Everyone hated this film when it came out fifteen years ago, but all of a sudden it's treated as a classic

Everyone hated this film when it came out fifteen years ago, but all of a sudden it's treated as a classic.

The fuck happened?

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>but all of a sudden it's treated as a classic.
kek no it isn't.

no one outside Yea Forums ever brings it up

I always liked it but I like sword and sandal shit pretty much any way it's presented.

it wasn't hated
it was always kino, especially peter o'toole and brian cox
the only weak parts are orlando bloom and diane kruger

It's exactly the opposite you dumb zoomie


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It was shit then, it’s still shit now

People watch shit when they're a kid and don't see the faults in things. When they get older they still like the shit films, not because of the film itself but more because it reminds them of being young. It's like a nostalgia goggles thing. Like how some faggots like the Star Wars prequels.

at the time it was ragged on a bit for being a history movie (which women hate) and for the helen character the "worlds finest-ass bitch" not even being as attractive as brad pitt or orlando bloom. i saw it in theaters and me and my friend agreed it was badass, this was about junior year high school.

It's pretty popular, desu

it wasn't hated, it was just americanized garbage that missed the point

Oh well thanks for proving me wrong

>Like how some faggots like the Star Wars prequels.
Go away Mike, you lost.

name 1 unpopular movie that has 450,000 imdb votes, faggot

HAHAHAHAHA, what's next, upvotes on reddit?

A movie being known doesn't mean it's popular. You fucking never see the movie mentioned outside Yea Forums, as i previously said.

It's ok if you want to keep stroking your cock though, it's a free country. Don't let anyone bring you down, baby.

Lots of hot dudes, what's not to love?

It's proto capeshit that is better than capeshit, the fact it's marginally better than 'masterpieces' about retards in tights makes it seem good

>Everyone hated this film when it came out fifteen years ago
Everybody I knew thought it was great when it came out. Were you even alive 15 years ago?

Actionfags just wanted a LotR rip-off

People that read the Iliad hated that they cut the gods meddling around

Leftists hated that Achilles and Patroclus weren't gay for each other

[Enemy at the Gates intensifies]

It was the first movie I watched in theaters. I love it, but I realize it's not a particularly strong movie. Still the scope is impressive at least on technical level.

Everyone I knew treated Troy as a joke when it came out. This is in Europe though. I know Burgerlanders lap shit like this up.

I like the movie for the movie itself, but saying it's based on the Iliad is a bit ridiculous. They removed the gods from the equation entirely, so a huge part of the literature is lost. I understand why they had to, but it will always rub me the wrong way. Moreover, we will never get an Iliad/Greek myth film/series without it being loaded with niggers ever again, so this is all we have.
I like the movie for being sword and sandal with Brad Pitt BTFOing people, but not as a telling of the Iliad.

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bit like kingdom of heaven in that respect

Prime Kruger and Prime Byrne

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I've never understood what people see in Kingdom of heaven. It's a steaming pile of shit, and that's my professional opinion.

>I've never understood what people see in Kingdom of heaven


I know it's terrible, but I still end up watching the director's cut every few years.

I for one liked it as a kid, but felt a bit ambivalent later on. (Likely because I got around to reading the Iliad).

It's pretty decent for a massively Hollywoodized telling of the Iliad that was just trying to cash in on LotR's popularity

based and holypilled post

>Do you know what lies beyond that beach? Immortality! Take it — it’s yours!

fun popcorn summer flick

Okay, Mohammad.

You still can't name 1 movie tho. It's pretty reliable source to judge if a movie is popular or not.

Also I had multiple discussions about Troy in the last years, escape the 4channel bubble and go talk to people

What do you even watch there? Every non-Brit movie that gets brought to my theaters are about either someone dealing with depression or about how accepting everyone should be of refugees.

The kids of that time grew up and became the dominant posters online ofcourse.

I loved this movie. Fights are fantastic and the sound design is unbelievable. I was like 14 at the time ad had not read any Greek literature except little kids overview books.

>Also I had multiple discussions about Troy in the last years
Oh well then, i apologize.

Get the men back into line!

you just know

its reception was solid but not great because people are muh accuracy morons. its reputation grew with the amazing directors cut.

Never had any issues with it, it's a personal fave actually.

You have to realize that most people, like 98.957152% of Humans alive today are just fucking stupid so yeah, it sucks but that's how it goes sometimes.

We didn't know how good we had it back then. We though we'd be getting kino like this on an annual basis and took it for granted.

Now we look back and realize a competent director being given a sufficient budget and not being forced to cast nogs is something we will never see again.

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