Do directors actually use this technique or is this just bullshit?
Do directors actually use this technique or is this just bullshit?
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It’s just a pretty basic concept in terms of composition. If you can picture what the spiral looks like, it isn’t hard to make a nice looking shot.
Literally nothing in that shot aligns except few overlaps so no.
Maybe sometimes if they have autism
This, it's post-hoc wankery
Yeah they take a transparent pic of the spiral and put it on the camera to see
Aye, it's just rule of thirds, aka framing 101. Anyone who's ever held a camera to film stuff or even just take photos of fucking flowers should know it and no need to over-complicate it.
Maynard made a song going by the The Fibonacci sequence.
1/3 shoots are always into fibonacci no matter what
for me, it's centered and symmetrical shots
Filling a frame neatly with a guiding eye is a practised, innate skill that is case by case; you can't boil it down to following stupid meme layover 'rules'.
directors using it are fucking hack
All of them use it actually since the human eye is naturally drawn to the fibonacci shape
Came here to post this. It's just rule of thirds reskinned onto something that will always line up with it. So yeah, in a way, they do follow that, but only incidentally.
So you're a Wes Anderson man eh?
Ahahaha, of all the directors in the world, Wes Anderson is the most geometrically conscious.
Look at this nigger forgetting Tati
Oh is that what we're talking about? Thought we were discussing rule of thirds and this follow-on meme of fibonaccis? You are correct however.
I am becoming obsessed with aspect ratios and framing. Help me.
no they don't
Literally anything can fit the golden ratio depending on where you stop it.
The golden spiral can be a square, it can be a tall rectangle, it can be a wide rectangle. Completely meaningless.
it's just good old fashioned 1/3rd split of frame. putting golden spiral into various images is just silly meme
Can this fucking meme die? The point of fibonacci is that the spiral is endless. Lateralus only takes like the first eight numbers or so and goes back. Really no big deal.
Got something to add?
art, lol
>practised, innate
how is it both of these? retard
It's bullshit. As long as you are framing a scene properly. You will get aesthetically pleasing results.
I love tool but you should know that the idea for the timing on the lyrics came form them just shooting the hsit with a friend when he mentioned it so Maynard just oh thats cool I think Ill do the lyrics around it. It aint that deep, pham.
It's mostly just post-hoc. The reality is that our eyes/brains inherently gravitate towards the rule of thirds, but you rarely go out of your way to make shots fit the criteria. It just comes naturally with what looks good, and a lot of shots look good without fallowing the rule of thirds anyway.
why YTS crop out the image?
they didn't, that's how the BR is cropped
why james cameron did that?
Bruv, that's one of my favorite movies you got there. How dare you compare its subtle and supple form to the terse rigidity of Anderson? Are you really unable to distinguish between the shape of the objects in front of the camera and the shape of the film itself?
Yeah, exactly. If you throw the rule of thirds on Anderson, it will work better than almost any director, because he is intentionally works to create highly geometric mises en scene. The point being, because the frame is a rectangle, it is literally impossible for a well-composed shot to appear to a pleb as though it breaks rule of thirds or the golden ratio.
>do photographers use the rule of thirds
gee I wonder
It's funny. No one ever talked about this until that movie "Pi" came out. Then everyone who wanted to sound smart talked about it. There are other ways to compose a shot
fibonacci was used and talked about for centuries not just in photography but in paintings too
you have to be an absolute mental midget if you think a film from 1998 was the first to use and popularize it
Arigato, Gyro
holy shit the absolute madman
>mfw no polyvision gf
It's not cropped, it's the theater aspect ration. the bigger picture is for IMAX but the ratio is more square.
really makes you think
Unless you're wes anderson.
this is good
open matte vs cropped, theaters are usually wider than 16:9 whereas real IMAX are more squarelike