Oh WAY yo

oh WAY yo

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Yo Way Yo

thanks. Im drunk

Home Var Ray



I lieked both Zevs

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vaio ay rah
jehrun brunnen g

Wouldnt kick either out of bed, but first zev is best zev
botox/lip injections aren't my thing

This show opened a very strange door in my mind

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I loved that this show was a straight forward(though darkly humorous)adventure show. Just space explorers landing on a planet and encountering misadventure. No blathering on about spaceship physics and federation policy for 10 minutes

Star Trek is for fags

all adventures were bizzare and strange

>bunch of misfits forced to adventure together for survival
>they never really end up respecting each other, they just have relatively heartwarming moments where they agree not to murder each other for another day
>all sorts of weird depraved psychotic encounters
>instead of solving every planet's problems they just try to find a way to fuck them over and get away

Lexx was particularly strange

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in the end they blew up every planet, kek

I binged this when I was dazed with a fever
When the show kind of slows down on the fire/water - man/woman planets, I was so confused and sick trying to get

Fire/Water is definitely a really long, slow fever dream. I didn't like it much the first time through but for some reason when I think about it now I liked the aesthetic and I'm looking forward to it in my next watchthrough. It sort of reminded me of Dune, if David Lynch had been given heavy amounts of depressants and made to tell the story while drooling in a dentist's chair.


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One of my first childhood crushes.

i don't like anything these dudes made adter americana, they just keep doing the same stuff over again


Season one xev was apex, the second one had too long of a skirt

Prince did nothing wrong.

Short hair Xev > Zev > Long hair Xev

Conspiracy of One holds up surprisingly well, give it a chance

Okay, quick thing guys.
DON'T go searching for pictures of Xev Bellringer while at work.

Never understood why a porn star took that name. Was she influenced by the show? Or just a coincidence somehow?

I think the show writers were looking for stripper/hooker names to begin with. parallel thinking.

MY friend had a neighbor that looked EXACTLY like Stanley Tweedle,nice guy,but I when we talk,in my head I would just scream"TRAITOR!"
He thought I was a nice guy because I was always smiling,nope,I was just trying not to giggle.

Worst part is she doesn't look like her!
We should file a lawsuit.

Give me 15 years, and I intend to go for that look

tfw self-insert as Stanley Tweedle

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Her Reddit AMA said that she and Leia picked the names because they knew each other beforehand.