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Somebody died, user.
A fucking frying pan? Do Americans really fight bears with kitchenware?
A lot of people have died.
And pepper spray and loud noise, which work but only against Black Bears because they’re mostly pussies. This shit straight up doesn’t work with Grizzlies & we haven’t figured that out yet for some reason when it should be common sense. How exactly are we at the top of the food chain again?
Epic empathy
tons of people died while you typed that out
empathy is the seed of poor decision making
We have guns.
Liberals do
Timothy voted for Bush.
Prove it.
His last words when the bear was mauling him were "I voted for Bush"
Better not miss. These big dudes do not seem to be an a hurry when they start to munch on you.
But a bear got to eat. Circle of life, yo.
it was very much a preventable death
>Better not miss
No shit faggotron
That's really disturbing.
Good thing you can fire off multiple bullets in quick succession.
There is not a single land animal on the planet that would have even a slight chance vs a human with a gun
>a GUN? Why dp you need a gun to go camping? Just make lots of noise if you're worried about bears!
t. Literally all my friends
Even if we only had spears and arrows we would still beta those bears right on down user
Chad Mankind > Virgin Natural World
So where's the vid/audio?
RIP Bear that ate him
>10 foot animal
It only has 4 feet
look up videos of women and liberal men shooting guns for the first time on youtube
what the fuck, are they evolving?
Werner destroyed it
I wanna hear whats on that tape so bad
Don't worry about it.
I bet he would have been a great Yea Forums personality. He'd probably spend all day posting bears on /an/ or Yea Forums and ranting about park rangers. His death probably would have ended up being livestreamed and he would have gone down as an hero for the site
It's not destoyed, its locked away somewhere
It's over for us humans if they grow opposable thumbs
Fuck this documentary for not sharing the audio.
formerly chuck's
Yeah, or he could have at least told and described what exactly the tape was and if Timothy or his gf said anything on it.
Leave it to liberals to mock the death of another human bean
>thinks fucking Hertzog is liberal
Have you guys seen the full report describing the leadup to the discovery of the bodies? The police and rescuers getting stalked by the bears. That shit was pretty terrifying.
Why were they so keen on making sure no one heard the audio?
There's plenty of more fucked up shit you can find on the internet
>reading comprehension
they still have hundreds of thousands of years of brain development to go then
bears are smart af bro
absolute kino
i wish i could be mauled to death by a bear
you could
who is this
Grizzlies are so big, strong and fast that, when they catch something, they just start eating. They know it's not getting away.
Pride cometh before the fall, user. A thousand pound grizzly can run down a horse over short distances. You won't have as much time to react as you think.
Nope, it got leaked online.
that was fake
I am a liberal and can shoot rifles hand guns and can also track people in the country you mean white liberal faggots right all liberals aren't white faggot
Yeah, they came in from the air and saw the bear protecting his kills. Landed on the shore and made their way up to where the campsite was. Several bears in the area wanted the bodies, they ended up having to kill I think three of them?
Incorrect and the trips of truth support me. Stop saying things that you dislike are fake.
That's a shemale.
No it's not
The audio is authentic, they have to deny it for legal purposes.
It's fucked up.
First one had me fooled, but you can see the zipper on this one.
Also the helicopter pilot in the movie was fucking based
Sauce me my nigger
based and fuck janny pilled
Yes it is. Sarina Valentina. Happy now that you wasted some of my time?
>he doesn't know Sarina Valentina
oh boy, it's better not to know
endtimes approaching
even better
is this fake?
Personal experience?
It doesn't really sound like him desu
locked in a safe somewhere under family control i think.
lots of him yelling and her screaming, he gets dragged off and finished, she keeps screaming, bear comes back and gets her
Depends what kind of gun you are carrying. Someone trying to shoot a large-caliber handgun with little practice is probably going to miss or not hit a vital area.
sarina based valentina - sadly she doesn't look as good as she once did
It sounds just like him, spergburger.
Bigfoot solved right there.
Would still pound her boipussy desu
it's fake faggot
fucking retard
ITT there are people who think the audio is fake. ;)
Lol I bet you miss out on a lot in life.
>"Tha..that girl didn't like me because she broke eye contact. Death to thots!"
>You will never cuddle with a bear
Everybody dies, user.
Ironic, he liked the bears, fed them, then got the bears killed.
