Who is your favorite movie reviewer? For me its Movie Bob
Who is your favorite movie reviewer? For me its Movie Bob
>Movie Blob the pedophile
What a bugman.
Why do kikes hate whites so much?
>when the leftard realizes his policies are actually very harmful to white working class people
Did Bob ate his self awareness?
How's about societally-obese white males? Working obese jobs in obese regions?
>movie blob says something insane
In other news, sky is still blue and water is wet
Juan making tacos is the future goyim, stop being an electrician.
Holy shit that actually fucking angers me in how racist, clueless, classist, pompous, and ill-informed that is. I just wanna beat the shit out of him in front of every woman he has ever liked.
based and jarritos pilled
>taking fast food orders isn't an obsolete job but maintaining machines that replace those jobs is
Vibrant sounds like a soi buzzword
>disregard the poor on behalf of being white and male, the auto-privileged class.
We're about to divide by zero here, everyone strap yourselves in.
How new are you to all this?
Or did you assume the left's hatred of whites was a /pol/ conspiracy the whole time until now?
Why do these job positions still exist if they're obsolete
Why don't they just make an app that can repair a downed power line?
*gives you condescending advice about eating healthy despite being overweight in your path*
Honestly wish the “working class” would just fucking vanish so I can see these retards just stand around wondering why the electricity is off
this woke guy is changing the definition of working class, and classist marxist are seething
I don't condone violence but I would stomp this fat cunt to the curb given the chance.
Why do they beat around the bush so much?
Just admit you hate white people. That's all you need to do.
You know it's true, and everybody around you knows it's true. Why conceal it? Why talk around it?
Just admit you hate whites and believe in the supremacy of non-whites.
An unskilled immigrant from Somalia could repair that power line just as well a qualified but obsolete white man.
>If you don't live in the burbs you don't count as a life.
People like Bob are the only thing keeping me from going to California and making a shit load of money, I cant STAND the fucking people.
>I don't condone violence
oh but he does
It literally is.
"Vibrant", when describing people/communities/populations at least, is literally Liberal Newspeak for "not white, straight, American, etc.".
Because that would be racist. That would make them the bad guys. And theyre the good guys and most certainly not racist.
>/All this white male fragility
Aww, did someone hurt your feelings by implying the world doesnt revolve around white people?
>acting like this is new
SJW hatered of whites has been blatant and open for more than 15 years now, faggot. You're kind of tardy to the party if you only realized it now.
>obsolete jobs in obsolete regions
where does this nigger think food comes from
you are part of this, your reply is calculated and functional, thank you
Is this the same guy?
>Who is your favorite movie reviewer?
Armond White
They changed the definition of racism so you cant be racist to whites
Very convenient for them
This. I have always wanted to see a pompous LA liberal slowly starve to death after the white rural farmer that he hates so much stops making and shipping his food.
truly, good guys finish last...
>"review" movies
>claims other's jobs are obsolete
Is Bob a techno accelerationist?
>white male fragility
Shouldn't you be literally picketing a Starbucks for literal weeks because a loiterer that happened to be black got told to leave?
based bob
too bad it does nigger
This board is literally worse than Yea Forums with the off topic stuff
That's not a change, when the far left created and popularized the concept of racism in the 60s it already was simply about pushing anti-white policies.
Justin smashed multiple video game babes and wrote many catchy and recognizable songs.
Bob could only dream of being so successful
movies and videogames
Who are all the people working the trades that are literally keeping our society running? Men. White, hispanic, and black men. Not chicks or trannies working in coffee shops and blogging on the side. Fucking fat retard.
>going to California and making a shit load of money
You're deluded. People are literally fleeing the State because it's a giant sucking hole that eats money.
this guy is truly psychotic
>whites are the reason technology is stagnating
>"review" movies
>complains society isnt progressing
Part of what? This conspiracy you invented because you dont like the fact society doesn't cater to you based on skin color? Do yoi have any evidence, actual hard evidence, that any of this is real or is it just a fever dream? Hatred of diversity is codeword for insecurity
>It's a NEETs larp as farmers and tradesmen episode
>the future I EARNED
what exactly does Bob think he's done to earn that future
Unironic question, I don't understand what the cause of Bob's inconceivably huge ego is
Can we at least vanish somewhere nice?
What the fuck did he do to earn that future? All he does is review shitty movies and play videogames.
