She’d be a perfect Galadriel
She’d be a perfect Galadriel
what about that scene when Galadriel pours milk from her tits on Gimli's beard
This fugly looking rat isn't worthy.
t. homo
Yesterday I needed a lime, so I just painted a lemon I had green.
Go back, faggot.
I'm a dude and I wish my face was that masculine
T. lusting for a mutilated man.
So many discord trannies will kill themselves after realizing they will never look like him.
Are there any photos of him before his transition?
She has her dick bro
You are full on homo then.
That just looks like a dude, why is he pretending to be a girl?
transacceptance is twinkophobia
>before you're hit with a full dose of leftist parenting
You mean Legolas.
No but she would be good as Griffith
Since he was a toddler he was dressing up as a girl, the parents just thought he was gay
this is a guy? very beautiful, would do butt stuff with.
it's always the parents fault when kids become faggots. they are raising them as wimps and encouraging to dress up as girls, there is no such thing as being "born gay".
his father is a protestant pastor
Cause she's stunning and brave.
Outing yourself as trans as grown ass man gives you alibi to act like a spoiled, immature child.
Imagine an emo with guyliner fresh out of school looking for a job, people will tell him to grow up and cut his hair until he out himself as "trans", "queer" or "genderfluid".
That’s not how it works
Anya is the real best choice for Galadriel.
He'd be a perfect Joe Dirt reboot.
anya could play a dwarf woman
So just cause that dude has fake tits he's not a narcissist, self-centered attentionwhore who should grow up at all, unlike if he just would be a skinny longhaired dude without them? This situation is so pretentious, why don't people see the big fat elephant in the room?
>disgusting tranny
just jion the 41% already
>tfw face like this
what do lads?
Except he is an effeminate MAN and Galadriel was a woman.
He could play String-Emil in the biopic.
t. wants to fuck her and is frightened and angry about it
what are your dimensions?
That's a man baby
Not everyone is like you faggot
Daily reminder there are exactly two genders in Tolkien's world. Even the "angels" and "archangels" were created male or female.
(s)he's not underage though
why did frodo never get a gf?
She should play Luthien instead. I don’t think she’s stately and serene enough for Galadriel.
All falseness is abhorrent to the sane.
he spent too much time around merry
>44 replies
>21 posters
>tfw some faggot is spamming his fetish
no sane people refer to themselves as sane
why did Cameron waste money on fucking CGI and motion capture with Saldana when he could have just painted this little goblin blue and filmed her in a tree?
that would work
not yet
keep this up and I'll do it again and take this thread to 310 replies
I'm doing laundry right now but when I come back there better not be more transphobia and that ugly frog drinking champagne!
She is the only trans I've heard sound like a girl.
>calls anya an ugly frog
You’re in no position to be talking faggot
> in a nuthouse
I wonder what he(r) penis looks like.
Wtf that looks like my son
I got news for you user
also forced meme
Galadriel is a womsn, not a man
How would that change the apparent hypocrisy and big fat elephant in the room?
I bet you are one of those guys who normally acts like a dude bro and tell "cis" males with long hair that they should cut their hair and that they are self-centered and vain if they don't do it.
Why should I have trans tolerance while simultaneously accept the adult dresscode and social norms for men? I don't see how some dude beleiving his soul is female would be an alibi to break the dresscodes and social norms more than a "cis" male is allowed to do.
I will have trans tolerance when we just give it all up and ditch ALL dresscodes, including having to wear a suit on different occasions, and there's no clear destinction between teenage life or studies and the adult work life.
No, being trans is no excuse to never have to grow up and act like a spoiled attentionwhore.
So he thinks he's a woman? Fine, I don't see how that will make him die if he has short hair, no makeup and male clothing, male and female clothing is a social construct anyways, like women living in Tibet, nobody forced him to wear the clothes socially constructed as "female" by western standards, there's no gene in his brain that tells him he had to wear makeup, if it was, women of different cultures where wearing makeup isn't the norm would have the instinct to wear makeup up too.
Demanding he cut his hair and wear normal clothes is not more horrible or evil than demanding a punkrocker, goth or emo does it, it's on the same level and just as "dangerous".
Kill yourself, pretentious delusional prick.
haha wouldnt it be funny if she got beaten mercilessly by transphobes until her skull was broken and her face looked like hamburger haha jk
>a whole wall of SEETHE
>thinking i'm going to read any of that
he got kik?
the lady doth protest too much
>not a narcissist
imagine pounding that boipussy all night
Kill yourself, faggot
Galadriel is not an ayyy
Didnt he/she have an herpes sore on the mouth?
show boipucci
>I’ll have trans tolerance when I don’t need to wear uncomfortable suits to weddings and funerals
Unbelievably based
How does that work? Are those implants or does HRT do that?
thats not the only disease he has
just absolutely wearing her out. Bruising. Distended raw. She leaks when she limps after on baby deer legs.
You just proved my point, every man who don't act "mature" is a faggot until he outs himself as "trans", "queer" or "genderfluid".
By creating new labels, norms and roles, you are just another side of the same intolerant coin and an enemy to true individualism.
it's been like this for 2 weeks now apperantly there's an /lgbt/ raid going on
based sentence
ultra based and saved
Challenging the dogmatic traditional notions of masculinity is a large part of progressive gender thought.
Most feminists and lgbtq people will atleast say that they think men should be able to behave however they wish outside the traditional norms and for them to be no less men for it. Not necessarily that their behavior is ok, but that it's not about whether they're 'real men' or not.
They also would almost all say that it's not necessary to label yourself, so if you want to behave in a non-traditional way as a man, by them, it's not necessary to have a label on it to make it socially acceptable