Who the fuck talks like this

Who the fuck talks like this

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Other urls found in this thread:


Rust, obviously. Duh.

a delusional, nihilistic, semi intellectual, alcoholic.

Church, bih. Wypipo think they slaw wit dat college degree but we finna glow up. *prayer emoji* *100 emoji*

Word soup that means literally nothing.

So this is what Newspeak actually ended up being.

Someone who is panicked

I talk like that

But humans superior intelligence makes it possible to develop technology to do cool stuff like discovering other planets

You can just say you have a learning disability, no shame in that.

Rust Cohle, it says right there

Say it's pretentious and edgy but saying it doesn't mean anything is not true.

Rust is is a COPEfag, that's the point. He's just an austist who's butthurt that he actually has emotions.

Paulo Coelho

literally me

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That’s what happens when the establishment convinces zoomers like OP that learning is dumb.

Is it that easy to make redditors love a show? Just have a character spout brainlet tier philosophy?

As long as it's anti-Christian and not overtly pro-white, yes.

Nothing can be outside of nature you dumb fucking pseud, the quote is literally bullshit dressed up with words. Dumbass

>discovering other planets
Wrong. Technology isn't going towards intelligence anymore, it's ALL going to carnal desire and convenience

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black ''people''

he had just bet a bunch of money on the game, but thats nigger + gambler combo for you

you're a retard

>ape screeches

All the pseuds who think this is deep getting triggered in the replies lmao

Here's your technology, Tyrone! It'll make things easier and more convenient, as well as lower costs by being more efficien-

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People who are based and redpilled.

And this too. Rust is pretentious faggot.

Don't be a racist. Here's the audio to prove he's just like one of us. One race, the human race. Take your bigotry out of my thread

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You should read more often. Reading comprehension is a skill, and skills tend to degrade through lack of use.

Nobody thinks it’s deep, it’s edgy high schooler philosophy.

Lovecraft if he had been an edgy drama queen depressed teenager who had no passion in/for life, I guess?

I think humanity is less intelligent than before. Technology (computers, smartphones, internet, social media, videogames, virtual reality) makes humans lazy, divided and isolated.
There are no family values anymore. We live in decadence, degeneracy (accepting homosexuality, polygamy and mix-racing) and mediocrity. And nobody seems to give a fuck about anything anymore.

edgy melodramatic atheists who have vastly overblown ego

It was novel. There's always been hardboiled and cynical detectives, but never really someone as hateful and fucked up as Rust.
that stuff is taken from The Conspiracy Against The Human Race, which is about as dark as philosophy can get without turning into a joke.

I do in part, why?
I agree completely with the first part but not at all with the second part.

The average intelligence among people in the world is higher than its ever been. That you're inundated with the marvels of modern times doesn't change the fact that anyone with a sixth grade education would be a fucking sorcerer anywhere else in time with what they knew and had learned.

nobody agrees with it, but it has meaning. you're a fucking idiot

washed up aging metalheads trying to score with teen hoes at rock fetstivals

YOU are "discovering" them, they're in the same place they've always been. A human discovery is relevant only as knowledge for other humans.

He's talking about IQ, which is natural intelligence, not the scope of human knowledge. Brainlet


>The Conspiracy Against The Human Race
A man with this face would only write such a philosophy
The Red Tower is a really good horror story though

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that can't be him, Ligotti is around 70. That thing is....somewhere between 17 and 47 and unknown gender?

The point is the animal part of man clashes with it's rational part developed via chance, therefore it's an unbreakable loop where you have natural instincts not being in synchro with the "artificial" rationality. So if you are happy in your ignorance well, you're ignorant, and if you're sad in your awareness well, you're sad. They say ignorance is a bliss but true happiness can't be achieved by man.

I could kill him with my bare hands

Except you would trip over your own feet,rip you pants and right after you hit the ground,you would fart.
But at least you had sex in the past.

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Imagine the smell

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It's got to be a staged bit. Notice he didn't care about the cameraman.

Its almost funny how confused the nigglet looks that the screen broke after he punched it.

>we are creatures that should not exist by natural law

what the fuck does that even mean?

humans are disgusting

Or that he tried to use it after it went black. Like a 1 second lag time of thought process to body control

Humans having evolved to become, well, what we are, wasn't the natural order of things.

Why does that guy have that kind of camera in a public place aimed at a specific persons crotch?
This has to be a tag-team jokey joke effort.
Kinda makes it funnier.
"Hey Walter? you know that camera you stole from your government job? I gots a plan!"