>Hatred of diversity is codeword for insecurity
>it's a Moviebob-fan gets upset that people are shittalking their retarded ego-maniacal Marxist manchild and starts baselessly throwing out insults episode
what? do you think i care about the veracity of any of this? you are programmed to reply to internet "nazis" in the way you do, you are part of this confrontation and you are unable to step out of it or to communicate in non meme ways.
you are the other side of the coin in this manufactured cultura batlleground
What REAL job does Moviebob have besides being a pathetic incel on the internet?
There is no first world working class, they're labour aristocracy.
>It's a jobless incel gets butthurt at being called out episode
Literally nobody ITT claimed to be a farmer or tradesman.
Are you referring to the people ITT defending how important farmers and tradesmen and blue-collar workers are to civilization? If so you don't understand what "LARPing" is, or you don't understand that you don't have to BE a farmer to understand how important farmers are.
I know this thread has got you nice and triggered, Bob, but please try to post rational arguments, not baseless insults.
>tfw theyre flooding my state and driving up housing prices and voting in the same types of retards who ruined california
aaaaah fuck off we're full
He's not jewish
bob's mario 3 book is autismkino, I hope to get him to sign my copy of it one day
>It's a jobless welfare tranny gets butthurt at being called retarded episode
MovieBob makes every board seethe just like Boogie
I want him to sign my Fortunate Son 45.
So you have no evidence of some vast conspiracy aside from feelings.Again:/You as a white man are so entitled that any poece of media that doesnt directly cater to you is viewdy as a threat. Thats pathetic
In highschool, a girl from my class thought miner didn't exist anymore. That absolute retard truly believe there was no mining in this fucking earth or at least no man-powered mining.
This is the power of urbanites. They think all the shit they consume comes from a different dimension. They believe their shitty jobs are meaningful and, therefore, their lifes must be meaningful too.
And to top it all, american urbanites believe they are intellectuals when they can't understand concepts like marxism, fascism and posmodernism. Their country is locked in the s.XIX liberalism mentality and yet these retards believe they're some kind of vanguard of ideas.
im not white, im out of your country watching americans being programmed to fight eachother
myself. I don't need the opinion of another or care about it. It in zero way impacts my viewing experience so what's the point?
NEET's are typically leftyprogs with mental illnesses. Why do you think they are so enthusiastic about creating a Socialist Welfare State? Because they literally subsist on welfare.
That should be Sargon hitting himself
When will the diabetes finally put him in a coma and shut him the fuck up? The dude’s got another 10 years MAX
I know your game, user. Absolutely devilish.
it's like a symphony of narcissism. it's so pure and unfiltered
Hi borzoi
Does that man have any unironic fans?
>You as a white man are so entitled that any poece of media that doesnt directly cater to you is viewdy as a threat. Thats pathetic
And yet shitskins like you are the ones constantly squealing about "representation" and demanding diversity-quotas and an end to all-white casts.
Funny how that works out, huh?
small fry to the infinite hate reactor that is dobbie
He's being the cartoonishly evil caricature he believes right-wingers are. He thinks he should be allowed to be "literally Hitler" because he's doing it from the left.
Ralphthemoviemaker. Although he loses points for being on Sardonicast with a s o yboy and dogfucker.
>the blogger and streamer are now considered the working class
>We require videogames and only videogames to give us our values
>Here on the Starship Utopia we have the Earth's finest scientific minds and exemplary personnel hand picked by recruiters through a rigorous selection process that will allow us to face any situation with the best people.
>Doctors, researchers, linguists, psychologists, and engineers, even top security forces recruited through special forces
>and this man?
>He has memorized every Disney Afternoon theme song by heart
>He's being the cartoonishly evil caricature he believes right-wingers are. He thinks he should be allowed to be "literally Hitler" because he's doing it from the left.
That's literally all Leftists, not just MovieBlob.
They are literally the censorious fascists that they constantly fear-monger about being a real threat.
It is one of my least favorite words and I've called people out for using it in real life. I work as an urban planner and when I was in school "vibrant" used to piss me the fuck off. In planning school, we basically had to present all our work and designs to the class as if we were presenting to clients, and anytime somebody used the word vibrant I would always call them out and ask them what they mean. They usually foundered a bit, stuttered something about "diverse and lifelike", sounded dumb as fuck and got embarrassed.
>these are the people who want state sanctioned internet ID's
Even Boogie is lightyears better of a person than Bob. And yes, that says quite a lot.
I don’t think I’d have the heart to beat someone in front of their mother
Oyy, censah da word "coincidence" already!
I'm a tradie you fucking ponce
the movieblob, the man without a real job, shouldn't be talking.
>what exactly does Bob think he's done to earn that future
His political beliefs. That's all. He deserves to get everything he wants because he holds Moviebob's political opinions.
