The patient is male, 25

>The patient is male, 25
>Symptoms include seemingly random bursts of rage complete with screaming and furniture tossing
>The nurses could get his sexual history because he keeps screaming
>He seems to be only capable to speak in a weird dialect
>And do not forget his hallucinations about low paid manual workers
>The first one to figure this out gets to have sex with Cuddy

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Other urls found in this thread:

>i did try the medicine drug

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>*visible disdain*

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I farted

>That's a hikikomori or as we call it, a NEET, House.I don't know how you manage to be so out of touch.

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>it's a house going schizophrenic while being entrusted with a human life episode

>I was able to find out the patient's sexual history. He told me during an unusual plot device by which I inexplicably bond with the patient and they stop XYZ thing to tell me something important
>He went into seizure shortly thereafter
>It's very unethical but I also told the patient's parents about his sexual attraction to used Tomiigachi figures, as well as told his sisters, brother, grandparents, friends, neighbors, gardener, school faculty, boss, coworkers, and his dog
>I suggest we remedy his outbursts with 200mg of morphine and suppository stretch armstrong

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>Don't you have some nurses to make them your ex-wife?
>Get out, we'll gonna call you if it's cancer

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this vexes me

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>House did you steal my thing from my office? I need a plot device to be in this episode.

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quality thread

>all the times this happened and wilson being an actual side-kick to a case happened maybe twice

>And while you two were bonding over LIES, did you notice the spaghetti secretion in his pockets?

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>Goddammit House you're a loose cannon
>Turn in your pills and your stethoscope

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How come nobody ever tells House his first idea is always wrong?

>AND your other rectal thermometer

>house you're wrong
>and i'm the boss, go do it or you're fired

also there's an entire episode, where house is in a good mood, humors parents to do tests he disagrees with and almost kills a kid who was just dehydrated

>it's a House finally decides to tell Cuddy how he feels but he sees her having a nice thanksgiving dinner with another guy so he drives his car through her house episode

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I miss House. The patient thing is too comfy and I haven't found anything as comfy as it.

except all those episodes where his first idea was actually right

he's just like me

Worst episode. I get that House was angry because Cuddy told him that she wasn't seeing anybody. That ending was so bad but at least the last season was better than that season.

It wasn't anger my good man. At least not at Cuddy.

what was it?

it loses its comfyness after S3 when the old teams leaves. Not only they couldn't replace them they also didn't have the guts to get a new team and go full in so they added a bunch of characters and sort of kept the old characters as well, meanwhile the cases where getting more ridiculous and the only good thing about the show is Wilson.

>Since the patient seems to be highly allergic to the XX chromosome...
>Cameron and 13 go search his house
>The others, go biopsy the spaghetti
>I need your dragon dildo to perform an experimental treatment on the patient
>Okay, if I fuck you you promise you let me do whatever I want?

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contract disputes and an easy write off

Foreman, 13, and taube are almost as comfy, even though taube is fucking insufferable, and his shitty sub-plots wasted too much time.

House's entire character arc is one of continual self-destruction and self-punishment. If you've ever experienced real depression, you'll get it. It's really one of the most profound dramatic performances ever given, IMO.
Crashing through her house was not just mere "I'm so angry she has another guy". It was "This is absolutely what I deserve, even though I can never admit it out loud, so I hope in some small sense I can destroy the world or at least myself so she'll know what it's like being me."

have sex

They were all terrible individually and together it was very hard to expect a team dynamic that could go for 3 seasons like the old seasons.

The reality show style competition to recruit new doctors was peak comfy tho

>why does he keep saying "implying" every time any of us presents a theory?

What's your favorite scene in House? For me, it's this.

>>House's entire character arc is one of continual self-destruction and self-punishment. If you've ever experienced real depression, you'll get it. It's really one of the most profound dramatic performances ever given, IMO.
women love those characters

God I miss the show. It's one of those shows that could literally run forever

>They were all terrible individually
nah foreman and 13 are great on their own, even if 13's gimmick of personal problems got a bit grating eventually.

I still don't get why House crashes into her house and then doesn't get out of it. It's handwaved as 'YOU WANTED TO BE PUNISHED'. Why would House ruin his career and any future career by getting a criminal record?

Be thankful you've never had anyone in your life with self-destructive tendencies. It happens even to smart people.

>it's the House makes the students diagnose him while fantasizing about Pamela Anderson
This was peak TV

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>House has never endangered his career or life in any way prior to that event
it's like you literally didn't pay attention to the show.
and no i'm not defending that shitty plot event either. House did not give a single fuck about anything long-term.

one of the best episodes they ever did.
i wish they did more med student episodes.

