>AND BEASTIE BOYS FOR LITERALLY NO REASON (it's robot hell, not random celebrity hell)
Jesus. This show gives Reddit & Memey a run for its money.
>AND BEASTIE BOYS FOR LITERALLY NO REASON (it's robot hell, not random celebrity hell)
Jesus. This show gives Reddit & Memey a run for its money.
I guess this is a bait thread but I always cringed when celebrities in jars popped up. It just felt so obligitory, that even a cartoon set in the future had to have constant pop culture references.
Then go watch reddit & memey
Pretty spot on OP.
Rick and Morty is this generation's Futurama.
Just look at the seething Millennials
Because Fry was from the year 2000 you fuckhead. Did you miss a huge part of the joke's humor is Fry being from 1000 years in the past. You are pretty duuumb.
Yeah Futurama is kinda overrated desu. The more time passes, the less enjoyable it becomes when I go back to it.
The beastie boys showed up because they were just at their concert, faggot.
I liked the episode where Fry's dog waited for him to come back to Sneed's Feed and Seed
Because Fry was from the year 2000 you feedhead. Did you miss a huge part of the joke's humor is Fry being from 1000 years in the past. You are pretty duuumb.
You sound like a Libtard lol
Brapping's evil, you won't miss it.
We'll find ways to simulate that smell.
What a sorry fella
Crying about reddit from his mommy's cellar
Here on level one in Yea Forums Hell.
Sneed is wrong and so are Moeposts
So is crashing planes and wearing masks
Let's let Lady Chuck decide
What kind of capeshit's justified
I'm soi boss here on level two.
Ooh, another delay for Avatar!
>Just tell me why!
Please read this 55-page pasta.
>There must be anons worse than I!
We've checked around, there really aren't.
>Then please let me explain; my posts were merely jests and tricks
You posted Trumps and Pickle Ricks!
>Oh, don't blame me, blame cucks and liberals!
Please stop spreading your /pol/ drivel!
Posting >YIFY links is wrong
Disney needs those billions to survive!
>Hey, user, wanna make some noise?
>With your thread invaded by Wojak-sois!
>That's whatcha whatcha whatcha get on level five!
I don't feel so good...
>It's up to Yea Forums to rescue him!
Maybe he likes it here in hell.
>It plays repeats of CinemaSins!
Maybe he's proud as an incel?
>Relax, Yea Forums, don't be scared. I'm sure it's just Reddit and Tumblr squared. You won't get off Mr. Yea Forums's Ride!
These Twitter threads should fucking DIE!
Raimiposting, Reylo cancer
Publishing a comfy Simpson's thread
You'll pay for every crime.
Make mods earn their fake-ass dime
So Disney, it's like Anaheim
Forced to shitpost without downtime
Sneed thread
I feed it one seed
I read it all, heard it in my head. Good job.
it should be "I don't feel well.." but other than that great job
Yeah, I wish the show didn't use pop culture icons like Richard Nixon, Orson Welles, Teddy Roosevelt. It was so cringe, it's like, hello? This is a cartoon about the future! Leave those past people out of it.
based and chuckpilled
The Star Trek episode is the best one though
>I hate everything because I have no life and no friends because I hate everything and no one wants to be my friend
I know it's that, I wanted to put the capeshit meme in
>there will never be a show as good as Futurama.
That's the 4chin credo but we can't all be a wastrel like OP
Very nice post. Keep up the good work
Kino, made me look up the original again
>Posting >YIFY links is wrong
>Disney needs those billions to survive!
my fucking sides
Futurama was set a thousand years in the future but wastes its premise on cheap sitcom-tier writing that only works when used sporadically (the apartment is in New Jersey? What a riot!)
R&M actually commits to the premise of a show where science can do anything
Shut your fucking mouth, Nixon was goddamn amazing on Futurama.
Making liberals still seeth after 50 years. I bet we will have Blump caricatures in the year 2100.
Jewish Hollywood hatred is relentless, they can make fun of a corpse pretty much forever.
This is the worst post in the history of this garbage board
I like the song at least
fucking fantastic work
Absolutely based.
he was being ironic user, the joke was that nixon, welles and roosevelt are not pop icons. he was even using exclamation marks and the term "past people".
what the fuck is up with people not understanding irony? genuine question, what's up with that
I actually agree with you. Futurama was a case of writers being too smart for their own good, and was only funny when they were making simple sitcom jokes. All of the "smart" jokes just weren't that funny, just an, "I understood that reference" kind of funny.
That being said, R&M after season one has such a steep drop off in quality because the creators would rather huff their own farts and become Bojack Horseman 2.0.
Bender and Zoidberg are the only elements of Futurama that still hold up
everything else is pretty much