Why are you not watching the best adult cartoon comedy being produced at the moment, Yea Forums?
Why are you not watching the best adult cartoon comedy being produced at the moment, Yea Forums?
I have taste.
>watch the first episode
>it's the half hour animated equivalent of boomers going BACK IN MY DAY
I'm even a Bill Burr fan and I couldn't take more than half an ep.
>why aren't you watching netflix race propaganda pushed by a race mixer
I watched the first season and I dont think I laughed once
I dont watch cartoons. im literally too intelligent
Do we not have enough shows about cartoon families?
it looks ugly
Me undies
Me undies
No maw sweaty bawls
haha dumb suburban white people they're actually all miserable and conflicted haha they just need a cool liberal minority to spice things up haha
>calls himself intelligent
wew lad
>they just need a cool liberal minority to spice things up haha
that never happens though
Couldn't stand the Chet shit in season 3.
I only like it cause my boomer father is pretty much the exact same person as Burr's character and I grew up in a similar environment. But I can see why the vast majority of people aren't interested.
>adult cartoon comedy
That's why
Why does it look like a shitty Chinese knockoff of King of the Hill?
Nope. Not even close.
Thats not mister pickels
>watching cartoons as an adult
>coping with the shame by labelling it "adult" cartoons
>not willing to admit that your just an ADHD ridden retard that possesses the attention span of a rabid squirrel and requires drawing, loud noises and animated colors to hold your interest
This is why Amerilards are labelled the most retarded nationality to exist, just barely above sand niggers and African chimpoids who arent even humans.
> burrs hate shitty women and marries one
> burrs hate his father and does a show about a father 'back in the day'
what a masochist little bitch.
F is for Formerly
Watch it for her anons
I literally want to gouge my eyes out every time I look at the visual diarrhea that is that show
It's unironically cringy as fuck
F is for Feed & Seed
the first season was nice, as it was at least SOMEWHAT realistic in its portrayal of middle class 70s suburban life. the second season was dogshit though as it just became way too zany
based and blackpilled
fuck off and die
Pay your brother Bill
Any adult cartoons that don't consist of
>lol gore and irony
by spice things up you mean rape and murder, right?
It's Alright. I think saying it's the best adult cartoon is pushing it though. I wouldn't even call it the best adult cartoon show on Netflix. Good but not great and the show isn't memeable enough to pick up on the chans.