I love when they shit on the prequels and make the cringe George Lucas apologists born in the 90s boil
I love when they shit on the prequels and make the cringe George Lucas apologists born in the 90s boil
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Same. Honestly, I was hoping that in the TLJ Plinkett Review, he would spend the first hour of it shitting on the prequels some more, like he did with TFA. It's much more amusing to me to see the prequel apologism that was born with Disney get BTFO.
Disney shills
t. prequel apologist
>le prequeuls were bad because plinkett said so
it's great that zoomers think plinkett invented the prequel hate.
Sorry your childhood was spent idolizing a soulless bastardization of an actual classic franchise.
Almost every criticism of the prequels is hollow
They lost the plot after slobbering over TFA
most people enjoyed tfa for what it was first time around, because it wasn't a bad movie, just lazy as fuck.
>meme yourself into thinking the prequels are "the worst movies ever" so hard you think a self admitted 1:1 copy is better
>also shit on the best film of the disney era
Not based and cringe
Every criticism i hear is either preference based or an attempt to tie it to some pseudo scientific definition of what makes a good film, like muh heros journey
Sounds like most people are utter retards
that cuck hbomberguy is the only active prequel apologist i know of. so whenever some faggot defends the prequels, i think of him
It was a horrible movie with worse dialogue, blander characters, and dumber plot holes than the prequels.
>movie ends because R2 decides to snap out of its Robo-depression immediately after not DS blows up for some reason
Still, in the Plinkett review, they stop their ground and instead whined about the growing nostalgic feeling for the Prequels. That carried over to TLJ, where they softballed Jonson.
>Every criticism i hear is either preference based
Welcome to criticism
bastardization sure, the soulless bastardization came out in 2015.
>That carried over to TLJ, where they softballed Jonson
Every time I read shit like this, I wonder if there's two different TLJ reviews and I watched the secret one.
i'm pretty sure it's one autist who INSISTS against all evidence that RLM are on disney's payroll and are secretly shilling for them even when they actively insult and refuse to review their movies
No, you misunderstand. The criticisms are trying to paint it as objectively bad, "because it should have happened this way", not because they personally didnt like it
i love what their mouths do
While i dont think theyre paid by disney they shit on a minority of movies and then slobber over the majority. They generally think marvel movies are good
>dig into three movies for every flaw possible and make up a few on the way.
>Movie comes out that does everything you wanted, turns out to be utterly mediocre.
>Second movie comes out and is utter shit, but its still made in the way you made a cultural push for.
>Slowly dawning on you that just because you can point out flaws in movies does not mean you can ever even approach making anything on your own.
>Slowly dawning that the new age of utter shit was caused in large part because of your actions.
I don't actually blame RLM or any of the other clickbait people who shat on the prequels and begged for Disney to fuck up as badly as they did, I think its caused by the times, everything mental at the moment.
The sequels suck hard but that doesn't make the prequels good either
redlettermedia boofs
most marvel movies are ok, watchable blockbusters, that's why they're so popular. nobody is claiming them as masterpieces of cinema or anything, that's reflected in how they review them. if they were being held up as high art I'm pretty sure they'd tear them to shreds.
>thats reflected in how they review them
They dont just say ok, they think theyre better than ok. And where do you get that they qualify the reviews? They tell people to go and see them
I don't know what you lot expected. The first three movies where made just to be movies, but they became fun cultural touchstones because they could be used as vessels for more stories to be told.
It went from a passive medium to an active one, the Prequels are a huge example of this, most of the work in the Prequels was to make the Universe bigger and more expansive at the expense of making them a tight and good set of movies. The Prequels where made to be a platform that other media could use to make stories on top of, that is why we see so many well regarded games, cartoons, books and comics, mostly directed at children of course.
Star wars went from being movies to being platforms for children to enjoy stories in its universe.
Listen to RLM, they keep saying "Star wars is empty you cant make more stories in it" this is because they are passive people by nature, they want a movie to tell them a story and then be done with it, but the framework of star wars was changed into being for an active audience who enjoy the universe.
Disney are treating Star Wars as this passive thing and we see people complaining that everything seems to have shrunk, that is because it has, the universe, expanded by the prequels to facilitate multimedia storylines was shrunk by Disney to become a passive movie experience again.
Prequels are bad because they are not good movies. Still, I'd rather watch any of the prequels than the Nu-quels.
>dude george lucas made the prequels bad on purpose to make more money in the long run.
No he is autistic
He might be autistic but his plan was to get children into star wars and make a big universe to make money with, this is not a secret he was open about this from the start, he did not make them bad on purpose he was simply focused on doing one thing (expand the universe) and failed in a bunch of other things (Good Directing, writing, editing, ect)
>My piece of shit is solid and easy to clean up
>But my piece of shit have a corn on It soo its better!
You are all retarded
The prequels were actually good though, also ring theory
>Ring Theory
>Ring theory is the study of rings—algebraic structures in which addition and multiplication are defined and have similar properties to those operations defined for the integers. Ring theory studies the structure of rings, their representations, or, in different language, modules, special classes of rings (group rings, division rings, universal enveloping algebras), as well as an array of properties that proved to be of interest both within the theory itself and for its applications, such as homological properties and polynomial identities.
I don't follow?
It's because of pretentious faggots like (((Rich))) and (((Mike))) that George sold Star Wars to Disney. Everyone who hates the prequels is a trend-following Redditor normie. Fuck all of your mindless, trend-following, prequel-hating NPCs. The prequels are eternally based and full of soul. Disney Star Wars is soulless.
Based and redpilled. I completely agree with you.
gahahahahaha, keep seething, millennial
I do agree that Prequels are full of soul and are good star wars movies but bro, they are kinda bad, the kind of bad movie you have on for kids while you are doing something else.