Thanks fren
the bear is now dead
The bears probably thought there was something wrong with him. Like he was...mentally retarded or something.
cute boggo
this guy's a fukken legend
>the helicopter pilot in the movie was fucking based
Classic. Fast forward to 2:10
>he got what he deserved
>the only reason he lasted as long as he did was the bears probably thought he was mentally retarded
Seems harsh, but if I had to cut open a grizzly and fill up four garbage bags with chewed up chunks of human remains because of this jerkoff, I'd probably be pretty pissed off too.
>jumps out just to jump back in
We can drop a nuke on a grizzly bear.
>the real version still hasn't been uploaded
Come on Herzog.
>the virgin shuffle
>the Chad stride
>I am a liberal
I know that dude would eat me, but I wouldn't mind hanging out with him swimming for a day or so. Has anyone ever gotten a bear drunk? Like soaked a big bag of trout with maybe five gallons of Jack? Or a big-ass dish filled with four lokos? Seems like they'd be cool to party with.
Or about 100 years if he wants to become a liberal.
>I know that dude would eat me
Just take it to Dairy Queen.
That's a bit unsettling to be QUITE honest with you.
A stupid man died because of his stupid actions
not crazy stuff.
quite based
Are you retarded? If humans wanted we would annhiliate the entire bear species off the face of the Earth.
Watch out with that edge, user.
Haha fucking loser has no thumbs. Bipedalism was just an awkward middle step in evolution. The thumbs are the true secret to success.
Every 15s I get another poster a bit closer to the great 404 beyond.
You can't actually think that's edgy.
>The thumbs are the true secret to success.
It's already happening with cats
Bears are cuties :)
Yes, the Russians have to keep vodka crated in towns because bears will drink it.
>pool sturdy enough for bearplay
That's some good work, would buy.
Bears will often get themselves drunk by eating shitloads of fruit and not digesting it fast enough so it ferments in their belly
Is that a grolar bear or does it just have a funky pelt?
Bears often raid cases of beer at night in campsites and get drunk, especially once they have figured out what cans of beer are. Many such cases. RAD!
can i do that
Not only bigfoot, but all those ancient claims of "dog-faced" men walking about in foreign parts.
No but you can develop a disease that causes you to get drunk by eating bread
>the blood pouring out in such excess you can hear it splashing onto the ground
They can run at like 40MPH, and can tank many bullets depending on where you shoot. If you hit them in the head it isn't penetrating their skull.
There's a story in Alaska about this bear that ate like 3 hikers, and each of them had unloaded ammo into it before getting caught and eaten. The final guy was eventually able to put it down, but it took all that just to get it.
based bear
You need to use a shotgun tbqh
Aren't those guys who go hunting Kodiak bears always wearing revolvers with shotgun-size slug rounds, because it's faster/easier to use than a shotgun or rifle if you end up way too close to a bear before you notice it rushing out of the brush behind you?
this is fake
that is a really good way to get mauled.
high powered rifles
shotguns with slugs. not normal buckshot. you are just gonna pepper it and really piss him off unless its super close. hopefully you have fucking deadeye IRL because bears are fast.
hand cannon. like a .45/.50.
but none of that really matters if you cant shoot under pressure.
what about a grenade
of course it would work.
assuming you get the bear to try to eat it or stand right on it. you could kill it.
though i think even if it did not hit the bear it would spook it.
also forest fire. sorta seems like a bad idea.
how many men would it take to take down a bear, bare (bear) handed?
Yeah, you aren't going to use a shotgun if you're trying to kill it.
post more cute bears
Okay it was cute until he turned around and started measuring up the cameraman
what do we do about the bear question?
We're just gonna kill em
>projecting this hard
I don't know, ask your mom how many how many it took?
i think we need to convince the nigger/spic/white trash communities that bears are the new pitbulls.
375 h&h is the industry standard for making grizzly bars melt. Anything else is not enough gun to “stop” a big bear
Not this guy.
>Investigators combing the nearby area around the campsite discover what was left of Timothy Treadwell. “His head connected to a small piece of (spine}”, and what has been described as a frozen grimace on his face
You mean the bear he gave aids to?
just think of getting eattin alive.
you can see and hear your flesh being taken chunk by chunk. the crunch of bone as they bite in to your limbs. your innards being taken out and consumed. as you fade in to shock/death those are the last things you experience.
it has to be one of the worse way to go.
Probably just a black bear with a cool blonde pelt.
At least you're feeding another being, circle of life and all. I'd take it over burning to death in a fucking heartbeat.
Are you serious lol
You're a fucking idiot. Most people involved in bear attacks/charges dont even notice its there until its 40 yards out and by then you'll be lucky if you get one good shot off before its right up on you.
is this one fake
>At least you're feeding another being
You are feeding another being no matter what, unless you are cremated I guess.