>discover more planets
So we can have more people in more places with no real meaning to live besides just making more life, so they can make more people and on and on?

MOre people,more memes,duh.

True, especially considering it was 2005 when those things were a diamond dozen

Reason goes against instincts. Reason was a product of chance.

>shitting on Rust for being edgy, when that was the entire point of the character
Marty describes him as "edgy" to Gilbough/Papania in 2012 and also to Quesada in '95. Marty is the everyman foil to Rust's nihilism, demonstrated in how Marty reacts to his tirades in the early eps (I'm BEGGING you to shut the fuck up). The audience reaction was always intended to mirror Marty's.

>The audience reaction was always intended to mirror Marty's.
Imagine being this bluepilled.

It's a little pretentious and, of course, nihilistic to the Nth degree, but there is quite literally nothing confusing about what he said.

A jaded acid fried neurotic genius

This is why tv will continue to be a garbage pit to appeal to the low wattage audiences. Any approach or discussion of philosophy will lead to calls of pretentiousness or "lol high schooler", it's fucking sad

No shit? Any more forbidden knowledge to impart on us?

it's fake

The point is that human intelligence has no real benefit for anyone/anything else other than humans, retard. The point is that that first sentence doesn't mean anything.

"Most men live lives of quiet desperation"

- Joe Rogan

Literal plagiarism from MGS2

Joe Rogan is literally the Socrates of this generation

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Yeah welcome newfag

I was referring to this specific quote, not all philosophy. Don’t be such a defeatist pussy.

>comparing a shitty comedian/podcaster/musclehead to one of the greatest minds of ever existed that layed the foundation of western civilization
Browsing this retarded site really makes you become like Rust and lose all hope.

The normalfag reaction, I meant. Marty is the embodiment of normalfags, in this case. Pizzaloli is no moron, he knew he has to include a character to react the way the "general public" would to Rust's rants, or he'd risk losing that audience completely.

but he is though

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Someone post the Messi edit

>to one of the greatest minds of ever existed that layed the foundation of western civilization
Was he really that influential? Did they ever make good movie about him?

The character is supposed to be a bit of a pseud. If you take him at face value, you haven’t understood his character.

Nah, the first line about consciousness is the only point, the rest is literally baseless and senseless repetition of words he thinks sound cool to expand on the first point in a way that does nothing. It doesn't LITERALLY mean nothing, but it's still a bunch of words out together that don't give any further exploration or meaning to the first line, which is the only one that actually has a point (a stupid point, but a point).

It’s poetic though

Writer's avatars

this show is garbage.

Based retard

This. Why do you think the series ends with Rust ditching his nihilistic views? He's just like Marty in the sense that Marty likes to portray himself as a steady, reliable family man, but he's actually a cheating drunk with a temper.

Nah, but this quote is meaningless. Film isn't a horrible way to explore philosophy (Seventh Seal does it better than many books on the subject, as an example) but it's a better way to explore the human condition.

It's the best thing ever put on TV, so enjoy the only (You) you'll be getting from me.

No, it's just that you fail to understand the balance between reason and instinct and how life experience threatens it. There's no right thing to do or position to hold because man is a dual animal. People that hold one position will be inclined to oppose people that hold the opposite position because it threatens the certainty they need to keep on living the way they live without sowing the seed of doubt and inevitably making their life miserable, it's an unconscious protection.

Poppies are a plant

Nah, watch less television and read more books if you want to get into poetry.

Antinatalism is based as fuck. If only we could convince Africa not to birth the extra 3 billion Africans they are projected to add to this planet by the end of the century. But the only way to do that would be to empower African women to get educated and get jobs instead of shooting out babies as their primary occupation. It'll happen eventually, but it'll be a long road to getting their birth rates to plummet the way it has in developed nations.

lol wow thanks for the herbology lesson poindexter *hits blunt*

Stop replying to posts like you're somehow dropping redpills. I bet you're this guy as well. You're rambling about basic shit that doesn't contradict or refute the posts you're replying to.

No it’s coherent dummy it’s just an obnoxious rant no one would care to listen to.

>we should all kill ourselves
Yeah sure start first rust

>being a s󠛡oyboy to own the libs

Seems like he’s just trying to explain shit to people who are, in his opinion, misunderstanding it. Why does that upset you? He’s not talking down to anyone. You seem a little insecure desu

People don't seem to remember that Marty calls him out on it with the very next line of dialogue.
>So why get out of bed in the morning?
>I tell myself I bear witness. The real answer of course is, it's my programming. And I lack the constitution for suicide.
Rust was at least somewhat self aware.