>Hatred of diversity is codeword for insecurity
Hatred of "diversity" is logical.
The world in 9% white. Why should they be the majority of media representation?
>says the internet movie reviewer
the wrong man died from cancer
Why would I listen to a fat white guy about anything?
Kikes are not white
Doing God's work.
While obviously not as useful since I'm not currently in a position of authority, I've done the same with friends and family of mine when they unironically use the term "Person of Color".
They invariably give the same reaction that you described, and then inevitably give a reluctant admission that it's literally just newspeak for "not white".
It's funny how the parties have switched, now the party of the elites is the Democrats and the party of the working people is the Republicans.
All the hollywood millionaires, all the tech billionaires they are all left.
did bob enjoy this episode too much?
Because they will scream and cry and whine and call you racist if they don't get over-represented.
That's about it though. Not many other good reasons.
Whites believe the enitre world revolves around them despite the fact that they can't accomplish anything without Jews leading them.
Why do people hate the main group of people who keep this place ticking? Does this guy honestly think anything good can come of discarding countless coal miners, factory workers, plumbers, truckers, etc?
Like does he think a bunch of producers, graphic designers baristas and soundcloud rappers can maintain an economy??
Aristotle, Plato, Thomas Aquinas, Tycho Brahe, Winston Churchill and many other revered men were "fat white guys".
He's right, you know.
>Like does he think a bunch of producers, graphic designers baristas and soundcloud rappers can maintain an economy??
Do rednecks really think this is what the urban working class does?
nobody complains about chinese movies being too chinese or bollywood being too fecal, faggot.
but i agree that only white people from US, canada and west europe have the patience to cope with this shit, even whites from other places do not buy into this shit.
maybe theyre not pure white, maybe their societies are more shitty, so they dont have this guilty all over them.
You can't be racist against whites. Racism is power+prejudice. Whites have all the power so it's impossible to be racist against us.
>This. I have always wanted to see a pompous LA liberal slowly starve to death after the Mexican immigrant rural farmer that he loves so much stops making and shipping his food.
>society doesn't cater to you based on skin color?
so whites aren't privileged?
I doubt Movieblob will ever be included in that list
>tfw they are all coming to arizona now to do the same thing they did to california
im on my way to maine next year
Whoah, hey now. Lets not get carried away, I never said whites aren't privileged. Lets not try to twist the narrative, fellow white.
define privileged
The fact whites feel entitled to over representation in media and as that changes as the demographics shift is some sort of conspiracy is proof if privilege. Some whites truly believe America is a white nation
Typical, leftist city slicker
Being a laborer doesn't make you a farmer. You are still a laborer. Working McDonald's counter doesn't make you someone responsible for fiscal transactions in a global multibillion dollar company. It makes you a McDonald's cashier.
>over representation
if that were true why is every other person on TV black or Jewish
Pretty sure this is bait, but does that mean Obama could be racist?
Does it count as power when a black man points a gun at me on the street?
>somehow not banned under @Jack's nebulous and ever expanding definition of "hate speech"
As a brown male I'd tell him to kill himself but that gets you banned on Twitter
>jannies delete posts calling out Kikes
>keep the bait thread up
Just fucking astonishing
I don't think Aristotle and Plato were fat
Racism is prejudice+violence. Since blacks commit all the violence, you can't be racist against them.
>feel free to use that, it makes them seethe like a motherfucker.
>I have a right to tell a company what to do with its property
It wouldnt even.be censorship if he flat put banned all right wingers because the 1st amend only applies to the government. If you dont loke it start your own social media app
God, what a fucking twat.
He's basically just saying I love the working class unless they don't vote the way I think they should in which case fuck whitey.
I wonder where we'd be if we didn't spend 200 billion a year on welfare and put that all towards space programs.
>that time Bob doled out fitness and dietary advice
Im not saying thats all that happens in cities but there are far more less important jobs in cities
People like you realized too late that you didn't leverage your time effectively enough under BLACK President Obama, and now you're just pissed and angry at the world/white people for your own failures. You've LITERALLY offered up nothing new or of worth in all these years passed the trash you [thought you] started during OWS. You parrot the same lame bullshit and think people should give a shit. Pathetic 2bh.
It's not even a first amendment issue, broken NPC. Under current federal communications law you cannot use the copyright protection afforded to "platforms" if you edit for opposing views. That makes you a publisher and subject to responsibility for all material on your website.
>You can't be racist against whites. Racism is power+prejudice. Whites have all the power so it's impossible to be racist against us.