>fantasizing about Pamela Anderson
more like peak boomer

it was carmen electra tho

13 sucks

>its this, I'm gonna give him [insert treatment here]
>house no its not, if you give [insert treatment here] it'll kill them
>does it anyway
>doesn't work, the patient has a seizure or something
>house throws a ball at the wall
>tries another thing
>house you're a genius

>Ctrl+F "Lupus"
>No results

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>>Don't you have some nurses to make them your ex-wife?

>okay... background... what do we know about this guy?
>he works for an online image sharing board
>okay, so at least he has a job. Maybe he saved up to travel somewhere exotic with substandard plumbing?
>well that’s just it House... he doesn’t make any money. Like at all.
>you just told me the patient is employed
>volunteer is more like it. He spends eight hours a day removing pictures of a cartoon frog from the website’s image boards
>and he does this... for free?
>is this image board a charity by chance?
>no it’s a private company that makes advertising revenue.
>okay... let’s get a round of CT scans going, I want to know what circuit shorted out in his brain that caused him to accept a job that pays nothing. In the meantime, Foreman...
>your people are experts on working for free, and/or getting paid to not work depending on the point in history. Break into his house and find out what you can.

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>It's a Taub gets taken by a con-man episode

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spud launching competition is one of the best episodes though.
And 13 is easily third in the house x person relationship dynamic, under chase and foreman.

>it's a House sniffs the patient's panties to diagnose her episode

>it's a short, ugly jew knocks up an attractive nurse
wonder which writer was self-inserting.

Cameron>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13

formerly seeds

camerons insufferable, post-date episode when they drop that plot line. She doesn't get okay until she moves the ER.

>In the meantime, Foreman...
>despite making up 13%...

I don't respect your opinion

>highly intelligent people do the most irrational things in society
there's something poetically ironic about this

it's true though, i'm sorry user. You just have to accept facts.

that episode was great

imagine having such shit taste, yikes

facts? I don't see any facts, just opinions and poor quality at that.

>that episode where the literal 400IQ delivery man turns himself into a brainlet

What did he mean by this?

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>House we found a bunch of empty champagne bottles, pins and green makeup in his house

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They ruined her by making her blond

I always found it weird how House was taking his pills without water. Whenever I eat any kind of pills I need to take them with a large gulp of water, and they still get stuck half way in my throat like 50% of the time.

Well they were ruining the show so might as well ruin her

I liked this guy. He was probably one of the only characters in the show smarter than house, and he genuinely tried to help

too bad they just kind of dropped him

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>that episode where the chadstralian kills the african dictator

he was addicted so probably would need to drink a shitload of water.

>could be viral

>I’m going to say it.
>say what?
>*ahem* [raps on window with cane] *TING TING TING*
>Wilson: HOUSE! WAIT!
do doodoo doodoo do doodoo doodoo bwuuuuuuuummmmm bwuuuuuuummmmm bwuuuuuuummmm

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clearly he needs to be raped

cuddy's actress wanted more money

>that episode where House has dinner with Cuddy and her jew mom and she admits all jews are atheists
Unironic eye opener for me, and this is before I went full digits too

A jew wanted more money? No way dude

>it's a house kidnaps a soap opera star because he autistically notices sub 1 second delays in his line delivery

>in the show smarter than house
why do you say this, because one could argue he failed at helping house in the end, which is why he stopped going to the sessions.

>we were right at the beginning
>how can we be right? we tried it and it didn't work
>we were looking in the wrong place
>instead of doing more, we needed to do less

That ass will forever be the toppest of tiers

>it's a "chase tongue kisses a little girl with cancer" episode
>it's a "six-year-old girl has hit puberty and is menstruating" episode
>it's a "12-year-old diver girl turns out to be pregnant" episode
>it's a "eight-year-old boy tries to fuck cameron" episode

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Literally /us/

It wasn't a tongue kiss with the girl with cancer, or even passionate in any way.

I don't blame anyone for holding out for more on a continuing show, but refusing to do the finale was bullshit.

>it's a teenage fashion model fucks her dad and everyone around her, and then turns out to actually be a boy

>implying you’d miss out on being a loli’s first



>All these episodes were produce by Bryan Singer
Really makes you think

>and last

Is that an actual episode? Which season and number? I need to see this one ASAP.

get back to work, chase

I bet the kid keep fucking up the scene to have more chances to grab her ass.