They softballed JJ not Ryan. Their TFA review was terrible it was like 80% talking about the prequels.
yeah they shat on Ryan, strange since they said that Disney should get random directors to make interesting Star Wars movies, if there is anything to say about TLJ it is interesting.
The prequels wasnt that bad.
But they have good points in the characterisations. George focused too much on many characters than on fully model the mains that well.
And he focused on action cgi too much like all early 2000s movies did.
It was a promising starting point. But really too lazy and copy past.
It took too much the bad parts of the original and the prequels than the good stuff.
If there was ever a set of movies that could have used a remaster or a recut it was the Prequels, missed opportunity now.
The prequels are utterly kino and you know it. Stay in your lane, you zoomer nigger. lmao
* all of you
I know what you mean, but I love watching the prequels. The only bad things about the prequels are cringey dialogue (which the original trilogy films ALSO HAVE IF PEOPLE TOOK THEIR NOSTALGIA GOGGLES OFF FOR FIVE FUCKING SECONDS) and dated CGI.
TFA tried to trim the fat from star wars and cut too much, on top of that it added literally nothing new, a good writer could have used it to jump off and make something good but we did not get a good writer.
>Crying about "zoomers" while defending the prequels
You were born in 1990 at the very earliest ROFL
Yeah I agree, I have them on when the family gets together at Christmas , episode 1 to 6 in the background.
I was born on February 25 1988 and the prequels are kino, you zoomer nigger. lmao
The prequels have more practical effects than the OT.
This is an often overlooked fact.
>TFW no nihilist granny who hates god movie
Lucas prequels spawned the true Star Wars we all love. Love or hate them, anything good that came from Star Wars after the original films could only be because the prequals. You may think their terrible but the world building it allowed for other content creators was like stepping into LEGO land
I'd like to chip in real quick...
Mike makes up fake flaws in the Plinkett reviews.
Fake flaws that people on TFN.net and elsewhere then parrot.
For example, Mike claims that the Jedi only sending Qui Gon and Obi Wan back to Naboo to confront the Sith lord is a plothole. Mike asks why they don't send a bunch of Jedi.
BUT Mike is too stupid to understand the movie, because Lucas explains this. The council wants to "draw out the Queen's attacker", which wouldn't happen if like 6 masters roll up on Naboo.
>31 year old prequel defender
oh no no no no imagine being this pathetic
That and Qui Gon is a very powerful and respected jedi even if he is a bit of a maverick, even his Apprentice, Obi Wan, is regarded as capable and level headed. They idea that some random dark force user can take them out is madness to the Jedi council because the Jedi underestimate the Sith because of arrogance.
The Prequels are shit movies but quite enjoyable still. Disney's movies aren't.
At least the prequels had some semblance of world building.
I'm amazed by how disney tries to invent million of planets in every single movie and the only one i remembered was Scarif from Rogue One because i just liked the space battle and beige storm trooper's design. Meanwhile you can hate prequels as much as you want but at least enough tought was put into making them memorable. Naboo, Coruscant, Camino, Geonosis, Utapau, Mustafar were all memorable enough for me to still remember them even though i haven't watch prequels in years (Kashyyk doesn't count as prequel planed does it?)
This is true. The prequels MASSIVELY expanded the lore of the Star Wars franchise and enriched it too. Without the prequels, we would've never gotten the 3D Clone Wars television show. Also, the prequels gave us aliens and planets even more creative than the aliens and planets in the original trilogy. The prequels made the Star Wars galaxy bigger.
I remember Kanto Bite because it pissed me off to be fair.
OT aliens were peak soul though
The boglike planet at the beginning was great
Rogue one was great aside from the marvel esque subhuman subplot, all the disney star wara movies should be like that
Me too. Why can't both the prequels and reboots be shit? They are.
A lot of the Prequel aliens are just as good if not better.
>remembering literally anything from Rogue 1
You unironically have a genius-level brain with photographic memory. Congrats, user.
This is it, The Prequels turned Star Wars into lego blocks that you can arrange into different stories and all the sad boomers are mad that things did not stay the same.
Sorry boomers but the age of being spoonfed media are over, the age of multimedia is here, we are just waiting for Disney and Hollywood to get with the times.
>Naboo, Coruscant, Camino, Geonosis, Utapau, Mustafar were all memorable enough for me to still remember them
I don't remember a single one of those other than Naboo (Is it the water planet with Jar Jar?) and Coruscant (The rich people planet where the Jedi are, right?)
So, I gotta disagree
The videos were popular because he put what everyone was already thinking into words
Rogue One felt like a prequel in that sense. The Ring of Kafrene and Jedha were both cool.
People who think the ot is the best thing ever and the prequels are the worst thing ever dont understand why star wars is even good in the firat place
It has nothing to do with the milquetoast dialogue, story, and characters. He worldbuilding and character *design* are what make it more successful than its peers.
Rogue one was a good movie, I liked it a lot even with all the slow bits and chink pandering.
>"Haha I hate star wars let me tell you why star wars is bad."
good bait, play KOTOR.
Yes, the OT aliens were peak soul but they were all humanoid except for Jabba. Also, we got a nice space-kike alien in the form of Watto from Based Lucas and the prequels were an allegory of how kikes in real life worm their way into positions of political power using so-called 'democracy' (i.e. how Sheev democratically become the Emperor of the entire fucking galaxy). The prequels make the kikes seethe.
Seems like a lot of the youngfags in this thread are erroneously praising the prequels for the rest of multimedia making good shit out of them, which is pretty absurd.
LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian making gold adaptations out of shit does not excuse the shit. And the vast majority of these have basically nothing to do with the prequels anyways. There's a reason why everyone went a billion years in the past before either the originals or the prequels.
Disengenious post. You're pretending that you could be getting Coruscant wrong when you know what it is.
F-, see me after class.