You’re even more memetic for not posting a better image.
Just proves exactly how stupid we are
why didn't he carry a gun just in case?
Yeah, but bears are way cooler than stupid maggots. I'd rather have my dead meat donated to a bear than to be devoured by millions of eyeless things in the deep. Also, fuck embalming. Pumping yourself full of poisons so you can rot a tiny bit slower in your ridiculously expensive coffin that's got a bunch of heavy metals in it that fucks up the soil. Just the thought disgusts me.
I dont think that hippy bullshit would come to mind when you have a 1000lbs Grizzly crunching through flesh and bone.
I've been faced with near death situations before and I've DEFINITELY thought "well, at least it's not burning to death".
Wiping out a species and randomly encountering one out in the bumfuck wild with no proper survival experience are two different things.
he had been doing it for 13 years. they were his "friends" and he "knew" them. "Ollie, the grumpy old bear" was the one that killed and ate them.
he was a fucking moron. i love animals but i also respect what they can do to humans. ive always brought some kind of gun with me when hiking/camping. it is 100% retarded to be out the NorCal wilds with bears/cougars/BOARS around.
Yeah that doesn’t make it any less horrible of a way to die
I have to but just think about it. Burning alive might be the purest death one can have.
>burning alive
That’s literally just being dry digested. Slightly less worse than being eaten alive. Slightly. No thanks & fuck you.
Do they really let you guys access Yea Forums at the Buddhist monastery?
I loved Paddington too
quite a bit different.
you are slowly being killed/ate. it is not a fast death. you have time to fully realize what is going on. even worse in the case of this jack ass because his mate/women was there. she witnessed him being killed. she knew his and her fate. as he faded he must have known she was gonna be next.
dont get me wrong burning to death is horrible as well. you die pretty fast from being engulfed in fire.
>as your flesh burns you gasp in pain taking fire/super heated air in your lungs
didn't they find his severed arm in one of the bears with his watch still on it? just imagine being the guy doing the autopsy and then you assistant asks you "Bro what time is it?" and you then fish out the arm and say
>Bearly past 4pm lmao
Yep, that one's going on my Facebook timeline
>you die pretty fast from being engulfed in fire.
>as your flesh burns you gasp in pain taking fire/super heated air in your lungs
>he actually fell for the "dude you breathe in hot air and instantly die!" lie told to ease the suffering of surviving families
You die as slow as asphyxiation, which at the lowest takes minutes, except you get to feel your entire body on fire all the way to the end.
God damn you.
his right arm was found by his skull a little ways from the camp.
>thinks bears would slurp down a arm whole like spaghetti noodle
Timothy unconsciously committed suicide. He was a paranoid schizo. The only tragic thing is his dumb roastie gf unknowingly being a part of his suicide pact.
It'd be horrific damage in the meantime but you can kill a grizzly with a pocket knife by stabbing both it's eyes. It'll maul you to death in the process but It'll be just as fucked. A few humans with spears dominate even the most alpha predator.
bears can walk upright, idiot.
based. mine too
>you will never have a GF that loves you so much that she puts her self in mortal danger just to be with you and attack a bear with a fucking frying pan to try and save you
They’d smell you and pass anig-nog. We meant other non-animals.
Timmy was gay, right? Was his love for bears a repressed desire for the other kind of bears?
It's fake you autist. The woman was the only one who had the tape and she probably destroyed it 15 years ago.
Kill yourself cuck
bears are dumb as a bag of rocks,they don't want to be you friend and will happily maul you to death and eat you,as "bear man" found out
Cringe but redpilled
>all these post 2000 angry cunts that are STILL upset the world did not end when their kike book said it would
>sonic hedgehog gene
Happens all the time, scientists are huge autists, who woulda thought. There is stuff named after pokemon too
Very enlightening post. Thanks for teaching me something today.
I jerk it to "her" on the regular and yes it is.
imagine this bear meeting midge and his family
i don't think you have good enough aim or fast enough to shoot and kill a swam of malaria mosquitoes
>not animal
redpill me on bears. based or cringe?
does anyone have the audio of him dying?
this guy is a fucking idiot
he gives them names and baby talks them like a retard
kingdom animalia you dense faggot
still not animinals. Dog is an animal, insect not aninal.
