Other urls found in this thread:
Based deh poster
Explain this meme to me.
He did a sound in one of the Harold Patridge movies which sounded funny.
Fine DEH, SunDEH. In my opinion, best DEH of the week. Why is that, DEHdley?
Best thread on the board, keep up the good work.
No DEH on SunDEHs?
no post on sunDEHs!
no Deh on SneeDEHs?
A daring sneedthedeh!
Absolutely based
How is this meme not dead yet? It's been what? 9 years? 10?
>DEH meme is not DEH yet
Really makes you DEH, doesn't it?
Right you are Harry!
It's used sparingly and DEHringly.
post her massive boobies, it is an obligation
TROOOOLL! In the DEHgeon! TROOOOOLL IN THE DEHGEON! Thought you ought to know!
so does he have two faces here technically
The FBI is now monitoring this thread
Girls are allowed to have massive breasts while not being 18.
But you're not allowed to post them till they turn 18.
I find disturbing how those young artist are popping out of of nowhere. She's 18...which means 8 years ago she was 10. I was shitposting here here 8 years ago, and she became famous.
>no deh pasta
If they're clothed you are.
fake, no asian is packing that much booty
looks like she's wearing a diaper
She should not hide those. Display them proudly and often.
lol u tk him 2deh bar|?
This is like when people claim Asians can't have big tits.
More like VolDEHmort
you got me, OP, I chuckled
>Harry Potter ive come to say the m word
Dehest dehs deh dehe dehy deh dehie dehs. Deh deh dehing deh deh dehard deh deh dehs deh Dehwarts Dehdemy deh dehey deh dehed dehs deh deh indehable deh deh dehs. Deh deh deh dehy dehery, deh dehs’ deh dehency deh deh dehs deh deh dehment deh indehive deh deh dehial dehs, deh deh deh dehic undehical, deh deh dehtion deh indeh.
Dehs deh deh deh deh deh Dehling dehed deh deh deh Dehlberg dehing deh dehs; deh deh deh deh dehs deh deher deh dehen deh deh deh deh deh deh deht dehthing deh dehbody?deh dehusly dehable deh-dehtion deh deh dehs. Deh Dehry Dehher dehs deh deh anti-Dehtian (deh deh), deh deh’s dehly deh anti-Dehes Dehnd dehs deh dehs deh deh deh, dehty deh dehment. Deh deh dehs deh deh deh deh. Deh, dehfully, deh deh deher deh deh.
>d-deh dehst deh dehs deh deh dehough d-deh
Deh dehing deh dehful; deh deh deh dehble. Deh deh deh, Deh dehed deh dehry deh deh deher deh deh deh deh, deh dehor deh dehtead deh deh deher "dehed deh dehs."
Deh deh dehing deh deh deh deh deh deh dehry deh deh deh deh dehed. Deh dehed deh deh Deh deh dehed deh deh dehal deh dehs. Deh deh dehlous. Dehling's deh dehs deh dehed deh dehes deh deh dehs deh deh deh deh deh deh deh dehing. Deh Deh deh deh dehish, dehing deh deh Dehry Dehher deh deh deh Dehphen Dehng. Deh deh dehthing deh deh dehect deh, "Deh dehse dehs deh dehing Dehry Dehher deh dehdeh deh dehdeh, deh deh deh deh deher deh deh deh deh deh deh Dehphen Dehng." Deh deh deh deh dehght. Deh deh deh dehing dehic. Deh deh deh "Dehry Dehher" deh deh, deh deh, dehed deh deh Dehphen Dehng.
bless the user who wrote this originally
I'm dying
How about I jump off the roof!?