It wasnt a good movie but it exceeded expectations for a star wars movie
>There's a reason why everyone went a billion years in the past
But not really since Kotor feels like a decade before the PT at most. The Temple is the same, brown Yoda is Yoda, etc
>play KOTOR
So, basically, hit the nail in the head.
If I got it wrong, then I got it wrong. It's clearly not as memorable as you pretend it is lol
>I don't remember a single one of those other than Naboo (Is it the water planet with Jar Jar?) and Coruscant (The rich people planet where the Jedi are, right?)
Naboo and Coruscant are literally the only planets that matter in the prequels, so thanks for reinforcing that guy's point you shitwad.
Genndy Wars were kino AF fight me boomers
>I need people to think for me.
Except most of the great projects that came out had Lucas directly involved.
The dialogue was way worse than the PT, as was the editing.
That conversation between Poe and Finn in the TIE fighter is like the worst scripted exchange in Star Wars.
The prequels are bad movies. That being said, you could tell they came from an area of love. It's just a shame the execution was piss poor.
The thing about TFA is that it's going to be remembered as either a decent 'starting point' or an unoriginal mess depending on how the other movie in the trilogy turn out. Things aren't looking good.
His point was that the prequels were full of memorable places when it has a grand total of 2 (which he claimed were 6)
The sequels have the bigger death star and yet another desert planet with old broken ships around it. Woah, guess it's just as memorable.
>If I got it wrong
You can't read, lol.
Or you're playing dumb again.
Anyone who has seen the JJ Star Trek films knows he cant do Dialogue.
I've warmed up to Revenge over the years. It's a pretty good capstone to the Clone Wars series.
Right, ok, so you think everyone else secretly remembers all the details of the shit prequels because they were born in 1992 like you and that was the Star Wars they had to deal with.
It's from the Christmas Special, which is still more entertaining than anything that Disney has shat out.
>theres a reason why everyone
How many retarded things are antiprequel fags going to say in this thread?
How are there REAL people behind these posts?
I'm remembering why I stopped coming here.
TFA is far worse than the PT (scriptwise nothing makes any sense) and a planet being memorable for being a rehash is not equivelant a planet being memorable for being new.
Rich is extremely ugly and married to an even uglier bulldyke. They all have awful taste in movies and review almost exclusively capeshit, singing Disney’s praises every time. Stop posting these cringelords; saged and filtered
>that matter
What do you mean by this, i want to see you spell out how the prequels are exceptionally bad in this regard so you can see how much of a faggot you and everyone else are being
No you are full of shit, I also remember most of the planets in the Prequels, they all had a good setup and at least one Keno scene on each of them.
Sequels actually have four Desert planets, three Forrest planets, one island planet and a NOT-Naboo planet, can you tell me there names?
When Mike said the guy who wrote BvS and Justice League was writing for it, I thought "Oh wow, this movie is fuuuucked."
Literally unplayable (without bug fixes) garbage.
ROTS is easily the best prequel movie.
I remember i read somewhere that Kashyyk was supposed to be in RotJ but was replaced by Endor to sell ewok toys. Can't say if it's true or not but that's what i heard.
>You think people remember the planets on star wars because they actually watched the movies?
is it actually true?
How are the prequels exceptionally bad in that area when TFA exists with it's knockoff Tatoooine, Knockoff Death Star, and knockoff Coruscant?
>What do you mean by this
Exactly what I meant to mean, you shitwad.
Fucking based. I couldn't agree with you more.
Read what i replied to
Corrupted emaciated Ewoks worshiping the charred corpse of Palpatine on a throne of Death Star wreckage would be pretty awesome, and a fitting allegory for the Star Wars franchise as a whole.
Did you watch the video?
>exactly what i meant to mean
My earlier post is 100% right and prequel criticisms are hollow
This is why RLM has never made even a passable movie.
That was unironically the only kino thing that Mike and Rich came up with in that video. I'd love to see an Ewok death cult in Episode 9.
>TFA is far worse than the PT
I don't agree. PT had a huge problem with pacing and ~1/3 of it was just a bad children's movie.
While TFA was much, MUCH less inspired, it was easier and more enjoyable to watch.
Star Wars > Prequels > Nu Wars
>My earlier post is 100% right and prequel criticisms are hollow
Nigger, I'm a prequel LOVER. Why are you replying to me? You're replying to the wrong person if you think I'm a mindless prequel-hating drone.
Mike is a hack fraud but the time travel thing seems plausible.
The lightsaber not being broken is a big clue.
Time travelling seems so obvious but they never mentioned what i thought disney could do: Rey is actually Shmi Skywalker pum-pum-pum we've come full circle not forget about it and give us your money to see KOTOR trilogy
yes and i still refuse to believe what ive heard. disney can not be that retarded
I don't agree. TFA's script was so damn amatuer hour it became embarrassing.
Every five minutes there was some new contrivance like when the Rathtars immediately ate everyone but then carried Finn around for like a minute or more.
The prequels rarely stopped that low.
>I don't agree. PT had a huge problem with pacing and ~1/3 of it was just a bad children's movie.
The second acts of TPM and AOTC are the biggest problems because of pacing.
The sequel trilogy sucks because of failures with lore.
Rogue One literally put me to sleep, the only time that's ever happened to me in a theater. It seemed like to Star Wars movie I'd wanted since I was a teen, but then when I actually saw muh gritty action star Wars movie, I realized that with characters even worse than TFA only a teenager could enjoy it
>Rey is actually Shmi Skywalker pum-pum-pum
It seems like this is what they will do, its a shame I liked "Ray is Sheev" much more.
>not forget about it
I completely agree with you and Mike being a fraud and time travel being in Episode 9, but I'm pretty sure Rey made a new lightsaber because the crystal of Anakin's lightsaber was not destroyed in TLJ.