This guy is actually correct. Racism is a concept created by jews and maxists to demonize white people, and can't be used correctly in any other context.
>Do rednecks really think this is what the urban working class does?
You're a fucking idiot.
Urban locations are the only places worthless and superfluous professions like those can exist and be sustained.
Sounds like you're an LA faggot who just had a nerve get struck.
Service sector fundamentally cannot be working class because they arent alienated from their labor and cant be alienated from their labor. Nothing is produced. They literally are their labor.
Liberals will mass incarcerate or execute the homeless in your lifetime, they have zero empathy
>Why should they be the majority of media representation?
They're not.
They're the majority of what's represented in media in majority-white nations.
Do you also cry about Chinese movies only having Chinese people in them?
>farm-workers are exclusively brown immigrants
Whatever you have to tell yourself, libshit.
the modern left everyone
>we stand for the working class
>unless your white
Does anyone have the drawing that offends Jews? Did he draw Santa beating up a rabbi or something?
>muh black fast food workers are da real human beans!!!
Dude, white people are literally the only way you will get any of that shit you fucking moron
Gets booty blasted muh libs fuck off cunt all you do is fap to trannies you right wing cuck.
>accusing whites of being "overrepresented" in media
Fucking lel.
You're probably a troll anyway, but blacks are 11% of the population and live in high concentrations in very limited areas; yet they are like 40% of the characters in modern mainstream media.
They were old man chubby.
>thinking you will make money be moving to California
Wtf do you do? Unless you have an amazing tech idea that needs Silicon Valley funding, or are a venture capitalist yourself, moving to CA will almost certainly reduce your standard of living: pay might be higher, but that will be much more than offset by col.
Yeah I'm sure you knew everything abut anything in High School, retard. And most people who live in cities are just like the people who live in the country; sure they might have different jobs and entertainment, but they're the same to the core. And just like the crazy leftists in the city, there are crazy right-wingers in the country. Imagine falling for jewish tricks that easily.
Its funny, that second tweet he could easily be talking about nonwhites
>The fact whites feel entitled to over representation in media and as that changes as the demographics shift is some sort of conspiracy is proof if privilege.
Holy shit this is some backwards, incoherent nonsense.
I can practically HEAR you smacking your fat lips in self-satisfaction after every post.
Looks like another NPC needs a tune-up.
I sometimes hope Bob Chipman gets vivisected by chinks for scientific study.
Snaps for this nigga, he aight
>nothing is produced
Service is produced dummy. Something doesnt need to be tangible to be work, also wait what the fuck did you bait me into, service sector produces food, clean tables, etc
Twitter doesn't have rules banning "racism" and never has. They say they do, but not in practice.
They have a ban on whites being racist to non-whites. Most other forms of racism are tolerated, or outright encouraged.
>airs dirty laundry on deviantart
>gets excited for santa and presents in his 30s
I don't know what to say
So construction, industry, finance, trade, education, science, technology, government, and service are all unnecessary, eh?
this guy is seriously living in the Opposite Dimension
>Somebody critiscizes Twitter
>NPC IMMEDIATELY jumps to their defense, making a post full of child-like spelling-errors and typos defending Twitter's censorious and bigoted policies
There's no need for food or electricity in the future utopia of the United Communist States of Mexico.
I think Andrew son of Dob is the one who truly unites Yea Forums.
I'm not sure you read any of those posts
>He's basically just saying I love the working class unless they don't vote the way I think they should
He's moreso saying "I love the working class unless they're white", and then ADDING "unless they don't vote the way I think they should" on top of that.
Ah yes. We should be focussing on Starbucks employees. They wont be obsolete soon either.
>hate whites
>live in their country, use their services and resources
??? Fuck off to somewhere else then
S o y Latino
What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Hating on your own race to "earn" brownie points with minorities makes you look like a fucking retard that doesn't actually care about own causes but only cares about his "image".
>Liberals will mass incarcerate or execute the homeless in your lifetime
No they won't.
They will mass incarcerate or execute white homeowners and "redistribute" their Bourgeois domiciles to the deserving homeless before that happens.
>finance and trade
Lmao yeah we totally need jews sucking each other off trading fictional blocks of nothing for mutual gain
Also none of the other things you mentioned are exclusive to cities meanwhile you left out all of the worthless jobs and colleges that churn out people who hate their own country and majority population
You didnt prove what you thought you did
They would not win that war
Yet another example of the fact that Liberals have unironically lost their minds in the Trump Era and degenerated into gibbering, incoherent invalids.
