What is the most important quote or 'life lesson' you learned from watching The Sopranos?
What is the most important quote or 'life lesson' you learned from watching The Sopranos?
psychiatrisy is a racket for the jews
Employee of the month
Its hard to search for lolis alone, when social skills are not good enough. Not absolutely hopeless too, I could sometimes had more socially active periods of life, but only when having friends, I am very dependant of those rare people, and especially rare now, who can be friendly and I can be comfortable next to then, and overoll more comfortable in social places when they are next to me. Problem also is, that hard to find cultured friends. My former friend I had hopes for in start of our friendship, failed me a lot. He earlier had reputation of fuckboy, and "pedo", as seducer of teen girls - thats kind of friend I need a lot. But in times of our friendship he decided to change, that he must "grow up", and started to date roasties. For things to be worse, he also not helped me to search for cute teen girls, but wanted me do as him, "grow up", and date donw for ugly roasties. That was horrible, and gave me PTSD, even now still feel some symptoms of it. Had hopes he could help me, and he made me worse, damned pederast
Help can be received in two ways:
1.Others can show me potentially good girls in internets for me to try approach them, because seaching for myself is hard, I am standardcel, and must look through hundreds of girls to find one who looks acceptable: cute, but not looking spoiled, not too popular
2.Other way is helping in reality, acting as ice breaker. I never approach girls in reality, have no social skills, and inhib to high, but when ice broken I can move further, whats lead to freindzone, or just anger, when stupid cunts choosing fuckboys, but not me, but we must not give up, we must search. Just very first steps are necesaary to made by my helper
It doesn't matter what you look like if you have enough power/are enough of a chad
>Don't go, daddy!
Family matters. Tony was a terrible person but he loved his family at least
What is it MY fault, that your twice as likely to be robbed by a BLACK?
>muh David Duke
Don Soprano is the bad guy remember
Except wage theft vastly outweighs petty theft lol
his pizza never hurt nobody
>tfw irish/scottish/russian mutt
>living in an "ultra diverse" area
>have no "people"
makes me sad
>have no people
You could find your people at any local bar user
Yeah but i got no real identity, im just "generic white american"
How about looking into Irish, Scottish or Russian groups then. Whatever was dominant in your upbringing.
Your identity is who you are as you present yourself to society. Be an upstanding law abiding white man, be a beacon to society. If that's what you do, then that's what you are.
Whateva happen to Gary Coopah, ya know, da strong silent type?
They were a glorified crew.
They were a glorified shinebox
I've never had the makings of a varsity athlete
>I will never be able to pull off a pinky ring like Paulie.
What keeps you going, user?
this and "i don't shit where i eat"
That crime... doesn't pay.
>Tannenbaum. Right. But on your application to Columbia, you didn't check Jewish, did you?
>No. They can't ask about religious affiliation.
>Oh, right. Of course. What'd you check?
What made Noah the worst character on The Sopranos again?
He's lucky I didn't punch his lights out!