>thoughts composed entirely of memes

rust cole offa true detective eeason 1 talks kindsa like that

>uses meaningless buzzwords like "pseud"
>accuses others' posts of having no meaning

what's scented meat?

What a great argument. Why not post pic of glynos and the other good looking gals who share the same philosophy.

You can expand on an idea without coming across as argumentative, combative, and a know it all prick.
>No, it's just that you fail to understand...
He opens the comment saying the other guy is wrong, then rephrases the dialogue/ideas already being discussed without refuting the other post at all.


Who cares. I'm a human, you're a human, we're all fucking humans. Anyone you will ever have a meaningful conversation is a human, so no shit, who gives a fuck if it only benefits humans.


So we're supernatural?

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There is merit in saying that humanity is both a part of and a stranger too nature, however the rest of it is drivel

This. He almost makes a point but then says "a noble thing for our species". Dude didn't you just deconstruct the whole NOBLE thing, why is acting in a noble way the basis of your worldview suddenly?

there is no hard evidence for evolution

It's almost as if the thread started with a statement the first post replied to.

>there is no hard evidence for evolution

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Hello retard. Google "rapid evolution". Certain traits evolve in a matter of years not millennia

no that’s not it


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He's using it sarcastically/contextually so he can convey the idea to Marty, who is way out of his depth in these discussions.

yes that's in fact the meaning of life, to spread as much as possible to live as long as possible. Why that is? Only religion tries to answer that. If you want a true meaning you more or less have to believe in god or something similar

ah yes the "it was just a prank bro" philosophy very deep stuff

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>But the only way to do that would be to empower African women
there are more efficient methods than trying to change the whole societal sxstem of a continent

What, I thought his name was Russ

'Honourable' is a replaceable word in this line. He could say 'the smart thing for our species' or 'what our species should do', and the meaning wouldn't change.

lol what a faggot

>be biological organism
>fuck you I won't do what you tell me

>amoeba is the same as a human
I guess some people are.

>whole rant is about how consciousness is a mistake and self determination is an illusion
>this is what we /should/ do

sorry bud its not consistent it just sounds cool and edgy

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I see you're finally beginning to understand the character.

>implying i watched this show and dont just know the quote from fedoralords posting it online

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He's saying that because the universe is inherently deterministic, creatures who have self awareness are only destined to suffer more than those that don't because their fates are already predetermined and they also have to live with the knowledge that they'll die one day.

You cheeky cunt.

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S2 should've been Gilbough and Papania further digging into the cult, trying to see how high it goes, getting stymied by the feds at multiple junctures, then one of them being mysteriously killed. End the season with the other backing off the investigation because of it.

not the other guy, but if you watched the show you (and the rest of Yea Forums) would know that it is not at all his "philosophy" and he is out here writing books to shill these beliefs to suckers, he probably isn't sure what he believes himself, as he only began to develop this level of fanaticism after his encounter with the main antagonist of the first act of the show. a man who was in his head for over a year, hunting him like a dog to protect someone elses daughter because he could not protect his own, and when he finally meets his "mastermind," it is some hillbilly methhead with tribal tattoos scattered all over his body and one ofthe first and last thing he says to Rust is
>time is a flat circle
and Rust continues to ruminate over that idea for the years to come, as he fell into a deep alcoholism that surpassed the level that it was ever at before. someone tells him that "your man is still alive" and that "The Yellow King" is still out there, and now that stupid fucking junkies line is stuck in his head.
>time is a flat circle
and obviously, until he "figured it out," he thought about that line again and again drunken night after drunken night until it made sense. now it's all him and Yea Forums can think about when it comes to this show.

S1 = S2 > S3

>tells the black dudes "someone once told me time is a flat circle" while lying about what happened that day
It's the little things.

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I still don't know what scented meat is

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Is it common for simple men like Marty to become detectives? Seems like a job that should require you to at least understand the phrase "sentient meat."

Thomas Ligotti

Find Jesus

I think that line was either trolling or meant to basically showcase that Marty is a simple, not a stupid man, while Rust is the complete opposite. but yet, morons become detectives all the time. the standard isn't very high.

there is a white dildo on the shelf

You're probably right. That dichotomy is what makes the two characters work so well together.
>we'd encountered a meta-psychotic
>'course, I had to explain to Marty what a meta-psychotic was.