I wish, the homeless are fucking annoying. Often either crazy or drug addicts. Fuck em, they hassle me every fucking day in my city
Tuat is total bullshit. Can you cite me the legal case that applies to tech form you got this from? You wont be able to because while calling others NPC, a meme term you mindlessly regurgitate like video game dialogue, there is not a single legal case applicable. If there was why has no one tried it?
most nazis were trans man haven't you seen the pics
Sounds like left wing racism.
power isn’t defined but when ever I’ve gotten into discussion with more progressive friends whites always have it and non whites dont
I.E. ask a progressive about south africa who’s parliament is 75% black about south africa
Do Americans not even understand why principles of free speech were conceived? You'd think they would know, i know and i'm not even american. Yet all these morons can parrot is contrived platitudes they've internalised off twitter and tumblr, one simply forgoes thought instead repeating whatever has been repeated before.
Why not start your own social media company?
You are correct. In fact I kind of wish they would hurry up and start that "revolution" they keep talking about for that very reason.
They'd literally just be giving us casus belli to implement the Day of the Rope and not even feel bad about it.
but those white bourgeois homeowners are the liberals
they claim they are "the working class" and "communists"
Why not stop censoring anybody with an opinion you don't like like a fragile little bitch-boy with impotent aspirations of being a Soviet commissar?
A conspiracy would mean there is some sort of planning and cooperation going on in secret.
Instead I propose that it just suits the rich to always have surplus labour. They dont have to communicate or plan anything.
They all work, independently of each other, to have as much immigration as possible which makes them richer and everyone else poorer over time.
Its a legal fact:The 1st amendment only applies to the government. A private company has every right to decide what to allow on a free service that the user voluntarily agrees to use. You even sign a legally binding TOS that governs the behavior that will be allowed. There is no right to use social media
Very magniloquent is the most cringy possible way
The sadder thing is so many white working class people will keep voting democrats despite this being their line of thinking
so it's hard for me to feel sorry for them when they vote for people who have contempt for them
>but those white bourgeois homeowners are the liberals
Not all of them.
You don't think right-wingers own homes? In fact I'd say they're the majority considering most liberals are concentrated in urban apartments.
If you dont like it feel free to not use their free service. Why do you feel you have a right to twitter?
All he does is play video games all day, what has he earned?
>A private company has every right to decide what to allow on a free service that the user voluntarily agrees to use.
And citizens have every right to complain about that service being shitty, politically biased and censorious.
It sounds more like you're butthurt that Twitter is getting badmouthed, faggot. Jack isn't going to drop some cash to you because you whiteknighted his shitty company and its shitty Soviet-esque censorship on the Internet like a good little bitch-slave.
>There is no right to use social media
There is no right for social-media to be free from criticism, Jack.
The court ruled that President Trump’s Twitter feed constitutes a designated public forum.
If you don't like people criticizing Twitter why don't you ignore it?
Funny how that works. And "oppressed" classes always have a more valid opinion than "privileged" classes, unless of course that opinion isn't left wing. Kanye used to be black, but now his blackness has been rescinded. Maybe progressives aren't racist or sexist at all, and they only claim to be for political expedience?
> whites working in the working class = OBSOLETE! OBSOLETE! OBSOLETE!
> non-whites working in the working glass = REAL! VIBRANT! VITAL!
identity politic goggles + racism + ignorance + double think
mix them together and you got a stew going babieeee
>If you dont like it feel free to not use their free service.
Lol, I don't, tranny. That doesn't mean I'm not going to shit-talk a shitty company for being a shitty company, regardless of how rump-rustled it makes you.
gated wealthy areas are pretty much liberal, but the guy in the trailer is the bourgeois because reasons
Then those citizens can choose to not use that service. Sounds like you want the government to tell companies what to do and police speech. Unfortunately for you the 1st amend explicitly forbids this, you fascist piece of shit
Sane countries would have broken up many large US media companies long ago because they are clearly dangerous but the US is hoping these animals can be used against the rest of the world.
For fun and profit. Thank God for the EU.
>Its a legal fact:The 1st amendment only applies to the government.
Nobody brought up the "First Amendment" aside from you.
Titally correct because Trump isnt using his twitter. He is using the official POTUS acct which is paid for and maintained using taxpayer dollars, meaning it is an official government acct.
Twitter is still free to ban it
>Then those citizens can choose to not use that service.
Lol, they apparently are, faggot.
Twitter has been bleeding users for more than a year now.
I'm not gonna lie...he pulls off that costume really well he just needs to drop the shades.