>but then when I actually saw muh gritty action star Wars movie
It wasnt gritty they removed that shit with reshoots
A third of the aliens in the Mos Eisley Cantina scene are Halloween masks Lucas had someone buy in bulk at the last minute.
>I realized that with characters even worse than TFA
Watch it again, senpai.
The characters are better. Compare Poe to Cassian. Cassian might be a bit bland, but at least his performance is natural.
You got fooled by JJ's "act like you're on crack" directorial style.
Rey isn't Shmi because Kathleen Kennedy would never allow her Golden Girl to be killed by Tusken Raiders.
I can rewatch the prequels while I can't do it with the OT. I don't idolise anything I just have a more refined taste compared to 80 year old nerds, that's about it.
* I completely agree with you about
Kathleen Kennedy will be promoted soon anyway.
>gets rewritten into it was white men and the raiders saved her
>I can rewatch the prequels while I can't do it with the OT.
That says more about you than anything else. And it's not something nice.
Promoted? What do you mean? She's already the President of Nu-Lucasfilm.
Wrong, I've hated JJ since his first Trek movie, I hate TFA, that's what "even worse" signifies, fucktarded brainlet. The only decent Star Wars film since Return of the Jedi was Revenge of the Sith
she gets moved over to fox
I don't get why Hollywood does not hire /pol/ they come up with shit that is 300% more woke then anything the jews can come up with.
Ah, okay.
Did anyone get excited by The Mandalorian? Favreau&Filoni sounds like a dream team for making something actually good. The leaked stuff gave a lot of hope.
>amatuer hour
The fact you can call anything amateur hour before you point the finger at Lucas is impressive.
/pol/ are the new jews
It will be mostly good with woke shit showing up every 20 mins or so.
>How are there REAL people behind these posts?
>I'm remembering why I stopped coming here.
muh shills durrrr
The prequels are garbage, dude. Sorry this isn't your safe-space echochamber where you can pretend they're good without people laughing at you
>TFA is far worse than the PT
Well yeah, it's right in the commentary on every dvd and bd. Lucas has always said it was originally going to be the Wookie planet, but he A. Wanted Chewie to remain unique and B. Thought it would be neat if the Empire was defeated by the least likely species. He literally refers to Ewoks as "Wookies cut in half", they're just midgets
The only good things that came out of the prequels were KOTOR 1&2, which were also much better than the prequels and the sequels
I fucking hope not, I want Star Wars to be pure and removed, in a galaxy far far away and fucking long long ago
>I also remember most of the planets in the Prequels
Yeah, we get it, you played KOTOR and were 12 years old when Phantom Menace came out. Good for you.
>Sequels actually have four Desert planets, three Forrest planets, one island planet and a NOT-Naboo planet, can you tell me there names?
I couldn't tell you the name of any planet in either the prequels or the sequels. Maybe if you wrote the names, I'd be able to guess if they were from the prequels or the sequels. Maybe.
Agreed, Bastila is also best girl
Agreed Kreia is my wifu.
>he says as all of his criticisms are amatuer
Don't put words in my fucking mouth. That is the laziest way to troll. I hated the prequels before RotS even came out. So did many people. I remember people arguing about it in high school back in 2006. Actually fucking try if you're wanna flame people. Lazy zoomer nigger
Guys, it's just so plain to see. Compare any equivelant scenes. Poe's Death Star trench run has no tension. The meeting before that about how destroy the third Death Star has no tension. Rey never feels like she's earning things like being the one to fly to Luke's island.
TFA fails where even Lucas does not.
Eh, Rogue One grew on me.
If Coruscant had made it into Return of The Jedi you'd be singing a whole different tune.
>If Coruscant had made it into Return of The Jedi you'd be singing a whole different tune.
Return of the Jedi is easily the weakest of the original trilogy.
I don't put words in your moth, RLM does that you mental midget, you openly said that you had thoughts you could not express until someone on the internet expressed them for you, now you are trying to walk your expressed retardation back because its a bad look.
And fart jokes! Who doesn't love some good potty jokes in their epic space fantasy
Unrelated to my post, JJ. Also not really. The throne room stuff is better than the best of Episode 4.
You now realize that the total screentime of fat or poop jokes in the PT is less than 30 seconds.
4 is the weakest, its clearly not as well made as the other two, it goes 5>6>4
>4 is the weakest
Here's a (You)
It's not surprising that the same people who attack the prequels are always unversed in real film or anything artistic, and that the people who praise the prequels (Zizek, Paglia, Brody, etc) are always literate, educated, and versed in real film.
The fact that everyone points to Plinkett as the authority on why the prequels are bad speaks volumes. Mike Stoklasa is one of the least artistic people on the planet - he can't process movies outside of the conventions of Hollywood films, his approach to narrative is tempered with the same surface-level requisites listed on tvtropes.
Any complaint that people have about the prequels illustrates a weak grasp on film. How many art films would they claim has 'too much sitting and talking'? They would watch the end of Breaking the Waves and whine about dated CGI. Their sensibilities for 'good dialogue' in what is intentionally pulp comes from bad pulp, ie, the original Star Wars, the only pulp they've ever seen. They would similarly view any homage-driven art film and miss the entire point.
Lucas' only mistake in the prequels was doing something daring, original, artistic and literate, not realizing that the manchildren conditioned by the original SW trilogy to loathe anything cerebral would lash out against his cinematic risks.
This is correct for 1 and 3. 2 is a bit of a mess though.
>born in the 90s
Prequel fans were mostly born in late 80s and are currently 30+, older than most people ITT. Zoomers were born into PT hate, so they just parrot that, PT is the boomer trilogy.
It was kinda Lucas's fault, he made a movie that children would like and would have deeper meaning that his fans would work out as they got older, but he also had this huge fanbase of retarded boomers who don't want to think about anything, then it suddenly becomes popular to hate things mindlessly and the rest is history.