So fucking pretentious thinking that nobody else have had that thought. Jesus christ, get over yourself.

That's a speaker for the surround sound system. Fuck, you're so poor even a nigger is more rich and audiophilic than you

A lot of comedy is like that, though. Taking shares observations and experiences and riffing on them for laughs. The audience can more easily relate. I'm not even a Joe Rogan fan, but isn't he constantly telling people how dumb he is?

Do NPCs really do this? I know exactly what I'm doing with my life

I think it's funny.

The implication is that cops only get depressed semi intellectuals at best, and most of the time they just get dumb thugs.

No wonder they never solve any real crimes and our prisons are full of minor drug charges.

Literally someone too intelligent to be alive in this shit world

If hes smart why isnt he happy


Sounds like your average retarded shitposter on Yea Forums who's too bitter after hanging around for long enough

>but isn't he constantly telling people how dumb he is?
To be fair he has become quite humble and does often say how he's not educated on a subject and for that I respect him. I recognize that he has grown a person. There's still the sketchy biased that seem to be in his podcasts though, as far as adapting interviews in terms of what would be profitable. And that's shitty.

Yeah you shouldn't be punished for using heroin either.

It might not be deep but it definitely has meaning, retard

cops go for drugs because they're the easiest and most profitable crime to bust in our current system.
domestic abuse call? 3 hours. neighbor smoking weed? the cops will be there in 10 minutes. lower class america is a game of cops and robbers, except instead of robbers it's poor people trying to get high because their lives are miserable. the only reason cops give a shit is because they get kickback from the private companies that run the jails. where I live you can blow past a cop doing 20 over and they won't pull you over if you're a white guy driving a clean honda civic. if you look scruffy (or black) and drive a rust bucket then they'll pull you over just to get out their sniffer dog. this is coming from someone who usually falls into the first category.

Assuming they don't just outright plant the drugs on the civilian. Cops are so fucking dumb they get caught doing it on their own body cameras every once in a while. I can't imagine how often they must do it and not get caught, given all they have to do is not enable the camera.

>he contradicts himself sarcastically
Either way it ruins his argument. You can't go full nihilist and then appeal to the noble nature of human beings. Logically he should've ended with "so just do whatever bro, pass me that weed duuuuuude".

Fuck off nigger. Blue lives matter, black brains splatter

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The bizarre framing along with the Blair Witch filming makes this nauseating to watch. I just hope we get more of these fine individuals in the future because they contribute so much to society with behavior like this

>babbys first chimpout video
niggers literally rob gas stations for 200$ and go to prison for years. they have no capacity for planning a week ahead. they're just dumb.

Yes, diversity is our strength

Wow, calm down the racism. We need this kind of diversity in our country. If not, everything will be sterile and boring

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you dont get high from smoking poppies

opium comes from poppies.

Don't know if this is a joke but that's obviously not liggotti

Because I am a mentally ill incel with nothing else in his life. So I obsess over the things I hate, not realising that this makes me miserable. And in this hugbox, I find others with the same mental illness, so it feels like we are all correct, instead of all mentally ill. I can't focus on positive things because I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, like many here, and good things make me feel like shit, so I focus strictly on negative things and use the coping mechanism of saying anything positive is "Reddit", a website I have never visted. If anyone likes anything, for any reason, I'll say it's "Reddit" so it saves me the trouble of even knowing what I mean. All I want is an easy way to discredit anything that isn't mentally ill negative discourse, so I can go on being mediocre while shitting on everything that's a threat to my ego and complacency.

This but based and without self-deprecation.

So he's basically saying
>We should be retarded and be like animals
>We should all die lol
>Omg nature
I cab find a thousand like this at my Uni. They usually all conviently suck at any STEM related classes or have meme majors and are drinkers.

everything on earth comes from somewhere, before you start fucking with it with chemicals. weed gets you high straight off the plant

nowhere does he talk about the universe being deterministic, he is simply saying that humans are programmed with the notion that each of them is someone special, when we are all insignificant insects in the universe (which can be deterministic or not). This is what causes pain and we should opt out of it.

Why is it good? I'm 3 episodes in an everything that comes out of Rust's mouth is something a 14 year old who thinks he's profound would say

You fugly bitch, go and feed your stupid cats you stupid cunt.