A fat guy who plays video games all day is judging people who work & have a family
America in 2019
>Then those citizens can choose to not use that service. Sounds like you want the government to tell companies what to do and police speech. Unfortunately for you the 1st amend explicitly forbids this, you fascist piece of shit
are you telling me the only way normal people can have free speech on social media is through fascism?
Eh it’s somewhat true. We shouldn’t be victimizing those people though. They get mad when there jobs move to fucking China or wherever because it’s cheaper that way. Trump catered to these people making it sound like he was gonna do something about those jobs.
The world economy is just too different than what it was in the 50/60s. We’ll probably never see these low skill labor work jobs back because the world population is filled with people who don’t have the means to get an education or just straight up refuse. Even than, an education is only slightly better job security at best.
If there were an easy answer to keeping these kinda jobs in America it would’ve already been fixed by now. Pretending a whole demographic of people don’t exist is a surefire way to get crazy/ballsy person elected like we’ve seen.
It's too late. We've already entered the surrealism realm.
People are just projecting fantasies, nobody is telling facts anymore.
> be white in any way in 2019
you're rich?
>you're PRIVILEGED GTFO!! black man get yo money!
you're poor?
>you're OBSOLETE GTFO!! get out of the way of the vibrant, vital POC!
most rich people are white!?!?!?
> white males are privileged!
most homeless people are white male!?!?!
> quick, better sweep dis under the carpet, no one finna wanna see dis
Banning the leader of such a popular political ideology would be much to blatant an attack on the people that support that ideology.
You would have to be a moron to think Twitter doesnt have a bias though. Even small news papers have biases.
Dobson truly is remarkable in a case study sort of way. How is he still alive and with people that somehow care about him when he does shit like this constantly?
The only reason most homeless are white males is that they joined the military. Lol.
What did the fat leftist soiboy mean by this? And why are they so willing to ideologically prostrate themselves online for Silicon Valley?
>lets get rid of the working class whites!
>i hate having running water, electricity, internet, public transportation, etc, etc!
No just the western world because it does. We'd very much prefer it the rest of the world leave us alone
Oh shit I think you’re realizing how a majority population works.
What you do do if you met Movie Bob irl Yea Forums?
>Sounds like you want the government to tell companies what to do and police speech.
You're literally the first person to suggest this ITT.
Stop projecting.
An enlightened coastal intellectual, truly worthy of giving white working-class scum the clapback they deserve
>Whites believe the enitre world revolves around them
It kind of does, shitskin.
VIBRANT. That's the word my silicon valley owners and mediafolk say. Yes, good.
"Iron workers are lame. Black youtube reaction vids are the future". Send
ate it all to himself the fat fuck
You can thank postmodernism and a generation of children being told they're always right for that. No shared truths only personal truths now. Go online, pay attention and watch just how many blatantly lie about everything, it's endless. Only what people feel is true is real now and 'truth' collapses down to whoever has the most influence.
obama admin did a real poor job of looking after vets
Says a blob who probably can't even change his own tire.
>ignoring opinions they don't like
lol, not going to happen.
Leftists are literally incapable of that. They're too autistic. Why do you think they resort to blatant politically-motivated censorship? If they could ignore things they don't like they wouldn't need to censor them.
This is really what it comes down to. These people who want to tear everything down a fucking losers. They're bitter childless, addicted, freaks who want to drag everyone down with them. Projecting their own self-hatred on society at large.
Blob Chipman is a good nickname for him
>i love social control as long as it's done by monopolistic corporations
Who here watches movies and tv
Clown World.
>These people who want to tear everything down a fucking losers. They're bitter childless, addicted, freaks who want to drag everyone down with them. Projecting their own self-hatred on society at large.
This is just Yea Forums and /pol/
>if we don't turn the entire world into Africa, we'll never reach the stars
I literally don’t just play vidya
This picture is fake. Not one of them on the car is live streaming a selfie video.
I'm absolutely convinced the time for arguments has passed.
Just say that you don't care about free expression or freedom. I'm sure it'd be nice to stop lying for once.
How many kids has he diddled?
More like if Asians don't dominate the planet we'll never reach the stars.
To an extent yes, but Yea Forums is contrarian so the most contrarian thing to do in Clown World is to resist it.
Bob's curse is to be a "people at Walmart" background guy forever, fetishizing a "urban" "cosmopolitan" elite. To be the fat fly over hick larping as the "sophisticated" Woody Allen he idealizes while crying about Nintendo
I wonder if people like Movie Bob would have these hot takes in real life without Twitter?