Lucas should have known that people would be mad he did something new and did not make a movie for them.
I completely agree with you. I always love the prequels no matter what.
What's the run time for the OT and sequels?
I need more fart jokes! This is why the PT is soo good!
I love how Lucas delved into politics for the prequel trilogy.
I'd take a couple ten second fart jokes over extended Yo Mama jokes, fäm.
>because it wasn't a bad movie, just lazy as fuck.
it was a good thing most if it was very quick and was carried by charismatic people and good visuals, the idea of including politics into a kids movie was mad but not a single kid who watches the movies is bothered by the politics at all.
Still better than the sequels
I don’t think he even watched TPM. So Plinkett says that Valorum didn't need to send a commision to see if Amadila's claim was true, but wasn't the whole point that Valorum sent the Jedi behind the senates back?
Qui-Gon says thaf the negotiations will be short because people like the Trade Fed are cowards, so presumably Valorum had the same idea.
But the Jedi failed because of the Sith.
Valorum could have had the Jedi testify etc if they were successful, but they weren't, and he's already on shaky political ground. That would do him in.
And unlike many others we see in the senate, he's clearly a friend to the Jedi, going behind bureaucracy to use them.
Then Plinkett is saying that Qui-Gon should just steal the part from Watto, but that would mean Watto calling the hutts, which they can't have happen. Not to mention Jedi not being professional thieves, so they’d likely get caught stealing unless they succeed in mind tricking, which they didn’t.
Then Plinkett is saying that Windu should have sent more Jedi back to Naboo, even though the whole point is to draw Maul out, which he won't do if there are a whole gaggle of knights and masters there. Maul isn’t going to think he can solo an army of Jedi or even a large squad.
I'm starting to really doubt Favreau after The Lion King and The Jungle Book.
Its good to have threads like these, to remember that there are Prequel apologists lurking in Yea Forums at all times. Truly horrifying, always be vigilant
>mfw JJ abrams saying "fuck it" has nothing to do with time travel, but has to do with Finn and Poe kissing on screen
Exactly. You are correct. I was only 11 when I first saw TPM so I didn't really understand the political stuff like treaties and whatever, but I'm 31 now and I've understood the political stuff for quite a while now and it's honestly made me appreciate the prequels even more, but from a different angle.
i literally hadn't given a single thought about star wars since their video popped up in my feed
no one's perfect, I don't hold it against mike and jay that they don't have the sight for every kino
The whole getting off Tatooine is the only one where I can kind of see Mike's gripe, but even then it's so easy just to roll with it.
The OT has plenty of similar contrivances.
>That and Qui Gon is a very powerful and respected jedi even if he is a bit of a maverick, even his Apprentice, Obi Wan, is regarded as capable and level headed.
Qui-gon was said by Obi-wan to be able to make it on the jedi council if he didn't stop opposing the others and they made it clear in the council scene and at the end that Obi-wan is a Padawan who's a minute away from becoming a Jedi Knight. They're sending the skill equivalent of a Jedi high council member and a Jedi Knight equivalent said council member equivalent have proven to operate as a team on previous successful missions before. If I was on the council, I'd say that's more than enough. It's not like they're sending under-qualified people.
>People defending Star Wars prequels
>People defending Star Wars at all.
This board just keep getting worse and worse.
JJ pls
>Literally unplayable (without bug fixes) garbage.
I haven't lost faith in Favreau to make The Mandalorian a kino Star Wars show, unless Kathy c u c k s his show (and hopefully she won't).
>The Mandalorian
t/v/eddit loves the prequels
I agree.
But what i meant is the possibility of the cgi fights.
Hands down, if you want badass army battles, you really got nice fights in the prequels. They were so iconic like lord of the rings fights.
Which fight of the sequels trilogy do you remember? Kylo vs Rey, the salt planet, throne room. Bot movies really feel forgetable. If you remember these fight scenes you will always remember the bad parts. Why is Rey without training so powerfull? What is the purpose of the salt planet fight and why did rose stop finn? Why dnuff snoke? And why does the red guard wait to attack and why do they dance with rey more than really fight?
Reddit abhors the prequels and worships Rich and Mike. Try harder.
Yeah, the film tried to hard to set up mysteries which didnt had a conclusion planed out.
some do, but if love the prequels you're unequivocally a Yea Forumseddit zoomer
That's part of my problem with their PT reviews. The PT films are far from perfect and they have enough flaws that they don't need to misunderstand basic shit and create nonexistent flaws. I
I completely agree with you, the prequels easily had the best lightsaber fights in the entire Skywalker Saga and it's not even close. The three-way lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon against Darth Maul in TPM is the best lightsaber duel in the prequels and is iconic as fuck.
Agreed. I kind of think he knows he made up a bunch of fake shit too.
>the prequels easily had the best lightsaber fights in the entire Skywalker Saga
Good wording. Because TOR trailers with better fights aren't Skywalker saga.
I watched it, their main comment on the prequels were that they were driven by story rather than character so they lacked the focus and emotion of the originals. I like the prequels but I'd agree with that assessment.
The concept of Palpatine manipulating both sides of a war in order to have a Republic willingly become a dictatorship was one of the best ideas Lucas ever had. But the prequels lack focus, Palpatine's plot gets less focus than it needs, and the effect of war on Anakin's psyche takes a back seat to his zero chemistry romance with Padme. If the prequels had focused in on the relationship between Obiwan, Anakin and Palpatine they could have been great. As it is they're a collection of great ideas which rarely make it onto screen.
They're trying to manufacture artificial mass-discontent with the prequels and it will never work on me.
It just baffles me that Alex Jones can explain the PT and they misunderstand some extremely basic stuff. In the example of Maul, the film itself explicitly stated their reasoning. It's a sign to me that they gave no effort.