Rust Cohle is the hero that scares feminazis. Don’t take the bait, guys.

yes, the inheritant will to procreate exists in both

You sound like a bugman

Yeah but one of them is not just that. Amoebas don't shitpost on imageboards you know.

>Nothing can be outside of nature
This is an atheistic position. Spinoza was cast away as a heretic for taking this view.

have sex

I'm bored with the idea that characters should be "human", I've been preferring stuff where the characters are more like the personification of ideals and the story plays out more like a debate or exploration of ideas made flesh than a personal drama

No self control. Guess Rust wasn't talking about people like this

the second best character in tv

any arguments for this? proof? you're literally just talking out your ass

>literally just talking out of your ass
That's called a fart. And it's way less stinky than your non-argument and not understanding how hyperbole work

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You are retarded

fairly based post

>"For the rest of the earth’s organisms, existence is relatively uncomplicated. Their lives are about three things: survival, reproduction, death—and nothing else. But we know too much to content ourselves with surviving, reproducing, dying—and nothing else. We know we are alive and know we will die. We also know we will suffer during our lives before suffering—slowly or quickly—as we draw near to death. This is the knowledge we “enjoy” as the most intelligent organisms to gush from the womb of nature. And being so, we feel shortchanged if there is nothing else for us than to survive, reproduce, and die. We want there to be more to it than that, or to think there is. This is the tragedy: Consciousness has forced us into the paradoxical position of striving to be unself-conscious of what we are—hunks of spoiling flesh on disintegrating bones.”

A depressive pessimist, like the author of the book they based his dialogue off.

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explain why

Probably because you were born that way (extra chromosome or maybe hypoxia during birth)

What pseudo-intellectual garbage. Remind me why people liked this show?

Nah,you're a faggot

simplicity can be more appealing philosophy wise than douchey angsty nihilism faggot shit like in OP's pic

Nope, I'm white. Again, these anti-technology pro nature "ugh humanity needs to die" people are usually idiots, druggies and drunkards. It's true. And yeah, most that are like this can't even pass their math classes lmao.

user, welcome to the learning show
the question is : what is the context of this quote ?
1. the literal view of the screenwriter expressed clearly and for no other reason than that
2. the view of a character, making us understand his view, his relationships, the context of the show and interacting with other characters in order to develop a coherent story

I mean, this quote is not that pessemistic, it's simply an observation
if you don't ask yourself this kind of questions, then I'm afraid you're a dumbo dumb on autopilot

Thomas Ligotti

Surprising how many people don't understand this.

If that reads as as a logical observation to you, you should probably read the book if you haven't already

Why does Rust trigger NPCs so much

Some of us, yes.

What do you think the average IQ of this thread is?

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This. Every time I rewatch this shit, I have less and less patience for Rust and his dumb ass ramblings. You can see just how weak he actually is and how badly he tries to mask his pain by pretending everything is pointless instead of accepting he had a bad day. Basically like most of the bitch ass posters on Yea Forums

that's the point, is that it means nothing

Didnt know NASA existed to give carnal pleasure

>drinks at coffee chains
>eats fast food
>buys new phone every year
>buys plastics instead of durable metal tools or biodegradable tools
>uses disposable plastic razors instead of resuable razors
etc etc
Fucking faggots. You either commit to ideology or shut the fuck up and act like the sheep that you are.

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He's not advocating voluntary extinction for ecological reasons, he's advocating it because from the perspective of pessimism, never being born is preferable to living.

Humans like to pretend they're not just as primal as other animals but reality proves them wrong in every regard. People are effectively cattle. They're social animals and they will do whatever based on social pressure and the pursuit of clout. People want to be lied to. Nobody likes cynics. Nobody likes genuinely critical people. The average person just wants to consume whatever makes them feel good without any deeper thought. You have to stop seeing people as anything valuable; it's best to view them like you would a cow in a farm, mindless.

In however many hundreds of years there's going to be teenagers on other planets that think it's gay and wonder why we romanticized space so much.

>NASA making any progress in the last 50 years

And a wicked sense of humour

It's beautiful writing and I unironically agree with Rust's character 100%.
t. 29 yo boomer with job and all the normie trimmings.