Jesus Christ user I've seen a lot of properly retarded posters lately but you really take the cake here.
bears: based
people who get themselves eaten by bears causing bears to be shot: not based
this sire is a genuine vanguardist
what is the widely seen condition of “not understanding the difference between other animals and humans” called? from this faggot who thinks that wild, predatory and untaimed beast can hang out and have a beer with a human. to do vegos who think cows, chickens and pigs having the same capacity for emotions as humans do
intelligence and being social
decimated and /threaded
Anything you've heard is fake
The black ones are pussies AFAIK. I think more people die from deer accidents than black bears
I like the idea that animals know when another creature is retarded so they don't eat it because they think they'll turn retarded.
>roastie dying
yikes. i think reddit's more your speed, lil fella
how to get domesticated bear friend, bros?
Find a bear with dwarfism, a midge bear. Raise it in your home. Then, even if it does attack you it wont be too bad.
Supposedly the tape still exists
>Stupid ... silly advice born out of the immediate shock of hearing—I mean, it's the most terrifying thing I've ever heard in my life. Being shocked like that, I told her, 'You should never listen to it, and you should rather destroy it. It should not be sitting on your shelf in your living room all the time.' [But] she slept over it and decided to do something much wiser. She did not destroy it but separated herself from the tape, and she put it in a bank vault.
Yeah a retard. Real shame about the girl
>She did not destroy it but separated herself from the tape, and she put it in a bank vault.
Pretty smart. That way if you are ever desperate for money some day, you can sell it. I'm sure people would pay money to get that tape.
Those fuckers can shrug off 9mm like its fucking nothing
Black = fight back
Brown = lay down
White = good night
My great granpy told me this 40 years ago and he heard it when he was a kid. Common sense isn’t too common man.
Why would you kill three bears over a couple of corpses? They're not going to jump up run off.
Americans are so retarded.
Aren't Polar Bears the only mammal that actively hunt humans?
Don't listen to that user, polar bears are friendly. You can even approach them.
Why? Not many humans in their habitat.
Y bear do this?
That's the point, they have 0 reasons to fear a human since they're not used to them. They'll actively chase them for miles
Theme song
I think Tigers do in parts of India.
You fucking knob, obviously because if you leave them with the bears there isn't going to be any bodies left to collect
They gotta be real fucking hungry to put a poo in their stomach
wtf there's a boar walking behind them at 1:44
You haven't forgotten Pablo escobear, have you?
bear OD's on shit tonnes of coke
Too bad you jobbers can't handle getting SKEET'd.
>Kill billions of humans over time
>Literally impossible to wipe out even if you went full nuke everything mode, skeeters would still be sucking on the irradiated survivors
The audio has literally never been released publicly. Shit thread.
Once again women proves they have no brain.
This is creepy, its evolving.
Oh ok, better kill the bears then to save a corpse? Fuck off
>Kill billions of humans over time
Lol? Malaria is a protozoan that lives inside the mosquito, the mosquito itself doesn't kill anybody
Fire ants.
when people say humans rule the planet i cannot help but smirk, for under their feet all accross the globe, not only on forest, deserts and urban areas, ants have built a massive grid of tunnels, tunnels they plan on using on a global scale warfare, you cannot nuke them, their bases are litterall fallout shelters, you cannot win against fire ants, even the most modern weapon is useless against them, satelites are meaningless, basically theres a 3 human sized mass of ants for every human on earth and you see, when they attack, we will not be ready.
So enjoy your sunny days, because not far from now, we gonna switch places.
Without the mosquito it wouldn't happen.
fuck bears and fuck sharks
Bugs have always been humanity's hard counter. The black plague, malaria, sleeping sickness, etc. It's not the big preds but the small bugs that BTFO of us.
this channel is absolute kino, look out for the mormon dude stuck upside down in a cave
Based. White cucks seething.
At least a Tiger or Lion would probably choke you out before it eats you. Wonder what he was thinking as he was getting his ass ate
say that to their faces and not online to see what happens.
"run Aime"
or meme response
"haha finially i get to indulge my vore fetish!
>except you get to feel your entire body on fire all the way to the end.
What are nerve endings, retard?
What is phantom pain, retard?
Guns were prohibited in that park.
You tell me, Kaz.
Actually really sad because these bears end up like this after being kept in cages for most of their lives and having their intestinal juices harvested... something about it being used by the Chinese for traditional medicine or some shit.
Is this real?
Haven't felt fear since I was a child guys.
Can all bears do this?
it's always the fucking chinese. they need a second, more thorough cultural revolution or they need to be genocided
lol a shotgun is more than enough for a bear faggot.
those god damn gooks and their crazy ideas on medication.
>random animal parts/fluids cure everything!
>random animal parts/fluids give you a huge boner
I would have an accident in my trousers if I was that guy
Sun bear is fun bear
he will harvest your soul
good luck gettin a good shot at a close enough range to do the damage to put em down.