>Reddit abhors the prequels
Go and look for /r/prequelmemes
reminder that 99% of prequel defenders are disney shills
I didn't even know it was a star wars year until this video
I hope their disney paycheck is big
>disney shills
Wouldn't it make more sense for sequel defenders to be the shills and anti-disney people be prequel defenders? Disney had been ignoring prequel material for a while.
The problem is when you get writers and designers that are too "but its realistic". Dont know if its related to them being overly women, but the women i know like it more real and prefer realism over fiction. The only thinks i remember they accept as fiction is if its rooted deeply in realism. Thats why fantasy, especially low fantasy, is so popular with women. Its mostly medievil times with fiction sprinkled in.
Or capes is acceptable because its superpowers that mostly takes place in reality.
But sci-fi and star wars? Nope its on first sight not realistic because we dont know it yet.
Prequel memes are mostly ironic in nature and made to mock the prequels.
disney is anti everything people that liked star wars like
their murder of the EU, but a reprinting of the material with a giant legends tramp stamp on it is totally insulting
>this much dishonest Disneynigger cope
At least TRY to be original with your shill script instead of just flipping the script. LMAO
>literally at least one Star Wars every year is released
>I didn't even know it was a star wars year
Just ignore her, you're dealing with a Disneynigger shill and they're mentally incapable of comprehending basic logic because they're retarded.
What possible reason would Disney have to defend the Prequels?
Alex changed it a little bit to suit his politics but was dead on for most of it.
There was far too much to cover, the clone wars alone could have been three movies.
That is a bit unfair, in CGI you can have the models do things in weeks that would take months for an actor to learn and even longer for them to do right, its almost impossible to have real actors do the CGI fights we see.
Their actions confuse me. The MCU proved that anthology films heavily inspired by decade-old comic books can be extremely successful. The Star Wars EU is arguably just as great a repository for stories to pull an MCU on. They can pick and choose what stories they like and make big money.
I wonder why Mike liked star wars at all.
Have you been there in the last 2 years?
>CGI you can have the models do things in weeks that would take months for an actor to learn and even longer for them to do right, its almost impossible to have real actors do the CGI fights we see.
True but Blur Studio quality costs an arm and a leg.
Small comment, what's with somewhat of a dislike of CGI in the fanbase? Yes, not all of the CGI in the prequels stands well today but I see CGI and practical effects as different tools in the toolbox, not as one thing being objectively superior or inferior to another.
>What possible reason would Disney have to defend the Prequels?
They don't, just ignore the Disneynigger shill. Disney treats the prequels like they don't exist while begrudgingly admitting that the prequels are canon. The only prequel reference we've got in the entire sequel trilogy so far is Luke mentioning Darth Sidious in TLJ. That's it.
Its a big movie you are all meant to go see, people who only watch movies and nothing else are all empty headed, only multimedia chads who watch movies, tv shows, read books, play games and have sex actually know what they like and don't like.
The thinking man does not need to be told what is good and what is bad, he can work it out on his own.
Mike believes in ghosts and ghosts are in Star Wars.
I've never been there, but I take it you have with your specific '2 years' comment.
>The thinking man does not need to be told what is good and what is bad, he can work it out on his own.
I know, but if every normie truly realised that, the (((movie critics industry))) would collapse overnight.
I remember thinking Episode I was an unsatisfying mess since I first saw it at age 9. The video games of the prequels were better than the trilogy of movies.
>There was far too much to cover, the clone wars alone could have been three movies.
Agreed. Ideally I think he should have done 4 films. The first sets up the events leading to the clone wars (like Episode 1 did) like Palpatine becoming chancellor and the order to create the clone army. Then the trilogy proper focused on the war. That would have given him the time necessary to properly show Anakin's fall.
Its like Toy Story, Toy Story CGI is shit and cant do humans right so they make the characters plastic toys. Lucas knew that CGI could not do humans right so he made CGI Robots and men in shiny plastic armour. He had a limitation and he adapted to it well, the visuals hold up today and the CGI aliens he did make are all made from practical models that are animated in CGI, you will notice that the CGI aliens did not move much but the CGI Robots and clones move all the time and have close up shots.
Let's just say they'd die before saying or hearing a bad word about the prequels.
>tfw no qt loli Togrutan waifu
>TFW if you where in Star Wars you would be a shitty Coruscant wageslave.
>The only time I experience the force would be when a jedi buzzes past my window doing backflips on speeders.
>implying you'd ever see the sun or jedi
>tfw you were there when the prequel apologist movement began as a joke
>tfw it used to be a funny injoke to fuck with the reddit crowd
>tfw retards attached to the movement and started thinking it was real
>tfw now redditors come here and post pro prequel threads
i want to go back
>>TFW if you where in Star Wars you would be a shitty Coruscant wageslave.
Assuming Coruscant has social mobility, you could work your way up the ladder.
That feel when I would be a human slave in Tatooine, forgotten by the humans in Coruscant, until finally an empire of pro-sith humans rise from the ashes of the republic.
Go on then, tell me why I should hate the prequels you have one post friend :)
they show the republic to be a corrupt morally stagnant place
i doubt they let anyone rise above their station very easily
someone has to unclog the shitters user
One thing about Lucas, he had a boner for pushing technological limits. The way he pushes technology forward each Star Wars film helped the industry at large.
im not your friend reddit
and im not playing your little game.
>Born into slavery and suffer at the hands of the hutt.
>Suddenly the Republic starts sending aid and police out to your world Changed into the Empire for some reason.
>Find out that Slavery is outlawed, get freed.
>No idea what to do, join the Empire.
>Train, get stronger and smarter, never knew how to read or write before but work hard to learn.
>Become a Storm trooper after training and keep the peace in the town I was once a slave.
>Try to be fair to the aliens that abused me.
>Returning to base.
>Speeder hits an IED from some Rebel that wants "Democracy"
>Die in the arms of the friends I made in the Empire.
