>*record scratch*
>*Freeze Frame*
>Yup, that’s me. No, not that guy, that guy. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation. I guess I’ll start from the beginning
*record scratch*
the world is unfair
Why's nobody fighting for the little guy?
5'8 vs 5'11
Never should have come here
He was being obnoxious. Once you start acting like, that, no one cares what your problem is or whether you are right or not.
I hope you guys have seen the interview of the fucking century.
>1 hour 15 minutes
motherfucker just timestamp the good parts, who's got that kind of time to listen to some sad manlet?
now what, incels?
>jim and sam
yeah gonna be a huge yikes from me bruh
Because Dewey Cox wasn't there.
His 15 mins are coming to an end. Overexposure setting in fast.
he married a mail order bride from indonesia who he claims was the love of his life, only to leave her because his "taste in breasts changed".
he married her when he liked small tits. then started preferring large tits and divorced her.
this is a 4'11" manlet speaking
this can't be a real person
the incel uprising is real, manlets are a real threat, we should lock em all up, am I right, reddit???
The whole thing is the good part. The guy is fucking mental and they get so many cheap shots in that go over his head.
>he married her when he liked small tits. then started preferring large tits and divorced her.
what the fuck
He's already got a manager, he's going to have a racism scandal and he's totally unrepentant, he'll be around for ages.
This from the guy who hates being judged on his physical characteristics.
calm down, manlet incels
>Chris tells a racist joke about pushing niggers down stairs.
>Jim tells him not to "shoot himself in the foot."
>Sam - "Yeah, at close range."
I don't care abotu the muh objectification or whatever, but everyone knows tits of any size can be perfect
it's all about shape
Chris is 5 feet, but he likes girls who are 5 foot 7 with giant tits. There's some kind of mommy fetish there, he wouldn't even be able to see their faces.
Why are people making an obvious bad person famous ?
Why aren't manlets considered an oppressed minority.
It makes sense, actually. He's angry at women for supposedly only judging him for his looks, not because they actually do, but because that's what HE would do in their shoes.
People made an obvious bad person president of the United States. That's the kind of times we live in.
Because the word "man" is in the title.
I knew this guy was a player when I saw him.
Guess you're right.
Who was the last president that wasn't an obvious bad person? Teddy Roosevelt?
An obviously based person.
He’s right you know, manlet rage is inevitable.
Dude didn't deserve to be tackled, that wasn't a citizen's arrest and it wasn't called for.
Guy that did it obviously just wanted to do it and felt the room would be on his side, that's opportunistic.
Manlet was a retard during the media followup though
>mentions immigration out of fucking no where
>mentions is philipino wife that divorced him
>calls himself Martin Luthor King
>acts angry to female reporter interviewing him
what a retard
People like public humiliations, and people like psychos. This man combines the two.
All the Redditors who piled on this guy were:
a) women attracted to him and testing him
b) men who have had less sex than him and were jealous
How is he obviously bad?
Unironically Obama.
>>mentions immigration out of fucking no where
>>mentions is philipino wife that divorced him
>>calls himself Martin Luthor King
>>acts angry to female reporter interviewing him
typical fuckin new york shitbag. oh sorry that's not fair to jew yourk, those niggers infest every city
>literally asked him to do it
>guy does it
>not because they actually do,
ahahaha I havent followed up on this story but you've convinced me
You're welcome, I handed you that bait-bait on a silver platter.
He's based and you're seething. This is like the Trump victory "omg he doesn't deserve [x] bit of media criticism, but he can't just say [x, y, and z]"
Obviously pres Trump is a let down, but it's the same phenomenon. The people cry out for something real and they rally to strength. This guy is a powerhouse who keeps going and going, taking on huge enemies.
It's like watching Alexander, or Napoleon, or Hitler.
People and even mainstream media literally proved this guy right by bullying him about his size. Very weird in the times of political correctness to hate on people over something that cant be changed
Also all the comments he made have been fair.
ye lol over throwing Guatemalan government in 2009, giving guns to jihads in Iraq and Libya, not doing anything about rising racial tensions and over seeing on of the highest periods of unemployment in Americas history fuck Obama he was just a run of the mill Neo-conservative faggot
Jimmy Carter
>Not knowing Obama was a weak man with good intentions who was strong-armed by the deep state.
what's bad about him? his height? fuck you
The guy in the striped shirt is too tall for 5'11
>he was just a run of the mill Neo-conservative faggot
getting real sick of your shit faggot. (((neocons))), are bad but so are leftisits and obama is just as bad as trudea
>Guy stands up for himself and won't let women make fun of him
Woahhh I hope this asshole rots in hell
Well, he does have explosive, angry meltdowns.
not his fault
>so many cheap shots in that go over his head
His immature personality, volatile temper, lack of adult manners...
He had a youtube channel. He videos himself going fucking mental about loads of shit, not just his height. He's got some kind of violent personality disorder.
>not because they actually do
Who was president the last time you left your parents’ house, user?
How many stools are you standing on right now don't lie
>Not knowing Hitler was a weak man with good intentions who was strong-armed by Parkinson's into making bad choices.
Ye no shit neo-cons and leftists are shit i didn't say other wise.
Imagine being that skinnyfat chode tackling that childsize man. This is the only time in his entire life he felt empowered, felt like he could do something brave.
Everybody has breaking points. Give Chad enough shit and even he'll snap one day.
result from a life time of bullying
Hitler was strong-armed by amphetamines and a mild brain injury.
>Ye no shit neo-cons and leftists are shit i didn't say other wise.
you pretended that obama is on the right when he is a die hard leftists, get learned
>Obama was just a run of the mill Neo-conservative
Sorry to hear about your severe and debilitating autism, you mindless commucuck
>Never question hypocrisy or you're a midget
Oh ok, got it
>you are not god, you are not my father
Did snyder wrote this?
