>Yea Forums has reasonable amount of Simpsons threads
>autists invent “sneedposting” with their announced goal to “drive Simpsons threads back to Yea Forums where they belong”
>actually accomplish this goal, only Simpsons threads made unironically are made on Yea Forums, no unironic Simpsons threads left on Yea Forums
>sneedposters however, can’t let go
>first start sneedposting in literally every thread they can find, even if it has literally nothing to do with the Simpsons
>get shit for it because it proves their just autistic spammers who don’t care about “proper board discussion” and just want to be annoying
>sneedposters try to CTR by inventing Simpsons threads, almost always just a quote without context from the Simpsons
>use them to bait other sneedposters and to spam sneed themselves
>but its still not enough
>keep spamming all other threads but have to constantly make new fake Simpsons threads for sneedposting
>now there are more Simpsons threads on Yea Forums than there ever were before sneedposting was a thing
Why is it any time some normie meme gets popular for five seconds, sneedposters desperately try to ride its coattails? It feels like sneedposters are the obnoxious short kids in class who whenever someone gets attention they start screeching
>Literally nobody:
>Not a single soul:
>Yea Forums user: Why is it any time some normie meme gets popular for five seconds, sneedposters desperately try to ride its coattails? It feels like sneedposters are the obnoxious short kids in class who whenever someone gets attention they start screeching
jk, sneed is based
>youtube comment
Not surprised that sneedposters post fucking normalfag memes, they are newfag redditors after all.
Formerly oldfags
It was actually some autist who kept making threads saying he didn't understand what the sign joke was and then it just became a meme, and then people just got even lazier with it by simply posting sneed.
No, you never were.
>nobody says nothing
shouldn't it be "everybody"
me: watch me whip watch me nae nae haha
sneedposting was like wishing on a monkey's paw
formerly bake
lmao its so easy to make sneedposters seethe, they have the biggest persecution complex on 4channel
that's not maga posters
That’s not jews
Formerly difficult to make them seethe
>sneed posters destroyed the reddit faggots "muh feelings"
Soul vs Soulless
how do we return to the Chuck's Fuck and Seed timeline bros?
based and correctpilled
Friendly reminder to report sneedposters for low effort / offtopic
I welcome the Sneed posters. Sneed posters have done and will continue to do a great service for this board.
1. It ruins muh comfy Simpsons threads for those faggots who want to endlessly rehash jokes from a show that hasn't been good in 20 years.
2. It ruins these threads for faggots who continue to watch the abortion that is modern day Simpsons and who think the show is still watchable, when it should have been cancelled 20 fucking years ago.
God bless, Sneed posters. You are doing God's work.
They're just redditors that missed the boat on baneposting and wish they could recreate it, but in true reddit fashion they're too retarded and uncreative so they just regurgitate their same tired garbage
/r/Yea Forums is Reddit you retard. You and sneedposters are the redditors
>my little alien buddy after area 51
>"you got any feed"
>complains about “endlessly rehashing jokes”
>sneedposting is literally endlessly rehashing the same joke
REALLY activates the almonds.
Hot take: I actually like zoomer memes and am relieved I'm not turning into an old curmudgeonly fart ranting to himself about the good ol' days
trips of truth
Implying these retards have the ability to think
There's somewhere between 2 and 4 highly active oldfags who have made it their mission to feed every single troll that posts Sneed. I can't recall a single thread without 3-5 meltdown rants belabouring the shittiness of the meme, of Reddit and of the younger generation. Shits fucking hilarious. I can post the letter S and some fag has an aneurysm about it and posts three paragraphs about how much he hates "zoomers*". LOL
>soulless vs soul
How does it feel knowing you will never have muh comfy Simpsons threads ever again? : )
Not an argument.
I also never have watched the Simpsons, I have never posted in a “comfy Simpsons thread,” and I have never been to Yea Forums. I do however post in on-topic threads that have nothing to do with the Simpsons and you faggots drag this shit there and ruin those threads too.
The thing about Sneedposters is that we don't Sneedbomb threads that deserve it. If, for example, people mobilized against the MCU and GOT then people would be much more receptive. Also, notice how there aren't any MCU shill threads currently since there's no new MCU movie coming out yet.
>no mother just looking at farming tools
Oh, boy. Sounds like someone could use a visit to the Fuck and Suck
It is interesting that sneedposting basically died every Sunday when the last episodes of GoT were airing. Really makes you think
I couldn't give less of a shit if you morons wipe your ass with this cumrag of a board
Have fuck and suck incel
I was only a part time Sneedposter at the time. I had to step up my game when I realized that Sneedposters weren't as based and redpilled as I had originally thought.
That's a good one.
>sneedless vs sneed
>entire post hinges on the belief that it's been the same people this whole time
there's a lower caste that will copy any and every thread/reply they think will land them (You)s
formerly not considered a pedophile
Thats ackin white
formerly straight
>reads right to left
>guy on right says he'll take left, and left takes right
Everything about this image is so beautifully calculated