I remember that. Doesn't she say it's not about the religion but about the community?

Pig infection “you have GREAT yabbos” guy was based

>tfw we never found out what became of House's jail wilson

I knew a guy like this growing up. Used to be a legit genius who did calculus when we were in elementary school, but because he couldn’t relate or properly interact with other people he said he had the choice between taking some drug that turns him into a zombie like everyone else, or kill himself. He took the drugs.

Pretty sad, he could have had a comfy ride at MIT and eventually land a DoD research job.

Because they still need to fill 25 minutes of the episode

best american actors general?

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has any other brit been more convincing as a burger?

those are literally all of the episodes

Andrew Lincoln? Idk I stopped watching that show a long time ago, I don't remember his performance all that well.

More convincing? No, But Bale is right there with him.

Not letting this thread die because House threads are the comfiest

If i take away your Vicodin will you die?

It would be extremely painful
For my leg

WTF, Christian Bale is a britbong, never knew that.


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What's vicodin like bros?

Except I did. I know that House valued his job because it gave him puzzles. He was 'fired' and he 'quit' but he always came back. It wasn't until the final episode where he realised his friendship was actually more important than his job and stuff, did he finally move on.

Carmen Electra. Or more specifically, Tara Patrick. Also that episode where House's old friend and mutt daughter comes has some pretty sexy Cuddy scenes.

Except mods/janitors don't do it for free. They do it for $20 a year. As they get paid in Yea Forums passes. So, while not a lot and essentially free it isn't actually free.

>no alternate-verse episode where we get to see House's life where his leg got chopped off instead

>Could be a vitamin defficiency, all we found in his fridge were pizza pockets

>"I found his bank book. What the hell? There isn't a single entry."
>"Get a load of this. Kitchen full of hot pockets."
>"Only one site in his browser history. What was this guy doing?"

I have a theory that House might have suffered from CRPS if the muscle bypass surgery on his leg damaged some of the nerves in his leg.
The pain caused by CRPS might persist even if the lib is amputated, so your alternate universe version might have played out exactly the same, but with house only having 1,5 legs.

>I have a theory about a fictional character's leg

Yeah that was a yikearoonie for me too

>that entire episode dedicated to bashing fatties
>that entire episode where an underage girl wants to bang House and he can't wait until she's 18
>that entire episode where House wants to cut off children's arms

>sell barf for $20 per bottle
>give you a bottle for doing some work
>same as paying you $20

>that episode where the kid says he was abducted by aliens and he bashes his head open and reveals an implant

>that episode where House's friend comes around and has a black daughter and he calls her out on being a con-artist and he runs a paternity test
>it's negative (and thus it is a scam and she isn't the friends daughter)
>doesn't tell either of them this, says they are related
Why? I hate that shit. I know the episode was about 'family' and 'kids' and shit but I would want to know.

>That's a man, baby

I never understood why people thought she was attractive.

She's only cute in Tron
there's not enough qt short-haired elf analogs out there

Could House even be made today? All that racial/gender/sexuality banter would cause SJW strokes.

>yfw the University administration officer who just happened to absorb all the medical knowledge and was the smartest one in the group didn't get the job because he didn't actually have a medical degree
>yfw the episode or two before House specifically said he wouldn't tell if the dude didn't
Convinced the whole 'You're all fighting for two spots' was done purely based on ratings. Taub was an annoying Jew but at least House shat on him and his wife drama was awful. 13 looked like a man and her gimmick was 'lol bisexual with relationship drama' and Foremans gimmick died about Season 3 after he was essentially a cunt for those 3 seasons. Also too many episodes had House go 'You're fired' that it ended up not being interesting any more.

>This Vexes me

>the patient calls himself wings of redemption

He was entertaining as fuck, but he wasn't all that convincing as someone meant to be from New England.

Not enough elves anyway.

He wasn't born in New England he was born in Japan or Guam or some shit. Laurie could do lots of American accents.

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He spent most of his life in that area. He's "from" there. He does a good job with the strict Hollywood accent, but he sounds nothing like anyone that spend years in Jersey.

You mean New Jersey. Jersey is a country in the English Channel. If you say so. Lots of accents vary. But he grew up in Japan I believe which might explain why his accent is a weird mix.

that's more a testiment to House's complicated character. But Nolan's smarter than House, at least in comparing which is more clever or powerful.

He made House give up trying to pressure the psych ward into letting him out and Nolan writing him a letter of recommendation

>at least in comparing which is more clever or powerful.

In other words, your bullshit headcanon.