Would it be kino?
Would it be kino?
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jay rich and mike are too good for this talentless fuck
i couldn't even finish the oliver tree podcast it was so goddamn cringy
this is pretty sad
The two most reddit channels
>pissing in a sea of piss
e celebs are garbage and effective pleb filters
>Wouldn't we Hila?
The Macaulay Culkin podcast with RLM was fucking terrible.
I thought it was alright. They were definitely out of their element a bit but nothing too abhorrent really.
>inb4 Jack and Beardfat do an episode
What's her deal? Is it unironic autism?
probably one of the greatest crossever events to happen in history besides Infinity War
this. Ethan showed his true colours when he interviewed Jontron. Ethan is a terrible person.
Actually i thought it was Mac who was terrible and couldn't start an interesting conversation worth a shit. The only good moments were when Mike and Rich started talking to each other.
typical hot chick who never needed to develop social skills
>when he asks hila if she knows she has deepfakes
>when he asks bill burr if he's worried about his infant daughter getting raped
being comfortable in front of a camera is a special type of crazy
>Ethan is a terrible person
>hot chick
I am glad this never happened.
>I'll just message you publically so the fans can harass you until it happens and I can get a piggyback off your fans to boost my shows numbers
>hot chick
user, that's a horse.
I'm pretty sure Mike isn't the kind of person to like shady jews.
I would not gonna lie, especially younger Hila
Literally no-one watches the H3 Podcast these days. The modern H3H3 audience and the modern RLM audience don't have a lot of crossover.
She looks the same there too. I'm not going to lie, I thought she was a young hippie man the first time I saw the H3H3 intro.
He showed his true colors long ago on his podcast when he gives his shitty, biased opinions on things like politics. He is 99% askenazi after all
Remember when this fat faggot was just a clown goofing around to entertain others?
It's never been super popular. The only podcasts with a lot of views are when he has guests people actually like. His main channel has always been more popular. The thing is, it hardly matter. He makes money off those paid plugs he does, and also milks those podcasts for additional views by posting so many clips from them on his clip channel. Plus they're zero effort content, practically free money.
Jay only goes to LA to cruise for buff guys so wouldn't he want to keep that on the down-low?
oh yeah that same oprah who said nothing about weinstein and is now dodging the fuck out everything epstein related. what a hero she is
He was asking every popular Youtube channel. Reviewbrah revealed that Ethan didn't bother to respond any further after Reviewbrah expressed interest. FUCK ETHAN.
Reviewbrah dodged a bullet.
Why does she sound like a deaf person when she speaks?
terminally jewish
Inbred jew genes
Lmao at RLM would ever be in LA
Even then he used to be a normiefied version of Filthyfrank (who already was a normie as fuck channel)
>>when he asks hila if she knows she has deepfakes
I had a different dream guest in mind...
Lmao I can just imagine a fight breaking out between Mel and Ethan 20 minutes in
*2 minutes in
>Inbred jew genes
they did DNA tests and hila couldn't be further from inbred, she is a mutt from all over the middle east and north africa, also italy for some reason
ethan on the other hand is the poster boy for jew inbreeding, he was like 99.9% ashkenazi
Fuck no
literally will spawn the antichrist
I couldn't imagine Ethan in a fight desu.
Nevermind the moments of cringe, H3 podcast is simply boring as fuck. Every faggot in LA with a microphone is ripping of Rogan's format, Kreischer, Your Mom's House, the list goes on. They all just suck at it.
I think she's lovely
there is no way they would go on.
love and appreciation and peace and kindness and love and peace and kindness and appreciation and peace and kindness and love and appreciation and kindness and love
>H3 podcast is simply boring as fuck
You're being generous
If they came on, there would have to be a discussion on movies at some point. And you just know Ethan knows fuck all about movies. It would be painful to watch
reddit seems pretty cool if they have RLM and you're not there
why does everyone on this shit site have a shit opinion
>you guys like Tarantino?
yeah, maybe when she was in her early 20s
now she's in her 30s and had a kid. All downhill from here
They literally met at a Holohoax museum kek
go back
the closest to a Cinemassacre/RLM crossover
what fight?
Mel would win by default
Yeah, wrong and terrible.
100% this would happen. Mel's alpha roid rage vs Ethan's beta sarcasm, they'd fucking hate each other.
No fuck that guy I don't want e-celeb bullshit in my RLM
she was so pretty what the fuck
they are a friend simulator, same as morning TV or talk radio
Neither does he.