Fucking kek.
Have you heard, officer? They say that Vader himself was a slave once... And these scumbag warmongering jedis wouldn't even let him save his mother from rapist sand people... I tell you, man, I don't even know how some people can support the rebels... It's like they are self hating humans.
>Shitposters make a more compelling character in a few lines then Disney can make in four hours of film.
My fucking sides
>that picture
Those are the eyes of a man who has truly seen it all.
>>Shitposters make a more compelling character in a few lines then Disney can make in four hours of film.
With a budget of hundreds of millions of dollars too!
>tfw only have a 100,000 a year shitposting department
no wonder i dont get enough yous with this third rate team
Shitposters would make a movie about the first order making a last stand in a snowy mountainous planet against the multicultural multi-species forces of the republics. Like the last stand of Constantinople.
And it would be Keno.
>what possible reason would disney have to defend their own property
based bulldyke poster
the prequels and sequels are both shit. if you defend either you know nothing about film and are probably a disney shill
based and truthpilled
It would. Specially if this planet resembles the andean mountains of Argentina. And the first scene is a blonde, muscled first order officer chatting with first order soldiers, he has a hitler'ss youth haircut, there is a heavy bunker atmosphere, like the days before a siege, and he tells them how his family were all slaves during the republic, and no matter what the resistance tells him, no matter what evil the empire did out of necessity, he won't ever forget the freedom.
>the prequels easily had the best lightsaber fights in the entire Skywalker Saga and it's not even close
lmfao we're posting among literal children
They're both bad but I'd still rather watch the prequels than their corresponding sequel movie.
>Skywalker Saga
>They're trying to manufacture artificial mass-discontent with the prequels and it will never work on me.
LMFAO, the average Star Wars fan (rightfully) hates the prequels and did so well before Plinkett existed, you child.
i agree with this
but better then trash=/= good
are people being sarcastic when they say rey being anakin's mother is a good and likely theory... I can't tell.
The Plinkett review of TFA was so bad. They've spent 80% of it shitting on the prequels and the weird fan theories that no one cared about instead of talking about TFA and JJ.
E;R's review was better.
no of course not
a youtube channel that had less then 200,000 subs somehow influenced the entire world into hating the prequels by releasing one video deconstructing and criticizing
>Humans from all over the Empire, Old veterans of the Galactic civil war, young soldiers born to the first order.
>All in this little mountain holdout facing down an impossible Horde of Resistance ships.
>Demand the Surrender of First Order forces.
>First order Officers let anyone who wants to surrender leave, none do.
>The attack is a bombardment, followed by a ground assault, repulsed.
>Another Bombardment and Ground Assault, Repulsed.
>Bombardment longer this time, the ground lit up by molten rock and the snow replaced with ash.
>Another Attack, repulsed.
>The mountain breaks, Bunkers deep within are exposed and assaulted, none surrender.
>The Mountain broke before the First Order did.
I like the romance, but other than that I agree. Anakin and Palp should have probably gotten more focus before Episode 3.
Episode 3 feels the most focused but it also had to work overtime to compensate for the other two meanandering.
There was so much story ground to cover in the prequels that unfortunately the characters took a back seat to a certain extent. But the story was kino.
>The concept of Palpatine manipulating both sides of a war in order to have a Republic willingly become a dictatorship was one of the best ideas Lucas ever had.
I completely agree with you.
the original star wars were a shitty generic blockbuster of their day, only sub 80iq brainlets consider them some kind of high art
funny how they´ve ignored the jar jar bink sith theory because they couldn´t say the theory is bullshit
FUCK OFF I'm absolutely fucking tired of niggers like you who fucking watch redlettermedia's plinkett reviews and then suddenly decide that they're experts on cinema. Not only are you a fucking idiot, but I can prove it mathematically:
>The great world building
star wars has never been about the fucking characters (strip away the space backdrop and you get a really medicore film). the fact that we're watching this amazing universe on our screens is entirely the point, which is why the prequels succeed. because of the prequels we know about chewbaccas's species and home planet, the various intricices of the citites and planets, as well as the structure of the jedi order and galactic senate. the people who complain about the """boring""" political dialogue are little children who just want to see spaceships blow up
>the epic battle scenes
the prequels really upped the anti in this regard. even the most passionate prequel hater will begrudgingly admit that the phantom menace's lightsaber scene was fucking amazing. there's also the pod-racing sequence which was honestly exhillerating. there's also the droid battle, jedi battle in attack of the clones, and the emotional fight between anakin and obi wan. there's so much going on in the image, compare it to the fucking lame """"battles"""" in the OT where it's just two faggots in costume swinging around prop lightsabers
>john william's score
nuff said
>incredibly design work
there's just no faulting the invention on display in the prequels. the fashion sense on naboo alone warrants a stand alone film about the design of them, as do the planet's WWII-like ships. also the doughnut-shaped trade federation ship and the clunky, mechanical, droid army. look at the devil-like darth maul, he's fucking intimidating to look at with his sinister face and epic two-bladed lightsaber
i could go on and on about how much i love the prequels, but fucking niggers like you just shit on them.
The first order has no space superiority, so Ren tries to sally forth with an elite team, trying to kill the top resistance commanders. There he fights Rey.
"Why you fight against me? Why you head this head attack on the first order?", Kylo asks, "you have no motivation in this war, no interest, the first order and the empire did nothing to you, you are just the daughter of nobodies scavangers!"
She is speechless, she really has no reason to fight. Leia, Han Solo, the rebels, they never did anything for her, in fact they probably made her planet Jakku a barren wasteland.
Then Kylo Ren beheads her, sadly, because she feels sexually attracted to her.
Well I guess now we'll know if those films were bad because of him, or due to Snyder and Whedon.
>those films were bad
Your honor, this meme lord has lost his composure.
Nice try, shill.