>see a bear about 40 feet away from you
>try to shoot it with your average shotgun shell
>lightly pepper its skin
>really pissed now
>before you even try to shoot it again its on your ass.
dont underestimate their speed.
>that video of the bears in the tiny cages they can't move in
>the one that starts crooning and biting its paws in fear and pain when people approach it, because it knows it means they're there for the scheduled draining of the gall from the spigot they've fucking surgically attached to its gallbladder
Just thinking about that video made me frown like I haven't frowned in months. That's the kind of shit that makes me want to join some faggy eco-warrior cult, not cows being made into food.
americans btfo
He doesn't but he's still impressive. Went from that qt to a bimbo milf tranny.
All relevant liberals are.
The bears would just go up to people and fuck with them because they weren't afraid of people anymore. They ended up having to kill seven bears because of Timothy Treadwell.
they do, apprently they tasted some people by accident, they were fucking hungry and found some hunters and got em. Since that they started specifically hunting down humans.
You would die screaming as the bear locked its jaws around your face, crushed the front side of your skull, and began eating you alive as you gurgled and flopped your tongue until it ripped that out like a big juicy worm. You might still have enough control to bring the gun to your own head and end your suffering because the bear won't just death blow you and make it quick.
It's not entirely wrong. Usually animals behaving in a retarded way means they have rabies or something.
>*runs up and sprays the guy*
>animals actually believe in lycanthropy-type curses and are just really scared a human will bite them and turn them into hairless monsters
what's the matter ya lil baby? scared to use nukes? you just gonna let the bear win? my god you're a beta
>Does this without getting horribly mangled for over a decade
>Takes his girlfriend with him once
What did he mean by this
>nukes the bears
>one survies
>not mutates in to a giant 100 story tall bear.
good job mr.hero.
she came with him the last 3 years.
Just what the fuck was his problem?
Anthropomorphization and infantilism.
Based ninja bear
Taking a girlfrield with him wasn't the problem. The problem was that all the other times he was visiting while the bears were busy gorging themselves on salmon, a point where a bear most likely won't give a shit about you, but this time he returned too late in the year and crossed paths with a bear who still needed to fatten up quick before hibernation.
Now the long horns are gone,
And the drovers are gone
The Comanches are gone
And the outlaws are gone,
Now Quantro is gone,
Stan Watie is gone
And lion is gone,
And Treadwell is gone.
Helicopter guy is the most brutally honest person I've ever seen, and to say that on camera for a show knowing it'd be documented. Fucking balls, man. I feel like if this documentary were more recent this dude would've fucking exploded all over the internet and lost his job from a small fraction of people that got upset over it. Which is a shame, because nothing the guy said is wrong.
Yes. He was very gay but in denial. That's probably what got him killed.
By God, Chang! Do you see how that bear is playing with a big, thick and strong stick like it's nothing? Its gallbladder must be great to keep your dick hard!
Dolphins have that. Chimps have that. Fucking ants have that, technically.
The black faced one was the one that stole his hat.
I like this dude
he did not get there late. he stayed one week later than normal because they had not seen his "favorite" bear. like you said that late in the year bears are focused on fattening up for winter. they also put their camp right on a game trail. meaning bears would just naturally walk in to the area finding random flesh bags in their path. the bear showed up late night. he went outside to try to get it to leave like he had done multiple times. her turned to yell for his women to get the camera and spooked the bear with the sudden loud noise and movement.
also the bear "104" was older and missing teeth. meaning he could not fight other younger bears for food and would have had problems taking down harder prey.
Dude, fuck that. Even a regular housecat can fuck your day up if it decides that it really doesn't like you.
There's also that video I've seen on here of that sloth bear that isn't even that big with that Indian dude pinned down, and it's basically eating his face while a bunch of other Indians are ineffectually throwing rocks and sticks and shit at it.
The most endearing killing machines.
>however, I will personally waste as many skeeters as I can find
>Nice gun, faggot
Would a hand raised bear be less likely to turn on you than a tiger? I always got that impression.
Would humans just use the military to exterminate/contain predatory megafauna if they existed now?
There's definitely more cases of bears as pets, Wojtek and all. Tigers probably got that same thing as cats do, where even if they're fed at home a wandering cat will end up killing a shitload of critters just out of instinct or fun or whatever.
ok, here’s a .22 now good luck against a charging elephant
People have done it before.
No they really arent
no he didn’t, it never even belonged to him
Jewel put it in a vault somewhere
it’s not real, only two people have ever heard it. who would leak it? it’s in a vault