My money is only them having a panic attack when you start arguing against them.
(((They))) are working on bringing diversity to Japan. China is holding strong, though.
Yeah, mate.
How can people say intelligence isnt genetic when mongolians are smarter on average than like 95 other countries yet they dont do anything besides throat sing and wrestle
Why the fuck did Europe open their borders with Africa and the ME? It's insane.
If the US didn't have so many Mexicans and niggers, the IQ would be much higher.
And cucks like Bob wonder why Trump keeps winning, maybe its because he doesnt shit on the hard working class who just go about there days and pay taxes
And these cucks always talk about how you shouldn't punch down. That is literally their whole modus operandi
What kind of inner life do you have with 50 IQ? Are you capable of abstract thought, at all?
>deciding what sort of body I'd like to upload my immortal consciousness to
>stole the future I EARNED to prolong their worthless existence
So why is it okay for this white fatass to prolong his worthless existence, but not for the other white fatasses? What exactly has he done to EARN that right? What makes him so fucking special?
With the amount of contradictions, entitlement, narcissism and cognitive dissonance in these posts I could be here asking these kind of questions all day.
>tfw pegleg-bob never leaves his parent's basement but continues to make his nazi-like diatribes on twitter all-day long
>societally-obsolete white males working obsolete jobs in obsolete regions
I wish he had the balls to say that to their faces.
>"there's a whole other vibrant, real working class that is urban, metropolitan, interesectional and diverse"
lol sure
Was he dead drunk again when he made that statement?
There's nothing wrong about this.
They’re clearly too high IQ to conform to western, Jew-addled society
Saying that someone lacks self-awareness has become a common insult on the internet but in Bob's case it's 100% true.
Working class are becoming more important. So many 'highly' educated people getting worthless degrees. A person like a carpenter can sell his trade for a high price. Why do we need fat fucking dumb lefty movie reviewers. I'm a uni student by the way but i recognize the importance of the working class
Can this fat retard die of a heart attack already so I can stop seeing his self-loathing tweets here
Because the whites produce the media, mongoloid-kun. I have no quarrel with niggers being presented in African films.
>makes a video bitching about Batman v Superman that's feature length
This dude needs help (or a diet).
>the world doesnt revolve around white people
But we designed, bankrolled and engineered everything, so what the fuck?
We forced black/brown people to build it so I'll give you that.
>Group B deserves more respect and higher quality-of-life than Group A because of their pigmentation and circumstances
The Left, boys and girls.
>Hatred of diversity is codeword for insecurity
I don't hate diversity of skill set, thought, language, or opinion. I hate racists who try to pretend they're somehow better than the racists who hate niggers because their hate is pointed at whites. At least the KKK is honest.
These people hate us and want us fucking dead and all we're allowed to do is sit back and take it.
Stop caring about what's allowed and start preparing
Look at the positive, MovieBob is going to be dead of a heart attack or stroke within the next ten years.
Meh, blob will die fat and alone of kidney failure or something
That's an awfully long time from now.
I'm glad I live on the other side of the country. We may be the Bible belt, but those tards don't dare come here
Start preparing user. Go to /k/ also hit the gym. I beat the fuck out of a white liberal for kicks yesterday.
>You think having a construction job putting up apartment complexes makes you the working class?
>Check out this vice feature on trans-mexican-sex-workers giving out dollar tugjobs to fund their PCP habit, now THAT'S a working class!
Kek, I've seen this exact same post many times on /pol/ but with white people swapped for black people.
Does he think black women are going to build starships?
>Itt: right wing fatties foaming like crabs at some twitter retard
I didnt say stop
That twitter retard represents the culturally approved narrative of our day so fuck off
Fuck off communist, if there's a market for your work and you can make money then it's a legitimate job.
He's relatively new on YouTube but the critical drinker is on the money in his reviews and he hates sjw bullshit too.
>It is also the kind of movie where the sun god Ra, who has harnessed the ability to traverse the universe at the speed of light, still needs slaves to build his pyramids. And where the local equivalent of a Nubian princess is sent into the chamber of the Earth visitors, to pleasure them. Don't tell me there aren't any coincidences. The movie "Ed Wood," about the worst director of all time, was made to prepare us for "Stargate."
"The Village"
>To call it an anticlimax would be an insult not only to climaxes but to prefixes. It's a crummy secret, about one step up the ladder of narrative originality from It Was All a Dream. It's so witless, in fact, that when we do discover the secret, we want to rewind the film so we don't know the secret anymore.