History has decided acts of risk-taking are the fertilizer for creativity. To engage in all-out war with the reflection of our own desires is not only pointless, but crass and judgemental. We must work towards a new angle of prosperity, where honor is concerned.
We are nothing more than layers of perception and righteous indignation, desperate for someone to see us the way we imagine the future should be, and just when you think you're living in a society it is revealed you're dying in a bureaucracy. The only sensible course of action is to replace the assumptions which fill your brain with the instincts in your heart. Stop cumming. Tongue each other's butts until the last proton decays. When the watch's hand strikes midnight, my brothers and sisters, I'll have done it 35 minutes ago.

See? I can do it too!

>nothing matters and we shouldn't exist, but I don't think I should kill myself

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*sips macchiato*

Charls is that you?

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Not him but I don't get it

is he wrong though?

>nihilism and onions products go together



>I think human consciousness is a tragic missep in evolution.

He's right, you know.

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Who let the ZOG stormtrooper into the thread?

>misstep in relation to what
>tragic to whomst

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yeah great another thread of 'high IQ' undergrads thinking they're 'way smarter than edgy highschoolers' because they've rejected nihilism
he's right about everything you dumb fucking kids

I'd tell you to read the book, but it sounds like there's an adaptation in the works.

he literally explains it in the next line, "It's my programming, and I lack the constitution for suicide"
not wrong per se, but a reflection of how his character grows over time. His whole OTHER speech later on derides people who are selfish and overly navel-gaze in their path to finding meaning.
It's like he's talking to his past self.

Its the result of taking nihilism to its logical conclusion its actually coherent and sound.

Almost like a monkey?

That is correct

>edgy 13 year old: hey the universe is meaningless
>rational thinker: doesnt that imply god doesnt exist? You cant know that
>edgy 13 year old: well he doesnt...
nhilism is just the thing athiests migrated to because the fedora meme became to strong but they still wanted to be pretentious

fact is self-aware life is an evolutionary dead end, the equivalent to a some off-species becoming a little too large or small, it goes on for a few tens of thousands of years, then it dies off

in what way would the existence of a creator suggest meaning?

You don't reject nihilism because you’re smart you reject it because you believe in meaning

[citation needed]

we moved on from God a while ago. God is meaningless to a lot of people these days. Atheism and nihilism don't walk hand-in-hand in the way you claim

well thats basically religious philosophy. All our actions have weight. Every bad thing you do and every good thing you do is kept track of, and determine what happens to you in the afterlife hence your life and actions have meaning. Most religions imply meaning to life, not neccissarily a creator. Although the question you ask could also apply outside of life, say we are in the afterlife living an eternity of bliss, does our afterlife have meaning? Now thats an interesting question. Regardless assuming your actions dont matter while you are alive assumes that certain religions are wrong

Its perfectly reasonable to be a nhilist if you ignore the existance of religions, but given pascals wager it seems less reasonable imo, with nihilism you are making a gamble on your life and many nihilists believe they know the absolute truth of life in spite of this.

>implying i want to go to the heaven of a god who would arbitrarily condemn people to purgatory simply for holding a rational belief
>implying forcing oneself to 'believe' would in any way move that god when he would be fully aware you were just hedging
top kek fuck that nigga

>implying i want to go to the heaven of a god who would arbitrarily condemn people
thats what the catholics believe but a lot of protestants have different ideas of how the afterlife works. They believe heaven is more like an exclusive club and anything else outside of heaven is just hell. The only way you gain entrance to the club is if you accept christ, basically just accept the invitation. Hell is just an absence of heaven and you have a choice if you want to join heaven or not. If you dont accept the invitation, its your choice, you are not condemned you are just not allowed in. I get what you are saying, the non-aggression principle would imply that god putting you in hell for disobeying him is amoral but becausing your essentially threating people to join but the moment you look at it as "there only exists heaven and nothing else, no hell" you are eliminating the force. The way new age christianity fixes this is Then again there is the problem that other religions exist and you cannot know which one is the correct one, what if Islam is the right one and you accepted christ?

I should probably correct myself since im going all over the place. I would say a moral religion has no concept of hell, only salvation and absense of salvation. In the case of christianity hell is the absense of chistianity. For all we know hell could be void nothingness that nhilism predicts

absense of heaven* fuck

>given pascals wager
jesus christ you brainlets propagate huh

Literally none of you have any fucking clue what you're talking about

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I bet I have a higher IQ than you

Nihilism is a mental disorder

What an awful thread

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Haha I knew that nigger was going to throw that chair into the TV as soon as he started chimping.

Yes, and I should be able to grow those as well to make opium if I needed safe and accessible pain management methods without buying them from a pharmaceutical company you bootlicker piece of shit.