Mein Fuhrer...
Mein Fuhrer
Other urls found in this thread:
...we could only afford wooden doors.
Steiner, I...
It's funny because this is the actual door to Stammlager's Krema I, the only extant gas chamber in Auschwitz.
>S-Steiner's assault didn't happen... he needed time to dilate
>this autist again
see you guys after 50 reddit infographics
>your boyfriend...
His feed didn't happen... He ran out of seed
nice rebuttal
>everything /pol/tard stormfags post is true
how are you going to gas jews when your door has a gloryhole for giants?
>reddit infographics
Does anyone honestly believe this?
Do you think anyone believes you will pass for a woman?
Diagnose this
Whats the deal with that. I sometimes do that shit without realizing it. It is normal?
he needs a piss
Autist alert lmao
first of all, this is vid is sped up
second of all, it is no secret that he had pakinson, just like his relative, angela merkel has it now
It's a sign of autism/aspergers
Steiner.... he couldn't squad up in time so the Soviets won scrims due to a DQ
Why are there so many pics of nazi trannys? Serious question, I'm seeing them a lot lately and there are tons of them.
I thought nazis didnt like fags
>bacteria extracted from human faeces
he really had to take a pee but he wanted to watch the game
he was being pumped full of speed and junk, because he had a nazi doctor instead of a jew doctor
Look up "stimming."
whoa. Maybe im autistic.
Tons of members of the National Socialist party were homosexuals even very powerful ones like Ernst Rohm.
It's jewish/allied lies. Nazi Germany was the first LGBTQ-friendly country in modern history. Hitler was openly gay as were most other high-ranking nazis. Trans openly served.
The homophobic Russians erased this truth
>Master race had a pussy disease
>Bambi was "hugely popular" after its publication,[19] becoming a "book-of-the-month" selection and selling 650,000 copies in the United States by 1942.[20] However, it was subsequently banned in Nazi Germany in 1936 as "political allegory on the treatment of Jews in Europe."[19] Many copies of the novel were burned, making original first editions rare and difficult to find.[21]
Holy shit, the Nazis got triggered by fucking BAMBI! BAMBI! No wonder people call them brown shirt SJW's
look at the people in the background
this is sped up, also goes backwards at some parts
Looks normal to me. Cope.
Bambi was banned because the author was Jewish, brainlet.
Tourette's Syndrome
How is this a difficult call?
It runs in the family
This is one of the most kino scenes in film history.
Zerg has 6 pooled.
His lings are killing our probes.
Sooooo just as equally retarded a reason?
He really really loves amphetamines
Jew lover detected
epic just epic
>some shit band nobody ever heard of
What the fuck was his problem?
>defending banning a kid's book about a fucking deer
He's just like us bros...
>Downfall YTPs are being taken down again
>this time its "hate speech" not Copyright
If only we banned more stuff then maybe Ariel and 007 would be white
meth and whatnot. Whole SS was blasting everything
Tranny lover detected
Amphetamines are one hell of a drug
keep spamming it maybe one day it'll be true harold
stormfags would find some excuses to ban ariel and 007 too, probably accuse them of being jews
wut? Also not my fault they were trannys
...ze flaming rollercoaster track is only half completed.... und..... und it only has.... one loop....
you mean the delousing chamber they used to disinfect clothes to keep the inmates healthy and lice-free, that one?
Why are so few films that address the fact at least 50% of nazis were LGBTQ?
he's dilating
have less food
can't believe they let a special needs guy run germany, what a tolerant country
WTF gays are nazis now
Indeed. Here was the #2. He had downs syndrome
No, the actual delousing chambers had wooden doors, sturdy ones, made airtight with strips of felt. Krema I wasn't a delousing chamber.
That looks like someone nailed a small piece of thin sheet metal to some ply wood
>redddit inforgraphics
Does anyone believe you could post this to Reddit without
1.Getting banned
2. Bundes Polezei show up to your house
>The wooden gas chamber doors are fake!
>Those weren't the gas chamber doors, these steel reinforced ones are.
>The steel reinforced gas chamber doors are fake!
/pol/, /pol/, /pol/, /pol/, /pol/...
This is TV and you’re out of your element Reddit fag
you will never be a woman
>refers to Yea Forums as TV
>calls other people redditors