His Donald Trump impression is fucking atrocious and he does it every goddamn night

His Donald Trump impression is fucking atrocious and he does it every goddamn night.

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 10K)

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>there are people that still watch this shit

I'm baffled, really. Is it mostly just boomers who fell asleep with the TV on?

>razzing a city slicker like Drumpf

Is oneyng honestly the only one with a good donald trump impression?

Attached: 1A636C99-5723-4294-8094-497AC833CA58.png (930x618, 606K)

Of course he does. What else is he going to do?

I would just like to think that after years of doing the impression, eventually it would get better.

Wheres the clip of him doing it?

This is the best Trump impression, Baldwin needs to find a new way to pay taxes.


do you think jon regrets picking him

If this show actually relied on ratings and wasn't propaganda, this hack would have been replaced a long time ago.

i have only seen his thoughts on serena williams meltdown. 2 things are sure
first, that dude is a retard or pretending to be retard
second, whoever watches his shit program is even bigger retard

Most people do terrible Trump impressions. This clown is the easiest president to mock but liberals are seething too hard to tell a proper joke.

Why does Comedy Central keep funding this when nobody watches it?

Wouldn't be surprised if he has considered taking the show back with all the stuff he has been sticking his nose into.

I actually don't get why would you make a show that is supposed to be a propaganda and be so aggressive about it. It's like, why would you be so aggressive and not subtle about your political inclination and demonize the opposite when it just drives the people you want to turn to your side and all it leaves you with is the audience that already agrees with you and has only your opinions. Who the fuck do you propagate it for?

He looks like he takes it in the shitter

Did the_donald close shop or something?

>>it's a well to do mutt doing strangely butthurt political commentary while his country of birth slides into chaos episode

i've seen this already


I watch Redacted Tonight, it's much better. Also puts it's episodes on it's youtube channel don't have to watch RT.


He does it repeatedly throughout this whole clip. First one is like, 10 seconds in.

You’re thinking of Psychicpebbles

Stewart is unironically a brain-dead SJW at this point.
He probably thinks Noah taking over his show was some kind of "step forward for Diversity" or some nonsense like that.

>Redacted Tonight

Attached: ROFWebsite_Redacted_Distraction.jpg (1200x630, 328K)

Because it's literally not about money any more. It's about controlling/maintaining social consensus.

No, he is a brave hero for yelling at congress and calling them cowards to pass something they were already going to pass anyway.


tfw PsychicPebbles does both the best Trump impression and the best impression of a bad Trump impression

Itt: seething trumptards upset someone isn’t worshipping their idol

Have you ever seen propaganda? It's entire point is to be aggressive and not have you interpret it's message in any other way other than to hate the target they're talking about.

Just because it doesn't work on you doesn't mean propaganda has not always been aggressive.

Wow, that fucking sucks.

Oh I'm sorry does truth hurt?

why are you watching this trash

why do you know that

Why is trump so racist?

>y-y-you're the ones seething, Drumpftards!!!! not m-m-me!!!!

Attached: SJW Rage 1.jpg (648x592, 128K)

I'm no Trump fan but Trevor ((((Noah)))) is even worse.

probably from interacting with niggers

i can't find the gay trump impression that nick mullen did but it was funny

Propaganda isn't about being "subtle". At least not this variety.
It's about creating a false consensus; normalizing fringe and extreme opinions and as a consequence convincing your audience that such viewpoints aren't just acceptable but are in fact the overwhelming majority of their society.
Inundate the audience with the same opinion from every single media-outlet and they will, over time, accept and agree with that opinion. Or at the very least they will pretend like they do out of peer-pressure.

>they were already going to pass anyway
he's been trying to get health care for 9/11 first responders for at least 6 years

i for one am glad that two of the most popular people who make shitloads of money complaining about america both voluntarily left their own countries to come to america just so they could complain

Colbert to, they always do the exact same impression and it's never right

Im not American but that doesn't sound so bad to me


That's shit.

Fuck that's lazy.

>Or at the very least they will pretend like they do out of peer-pressure.
This. And the propaganda HAS worked. It's why even fucking governments have allowed children to be put on puberty blockers and people to get sued for "hate speech" for not using the preferred pronouns.

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Everything about him is atrocious. If it weren't for for trump he'd have no material at all

This. I’d kill to see Zach play Trump in a kino on the big screen.

t. persecuted white male republican

This. White "people" be cry babies.


blumpf must go

She says as she posts her butthurt for everyone to see

Don't you talk about me that way you son of a bitch.

I watched 5 minutes of him once and didnt laugh once. Bar none the worst late night show and most of them are absolute garbage. It's impressive how bad both his jokes and delivery are.

>some cancerous midnight foreign beta pussy spreading propaganda and lies
Absolute trash.

Attached: pathetic.jpg (2880x2460, 926K)

Yikes. Seething mutt.

Modern late night isn't for laughing at, it's for clapping at.


Attached: A strong, independant woman of color types out an informed, intelligent opinion to post on Tumblr.we (1280x720, 1.4M)

lol,is that from black mirror or something?


>he's been trying to get health care for 9/11 first responders for at least 6 years

Then why doesn't he pay for it himself? It would be easy if he sold one of his several mansions.

What the hell are these people going to do when Trump loses? Fallon was absolutely slaughtering all late night challengers until Trump saved their careers.

the guy is terrible in general and yet he's on television 5 nights a week. Or maybe it's 4, who cares.

>when Trump loses

Whatever you have to tell yourself.

Attached: Trump in 2020.jpg (1212x1696, 318K)

he's jewish user, have a heart

>Trusting any poll after 2016

he’s incredibly unfunny and I’m not even a drumpftard, he’s just never been funny.

>election day comes around
>trump has a 98.6% chance of winning

Attached: 05.png (429x431, 179K)

>Trevor "gib me monee for being black, cracka" Noah

Attached: Trevor Noah Shilling Reparations Propaganda to Liberal Applause.png (546x894, 351K)

Why on earth are you watching this show? I could understand it when (((Leibowitz))) was still doing it, even if he was wrong about everything he still managed to be funny. Since he left it's just pure cringe.


>enormous Democratic infighting, especially with AOC and her brown gang against Pelosi, one of the most liberal Washington mainstays ever
>Bernie's running again to split the vote -- again
>TV hosts are still pulling the same shit that the general public use as ammo
Guaranteed Trump 2020.

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>What the hell are these people going to do when Trump loses?

>when Trump loses

But ignoring that, we already know the answer:
They will go back to doing exactly what they did under Obama: defending the President and attacking his opposition, rather than the other way around.

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I think the biggest surprise of this thread is finding out that the daily show hasn’t been cancelled

but nobody is watching it

Trump was always a faggot adored by other faggots, but Phil Hartman did the best impression.

t. delusional sjw surviving off a white male's good intentions

I hate how all late show hosts have one and they all suck

They'll never cancel the daily show and they'll never cancel south park. They're the two things that comedy central exists for, even if their ratings are in the trash

>GAWGE DUBYA says nuke-you-lur, late night talk show hosts rant about it for the remainder of his presidency, television shows make jokes about it well after he's out of office
>OBONGA says navy corpse-man, late night hosts make a couple of jokes and immediately drop it, no one mentions it ever again

They quarantined that subreddit a week or 2 ago, numbers have been dropping like flies

this sounds nothing like him

it actually went up like 100k subs since that