The future is now old man
I saw a Japanese mom holding her 12 year old son's hand walking towards the pool at the resort I work at last week
was unbelievable
had to drive by in my golf cart a second time
shit was cash
with an ass like that*
Draco looks like a mini Trump
Yes, well done Slytherin.
asians can totally have some fat asses, ive seen a few. but that one is completely fake though
>tfw halfway through watching the series for the first time and loving it way more than I expected to
dumb faggot. google tomomi motozawa
based "based deh poster"
>not Harry Potdeh
One fucking job
No more BLASTED memes through this letterbox!
i saw the half-blood prince on sunday with the score done by a live symphony it was pretty cool
DEHdies gone mad, hasn't he!?
he DEHs it for free
Based "based "based deh poster"" poster
deh best series honestly
What is that mysterious DEHing noise?
Underrated kek
Deh. Deh. Deh-deh-deh Deh!
That's awesome, the score and film are really good
I wanna lick her feet and run my toungue up her legs to her butthole, across her pussy and end up inside her mouth.
Back to tumblr bookpleb
deh film came out in 2007.
HOWEVER is a meme from 2001.
The series is WELL DONE
"Yer a wiz- hnnnggg"
Hagrid's face screwed up in concentration.
"Hol' on a sec. Hnnngggg!"
A dreadful, overpowering stench permeated the cabin as Harry and the Dursleys gagged and retched in disgust. Apparently, the giant man, with no warning or justification, had decided to push out an equally giant shit right into his pants as he stood there talking to Harry.
Hagrid then produced a gaudy pink umbrella and, looking down over his shoulder, pointed the tip of it at the back of his trousers, which were now visibly bulging and seeping with shit.
"Now then, what is the meaning of this?!" bellowed Uncle Vernon. Dudley, meanwhile, could no longer take the horrid smell, and began to vomit all over Aunt Petunia's shoes, while she shrieked in horror, "Oh Dudders, not on mummy's shoes!"
"Er... evanesco shit," Hagrid muttered, giving the umbrella a little wiggle and a squishy poke to his bum.
The shocking smell and the lumpy wet bulge both promptly vanished, and Hagrid beamed.
"Yer a wizard, Harry!"
I watched Goblet last night for the first time. Other than that bit and the HARRY POTTAH shout, his rage was grossly exaggerated.
That's a pretty dress
>Vernon literally round
>Petunia's legs
>Those curtains going with that couch
What a strange image
based deh posters
What specific movie/scene is this from again?
Holy fuck, effortpasta
Congratulations you just learned that movies have scripts that can be different from the book if the director wants it. It's really nothing that's a problem the shit is hitting the fan in the movie.
Harry Podeh and deh Ordeh of deh Phoenix
The awesome ending of order of the phoenix
The fact that normies actually get so upset by him being slightly different than the book and just ever so slightly in brief instances as you said is entirely showcasing that film is not a medium for most people since they are retarded.
Goblet of Fire is full retard as a film though. I enjoy it but mainly because it's completely batshit and butchers its respective book hilariously.
It still utterly works as an enjoying film and is completely follow-able. The director was simply directing and honestly wanted to make everything seem like a high budget hollywood infused bollywood movie on steroids.
The book itself has way too much stuff in it as it, so they focused on the main part. I do really think the first three movies and last three movies were great movie adaptations
I must admit I vastly prefer the sound of NYEEEEAAAHHH to DEH though I can understand why the latter has more memetic potential.
They did focus on the main part but they butchered that too, to the point that it's totally nonsensical in the film. If there was one film that needed two parts in the series it was that one.
order of the phoenix film is much worse
>o the point that it's totally nonsensical in the film
No, what was nonsensical? Literally nothing, it's completely straightforward
>If there was one film that needed two parts in the series it was that one.
They tried and thats why the writer skipped order of the phoenix, having done the first four and trying to get goblet into two scripts but he couldn't.
There's literally no way to splut up goblet of fire into two halves that makes the first half watchable at all and makes it end on a note that you can actually end a movie on. Ending after the first task or second for example doesn't work.