This. Fuckin pathetic that he had to wait for an opportunity to slam a near-midget into the ground. Inb4 manlet cope, I'm a 6'1", 250 lbs strongfatfag.
Chads snap all the time, they just don't go viral because it isn't funny.
"chads" snap all the time just like pretty bitches because they are not used to not getting their way
>ESL illiterate brainlet
Go back to your shithole, tastelet
Unless a manlet is obviously trained or a classical dwarf (denser than human) they should be offered the same basic protection that women are by men in situations like this.
Well, if you had more than one brain cell you would've known by now all about his shitty personality and not just go around giving your dumbass opinion based off of one single video. Check out his Youtube channel, you seething manlet.
take your meds schizo
Obama is 100% a Neo-conservative Neo-liberal would be closer to Margaret Thatcher stop being a retarded American and thinking the words liberal and conservative mean left and right social politics
Women have value in sex and producing an heir, manlets only value is comedy.
U.S.A is a might-makes-right shithole. In a civilised country, no man tackles a guy half his size unless he's legitimately defending himself.
Being obnoxious doesn't justify being tackled
Guy has some anger issues and was dealt a really shitty hand in life. He's a bit of an asshole and needs help. But everyone is taking this opportunity to make fun of short men. But if the opposite were reversed and if it were a fat woman, no one would be making fun of that. Because making fun of fat women is completely off limits.
But keep defending the hypocrisy, fuck men.
>Sorry to hear about your severe and debilitating autism, you mindless commucuck
Neo-conservative and Neo-Liberal don't think what you think they mean i know CNN and Fox has told you conservative means right and liberal means left but they don't to the rest of the world i mean Augusts Pinochet was a fucking Neo-Liberal and he was extremely socially conservative.
How did a thread about some manlet being put in the pit ended up being an obama discussion in a television and films board?
Yes it does
Yeah it does. He was acting aggressively, creating the impression that violence was imminent. He needed to be put down. Pre-emptive counter-attack.
Because I baited everyone by saying the word "Obama".
>Pre-emptive counter-attack
kek good one
literal Hitler levels of reasoning here
The tackle guy had to move into range so II don't know if that is a valid defence
Worked for Israel in the six day war
"bad person" lmao are you retarded?
I unironically agree. The constitution should not apply to "people" below 5’7".
The fat tackler would lose if the manlet sued, he was obviously in no demonstrable danger.
American Civil War 2.0 will be caused by this (and thats a good thing). I personally will help my country any way I can in helping rid these real life half-lings
If the littel man had acted like that with a police officer, that would have resulted in him being physically restrained and arrested. Aggressive behaviour creates the impression that one is in danger, because the next step is physical attack. you don't know whether he will or not, but it seems like he might, so it's justified to stop someone acting like that.
quick rundown?
yes it does. it's not like he broke his neck ffs.
manlets have a smaller hitbox, it'll be hard to shoot them.
If he would have acted like that with a police officer, he would have got three bullets to the chest. But when his family sued, they would have won.
Saying "Attack me" is different to saying "I will attack you."
It can take only one hit in real life for a fight to be over. If someone is coming at you in an aggressive manner, you are entirely justified in striking first before they get the chance.
Reminder that the tackler did it to show off in front of a bunch of teenage girls. He should have his computer searched for CP.
True. Obama was really mean to me
Is he a good person then?
He wasn't advancing. The guy he chest bumped would have more justification for attacking him, but the guy who jumped him didn't really have good cause.
Somebody shop Warwick Davis head on him.
His cause was to give himself an ego boost in front of an audience.
Imagine having a temper shorter than your height.
Defending others is as justified as defending yourself. They guy was flying off the handle.
Shame it showed off his rolls of fat so well. He looked like a bulldog fucking a chihuahua.
I often wonder what it would be like if 10-20% of the population were dwarves/little people/midgets, especially after watching this documentary: youtube.com
Would there be a surpression of rights? Would there be towns of little people which would be tormented by tall youths? Would the dwarves in fact be an elite in society? Are there any books/movies which explore this concept?
based chads
Then why didn't he step in when the little guy was shouting at the women? He only ran in when the vitriol got turned on him. The guy's a dick.
They'd just get bred in and we'd all end up looking like Peruvians.
Why would anybody fight for him? He was trying to start fights, and then got what he wanted.
Women don't need defending, they are strong and independent and to do so would in fact be sexist and mysogynistic
>yfw he becomes a martyr for manlet uprising
>soon there will be whole parades and riots with just manlets and short people
holy fuck could you imagine a whole march down a mainstreet with just manlets
hmm I don't think so. What I'm talking about here would be distinct from at least "homo sapiens". I mean how long have African Americans been 8-12% of the population in the US and they are homo sapiens? Im also sure there would be complications in breeding, I remember Warwick Davis needing special equipment to concieve.
>I remember Warwick Davis needing special equipment to concieve.
A stepladder?
>Lines of chest-high flags.
>High pitched voices on megaphones.
>Average sized men get mistaken for lanklets and cruelly beaten to death.
>Why are people making an obvious bad person famous?
It makes them feel smarter than they really are, whether they’re for him or against him
why did these assholes even procreate? holy shit how selfish can you even be
except the part where he drone bombed people every day lul
>Drone Strikes which killed a fucking Doctors without Borders Nobel Peace Prize Winner
>Sold Uranium to Russians
>Ignored Nuclear Energy stations being hit by a flood
>Overthrew some shit South American country
>Was aware of Timber Sycamore
>Literally provided more money to a very profitable black market of arms in the middle east
>Justified the existence of PRISM
fucking nice work dawg
His now deleted YouTube channel was a fucking goldmine
You're a moron