"The Usual Suspects"
>Once again, my comprehension began to slip, and finally I wrote down: "To the degree that I do understand, I don't care." It was, however, somewhat reassuring at the end of the movie to discover that I had, after all, understood everything I was intended to understand. It was just that there was less to understand than the movie at first suggests.
"Tommy Boy"
>"Tommy Boy" is one of those movies that plays like an explosion down at the screenplay factory. You can almost picture a bewildered office boy, his face smudged with soot, wandering through the ruins and rescuing pages at random. Too bad they didn't mail them to the insurance company instead of filming them.
"Easy Come, Easy Go"
>Elvis looks about the same as he always has, with his chubby face, petulant scowl and absolutely characterless features. Here is one guy the wax museums will have no trouble getting right. He sings a lot, but I won't go into that. What I will say, however is that after two dozen movies he should have learned to talk by now.
He's right, most of the working class is black or Hispanic but white rednecks want all the attention.
>America stops producing steel
>black working class
>Hispanic and black workers, good
>White workers, retard rednecks and very bad
And he sooooo works his ass off all the day, like a true working class hero?
>why don't working class white people vote for the Democrats
Just keep alienating more and more white people libtards. Keep telling all the derelicts, delinquents, and low income Appalachians how privileged, racist, and oppressive they are.
>The definition of racism has been changed so accepting it is tantamount to racism against white people
Clueless retards thinking they can just slip this in unnoticed and unopposed .
Being able to eat 10 Big Macs and suck off Tyrone at the same time and not die.
> new working class
> a fat faggot who review movies
>wah wah nobody has created my perfect body for me
Maybe shoulda taken care of the one you had eh fatso
ah yes being a twitch whore and selling bath water are legitimate jobs.
He's right. By definition working-class is anyone who gets has wage and doesn't own a business. Middle-class should only be applied to petty bourgeoisie. All people pretending to be middle-class are doing nothing but harm themselves.
>if you don't live in an urban bug hive where you have to breathe smog and people get gunned down in the street every day, you're living in an "obsolete region"
>the future I EARNED
By doing literally what? Complaining about kids movies?
I don't know if it's true, but as many as possible somalian immigrant should try.
>By definition working-class is anyone who gets has wage and doesn't own a business.
Because I am a mentally ill incel with nothing else in his life. So I obsess over the things I hate, not realising that this makes me miserable. And in this hugbox, I find others with the same mental illness, so it feels like we are all correct, instead of all mentally ill. I can't focus on positive things because I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, like many here, and good things make me feel like shit, so I focus strictly on negative things and use the coping mechanism of saying anything positive is "Reddit", a website I have never visted. If anyone likes anything, for any reason, I'll say it's "Reddit" so it saves me the trouble of even knowing what I mean. All I want is an easy way to discredit anything that isn't mentally ill negative discourse, so I can go on being mediocre while shitting on everything that's a threat to my ego and complacency.
if you find a way to make money out of it, its a job.
the problem here is being humble to know that your job may be less or more important than others.
this fat retard thinks that he is a 'working class' when actually he watch movies. and he is not even good at it, once he appears here every once in a while as a meme.
Lel, hes talking when all that stuff is commonplace
>This neural network represents the pinnacle of scientific achievement. We are about to take the next evolutionary leap into quasi immortality by transferring our minds into bodies not subject to biological instability and decay. Who gets to go first? No, not the brilliant polymath, but theres this retarded guy from Twitter.
If people pay for what you're selling it's a job you commie shithead. Go back to Vietnam.
I unironically get angry enough to kill when I see white people say things like this.
Other races I don't really care, whatever. But this? Holy fuck.
Amazing how Yea Forums is one the lsat places "normal" white people can just be themselves unfiltered. I've heard that even moderate right wing people get doxxed by communists on Reddit.
In modern American vernacular usage, the term "middle class" is most often used as a self-description by those persons whom academics and Marxists would otherwise identify as the working class which are below both the upper class and the true middle class, but above those in poverty.
>by those persons whom academics and Marxists would
I'm gonna stop you there before you hurt yourself
If I’ve done anything that has contributed to this feel in even the smallest possible way then it feels good, man
>caring what you're "allowed" to do
This is why it will just continue getting worse for you.
so uh who is your favourite movie reviewer?
It's not my fault that Americans like to pretend to be what they are definitely not.
>America only follows one style
Gonna stop you there
Honestly, no. I don't think a lot of "ghetto" blacks have had an actual thought beyond pure instinct or impulse in their entire lives.
Not THIS is entitlement
You need to go back.
Surely you jest.
>tumblr pics