RLM makes yt videos but that's it, they're not into e-celeb drama like that guy
H3 is fucking garbage now. Can't believe I was ever s fan.
that's because you were probably a filthy frank faggot like every zoomer on this site at that time
bobby lee's podcast is okay whenever he isn't making a joke about his butthole for the 19th time, or when they're going on and on about drama within their community
>they're ecelebs but they're not ecelebs
they're not cancer though, same as steve1989mreinfo for example. Self-contained channel that doesn't indulge in starting shit up with actual e celebs
>Ok wow like yeah totally...so what...ok so like star wars...you're saying it isnt good now?
>discussing e-celebs who can't produce quality content even if their life will depend on it, not even some short film
What the fuck, Yea Forums...
H3H3 is trash, podcasts are trash
the only good """Podcast""" ever is NormMacDonald Live
doesn't make them not ecelebs
>the only good """Podcast""" ever is NormMacDonald Live
Paheal. Some dude named NON Fakes or something does em.
The No Agenda Show is good, one of the hosts is the literal inventor of podcasting.
>Hey, have you seen my old meme videos? No? here let me show you a couple...
Don't be too hash on her, she had half her tongue cut out by Palestinians, that's why she can barely talk.
He's showed his character with the podcast in general. When I first watched his videos I thought he was a quintessential "Youtuber", but the guy can barely produce any content anymore, and half the time its an advertisement.
He focuses on the podcast because its more profitable, not because he's particularly good at it. HE takes his audience for granted and assumes they will stick around to hear his shit opinions about delicate topics when all they want is another comedy skit. Listen to the Official podcast instead if you want Youtube-tier podcasts with shitty uninformed opinions. At least that crew can entertain.
Not only autism but high IQ JEWISH autism
I unsubbed like 3 years ago. And i used to be a big fan of his. I just don't care about his podcast or his shitty opinions. I just wanted memes.
>literal inventor of podcasting.
that would be steve ricky and karl
Dude shut the fuck up FF started 10 years ago and most of that crowd is 30. You "Zoomer Newfag underageb&" fags have ALWAYS been the worst.
I was a pretty big fan until he started the podcast and I've only seen small portions of one or two videos since then. He at least put some effort in to his videos but as you've stated, he and everyone else on YouTube is gravitating towards podcasts because it's easy money, long videos, barely any editing if any and you can shill at least two ad sponsorship segments per podcast. I barely watch YouTube anymore, I hate what it's become. Commercialized ad-friendly content with clickbait thumbnails and titles, everyone has a Patreon and a merch website with their logo on t shirts for their child audience to buy. People like Filthy Frank just not bothering to make videos anymore because the second he uploads it, it gets demonized unless it's one of his bad songs. You don't make it big on YouTube anymore unless Google can make money from advertising and marketing your channel as a product.
They’re too talented for him, it would be awkward. Ethan just stole Howard Stern’s tv studio and now he’s larping.
Please leave this website
No, he means literally created the protocols for Apple that allowed for the medium of podcasting to exist.
Look at those fucking kikes.
He invented RSS feeds?
>Ethan just stole Howard Stern’s tv studio and now he’s larping
this is the thing that's so fucking hard to watch, especially because he cant even remotely pull it off. he is terrible at hosting and interviewing and just having any kind of sense of if something is working live or not. I'd rather watch Hila just talk about her genuine interests in art or fashion or something than Ethan desperately trying to be entertaining and failing for 2 hours while the producer and intern lock his asshole
>In October 2000, the concept of attaching sound and video files in RSS feeds was proposed in a draft by Tristan Louis.[10] The idea was implemented by Dave Winer, a software developer and an author of the RSS format. Winer had received other customer requests for "audioblogging" features and had discussed the enclosure concept (also in October 2000) with Adam Curry,[11] a user of Userland's Manila and Radio blogging and RSS aggregator software.
skipping ahead
>October 2003, Winer and friends organized the first BloggerCon weblogger conference at Berkman Center. CDs of Lydon's interviews were distributed as an example of the high-quality MP3 content enclosures could deliver;[24] Bob Doyle demonstrated the portable studio he helped Lydon develop;[25] Harold Gilchrist presented a history of audioblogging, including Curry's early role, and Kevin Marks demonstrated a script to download RSS enclosures and pass them to iTunes for transfer to an iPod.[26] Curry and Marks discussed collaborating.[27]
>After the conference, Curry offered his blog readers an RSS-to-iPod[28] script (iPodder) that moved MP3 files from Userland Radio to iTunes, and encouraged other developers to build on the idea.
He was the seed.