This is the new Disney shill talking point, trying to claim the Prequel Defenders are Disney shills like them.
I completely agree with you. The original trilogy is a collection of movies, the sequel trilogy is a collection of flicks but the prequel trilogy is cinema. The prequels are kino in its purest form. The prequels are an immersive experience.
like a constant porno
Prequels are a romantic painting.
>They've spent 80% of it shitting on the prequels
Yeah, it made the prequel apologist boil, it was great
>Listen to RLM, they keep saying "Star wars is empty you cant make more stories in it" this is because they are passive people by nature, they want a movie to tell them a story and then be done with it
But that's all a movie is supposed to do. If it can't even do that simple thing right then it shouldn't be getting made. Obviously SW is just some endless cash cow constantly being milked and will be for the rest of time. But it still means they are shit movies since there is no impetus to make them good, people will buy it up anyway.
>ywn hear a kino love theme like Across The Stars in mouse wars
>ywn hear a kino tragic theme like Anakin's Dark Deeds in mouse wars
I honestly can't remember any music from nu-wars
like dexter jettser's 1950's diner?
>even the most passionate prequel hater will begrudgingly admit that the phantom menace's lightsaber scene was fucking amazing
The utter delusion on these prequel kids is incredible.
>zelda tshirt
The onions is strong.
E;R is literally on par with Jeremy Jahns, except he says nigger sometimes
>the sequel trilogy is so bad it made people forgot that everyone hated the prequels a few years ago
the prequels are flawed but they succeed in the most important area, that is, worldbuilding
that's why i was so dissapointed with JJs abomination of a flick when most were hailing it as a new star wars movie done right, it was an unoriginal rehash that not only adds nothing to the story/world/lore, but it actually takes a massive dump all over it, the rebellion and the actions of the heroes in the originals were all for nothing
You're a dying breed, homie.
>muh worldbuilding
The retrofuturistic aesthetic of Dexter Jettster's 1950s diner is unironically kino. Hell, Coruscant itself has an unironically kino retrofuturistic aesthetic that makes it look like a futuristic 1950s version of New York in space instead of a generic futuristic dystopian city.
I still don't get the issue with this.
And Mike is a hypocrite anyway.
Dexter's Diner is no more out of place than JJ's literal WW2 troop boat things.
>Defending a Whedon film to defend Zack Snyder
his diner is almost literally the diner in my town
Nothing like a good autismo Prequel lover
This, people like Star Wars because they want to be a brave Jedi, or a dashing Smuggler or a Beautiful Princess, they want to experience this magical universe, the story being good and engaging is just the cherry on top.
Now we are getting nothing but Cash Grab Multiplayer Loot box games and Terrible, restrictive boring movie after the next. Disney has turned Star Wars into something you pay to go and see rather then something fantastical you can immerse yourself in, this is why Conventions are shrinking.
>Still using le in any degree of irony.
yes, the one thing that makes people give a shit about reddit wars
Your Diner has metal couches?
>prequelfags are literally defending the fucking 1950s diner
am i being punk'd?
So are the people that hate Disney Star Wars, sweetie. The average kid is now enjoying the new garbage sequels, and years from now they will be vehemently defending their trash just like you defend yours ROFL
>Disney has turned Star Wars into something you pay to go and see rather then something fantastical you can immerse yourself in
>This one gorgeous shot ALONE is better, more heartfelt and more soulful than ANYTHING the Mouse has EVER come up with for Star Wars
>prequels are good because they babysat me while single mommy got railed by davontay
nice ironic "le", reddit
No. There's nothing at all wrong with it.
I doubt that. TLJ maybe, but TFA has no ambition so it won't have real defenders.
The silly WW2 Bombers did not ruin The Last Jedi. The Silly 1950's Diner did not ruin Attack of the Clones.
What is it with retards getting upset at tiny, pointless things rather then addressing actual flaws?
A man of culture you are.
>this is the healthy mind of a prequel basher
>No. There's nothing at all wrong with it.
it's retarded
Delusional. Just like dumbass kids of yesterday like you were convinced to come up with excuses to defend the horrible shit that were the prequels, the dumbass kids of today are convinced to come up with excuses to defend the shit that comes out today.
they say they're good FOR WHAT THEY ARE, moron. there's context they put around it that you're seemingly oblivious to.
>I doubt that
That's because you're stupid. If retards can unironically defend Attack of the Clones, then they will just as easily defend The Last Jedi.
I completely agree with you. Di$ney turned Star Wars into just another Transformers-tier summer blockbuster cash-grab film, but at least Based Michael Bay's Transformers movies had a genuine visual flair to them that Mouse Wars does not. When I saw the prequels as a kid, I wanted to live on Naboo and Coruscant. I don't want to live on any of the sequel trilogy planets. There's nothing immersive and fantastic about the sequel trilogy planets.
>ring theory
imagine apologising for the prequels so fucking hard that you spin your mind into schizophrenia trying to justify Star Wars as some harmonious masterpiece. lmao
>Ugh, how could you defend the Curtains being blue! You kids are all so retarded, don't you understand why the Curtains being blue ruins everything?!
I think you are Delusional, just because funny internet man shouted
>"ITS A 1950's Diner in STAR WARS!?"
does not mean its a flaw.
The diner was kino
You didn't even finish reading my post. SAD!
Thanks for the kind words, fellow prequelchad. Also, the prequels gave us visually stunning original planets like the fungus planet Felucia (pic related), but the shitty sequel trilogy just gives us shitty desert planets. lmao
This picture is all it takes to debunk Mike.
Look at the table Obi is at. That is not a 50's table in any way.
I mean, Ring Theory (while going too far) makes up less fake shit than the Plinkett reviews do.
I've always felt like Felucia is the proto Pandora from Avatar.
It probably is. Based Cameron is a huge fan of Star Wars.