Order of the phoenix is great and completely underrated, again boookfags cant into movies
>That trailer for Deathly Hallows where they keep playing the same NYEAAOOW Voldemort yell over and over like the Inception horn
That was like 40 minutes too short.
I watched the film a few weeks ago, the shouts are completely unnatural and without context, especially this The deviation from the book just leads to more questions than it answers. Why didn't Harry just say in the hall that he didn't do it? It would be perfect evidence that he didn't want to partake in the tournament.
Just when you think it's done, another one plays.
What, are you drunk again? IT'S tuesDEH.
It's not unnatural given the tone and atmosphere the entire film is creating. Simply people literally always complain about anything that is different and say why can't it be like X, while simultaneously complaining all the time that there's nothing original and everything is a copy.
>Why didn't Harry just say in the hall that he didn't do it?
I don't think you or most people understand that harry potter isnt a wizard utopia but a dystopia where the characters are put in situations you should find to not be normal
Petunia was pretty milfy in this one. Vernon looks inhuman.
Goblet is the last good HP film though. Everything goes downhill after that.
That's such a shit opinion. 5 and 6 and 7.1 are immensly fucking great compared to goblet of fire. Goblet is the weakest film and it's still not bad.
HBP is good
Why do plebs hate on 5-8 so much, they are so much better than the leagues and leagues of blockbusters that have been made since.
the runtime was okay it was just super annoying with the umbridge characyer - she's just not a good villain. and the flashblack things to voldemort when harry was with snape were cringey as well
because they cut out a lot of shit from the book.
that's it.
even though prisoner of azkaban cut out a lot of important shit, that one always gets a free pass for some reason
It's paced very well as a film, I've seen it many times.
The whole climax is rushed as fuck.
>things are cut from books that are 500-800 pages long
Big shock. I know, I love azkaban and obviously it did it's own thing that Cuaron wanted. Yates was able to do his own thing with the latter ones too and I love the result of both. They do seem to only give azkaban the pass.
Prisoner really didn't cut anything "important" the film works really nicely and didnt need the map explanations for example to actually be better
No it really isn't the third act is great and is built up from the rising action of the second. The last 40 min is good
I was around 12 when the 4th came out so it's the last one I gave a shit about
So you were one of those edgy teenagers who doesn't appreciate film got it. I was 12 years old when I saw the second one. Saw the last ones in college and goblet of fire in high school along with everyone my age.
They manage to make the climaxes of 3 4 and 5 make little sense if you haven't read the books by cutting out so much.
3 was good though
3 makes sense it's that again tards can't understand simple concepts with the time travel especially. Buckbeak never dies for example, it's a closed loop.
Visually the films get across everything in 3 4 5 that you need as a movie/story.
so was 4 and 5, 4 was just the weaker one.
I forgot about this shot and how fucking horrible it is.
>No Clfford for PresiDehnt
Ralph Fiennes consistently gives the weirdest performances of his career in these movies. I still can't tell if he was taking them seriously or not.
>tfw you see someone post a bait to get more of the same posted but nobody really posts more
i was rooting for you
I'm not talking about the time travel. The whole plot of Sirius, Pettigrew, Snape, Lupin etc is very poorly explained, in fact there no line actually ever clearly saying what even happened between them all.
I didn't say it was bad, just that the climax is messy and too rushed.
Go watch your john wick lad, legitimately nothing wrong with it.
>The whole plot of Sirius, Pettigrew, Snape, Lupin etc is very poorly explained, in fact there no line actually ever clearly saying what even happened between them all
Shit like that is not something you just EXPLAIN in the middle of a fucking movie that's about Harry Potter and the crazy shit happening this year.
It's not necessary, anyone who wants to know more just read the fucking book, they explain enough that all of them were at school together.
