me feel like shit, so I focus strictly on negative things and use the coping mechanism of saying anything positive is "Reddit", a website I have never visted. If anyone likes anything, for any reason, I'll say it's "Reddit" so it saves me the trouble of even knowing what I mean. All I want is an easy way to discredit anything that isn't mentally ill negative discourse, so I can go on being mediocre while shitting on everything that's a threat to my ego and complacency.
>being so narcissistic you believe that the discomfort of not having a body/identity like it was advertised to you by kikes, entitles you to demand societal-wide cooperation
I like how they thought that would be a tense shot, but it would've been more surprising had the tranny gotten murdered than what happened.
It got renewed a week ago, my man.
no u
desu I don't want the thread to derail further, so I definitely won't be doing that. Instead, I'll ask you, what did you think of this scene?
well, yeah. But I also related a lot to the drug use shit that's been going down. I've been there, and it's rough. I think they've been doing a pretty decent job of properly portraying it.
It's getting a season 2 m8
>muh joos
>demand societal-wide cooperation
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Why are you obsessed with the tranny and not the cutie whit the huge titays ?
>It got renewed a week ago, my man.
Weird. They're not getting enough viewers to support that. Maybe they're planning to sell it to netflix or something. ....or somebody's getting fired for that.
Good show or not, nobody's watching it.
>no u
Hard to join a general suicide statistic for a group of mentally ill people that I am not party to
they are definately portraying the subject matter well. Its just sometimes its clear someone involved thinks whats being said should be taken at face value, when its making a stronger meta-point.
>I'll ask you, what did you think of this scene?
I haven't watched a single episode, actually. I'm just curious about all this hype.
And I find this webm very arousing to answer your question.
What's the context on this scene? Rape, he's a sex worker?
As a penis expert, yes.
I believe in you - you can do it if you really try.
desu I don't really care what the creators intended. I enjoy my own interpretation of it, for myself.
You should definitely watch the show. I've really enjoyed it.
She's hooking up with the dude and he's overly aggressive. He's a bit mental.
>okay all the girls are literally whores and sending CP of themselves everywhere
>the fat girl with black hair starts getting paid to make CP
>she decides to wear image related style mask
... uhhh
>the guy paying her to make cp is fat, tiny dicked, bearded, balding, with brown hair
uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh are they referencing what I think they are or have I just been alive too long
i post an imaeg
he is crying
hahahaha faggot
What is this gay shit? I just want Zendaya milkers.
the one that looks like a frog?
>hurr durr big tits = hot
i bet you watch porn too you cuck
you realize the more you repress it the worse it will eventually come out right?
you could either just admit you think she's attractive and move on with your life or keep pretending otherwise until it manifests itself into only god knows what
This show is like Chuck
> (You)
>the one that looks like a frog?
>>hurr durr big tits = hot
>i bet you watch porn too you cuck
Now post her, fagitti.
All fucking faggots must fucking hang
its most notable feature is how stupid the writers are?
you can't on Yea Forums
most people don't repress their own desires