>muh messy
>muh too rushed
Literally a fucking great climax in a great blockbuster and you're shitting on it because extra PLOT wasn't explained
>Prisoner really didn't cut anything "important"
Watch any interview of him for goblet of fire he was taking it seriously and having fun
>it's okay to leave out vital information because you can just read the book
uh... no
>shitty shrek reddit image
Proving me right lad, the film is kino
>still so butthurt that a literal nonsense got turned into a better meme that your unfunny garbage
Goddamn you are so desperate.
>the middle
Not the middle, the entire climax. It's supposed to be a big reveal that Sirius is innocent and not a villain at all. But it's just a confusing blur of shit happening. If you didn't read the books you have no clear idea of what actually went down. One line of dialogue could have fixed that.
It's not "EXTRA PLOT", it's THE plot, the only plot.
Stop being so defensive. The time travel segment is good. The movie is good. But the scene between them all in the house is rushed and messy.
>vital information
Kek, it isn't, it really fucking isn't. We know these older characters went to school together, thats all you need to know for that moment
Exposition is never anything thats really needed
This ultra defense is not befitting of an adult. Great films can have flaws user.
>But the scene between them all in the house is rushed and messy.
The 10-15 minute scene that is explaining everything it can in 10-15 minutes isn't rushed it was paced well.
Also just so you know
this video is referring to this tasteless mongoloid
It's literally not a flaw of an artistic film adaptation to not include "x from the book" that isn't a fucking argument. Never has been and never will be.
For example if you read jurassic park it's really fucking nothing and i mean nothing like the movie yet everyone loves the movie and never says one word against it negatively because of it's differences. Why because it's an adaptation. I mean of course some people get mad at things left out but the vast majority of people are completely silent on the book/film difference
Hint: any good/great film will be different from it's book
It doesn't explain everything at all. In fact nowhere in there does it ever actually explain the basics of "Peter Pettigrew betrayed the Potters to Voldemort, framed Sirius for it and then faked his death".
The butthurt autist is even posting shit like this too, he absolutely hates harry potter and yet is always here
It quite literally tells you all you need to know that the rat did infact betray potters parents and got them killed, thats all you need to really know nerd the movies shot well
>an artistic film adaptation
>For example if you read jurassic park it's really fucking nothing and i mean nothing like the movie yet everyone loves the movie and never says one word against it negatively because of it's differences. Why because it's an adaptation.
I don't remember any major plot holes because of things cut from the Jurassic Park book
He's no "adult"
>>It's literally not a flaw of an artistic film adaptation to not include "x from the book" that isn't a fucking argument
No one is saying this. This isn't some minor detail, the flaw is it rushes and poorly explains the pivotal plot of the climax in a manner that is unnecessarily vague and unclear. One or two lines of dialogue could have fixed it.
>the movie is shot well therefore it literally cannot have flaws or adapt something poorly
>an artistic film adaptation
Oh so we have pseudo pleb here who thinks movies that actively pissed off plebs because their directors did solely what they wanted aren't artistic?
Noting about it is rushed nor not explained you're fucking nitpicking as usual
holy shit lol
Ive seen them since. They just aren't that good. The score and cinematography are great though.
That's right the movie that didn't adapt anything poorly and which was shot extremely well didn't have any flaws you're saying it does.
I like the first 3 movies. Goblet of Fire onwards is fucking horrible. I remember going back and watching Order of the Phoenix and I laughed my ass off when the shot in the OP came up. It’s so out of place and looks horrible.
The scoring is great because the fucking composer was fucking inspired by the movie being good and well made for him to score
This is a troll.
In the dungeon.
>moody blue filter over the whole movie
so artistic lol
It's impossible to reason with bookfags lmao
OOTP is kino.
This is art.
No that's just Zach
this guy is just dressing up "no u" as his only response
The latter movies are the pleb filters, you got filtered.
Nice shit meme, HBP has colors of red, orange, yellow, brown, blue, and green. Wow colors
Nice job also not knowing the color grader is the same based dude who graded the lotr films.
Yeah, no shit movie has ever had a good score
>great score
>great cinematography
>therefore good directing
>good acting
>but it's sooooo shit
I was thinking about this yesterday. Thanks for reading my mind
>great score
>great cinematography
>therefore good directing
>good acting
Extremely wrong
>but it's sooooo shit
You would think a cinemalet that pretends to like film would know this
Oh look the mega autist is pretending to have an eye again for anything good.
user everything you say is shit is good. You like nothing that is good.
Imagine pretending you think you know what cinema is when you rate something like this
and get cat fished by neets from discord LMAO
Imagine saving massive amounts of screenshots and thinking you aren't a buttmad autist
>who graded the lotr films.
yeah, the blu-ray versions?
One of the reasons you can tell blockbusters today are so uninspired and instantly forgotten is because they have terrible scores.
Anything noteworthy will have a good score.
I got it from the new thread about you on /b2/. You should check it out as they're even posting the step sister you raped
Shows how much you actually know about movies and lotr. The films are extremely color graded even fellowship of the ring.
The same color grader who did the matrix did all three lotr films for their theater prints and did harry potter 3-8
This series would've been 1000000x better if Malfoy was female and she and Harry built up sexual tension over seven books.
That would have been shit
yeah, despite the hate for the later ones i like them too, all of them. they have that comfy feeling when watching. very good christmas time movies btw.
But Ridley Scott literally made commercials for the BBC for decades before making Alien, Legend and Blade Runner
You can't direct anything even a thousandth as good as Yates lol
do you have a point to make?
It's the best series of films
Yeah that you don't know what color grading is and think it was only implemented on the LOTR blurays. They color graded almost every single scene in the theatrical prints for the movies. Just like King Kong was graded to make something lighter or darker.
Based Keri Sable poster
>red, orange, yellow, brown, blue, and green
That is a wide variety of colors.
The sixth film in particular was inspired by Rembrandts painting, so there's lots of earthy colors where oranges, yellows, browns and greens are brought forth. But all of the films besides the last two deathly hallows look visually separate from another.
Legit looks like a TNA wrestling promo clip.
You shouldn't even know what that is desu
Was Half Blood Prince the last decent HP movie? I really thought the last two were incredibly underwhelming and mediocre; very little meme potential either. Not saying they are bad like f*ntastic be*sts but they weren't exactly good either
I blame Botchamania.
eternally based keriposter
HBP is great and Part 1 of DH is really nice imo because it's a change of pace
I want to cleave Umbridge in half with a Macuahuitl
Easy there, Firenze
I love this thread so much. And that just in response to OP.
hermione was so fucking hot in the first three movies then she hit the wall
3 probably has the best balance of whimsy and darkness.
Her face looked the same in the last couple after puberty as she did before puberty. Alas she was hot in all of them.
3 and 6 both have that balance done really well and both are movies that ultimately don't have voldemort showing up at the end.
except her tits are fake. and her face is 80% botox and plastic.
Shit that's good.
No they aren't. They're real.
lol her tits are absolutely not fake
these threads always BTFO my sides
Dude, she's got real milkers, they pumped up after she got pregnant.
all tits plump up in pregnancy, including fake ones
N'aw, she breast feets. If it helps she's half white.
again, fake tits also swell up big in pregnancy
it doesn't prove anything either way
I like this thread
BarDEH Crouch.....Junior!
>My father will hear of this, Potter!
Can someone tell me why the fuck wizards endure living in tiny secret communities alongside the muggles rather than just taking over the world? I mean, Voldemort was right if you think about it. Might is right, and wizards have all the might. Actually, if the last movie had been a massive battle between the muggles and Voldemort's army (after Hogwarts would have been defeated of course), it would have been absolute kino. I want to see wizards fighting against platoons of footsoldiers armed with modern weaponry, broomsticks vs fighter jets etc. Too bad Rowling is a hack who would never deliver such kino to us
>Don Quixodeh